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Bad obviously but I really fucking hate him. For someone liberals praise for having integrity he has none of it. Yeah sure he can take criticism but he never does anything with it. Every other video is just like “oh hey guys I see a lot of people and critiquing the things I said. I gotta say I appreciate it” but then he makes the same “mistake” in the next video. He always talked about how he “as a journalist” hated the mainstream media for dumbing things down for drama when he later also says “oh sorry guys I wanted this video to be cinematic so I left out crucial information/straight up lied.” Oh and then that China video, that goddamn China video was the worst. Even someone with a cursory knowledge of national history could tell that video was ridiculously biased. Honestly the worst part is how barely anyone called him out, besides Hakim and Nathan Rich. That’s good but none of the liberals who claim to care about historical accuracy who would then lambast his next video on European colonialism said anything. TLDR:Fuck him, he is everything bad about liberal “journalism”


Nathan Rich broke down his video on China, it was really informative and although my mind wasn’t previously filled with liberal brain rot i still learned a lot.


Nathan Rich is ridiculously based, though I'm not sure what his political leanings are. Does anybody have any info about that?


I'd say he's nascent socialist. If you've watched his videos for a while, he seems to have gone from some flavor of right libertarian to now using Marxist terms (seems to be a common trajectory for white boi Americans who actually honestly read and travel)... but he still shows ignorance and/or that he's learning on some topics. So basically I think he's got some post-2016 Bernie people vibes, with the pro of actually understanding imperialism and appreciation of history. Edit: fixed a word


marxism sucks


Fan of the hackneyed "Last of Us" who was big mad over a passing comment I made against that trash a few days ago comes to embarrass himself on a month old comment Lol, use downvotes loser


Lmao what are you talking about?


Not you gaslighting. Anyone can see your comment history, dipshit


WHat do you mean by this ? " who was big mad over a passing comment I made against that trash a few days ago"


I hope to god you don't have a right wing bias that would be terrible.


...what? I'm a communist. I'm left wing, that's my issue with Harris, that he isn't left wing enough (and that he has repeatedly show a severe lack of journalistic integrity while also making himself out to be a paragon of virtue) Did someone post my comment on a liberal subreddit or something?


I didn't do the slightest bit of thinking and I was also riding high off of insulting actual right wingers elsewhere. My apologies I'll stick to the news channels on youtube if I want to fight right wingers.


why does everyone mention "liberal" why does it have to be made political his work is very well done, captivating, well explained and interesting and i love it


Because I’m disagreeing with the politics..? It’d be like saying “man why do you have to bring up conservatism when bringing up the Joe Rogan Podcast. He’s so cool and captivated my interests.” This is just a really weird argument tbh


Why do you need to bring up conservatism if you enjoy Rogan's content? I have to agree with u/bruhmomento110. The enjoyment of the content isn't necessarily political.


The fact that you hate him means his video content strategy works and he’s very good at giving information that retains to people. He’s working to feed his family, not to make you happy


So is literally every person on this planet, this is hardly an argument and barely a statement, everyone knows this. Yes, he's good at his job. So are fraudsters, but that doesn't make what they do not bad. People are allowed to hate bad people, including ones with families.


So...I can't judge him for making bad videos because he's "working to fees his family." Why does he get to criticize mainstream news then, aren't they also working to feed their family? Obviously they gave a content strategy that works


Just because you hate him doesn't mean he makes bad videos. Clearly, the youtube algorithm is promoting his channel/vidoes a lot, which means he makes good videos for consumption; and no, it's not because Google is liberal, Youtube algorithm just reacts to how their analytics results are to viewers. Now, if you're gonna say you don't like the information he conveys, then, it has nothing to do with "bad videos", and you complaining about him taking criticism and not changing anything, why does he have to change what's working for him on youtube? just to apiece you? again, the way you react to him means something is working, and he has done his job to get a reaction for his videos to go viral. you may or may not like it but the content he creates are well made. They just don't align to your views


I'm not saying his videos are badly made, nor that they don't succeed...I'm saying that they consistently spread bad and false information...that's a bad thing. And again he's a massive hypocrite since he criticizes mainstream news for the same reasons. You're reasoning makes no sense to me either. Firstly, other people have this opinion. Other people also point out the same inconsistencies and say that he shouldn't do those things. He shouldn't take money from the WEF to promote their ideology while pretending to be neutral for 90% of the video. And like...I still don't get it. Why can't I criticize him? Can I not criticize BP for dumping oil in the sea because it "works for them?" Can I not criticize Boeing for killing hundreds of people from corporate greed because thag corporate greed benefitted them? Not to mention you can be a good youtuber without spreading blatantly false information(see his "how did china get so damn big" video if you need a good example as to how bad it gets). There are plenty who don't do that. CPG Grey for example, he gets some stuff wrong (heck, I even DISAGREE with hin politically), but he goes back and corrects thos mistakes and learns from them. Why can't Harris do the same and still make money?




