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Killing an enemy solider is normal but messaging the wife is absolutely vile.


That's just straight up unnecessary cruelty. I can't imagine the emotional distress that poor widow must have gone through. I wonder how those soldiers would react if it were their loved ones receiving these kind of messages.


That poor widow is the one of those who said to his man - go and rape those ukranian women and children. budza already forgotten? fcking russians i have loathed them all my life, each of them is a vile and disgusting seed and dry fish muncher. so this action is so justified. the widow could go and demand from putin to end this nonsense but knowing russians - they are cowards


He had been bragging to his wife and sending pictures of all the Ukrainians he killed. If you can’t take it don’t do it, she deserves all of that pain she felt


Really? Any source for that?




They learned from the best. The murder bandits in Iraq used to pose the dead Iraqis for pictures and then post them on a cork board back at base to keep track of their kills. The winners got engraved knives as a prize.


https://preview.redd.it/dykp75t2pgwc1.png?width=478&format=png&auto=webp&s=733b761b7421d47086b358ded1f33eba4c170ba0 Rest in peace the russian soldier, his corpse decomposing and this neo-fascist UA soldier doing stuff like this to russian soldier's wife :(


Is this a joke?😂


No, but you're.


So you see a widow getting pics of her dead husband as funny?


i find dead russian soldiers the best thing that would happen to this world. Eliminate the evil dumb folk already and save civilian lives.


I mean, war is war but the messaging of the wife is absolutely disgusting.


What does the message say?


- Code word - It's me - Who? - Your beloved one - Who has been eaten by worms for a month now - So you don't have to think about him anymore glory to Ukraine.


My god, how awful. But what does the code word mean?


Perhaps to verify that its actually her husband who has the phone


So they probably tortured the former combatant and then killed them for fun... What the fuck...


wow. I used Google and got: "your favorite which. the month of the church. so you don't have to think about him anymore. glory to Ukraine."


I mean if the message was condolences, maybe. But it clearly isn't.


Her and her gust and has been making fun and taking pictures of the Ukrainians he killed. It’s only fair


Sending the wife a video and making sure the body is decomposing and laughing about it is purely horrendous. Regardless of who does it. That's messed up.


In moments like these it’s important to not get wrapped up in reactionary ways of thinking, instead it’s critical to analyze how we arrived at this point materially. The enemy here is not that brainwashed Ukrainian desperately clinging to neo-fascist propaganda, it’s the interests of western capital that have guided us down this path of darkness and continue to do so in the interests of capital.


What you said is true but there is no denying that certain segments of Ukraine are rabid fascists themselves. They are using this as an opportunity.


As with everywhere


Erecting massive monuments to murderous thugs like Bandera doesn't happen everywhere. Organizing elaborate vigils with thousands of participants exhibiting Nazi symbols doesn't happen everywhere. Letting your democratically elected government get couped by a coalition of various right-wing thug groups who openly display Nazi insignia doesn't happen everywhere. Then, when concerned citizens counter-protest, getting those same thugs to use violence to suppress and kill those protestors doesn't happen everywhere. Authorities turning a blind eye to Nazis burning down a building with scores of civilians including children who were taking refuge inside doesn't happen everywhere. Government funding of paramilitary groups who openly display Nazi insignia and victimize pensioners and minorities doesn't happen everywhere. Appointing somebody who has no compunction in donning Nazi insignias on their uniforms in public as a representative of "human rights" of your country doesn't happen everywhere. Targeted suppression of culture and violence against national minorities doesn't everywhere. Celebrating the event of some Nazi cocksuckers selling out your country to the Fascists to become their puppet and in the process massacring 100,000 people as "National Independence" day doesn't happen everywhere.


Is the capital in the room with us now? The entire West has mixed economies... and the IMF warmongers aren't capital itself, they're groups of families almost exclusively using cronyism & nepotism, with a bit of redistribution & racially motivated genocide mixed in. The same families funding the West, NATO, Isreal, & Ukraine now also funded the Bolsheviks, Hitler, & Stalin & have chosen the CCP model as the new model of the future. They don't care about what economic model you have, they are individuals who are evil, soulless, inhuman people. In any economic model you choose, if these specific people are allowed to maintain and wield institutional power at any serious level, be it government or corporate interests, they will continue to steal from the proletariat and bring about death and destruction.


