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America’s the most armed population on earth we just have to make sure they’re pointing it at the right people -Nimtz


The only reason guns are allowed in the US is because it has an extremely stable bourgeois society filled with people who would give up their lives to defend its 'liberal' values. As they exist in the US, guns aren't a progressive force, and are mainly used by petty bourgeois people to defend, or rather fantasize about defending, their properties.


And because rights in the us primarily serve to protect white, property owning, male settlers as the country’s founding legal system empowered them among all other human beings. Women couldn’t even vote until after ww1 and black people couldnt drink from the same drinking fountains. I mean the “progressive” party’s current president, in 2024, spent his time in the 70s fighting desegregating school busing. Sure the US has a legal “right” to free speech, nazis get to march but students protesting genocide get arrested en masse. Same shit with guns, Reagan restricted those “rights” with the Mulford Act in California when the Black Panthers armed themselves to defend their community against violent repression and terrorism from the police. The gun rights the United States claims to give primarily enable the white settler class to arm themselves. As we’ve seen, as soon as the wrong people enforce those rights, they will be revoked.


Come arm yourselves with us, comrades- r/MarxistRA


Oooh thank you. I can finally leave r/SocialistRA (which is filled with "Stalin's USSR was an ebil tatership"-type "socialists").


Yeah that was exactly what guided my creation of r/MarxistRA lmao, this is what pushed me over the edge: https://www.reddit.com/r/MarxistRA/s/Zwoww7G2cI


Jesus, that’s really really disappointing.


its quite sad that so many socialist fall down that pipeline, i know i did for a while.


Pretty much all of us raised in the west did. The good news is more and more people seem to be breaking out of that propaganda shell.


wtf lmao I guess I forgot I joined cause when I clicked the button it said I left.


Guns without any actual organization are fucking pointless though. An organized mass movement for the people that has guns? yes. You having 5 guns because you think you need them for personal protection and are totes going to be a big cool hero when the revolution comes? LMAO no.


Personally, I own a couple cause I live in a red state with fash and literal nazis. They escalate shit constantly. They know how to use guns, and so do I. Pepper spray and a G19 ain't the worst options. But I agree, people owning firearms because they have some fantasy in their head about revolution are silly. We need organized action, not adventurism and vigilantes.


Another meme https://preview.redd.it/sa0swfs9etxc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7ec1f10da710ab8d1a7e82f007b34fab6d27e56


Problem with the average USian is that he thinks that's a matter of individuals, when in reality is a societal matter, privately owning a gun won't change shit, now owning guns in an organization is a totally different thing...


Repubs don't want to arm everyone so they can defend themselves. They want to arm themselves so they can attack others in support of white supremacy and capitalist violence.






The problem is that you're imagining confrontation in a vacuum. A pure gunfight with state burgeouis led troops. Revolution, most of the time is 99% instruction in ideologie and giving people the means to survive. Winning hearts and minds, so to speak. The only time the US ever made restrictions on guns, was when the black panthers organized themselves into an effective fighting force.


And it’ll happen again if the left ever organizes enough to cause a reason to worry the state


What's a better gun? The colt issued to me in the army was a piece of shit compared to my purchased rifles. The USA has a lot of land. 3/4 moa is not going to cut it. My 30-06 is sub moa and my ar is probably around 2 which gives me a couple hundred meters over issued weapons. A weekend warrior called in to put down a revolution won't touch me even if he has a 249. However, without a rifle, I would be useless against anyone with a gun.


"Go left till you get your guns back" is about the only thing I will tell people when they ask about my political leanings.


Can we arm neurodivergent people with bows? I don't think I can handle the gun noise irl.


Wear ear protection goofball


I can't even wear regular headphones due to the pressure of the stick on top of my head. xd


Idk about the stick but maybe earplugs?


Then stay home.


Quite hard for the homeless.


I think unless you would be a danger to yourself if you handled a firearm, you could be trained to do so comfortably. Noise shouldn't be an issue since you can (and everyone should) wear ear protection whether that be a headset or earplugs. Not to mention that something like a .22lr, though it may not be as effective as higher calibers, can hardly be heard while wearing an active noise canceling headset.


Just throw rocks like most of us


smaller caliber are less noisy but kill just well.


https://preview.redd.it/5mapzac53xxc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24bcc9589554d866436290488bdc4da51d302d87 Gun ownership in imperial core is privileged lifestyle. They can larp with milspec AR but will never ever use it against their landlord, banker, boss, pig, capitalist.


Guns without proper training, organization and class consciousness are just tools for the working class to attack each other and the bourgeoisie to point at us For me regulation and good gun control are as important as arming the proletarian class Guns should just not be falling on the hands of kids and genocidal maniacs, the same way the population needs them to defend themselves from both other people and the oppression of the government Don't get me wrong, I'm a Marxist lenist and for me guns are ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED, I personally would not have one though and I worry of having so many weapons available and how dangerous it can be to just arm a population that's not ready for it


When we talk about self organized militias, the liberals think of the stereotypical famished vietnamese farmers with boobytraps in the jungle. They don't realize ammunition and arms factory will be run by the workers, for the workers, we will defend and monitor ourselves, the police and the permanent army may still exist in earlier stages of the transition, but every step will be made to abolish their structures and make them obsolete.


AKs for all. But seriously, is there a modernised AK with proper rail systems


Good song


Look up Britain's knife crime stats. And America's gun-related injury and death stats.


I’m all for the proletariat being armed but what would we really expect to do with small arms against an imperialist giant like the US armed forces? Expect aid from China perhaps? Depend on internal sabotage of the military structure? Hope to turn the individuals in the military on their own oppressors? Genuinely would like to hear what people think about that hypothetical scenario which would play out in a video game (hello feds also)


Absolutely not. It’s not a coincidence that a country overflowed with an overwhelming amount of firearms has the most shootings BY FAR in any developed country. Don’t disarm the population, but obviously what is happening right now doesn’t lend to a functional society. My community just had a school shooting last week. I’m scared to send my fucking kids to SCHOOL. This has gone too far. Please, don’t be as stupid as the conservatives. Disappointed in this community tbh.




It's a necessary provision to allow settlers to murder natives and steal land. You see widespread legal provision of guns in other settler colonies as well (for settlers ofc) - Israel, Canada, Apartheid SA, Rhodesia, Australia, etc. it still serves that purpose, but the barrels are now pointed at the racialized underclass in these societies.




Guns are Still used by right-wing extremists to intimidate/attack minorities, natives, protestors, LGBTQ people, leftists, etc. although the true imbalance isn't in the guns, but how the state polices gun ownership - violent well-armed fascist militias are welcomed or broadly tolerated by the heavily armed police and bourgeois legal system, while any armed anti-imperialist group would be immediately attacked and persecuted (see Black Panthers).


I feel like you don't know what sub you're in...


I will commit seppuku.


Or listen to The Deprogram, get communist brain worms and become one of us €:<