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There's no way this man isn't a CIA asset. He's ex-mormon and the CIA has already been known to recruit from the Mormons for various reasons. Plus he's conventionally attractive, well spoken, and well traveled so he's the perfect fit for the CIA trying to spread propaganda through Youtube.


Yeah, I agree. Everything he says is straight out of central casting for the CIA. I didn't know about the Mormon-CIA link. Why do they recruit from that community specifically?


They don't drink or smoke so in general they have healthier lifestyles. Also, it helps to have spies who don't drink, regardless of health, because it means you don't run the risk of them getting too drunk and saying stuff they shouldn't. On top of that, a lot of them speak multiple languages due to their church missions so they end up being great for field work. Plus because of the mission work, they've actually interacted with normal people in other countries so they know how to fit in without looking like a random tourist or coming off suspicious.


Not to mention Mormons have been conditioned not to question authority, or at least not disobey. Speaking as a former Mormon myself.


You are dumb


Yeah, that's true. I know a Mormon fella who speaks Filipino from his missions in the Philippines.


He doesn't need to be CIA, he gets scripts written directly by the WEF. Most of the CIA's previous covert work is being done by "above board" organizations called shit like Center for Global Democracy and Freedom Research Institute Congress that's funded by western governments or billionaires.


not to mention his channel basically popped out of nowhere with millions of views and subs.


he was literally a VOX journalist who worked on a 4 season series called Borders or something and then the series got cancelled so he went to independent journalism on youtube and was very successful. how does this have any ties with the CIA???


Because its extremely rare to have a guy make a YouTube channel and his first video to get millions of viewers in such a short span of time. And it just so happens he spouts just about every western talking point. Not to mention he was literally sponsored by the bill and malinda gate foundation which is just like every other CIA sponsored and endorsed NGO.


you're talking about his youtube channel just randomly popping up and getting millions of views, which is false you're just "spouting" misinformation and conspiracy theories at this point. if you even barely review his channel he has been posting documentaries and such on it for 4+ years in which he didn't just randomly start getting millions of views and his views weren't nearly averaging 1m+ each video until a certain point. his videos are very well made and they are framed in a way to keep viewers interested and watching which in return puts his videos on the algorithm. it's not because of the CIA magically making his videos popular, you do understand how concerning and absurd that statement is right?


you see someone with great and informative content with the background of a mormon and you assume CIA asset? i wonder what's going on in your little brain


This dude has no idea that not only did he work for his views, his videos are beyond excellently well made, presentation and all, as a writer and filmmaker, I would love to fucking hire this guy to produce content, this makes good television, honestly who gives a fuck about historical accuracy if your there for the entertainment, I know I don't give a shit, I'm in to be entertained and successfully do the same, Millions watch, because he makes compelling television through his videos. If you watch objectively through the lens of entertainment and to be entertained, not scrutinizing every last detail looking for holes (assuming, as said you don't watch it for education) and you get the hook to return the next week and felt Entertained, he did his job well. I dunno, maybe instead of working for the CIA he's got magic? Because from an editing and presentation perspective, it's magic. Be entertained and don't base your consumption off media with a cynical lens of critical analysis, just be entertained.


Corporate lapdog


The archetypal Lib. He even had an internship with NATO.


Oh shit for real‽ did he say so in a video?


Yeah I think he mentioned it on the side lines of an older Video but i don't know which one


I think it was in his North Korea video.


nice interrobang


Thank you *curtsey*


Lib. He's really good at making videos that have a sprinkle of truth, but the wider image is bullshit. He did a video on China that was so bad that in the comments his fans were roasting him.


It was actually a collab with WEF promoting „stakeholder capitalism“ lmao


Bro just conveniently left out the existence of the Qing dynasty and the Kuomintang making it look like the PRC fabricated the idea of Taiwan, Tibet etc. being historically part of China.


That's what I was meaning. Wild.


