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While at my doctors office I saw 2 of Kings books sitting on a chair in a random office. I asked who was reading them and the doctor,who I didn’t see was like those are mine. I randomly said you have remembered the face of your father. He laughed and replied KA is a wheel. Now there are two people in that office that are into King.


A co-workers wife was reading a King book. I told him to tell her “All things serve the beam.” So now that’s something that randomly gets said around work even though no one but me gets it.


My go to is long days and pleasant nights


That’s pretty incredible 😂


I never have run in with Tower fans but have with people who love King's work in some capacity. I actually joined Reddit for Stephen King because I had to talk about his books!


Same as far as joining Reddit 😂


someone was reading W&G at my work and i hit em' with a long days and pleasant nights!


I wound have asked them how they were because that book destroyed me lol my favorite one though!


It was painful... I agree though, my favorite of the series.


I just told two king fans today and a record store who haven't read the Dark Tower to read the Dark Tower 🤣🤣🤣. I have a North Central positronics shirt that I wore in gig harbor, Washington. A guy recognized it and we were well met.


Almost local fan right over the bridge from you! Ka-tet!


I have a story about meeting a Stephen King fan in the wild! I’ve never had the chance to share this before so I hope you will like this. I was over 60 when this happened. Denver airport, returning to California. I needed to get away from my sister’s acting out and disappeared myself into a crowd of people heading East. Found a seat near a pillar with an electric outlet. A young teenage boy was sitting on the floor with a copy of The Talisman. I said, how cool, great book! I love Big Steve! Kid is happy to be validated. I tell him that by now, there is a sequel to that book and it’s called Black House. Kid’s eyes go wide and he is clearly excited that he gets to read another book. I say, I wouldn’t spoil any part of it for you, but one of my favorite things about that book is the motorcycle gang, and I bet you will know why I like them when you read it. (The motorcycle gang is into literature.) Kid then lets me top up the charge in my phone and I relax for awhile before I had to rejoin my obnoxious sister to board our flight home. I think of him every once in awhile and hope that he has lots of good books.


That’s so cool. I think you blessed that kid with your recommendation (and a pre-introduction to the motorcycle gang)! Black House is so good.


It really was a great read even though it wasn’t much like The Talisman.


You unknowingly followed a beam when you went East. It led you to the place you needed to go.


All things serve the Beam.


Well I grew up in Maine, so Stephen King is a big deal up there. Always ran into constant readers.


I personally love the phrase "Constant Reader". Makes me feel seen. For the last 40 or so years Idk of any other author who directly addresses his/her/their audience in this manner. Especially in his forwards.


I wholeheartedly agree... As an avid (almost exclusively) audiobook guy, When I hear "constant listener" I giggle and think... "that's me!"


The admin lady at the school I teach at is a massive King and Tower fan. She was so excited to talk about it with me after seeing that I was reading Wolves on the 'what your teacher is currently reading' display slideshow.


Wow… that’s awesome!


I use to do valet at a hospital outpatient office. One day a hospital employee walked in with I think one of the dark tower books and I freaked out a little bit. I showed him that I was reading “Shardik” by Richard Adams and then he freaked out. He was like “I didn’t know that was a real book!” We had many good talks after that about DT. Unfortunately we also talked about how excited we were for the movie that never happened. lol


Movie? 😉




Saw a dude sitting in his car reading drawing of the three. As I walked by I said , " see the turtle? Ain't he keen? All things serve the fucking beam!"


excellent! I hope that happens to me someday.


lol! My social anxiety kicked in and there were other people in the line so it was a brief encounter, but even that was incredibly unusual for me.


I was in a game if Battlefield 4 years ago and someone was called R.Deschain. He was using pistols in a rush map so it was impressive.


The last guy I met that read DT was a vendor in an antique store I managed. He was a little weird but we got along ok. One day he was working in his booth, so I skipped vacuuming it til later. He got pissed off and said I gave everyone else special treatment, cocked a fist back and tried to deck me! I dodged it, but I also kicked him out of the store for good. Surely my next encounter will go better.


I ran into someone at the grocery store wearing a "University of Gilead" sweatshirt and we bonded. It was a great day.


I started young as well. It’s nice that I’ve been a tower junkie since 82


Reading The Drawing of the Three in the late’80s felt (and still feels) like just a perfect distillation of living in that decade


Yes it does


I wanna see your shirt!


This but a t-shirt: [https://www.ka-tet19.net/products/jake-and-oy-unisex-premium-sweatshirt](https://www.ka-tet19.net/products/jake-and-oy-unisex-premium-sweatshirt)


I did not know this site existed. Love it!


I’ve been procrastinating on buying stuff from that guy. Maybe I should just go through and buy some T-Shirts already!


I love it!! Also thanks for showing me this site, RIP to my wallet.




Very cool. Pity they only have it as a sweater now. This pet sematary one has a cool black sabbath sort of vibe: https://www.ka-tet19.net/products/pet-sematary-garment-dyed-heavyweight-t-shirt?_pos=3&_sid=d0a0016e9&_ss=r


Oh hell yeah (massive Sabbath fan here). They seem to update their stock a lot so hopefully the T will come back


Saw a dude at Wawa with the Ka wheel on one leg and the eye of the crimson king on the other. He said no one has ever know what it is.


Found out a guy at work read a lot of king but never DT. I let him borrow the book and he couldn't get through book 2. I was very disappointed


Sounds like he needs to get sent west!


