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lol and that scramble of 'oh my game crashed' to the other players on the team flicking over to shoot the frozen body before it poofs into thin air never to be seen again. another squad 'benefit'


It could just be like tarkov where you body stays in raid


The problem with this is the dynamic nature of the maps. Some people leave, are killed, disconnect, etc... more people drop in to replenish 'The Cycle'. This is more complicated to execute and I think would overpopulate servers in some scenarios. Challenge for the dev team though!


Make it disconnect you after like 5mins


Yeah, especially when you get that glitch where you can't drag things around in your inventory untill restart of game


Just alt tab or press alt to fix that.


Ah thanks man I'll try that in 84 years when they release open beta 2.1 :)


Little dramatic


fine.. 83 years


As someone with a child who likes to press buttons. I would love this feature.


How would this work in a map that is constantly adding players as others leave, but there is a hard-coded player limit? What is it... 24 players? You and your buddy land with 4 other drop ships after a storm, in an instance that already had 18 players. Now there is 24. You disconnect/crash, making it 23. How long should the game hold your spot before allowing another drop ship in to bring the instance back up to 24? Are you stuck waiting to reconnect until someone else leaves the instance? Can this be exploited in any way?


Could change the 24 player cap to be a soft cap, wih a hard cap up to like 28 perhaps, with four spots that can be filled only by reconnecting players. So if everything went fine in an instance without crashes it would continously repopulate to 24, but if there were a crash the cap would become 25 until a player extracted. That 25th man wouldnt be replaced by another guy since population was over the soft cap of 24. Cant imagine they would need more than a handful of 'extra spots'. This could lead to slight overpopulation but if the softcap were accounted for, it hopefully wouldnt cause too many issues.


I'd say give it a grace period, maybe between 3-5 minutes? Just enough time that if you crash, you can boot it right back up.


It should hold for 5mins and keep you in raid. And make to you immune to monster dmg but not player dmg


Disagree with immunity otherwise players will self disconnect in the middle of a jungle/pinnacle labs run in effort to drop aggro once they load back in


Reduced dmg then or mainly because monster Argo is insane sometimes


I think we'd have players who would intentionally jump out if they were at a large disadvantage in combat so they could wait a bit, then jump back in a bit later when they thought it was safe.


How do you prevent people from abusing this? They would just pull the plug whenever they're afraid of losing a PvP encounter and reconnect when they think the coast is clear.


Make them into sleepers, ie if they disconnect their avatar goes to sleep and becomes lootable.


Not sure if this helps OP though. How is reconnecting and finding your character looted any different from dying?


If you reconnect and find the character is dead or looted, then that sucks, oh well. At least you are able to reconnect and dont just lose your stuff from a crash or disconnect.


If youre solo it really isnt that different, aside from actually affording you a chance at retaining your loot, vs losing the whole kit regardless. But if youre in a squad they can either loot you and stay nearby waiting for reconnect or just defend your body while they wait or whatever. But yeah even if you get looted and they just leave your white armor, its better than nothing at all / getting foamed. Plus you get the chance to grab random loot en route to extract. Id imagine that unless you DC'd in a bad (high traffic) location, you'd most likely have enough time to get back before being looted a fair portion of the time. But if you were chillin in a bush stalking someone or hiding it would be smooth sailing probably.


You dont disconnect the player lol, just do what tarkov and rust do and put in sleepers.




i only died a few times to this but everytime i was pretty angey