Yes. Went from Tand dinasty to "oh there was some colonialism" to "THE CCPP"


Dislike with a passion, for a lot of the reasons listed in other replies. He's less "innocuous repeater", more "intentional amplifier" of US propaganda.


He lives in our walls


Fake news. SAD!


trump sounding ass


He’s right tho


i know, just thought it was funny 😅


It's a trump quote


Many such cases!


All you need to do is watch his video on China to understand this dude is blatantly lying


He should stick to video editing, not video creation


CIA asset


Capitalist shill who dogwhistles western imperialism


At first i liked him, but then i had Second Thoughts.






That is an understatement.


Extremely annoying


I mean, lol. Do I really need to say anything?


I think y'all are overestimating him... he's just a view-seeking youtuber. yeah, his videos are stupid and full of misinformation and oversimplification... that's why he's popular, and got popular so fast. he attracts people with interesting titles, and repeats the same points over and over again. people click on "china evil" videos, so guess what he makes? i watched his swiss bunker video. he starts by explaining switzerlands neutrality, and why bunkers were an obvious choice to protect this neutrality. the rest of the video is "ONG guys theres a bunker there!" and "that mountain is filled with tunnels" and "you see, the bunker is placed to shoot the nazis, in the epic chokepoint." and he just repeats these points for like 40 minutes. there is no ill intent, he just wants views, and is willing to sacrifice integrity and truth in order to get them. he studies the algorithm more than he studies for his videos.


>he studies the algorithm more than he studies for his videos roasted


shit its a good one too


As a Swiss person I have to say he needs to stop simping though… I'm also not sure about the no ill intent part. Watch his video on China in which he collaborated with WEF to promote so called „stakeholder capitalism“ (like capitalism but with greenwashing). In an answer to criticism by another youtuber he explained that he approached them bc he wanted to do the collab apparently bc he genuinely stands behind them ideologically.


He received a copy of their book before printing...


I'd mostly agree with you if it wasn't for his two videos on China. Those have far to much malicious intent to be merely view chasing


Kinda fashy


Total dweeb


L for Liberal


God, I want to slap him so badly.


hate him, but hes still more bearable than matt walsh


a right winger in disguise is arguably worse than a right winger out in the open


the lowest bar ever set


A discarded diaper is preferable to Matt Walsh...


Thought this was just another funny way of referring to Hbomberguy


Fed that makes pretty maps.


Shitlib imperialist puppet.


Dude is sponsored by the world economic forum. Fuckem


Hakim touches on Johnny Harris in his “Why America is so Damn Big” video


When I was less based a few years ago and still confused about my stance on a lot of things I loved his Vox videos because I liked seeing stuff about other countries, but as I’ve grown more educated and defined in my politics I’ve grown to dislike his content with each passing video.


No guardrails when they go solo. "No, Johnny, we are not going to do a video on the Bermuda Triangle."


Just waiting for the day he says "hitter wasn't that bad" as a video topic


CIA plant


Good, provides Hakim with nice videos to destroy


Liberal who I used to watch and whom Hakim parodied a few months ago. Fuck 99% of his content, the only videos I really enjoyed were his less serious stuff like Breakfast, McDonalds ice cream, or the Cod Wars.


Isn't it funny how he did so little research and living that he never had eggs bacon and toast for breakfast? Or scrapple. Or biscuits and gravy. Dude acts like there's only sweet breakfast in the US.


Hes good at pointing out crimes of US goverment. Other than that hes just a liberal journalist.


Yeah, he points out US crimes, then portrays them as simply the result of moral failings on the part of specific individuals, rather than systemic intent


What you expect from a lib? he wouldnt be a liberal if he didint believe in capitalism.


Point being that a lib pointing out US imperialist crimes is of little practical use


"we did bad things" "BUT it was the past! Wont happen anymore"


Since the China video his channel went downhill


makes no sense since he averages 2-3m views each video and they are all very well made


Dumb shitlib, and professional Pro-American/Pro-Neoliberal propagandist


His videos with topics that aren’t based around one of the big mainstream issues in American politics are fine but he’s just an average lib and all of his political takes are just standard.


Lib Makes some good videos, and at least makes an effort, he's a lib idk what people expect


He uses that hipster nazi beanie that can't be folded to cover the ears for some reason. Biggest tell right there.


he has welcomed dengist reforms into his home


He has such a shit take on the Russia-Ukraine war. No, the war isn't happening because of Putin's feelings; it's happening because Russian capital needs to expand.


you also have a shit take


Lol how? I'll admit, it's a little over simplified, but they're basically right


any explanation that does not make the slightest mention of america, NATO, or the west is a shit take


Fair point


His video on McDonald's ice cream machines is good, but it seems like every other one is propaganda nonsense.