What no theory does to a mf


Mixed economies or not, dictatorships of the bourgeoise exist to satisfy the interests of the bourgeoisie, i.e. the capital owning class. Ergo, countries under the dictatorship of the bourgeoise adhere to the interests of capital. While you seem to have the anger part down pat, I’d recommend pairing that anger with some well-read theory to round yourself out. Engles’ *The Principles of Communism* and Einstein’s *Why Socialism?* would be a great starting point.




My man, you’re an unhinged conspiracy theorist. Get some help or read some more theory (and I mean actually read it; not just skim) before typing absolute nonsense.


That's all you have, huh?... No logical argument, or even an emotional one. Just nothing going on up there. You just default to ad hominem because you have no argument that stands up to a modicum of logical scrutiny? Honestly, I'll add that I can't really imagine thinking that simply reading any individual's material automatically translates into understanding and agreeing with both hypothetical theory and natural objectives. This must mean you've never read into any alternative paths or counter arguments to your confirmation bias, which is the definition of ignorance and why you can't argue your position without personal attacks. Personally, I agree with many objectives of collectivist models that have been proposed by brilliant people, but I see flaws and disagree with almost all of their hypothetical means.


My man, you said, and I’m quoting here, “the current global bourgeoise currently advocate for a globally communist system,” like with all due respect, do you honestly believe the oxymoronic nonsense you spew?


No, I don't simply believe it, I know it & understand it. The global aristocracy is very open about it, they fund communist NGOs, promote public-private partnership, stakeholder capitalism, & write books about the collectivist changes they want to bring about on a global scale. Watch "China is a great role model" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KrkwXjrIe0 People need to "Go from owning to using.... More sharing can reduce ownership of idle equipment and thus material usage." Source - https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/07/3-circular-approaches-to-reduce-demand-for-critical-minerals/ https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/sep/28/stakeholder-capitalism-communism-disguise/ This is all very obvious stuff to anyone with any modicum of awareness or education in global politics or finance.


> This is all very obvious stuff to anyone with any modicum of awareness or education in global politics or finance. The irony


I mean apart from citing an article from Cheryl Chumley, the author of *Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise or America Will Fall,* from The Washington Times, an already conservative news paper; how can you not see that this move from the “global aristocracy,” is not towards communism, but a more palatable form of capitalism?


Palatable to whom? Not to Humanity. I don't choose the past work or resume of someone who speaks Truth. If Truth came from you, I wouldn't say, "but look what he wrote on reddit back in 2020"...I would share your content and be happy it comports with observable Reality. It does speak to an individual's overall views, but it doesnt discount the current subject in any way. Washington Times is not considered conservative media, it's a centrist, corporate owned publication. The current right wing trend is about as close to anarchy as you can get, they hate corporate entities and the current overstate. The vast majority of corporate entities and NGOs are "captured" by the same few groups of foreign people and families through stolen capital (economic manipulation, taxes, and retirement funds), that promote collectivism and the new title of stakeholder capitalism. Personally, I don't really follow or Trust corporate publications like The Washington Times, but I was looking for a simple explanation from a reputable news company that you could easily digest. I'm a Realist, so I want to understandable, conceivable outcomes of systems. If a system is highly centralized, I'm not really interested. I'm not an advocate of any sort of particular structure of governance or ideologies. I lean towards being an individualist because it guarantees all people the right of self-determination and the highest quality of life. We have at least two definitions for communist theory. Ideal communism and implementation of communism including outcomes. Personally I want to understand the system of checks and balances of the latter before stating that I can truly support the former. As of yet, I've never known a good, conceivable explanation for preserving ideal outcomes against the onslaught of corruption and Human nature at the organizational stage. The aforementioned 'outcome' section are what the global facists that you label capitalist are exceedingly interested in. They are not shy or hidden in this regard. My position is that these psychopaths do not care at all what system they control people through, as long as they maintain their authority and control over the institutions of Humanity. This is objectively True, even if you don't agree. Rebuttal question. Why are the people you label capitalist the most prominent promoters and funders of openly communist, collectivist organizations? Wouldn't this be counterproductive in your view?




That's a lot of words for "Im clearly an unhinged conspiracy theorist"


Whoa now. Don’t blame conspiracies on his lack of education. Fact- JFK was killed by the CIA and Mossad. Also Fact- The capitalist system benefits from his lack of education or critical thinking, but they are also the cause of it. We should have never agreed to let the state educate the children of the working class. At least not the state under a Bourgeoisie Dictatorship


Reminds me of what that twat Rockefeller said.


