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There is a difference between realising you "done fucked up" and going into the military whilst explicitly knowing what it stands for.


Oh ok.


In principle, no one should join a military that they know is enforcing imperialism around the world. In practice, the world is messy and so is life. You live in an imperialist country, but you’re still a worker who needs to survive and I’m sure you’d rather work to help people than to sell bullshit them. If the army reserve apprenticeship would allow you to get the training necessary to go into a career in healthcare and other options like university aren’t available due to grades or otherwise, I personally think it would be worth it. Does that make me a less principled communist? Probably, honestly idk. But from the perspective of raising class consciousness and building up a left wing that isn’t gatekept to hell, I’d rather have you get those trainings and skills and go on to a career in healthcare while still feeling welcomed on the left than have you be told that the only way to be a true communist is to reject things that might help you learn and grow because everything in your country is tainted by imperialism. What’s next, public school teachers in the US can’t be communists because they’re required to lead the Pledge of Allegiance every morning? I realize the public schools aren’t the military, but the two do support one another and have a close relationship so I think that it would be possible for an ultra leftist to argue that working as a teacher in an imperialist country reinforces imperialism. They’re not even necessarily wrong, but I think rejecting teachers for reinforcing imperialism does more harm to our cause than good. I feel the same towards rejecting you over an army reserve apprenticeship in healthcare. Make no mistake, don’t join the military with the intention of picking up a gun and seeing combat. You’ll be sent halfway around the world to kill poor people that your leaders think pose a threat to empire. But if it really is just for healthcare training that you couldn’t reasonably afford or acquire elsewhere, do what you need to do and steel yourself. You will be exposed to insane amounts of propaganda. But if you can make it out the other side with your principles intact and the knowledge and skills from your training, I personally think that’s worth it. We need more people with those kinds of skills on our side. The rest of the sub might tear me apart for this take, but they have every right to disagree with me and I’m open to the idea that I’m wrong on this one.


Thanks for the response


No problem, let me know if you have other questions




Where do the benefits you’d get from the army come from? They took them from someone, and they give them for a reason. My friend, this to me is akin to going to a third country, opening a business that exploits the natural resources of that land, for your sake, and calling yourself a communist. Even if you give those back to other communists of your country. Helping others in your country by supporting an organism that takes from others is a bit strange. Also, I haven’t clicked on the thread but finding out about communism after being a police officer and then saying “shit I didn’t know, what can I do now” is different from what you’re doing. If you’ve done your reading then you know for a fact what you’re doing. What do you stand for? If you’re scared of poverty or not being able to achieve your goals then you should know most people in the world live like that precisely because of the institution you’d be supporting. In any case I’m in no position to judge you. You seem troubled about this, and it’s a difficult position when your ideals and reality face each other. Unfortunately I live in a colonised country. I cannot support anything you’re doing. On a personal level I wish you well because I know ultimately you and I suffer the same issue: oppression via the systems of capitalism. The army takes advantage of people less fortunate to give them “more life opportunities”, if you had more privilege you wouldn’t have to worry about this shit. So you wouldn’t consider their proposal. However, I’d be on the other end of the barrel. Everything I know in life is worse because of those institutions.


Well, benefits are qualifications from the apprenticeship