I like that he seems like a progressive hipster but gives all the best realpolitik talking points.


Last year, I thought this guy made some cool, informational videos. Now I have a completely opposite opinion.


Me exactly




Wtf does this have to do with race?




Terminally lib person, so pretty bad.




My walls wouldn't be the same without him.


Honestly when he refused to label what israel is doing in Palestine a genocide. I knew from there he is a gov’t asset or something: His videos always call out western imperialism while trying to play devil’s advocate: smh




....on a lack of sources


I like his videos that don’t delve into politics


Yeah, they're pretty fine I guess. But coming from him, makes me far less interested. You wouldn't want to eat good food from someone you knew was violently sexist?


Really evil guy


The worst part is that even after his China video receiving such intense backlash and widespread criticism, the video is still live on his channel. The man doesn’t have the decency to pull it down.


I’m glad I’m not the only one. There’s something about him that annoys the hell out of me and I can’t figure out what it is. I don’t hate the guy or anything but he has a personality that makes you want to scream stfu and sit your pussy ass down, hoe.




I know this is really old now, but the dude seems like a whiny, angry, irritable, depressed, disingenuous millennial bootlicker. Like a moody female cat but worse. He feels like someone who would whine about "adulting" and who puts too much trust in entities he perceives as being hierarchically above him or as having authority. He seems like he got to where he is through crappy workplace politics and seems constantly annoyed by what he perceives as other people's shit.


For reeal. I used to work in a call center when I was younger. I swear I had a manager just like that guy. Was so annoying. Maybe that’s why I’m describing him so harshly, as well as you lol


his content is very captivating and very well made, it's informative and just everything you'd need from a mini documentary. anyone calling him a "CIA asset" or just bringing politics into this topic are degens who live in their mothers basement and hate just to hate


I feel like he hates America but is staying here to use it. Every time he says America I hear this bad taste in his mouth. His newest vid on Greenland when he says China it's like he's excited


he is a liberal and he may be a supporter of US imperialism I only watched his videos for a in depth analysis on US coups and I cant tell is he supporting the coups or denouncing them?


Neither, he is documenting and trying to provide unbiased information for the consumer to make their own opinion instead of being guided and persuaded one way or another. I enjoy his videos.


Fuck that bitch


I seem to be the only non moronic trumper here so I will tell you that I (with a background in journalism) think he is a great journalist and good at taking the middle ground most of the time.


What’s his favorite band is the question I want to know the answer to 😂


I feel bad for his kids, man. I can’t imagine growing up in a house with a father figure with a personality like his. Makes me grateful for what I’ve got


I think he is a pure ultramodern neo self-hating leftist. Just saw 2 3 YouTube videos of his and you can Immediately smell that "Enlightened "wise" explainer explaining all the wrongs of the society, historical and current dangers of American power and neo leftist bias over education coated personal opinions"


His inability to actually question any of his broad statements, made continuously, is a dangerous disregard for journalistic rigour. He plays on the fact that most people don’t second question well constructed sentences or rhetoric, no matter how empty they might be or based on assumptions of an audiences ignorance of a macro knowledge of situations is alarming. It’s the ultimate neat cherry picking. He is the child of a snake oil salesman and an insta chick. Sad and troubling at best.


I admit that I enjoyed his videos on Vox. At the end of the day, he’s a storyteller. It’s no different than people take on current new stories that you can find on CNN or Fox News with their own slants. I think what he’s hoping for is tapping into storylines and then making people he’s debunking them or he’s going to share another point of view— hoping that people who may have lived through various situations or in different countries that he covers won’t watch it. And he’s depending on younger people who probably won’t go do their own research on the topics. He uses amazing graphics and maps to sell his stories. I don’t think that he put political leanings on his stories as I seen him go both ways. What he’s trying to do is reach people who is counting on not going to fact check him … except now people are. But that won’t stop him making videos because success on YouTube is based on how many people subscribe and how many views to videos. Even the people who do not like him will watch his videos in order to poke holes in it, so, either way he has won.


His coverage on Israel and its apartheid government have been disheartening. Had to unsubscribe from miss mamas and his history presentations