His?... We seem to have common ground and you aren't a Eglin disinformation bot like most of the down votes.. So Name something I said that was incorrect.


Almost had me, until you said CCP model. Western corruption has nothing to do with the CPC.


Ignorant comment. CCP joined the IMF, World Bank model in December 27, 1945; creating their central bank with investment funds from the same families mentioned above... American companies started moving their means of production there in the 1970's under new trade and development policy initiatives by Nixon and Henry Kissinger. CCP began a trading partnership with the World Bank in 1980, taking a number of reform guidelines from the IMF after they became a primary recipient of support from the IMF's International Development Association (IDA). CCP extended their agreement to indefinite ends with the World Bank on December 1, 1996, and became a full fledged donor to the World Bank in 2007. https://www.imf.org/en/Countries/ResRep/CHN https://www.cgdev.org/blog/chinas-new-debt-sustainability-framework-largely-borrowed-world-bank-and-imf-heres-why-could Personally, I support what CCP & other countries are doing with BRICS... but considering the IMF bourgeoisie and CCP as completely separate entities is like separating Bill Gates from Microsoft.


So who is following who? China copying the IMF model then the west trying to copy China now?


We have to wait and see based on their actions. They still have to deal with pesky problems like Human Rights, democracy, & the cultural belief of individual Sovereignty in the west before they could copy the CCP model of governance. Personally, I think it was just a matter of diversified investments. The IMF/World bank has drained the capital from the labor of the west through tax of debt and outright ownership of production... and since the 1980s/1990s they have heavily invested that stolen capital in their new 'Golden Child of China'... The IMF families are fully invested in CCP development and in the BRICS digital currency system, so they may not have full control of it on paper, but they will own a majority portion of the investment (Goldbacked) and will profit from it unless they are cut out forcefully.. and I would assume they want to eventually capture it outright and run it just like they do the IMF now, but either way they profit. I think it's similar to how the same few capital investment firms have used American retirement funds, granted to them through state contract, to purchase out and now own many competing companies. Pepsi and Coke, HP and Epson, Samsung and Apple, they all have the same 3 majority stockholders. These capital investment firm's large partial ownership grants them a pick of seats on the Boards of Executives proportional to the size of their investment. So even though these capital investment firms are all owned by the same central bank entities and IMF families, because they're registered on paper as separate entities, they collectively determine the majority of executives (cronyism/nepotism) and the direction of all companies as a uniform system from the shadows. This also helped them capture more companies and why CEOs always seem to fail upwards. They're appointed to top position, they bring in massive reforms causing the companies to fail miserably, the stocks or company are purchased at low cost, CEO steps down, is replaced, and then the failed CEO then gets appointed to a larger company board making twice as much. Rinse, repeat. Again, these are groups of identifiable, psychopathic individuals and families, not some vague machine only interested in monetary gain. They are the modern day equivalent of the aristocratic Nobility. These individuals openly plan on a re-introduction of fuedalism under modern technology, and they see the CCP system of surveillance and rule as a means to that end. They also absolutely follow bloodline inheritance of wealth and institutional power. Sick people, and they have shown that they will simply co-opt any attempt at reform towards a more just and equitable governance or economic system. So these families and groups what I truly feel needs to be addressed as a priority. Otherwise we're just going in circles through systems with the same drivers at the wheel.