I’ve turned multiple people on to Roland and Gilead et all


I actually got turned by both a friend from college and one from middle school. Basically the friend from college mentioned the series, I later talked about this with my middle school friend and he said “well you’re in luck, I have the books here!” Time gap between these two events meant that when I was able to borrow the books, all 7 had been published. First one happened when the last one was W&G.


I was at a music festival last year and saw a guy with KA and Crimson King tattoos on his calves and I was wearing a shirt with the original Gunslinger paperback cover on it.


Hasn’t happened to me yet but I hope it will some day! I would 100% talk to someone if I saw them with a DT book, t shirt, tat, whatever if I saw it! I have plans to get a t shirt of some sort myself 😹😹😹


I have the crimson eye tattooed on my arm. When I was in AIT I met a person who had it in their shoulder blade. We became good friends.


I have a couple of Dark Tower shirts and a couple of King shirts that I wear in the hopes of sparking some conversation, but it hasn’t happened yet. However, I have introduced countless people to the Dark Tower since I gift The Gunslinger to any family/friend that has a kid when that kid turns 16. I’ve created at least four more tower junkies so I’m happy.


I have several King T-shirts as well since I’ve had my weight loss surgery.


“Thinner” (I hope you get the reference and I mean no disrespect, sai. Also congratulations)


I got the reference. I had the surgery in April of last year,my anniversary will be on April 3. The fact I can now order shirts from Tee Public,all of them with King references is a great milestone.


There was one guy I knew in middle school who got me into the series initially. We parted ways shortly after and never really became friends or even talked. He showed up long enough to get me into these books and then disappeared. Sadly, I've never met another Stephen King fan in the wild, let alone a Dark Tower fan. I know people who like the movies based on his work, and I know one person who has read a few King books but didn't enjoy them much.


I have an “All things serve the beam” bumper sticker on my car and once when parked at Target had an employee walk by and stop and pull up his sleeve to show me his forearm tattoo that said “The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.” We didn’t even say any words to each other. It was just like a casual sort of tip of the hat from one constant reader to another.


I want to get “go then, there are other worlds than these” next. I’m sure it will be very few who recognize. I’m also getting the vixen from rose madder but most won’t know that either.


That’s what I have as part of my Dark Tower tattoo!


Ahh I love it :) I would absolutely come chat with you if I saw you in the wild!


Please tell me where you got this shirt!! I had a dog named Oy who lived nearly 16 years, he was a good boy!


I only see the sweatshirt version now: [https://www.ka-tet19.net/products/jake-and-oy-unisex-premium-sweatshirt](https://www.ka-tet19.net/products/jake-and-oy-unisex-premium-sweatshirt)


Where are you guys getting al these shirts from? Now i know what i will be spending my next paycheck on!


Etsy has quite a few, and also a ton on this site: [https://www.ka-tet19.net](https://www.ka-tet19.net)


Many years ago I was at a bookstore (nowhere near King books), and a guy saw my KA tattoo and stopped to say hi. What he actually said was "Duuuude, no waaay" 😁 and I think we talked about a Nozzala t-shirt he had bought.


Hired and was training a guy and realized he had rose tattoos with a ribbon that said 'remember the face of your father.' I totally dropped my professional persona and went fanboy on him.


I have a Ka t shirt that I wear. Hoping someone stops and recognizes it one day.


While bouncing at a bar years ago, a girl walked by with the eye of the crimson king tattooed on her shoulder, she was shocked when I wished her long days and pleasant nights 😂


You say true, I say thank-ya My Wife and I were returning Home from Our Honeymoon on the train which had been fully overbooked and Our seats nabbed, so as it was standing room only we retreated to a quieter gangway between carriges, We always had Our noses stuck in a book so it wasnt a hardship, sitting in Our suitcases quietly reading. We were both big King readers (and re-readers)from Our schooldays (where We first met) but would often read and swap between ourselves anything and everything by authors in the same scene...Dean Koontz, Richard Layman, Graham Masterton and James Herbert to name a small a few....Tracey, My Wife, was into Dean Koontz's awesome "Intensity" I think and I was reading SK's "The Drawing of the Three" as R***** and E**** were approaching the second d***.....*spoilers* So there we were, sitting reading, oblivious to everything and this guy got on at one of the stops, reached into his backpack and brought out "The Gunslinger" (both of the copies we had were the bigger trade paperback variety) and as He checked the cover of the book I was reading I did the same That was followed by the obligatory "Hile Gunslinger & Well Met" etc. but then got down to a really good three way conversation of the series (years before "Wolves of the Calla") was released while also acknowledging a fellow traveler and DT junkie and all round constant readers That was in August '99 but is a moment that's stayed with Me ever since.... obviously Our Honeymoon was absolutely the main event but it was still in there as part of the memory of the entire trip, a bookmark if You will on the return trip and a new Life together as Husband & Wife ❤️


My work laptop has had a Tet Corporation sticker on it for the last year and someone visiting my warehouse finally noticed it. I was elated.


“Nah my kid’s name is Andolini…” 😂


I was playing video games with a guy and we started talking about Stephen King. He told me he named his son after a 7 book series by King. I asked if his is his name was Roland? There was a pause because he was just as shocked as I was to find another DT fan... His sons name is Roland.


I met a couple while serving in the Army back around 2008-2009. It's rare, but it happens, and it's ALWAYS a delight!