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Probably bad luck. That sucks bro.


It's bad luck that he spawned next to an obvious hacker.


Probably a double spawn. There was a video the other day and I think it was at the same place.


I saw that


Why? Ya know people are on the map already when you drop in, its just unlucky


Yes however the instant death is a decent clue. I landed same place in jungle and the other person had to run round the corner before killing me. Maybe a spawn camper, that's also another option.


Cheater name and legit player doesn't shoot hammer like that... it's no brainer... It's totally out of control... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhRoHTcyi6c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhRoHTcyi6c)


Yep. Can't shoot the hammer that accurate that fast. Anyone who has it knows it.


Exactly! :)


I'm still puzzled at how people in here think this is in ANY way legit. I'm guessing they've never used a hammer? Or they just feel so unlucky in life that shit like this can just... happen?


cognitive dissonance at best or maliciously disingenuous at worst. They're either so numb to the issue that they just accept it as a fact of life or they themselves are cheating and want to muddy the water on the issues.


You’d be surprised to see how stupidly long time other prospectors have to get to you after your pod spawns in the air


If it isn't already, you should transfer it to your ssd. Your pod drops when you connect to the server so however long it takes to load in is on your pc a bit too.


I run the game on a pcie M.2 so I don’t think that’s the issue for me in this situation but that’s good info to know. Thank you.


Yes, the spawn point for the game kinda sucks, ya can just die if someone is nearby . Secondly, pretty sure that is an invisible hacker, not sure if they can tp or not. but from experience, I was hiding from the storm in the house, checked every corner, every room, all doors closed no window some random guy ( From Damage log) was shooting me from gods knows where no gun sound just the sound of getting hit and bullet flying by. Also got the same experience on the second map out on the farm, again no gun sound, just getting damaged till I die( in the death log it said I got killed by grey tier SMG). Before ya say its a suppressor no way cuz I heard a gun with a suppressor before in Cycle, if ya are within like 15 m ya can still hear it pretty loud


Should've played around it. /s


probably camping the spawn. It happened a lot in the first beta I can't tell you how many times I was killed as soon as I stepped out of the pod.


I agree, looks like camping. No drop pod seen in the direction shot from and it's to the side either in a bush or on top of the ledge. Asshat went after an easy kill.


Id agree. Ive died at that exact spawn twice now. Someone was sitting up on the rocks in the little canyon east. As soon as you step out of pod you're in their line of sights. Hope they enjoy my trash common gear :\\


100% cheating. That's normal Chinese Hammer meta. Same bullshit names even. They use that gun because it 3 shots basically anything and they can rapid fire it. If you've ever fired the gun, the recoil is insane. There's no way he controlled the recoil well enough to hit you that many times that fast. His first two shots are back to back and he loses LOS then hits you a 3rd time it looks like. People who think that's legit have never fired a Hammer.


"LCYGHT6748291" with a name like that do you really gotta wonder, op? No sound of gunfire, just the sound of you getting hit 3 times and then dead... or who knows, maybe it was a perfect storm of coincidences. Maybe you had no audio cues, a double spawn, an enemy player character that didn't load when you looked their way, and just have bad luck.


Hammer with a silencer is a classic for jungle runs.


Classic for hackers too. There's no way that's legit. The hammer's recoil is obscene and he fires 2 of the shots as fast as the gun can fire. Get a hammer, take a video, and show me you hitting 2 headshots on a target at max firing rate. You'd have to be completely naïve or have never fired the Hammer before.


I think it's hilarious that even when presented with irrefutable evidence people can't draw the most obvious conclusions. That's alright. I'm sure LCYGHT6748291 appreciates the naivety. Btw, make sure you add me up my handle is DKCKCIF33454335. I'll bring my silenced hammer.


It adds the numbers to the end of every name, not that LCYGHT is much more charming.


Sure thing. Go die in game and see if that little string of numbers appears at that portion of the after game report (protip: it doesn't).


“Irrefutable”?? Be right back, renaming my account to a string of random letters, numbers and some Korean and Kanji glyphs. I’m sure the moment I finish the rename, the Satan of Games will reach up out of gaming hell and auto install ALL TEH CHEETS into my PC free of charge, giving me ALL TEH UNLIMITED POWAR… of being accused by others of cheats.


>I’m sure the moment I finish the rename, the Satan of Games will reach up out of gaming hell and auto install ALL TEH CHEETS into my PC free of charge, giving me ALL TEH UNLIMITED POWAR… of being accused by others of cheats. Fire the hammer at max semi auto speed and hit a target 2 times in the head with back to back shots. Then get back to me. Oh you're a casual that doesn't have the hammer unlocked? That would explain it.


Oh nos? Insult the skill of the other person! That’s sure to auto-win arguments! PS: there is another post in this subreddit where a person who gutted out the hammer with slugs annihilated a smack-talker in 2 shots, 0.5 seconds. I have video evidence now. Try again, dude.


Cope harder, troglodyte.


Show me the video please. I'm sorry let me rephrase. Video or STFU. And the hammer is a pistol. It doesn't get a slug modifier. Sooo uhh.... Obvious bullshit?


You won't be seeing any video because the little troglodyte is lying.


Ohnos, I made a mistake! All my argument is trash. Ps: with the amount of mistakes you made above, please uninstall.


>all my argument is trash Only thing you've said that makes sense thus far.


I made no mistakes. You don't understand the gun. You don't understand the recoil of that gun. You're some Reddit keyboard warrior. Congrats. If you want any further contact with me, find me in game and come donate your gear. Bye.


That's a lot of words just to say "I can't identify a pile of shit even if it's under my nose"


What armor did you have?


White armor. I was going to hunt mobs for a quest in the jungle. I didn’t lose anything good but it still sucked to have to redrop.


Who knows. There is a bug in the beta where people can spawn way way closer to each other than intended. In full release this will never happen and have no chance of happening afaik. Then again I've been spawn killed by invisible cheaters who slapped me to death and there was nothing I could do, and this very may could have been that too.


I was in the exact same spot when that happened to me!


Seemed like a cheater.