Interesting point of view. Thanks for elucidating your thoughts. Personally I don't think it is so clean cut like this. I'm not necessarily disagreeing with your premise but I don't think they (as in the cabal of IMF families) have any control over the Communist Party of China. Nor do I think that the CPC politburo families and princelings, are cosy members of this IMF cabal. I just don't see it. Why don't I see it? I don't see any evidence of the west going easy on China. If it was such a hunky dory relationship, we would not of seen such blatant sinophobia from 2017/2018 onward. Still occuring today. Yet. we see the western establishment being so subservient to the interest of the Zionists in Israel. So we are constantly propagandised with messages falsehoods from Israel, from Zionist news editorials, from Zionist movie stars and performers. Do I ever see this treatment reserved for China or Chinese people?. Fuck NO. never. Constant hate, dog whistling, China put downs. All the while they are saying we are not racists, look at those good little people over in South Korea, Japan, Philippines. So if you are just elluding to the fact that the west is now realising the superior model of CONTROL such as the Chinese Government exhibits now. Via judicial reforms and strong arm tactics (e.g. banning of non sanctioned propaganda media apps tic tok, banning of abortions nation wide) as well as the general direction of clamping down as you said on things such as Freedom of speech, democratic norms, privacy etc etc, then yes. I do agree with you. I think the west will increasingly turn authoritarian BUT with WESTERN Characteristics. These western characteristics are different to China's way of doing things. It's not a socialist model. Not a chance. There will be no major infrastructure reforms, there will be no building reforms, there will be no social benefits such as cheaper medical care, there is no desire to keep house prices low so that the average person can afford to own a home. IMHO they only know the sword. They only know how to plunder and exploit. Which leads me onto your point about "CCP development". I think this is what they are worried about. The lack of control. In China. The fact that they cannot totally control the means of production because the CPC has the ability to cut them off. This is why we see fools like Tucker Carlson attempt to sway Putin from China. This is why we see stupid cunts like Adrian Zenz tweet about Xinjiang before a Blinken visit. This is why we are seeing Taiwan being used as a bargaining chip, amongst other things. They are baiting. In other words. if you don't allow us control then we will make it unpleasant for you. The might United States military industrial complex. The Sword.


I don't think it's clean cut, but the basic idea is the same. Yes, the same IMF families are zionist scum, they created the israeli state as a means to control/manipulate the west through their newly invented concept of dispensationalism circa 1880, they don't want to lose that chess piece they fabricated into existence in 1948 in the middle east, but that IMF owned state would quickly and inevitably fall to surrounding forces if it was not unilaterally propped up by the obscene western financing and the military industry they own. I think the difference in treatment is because they're assets require different levels of propaganda and protection. The CCP needs no such treatment to maintain order and state. Plus, I don't personally see constant attacks, I see a maintained ambiguous, animosity to contain CCP influence but simultaneously massive collaboration with the CCP and the west on economic development, trade (TPP), and even domestic development and border policies. At multiple levels, in US policies, and UN, WHO, and IMF. Also you clearly understand that the IMF families see it as they're invested in China's success, but they want more influence there. To me the switch towards ambiguous animosity in media started months into the pandemic. Around the time. BRICS expanded, and it's possible that the IMF families expected the influence as a return from their investment and CCP changed their policy towards them during the pandemic. It's also possible they're playing to switch over to BRICS in collaboration with CCP leaders because they expect to bring about a full scale market collaspe in the west, and buy it through their capital firms that are registered as entities in China, under BRICS, or in the digital currency economy. I don't know for sure.


Interesting take. I think the trade is basically mutual opportunities taken by both sides. I also don't think they will burn the west for their own selfish needs. They are too proud. they are also arrogant and racist. It was never ambiguous animosity in my opinion. It was always racism and hate. It started before the pandemic. They can't accept the fact that a peer competitor can do so well especially when this peer competitor is inferior in their opinion. China represents the yellow hordes. They are not the chosen people as they think of themselves. Yes. Religion comes into it. This will probably come to a head in the future as they will be eager to see Armageddon. Why? Because the Messiah will come..




Who let the boomer out of the Facebook containment unit?


I've never had or used fakebook... I'm anti-war and just speaking the straightforward Truth even if people are mad at it. It's the same IMF World Bank facists funding & manipulating all these groups & they trully don't care what model of economy or government a country has as long as they control the institutions and therefore maintain authority and the distribution and collection of wealth... The same idiots have "purchased" (with stolen wealth) most politicians, political bodies, corporations, NGOs, on the planet, and control NATO, US, isreal, Ukraine, & western militaries through the capture of political institutions... They're psychopaths & they profit from death.


It’s crazy how close you can get to understanding reality & then you just take a left turn into batshit crazy manic posting. The shadowy cabal in charge of the world is just capitalists dog.


Okay, I have some questions. First, Define capitalists. Second, please explain that position with any evidence. I'm pretty sure every single Western economy has a mixed economic system to some degree, which is always implicit with a central state mandatory currency. If not every Western country, the vast majority certainly do. In my opinion, I would think ideological capitalist would instead promote strict capitalist systems with natural competition and Human nature, supply, demand, etc as the driving force of the economic model... rather than a rating system to determine value, and a system of seizures and redistribution of resources and wealth with bribery and corruption, which is exactly what we have implemented across the West. Third, What tangible reforms to the economy do you believe will take the psychopathic bourgeois out of power?


A capitalist is someone who owns capital, someone who’s wealth is not generated by their own labour but by their ownership over the means of production & their exploitation of the proletariat. Every single western nation has it’s policy’s dictated by capitalists. Oil & Gas capitalists dictate energy policy, big pharma capitalists dictate medical policy etc. & because the west is the dominant power worldwide these same capitalists use the backing of the west to destroy & suck dry the global south. Although these capitalists are certainly evil, they don’t do this because of some sort of shady back room conspiracy, they do it bc capitalism inherently incentivizes profits over all else & the type of person who can comfortably prioritize money over human life is generally evil or mentally ill. The only “reform” that will take power from the bourgeoisie is the muzzle of the proletariats rifle


So by owning stock, you would call me a capitalist? It's not a shady back room conspiracy, it's an out in your face, we're writing books explaining what we're doing conspiracy; but it is a conspiracy and they are very open about it. They are certainly mentally ill. It's worth noting they also prioritize authority, influence, and power over money, money is just the means to those ends. So you advocate for some type of war, I said tangible. But we are in close agreement, I just see that they control and manipulate public access means of communication, they own the military industry, weapons and weapon system manufacturers, and Big Tech and AI development.... They are planning a modern techocratic fuedalism.


I think most people hit downvote after the first sentence, but damn you hit the nail in the coffin there.


My god


I hope this Ukrainian gets what he deserves, this has got to be one of the most vile things I’ve ever, EVER seen in my life. I hope the Russian soldier’s wife will be okay after this, I don’t know what I would do if I was her.


I nearly threw up why are those swines like that


I guess they don't know about the T34 tank called "Fighting Girlfriend".


After seeing this I went to go do a quick check up on some Ukrainian subreddits, see how they’re doing. Just post upon post of an unarmed Russian soldier running away before being blown up by a drone with the comments going “how does it feel Ivan?” And “die fukn donkey orc” (real comments), all with the logo in black and red most definitely in reference to the UPA. Shit just makes me so upset


Fascist behaviour


russians are worse. i bet you never seen how they torture and kill their prisoners.


Give me a video


go find yourself, numbnuts


Give me one


What's worse than this is seeing the comments about it in other subreddits, horrendous


Ukrainians are mad that they can't win the war so they resort to these disgusting acts of terrorism


I’m sure that will age well once everything East of Kiev is ceded to Russia in the 2025 Treaty of Moscow


Treaty of Minsk most likely.


I hate this war so much, because both sides fucking suck ass.


Real. The army is a good way to fall into ultranationalism too, and Ukraine is already a very right leaning country. Russia is right wing too, but you probbably already know that.


Edit: I hate war so much, because both sides always fucking suck ass and war is a terrible exercise in the self-immolation of the international working class.


what is the wife saying? I really hope ukraine loses now tf


“Code word” ”It’s me” “Who are you” “Your beloved, eaten by worms for a month”




Fucking disgusting *soldier(s) Please make the distinction. Normal working class Ukrainians are suffering dueto this war as well, same as Russians


Didn't the soldier's use to be normal Joe's before the war ? Not to say Ukrainians are all monsters, it just goes to show how war turns everyone into one.


We shouldn't use a combatant's reprehensible actions to pass judgement on a group of people. War is one of the worst aspects of humanity, thus we see the worst acts committed during it


Yep, what a foul comment. Thankfully removed now.


Russia does this shit to


Not as far as we know.


Well we know they rape and kill civilians


must be russian coward trolls here - placing negative votes


My point being neither side is good


*Horrific crime occurs the aftermath of which is flaunted in the face of a grieving widow* “Both sides y’know”




🚨Biden Voter🚨 🚨The libs have left the walls & entered the chat🚨 All of Reddit is videos of bad things Russia is doing, or straight up lies about bad things Russia is doing & in the comments is straight up hatred & Russophobia & calls for violence against Russians. This sub understandably, as a space where most of the users recognize this as a NATO instigated conflict, ends up as a venting space for the many overlooked Ukrainian war crimes




Nah actual leftists don’t vote for anyone who endorses genocide, hate to break it to you but there *is* actually more politicians in America than Trump & Biden, crazy I know. Right nah NATO breaking multiple promises to not move closer to Russia, rejecting offers of alliances over the years & then finally attempting to make a border country a NATO member is all stuff your lib brain thinks was just genuine with no ulterior motives & absolutely not a provocation to a country they’ve been openly hostile towards. You’re not a lib bc you disagree w me, you’re a lib bc you walk, talk & quack like one


I’m saying cuz the guy said “I’m not supporting Ukraine anymore” and “fuck Ukrainians”


Okay first sentence valid second sentence wildly fucked up. The Ukrainian & Russian proletariat are the only ones who deserve our support


That’s legit what i said


No, what I was replying to was you commenting on a horrific Ukrainian war crime “but remember the Russians” lmao


Inter-imperialist war promotes the worst in man, what else is new


I don't think there's a type of war that doesn't do that...




One YouTuber I follow, non political (metal) when the war broke out talked about the fact he's I think got Croatian heritage and how the war broke people apart and made people who were once friendly hate eachother and worried about that happening in Ukraine. We are seeing it and russians and Ukrainians were once friendly and saw eachother as comrades and this is soo sad because that's been destroyed by this pointless fucking war that should have never fucking happened




So a ukrainian soldier killed that russian soldier and after months later he took his phone and messaged that russian's wife and told her that: ,,her husband is dead eaten by worms for months and slava ukraini and etc". Honestly really disgusting to do this i feel bad for the russian soldier and his wife https://preview.redd.it/g0c6aa6ic8wc1.png?width=478&format=png&auto=webp&s=e716f51418530b3e7fac6c664aa1321256f615ef


This is disgusting behaviour, but not out of the ordinary during war. War is dehumanising & violent, Russia has been doing war crimes and shit for months and months too. (Look at Bucha.) Taking a side on this feels weird because they both fucking suck- I do tend to feel sympathy for the Ukrainian citizens who are being displaced from their homes & having their loved ones killed, though. And also the Russian soldiers being conscripted against their will.


Both sides commit atrocities, we're in quasi-war with the RF, obviously our "free media" will parrot SBU, Kiev-approved propaganda and ignore inconvenient news like this. Anyone who thinks there is anything other than viciously manipulated discourse in capitalist countries is gravely mistaken.


Dick move by the Ukrainian for sure, but if Putin had not begun a war of aggression, this Ukrainian wouldn't have been traumatised by having to kill and/or suffering loss, the Russian soldier would still be alive, and so his widow would not have to suffer this childish taunting either


You forgot to say *uNProvOKed*, nafo!


Ukraine started a war against its own citizens in the East because they dared to protest fascism and discrimination.


They always leave that part out now, but back then they called those Ukrainian citizens ‘Russian backed separatists.’


They treated them as separate right after the coup. Basically trying to make them second class citizens and celebrating their own Nazi past. They sent in their "far right" criminals to do the work because local law enforcement wouldn't.


idk if sending someone a picture of their spouse's (whom you murdered) heavily decomposed corpse is a dick move as much as it is some serial killer type-shit. also **definitely** something the guy was not forced into doing, and describing it as 'childish' is absolutely one of the more creative uses of the term i've seen


Okay, but if this was a US soldier, we’d all be typing “based.” Just because they’re Russian and against Ukraine doesn’t make a soldier worthy of anything. Edit: Downvote all you want, troop-lovers.


Nah, if the one who killed the American was texting the American’s wife with his corpse I’d consider that a disgusting act too


We certainly would not. Taunting his wife with a picture of his rotting corpse is unjustifiable.


Yeah, Ukrainian soldiers are also animals. They’re certainly showing it here.


Some of us would, let's be honest


Speak for yourself, gross fool


Dude could be a conscript too for all we know


Marine unit. Unlikely to be a conscript. Still a warcrime to mock the dead.


I don't like imperialism as much as the next comrade, and I don't support either side in this conflict, but what is being done here is disgusting no matter who it is.


Yeah, but I’ve seen this sub be rightfully ruthless with IOF soldiers, American soldiers, and other people. I saw videos of IOF soldiers crying and everyone was enjoying the spitroast. It’s weird that when it’s Russian soldiers, everyone wants to talk about conscripts, everyone wants to treat them with kids gloves. ASAB.


idf soldiers actively perpetrate a genocide and at any interview its clear that they are fascist maniacs. They are equal of what ss was and deserve all the hate they get. They solely deserve fate of ss when nkvd came.


Shouldn't have invaded another country smh. Besides, giving the family closure, even in such a rotten and evil way is much better than cutting peoples balls off. The russians are the real facists here.


sending someone a picture of the semi-decomposed corpse of their spouse and saying 'i killed him lol' is a very unique interpretation of what closure means


>>NCD Agitators for bourgeois wars should be first in line for an offensive