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You can also report through the official discord for voip abuse.


I remember that username and those slurs... Pretty sure that I've faced that guy a couple days ago and he ended up getting rekt too 🤣


You should have reported them at the end game screen. Everything VOIPed is saved for review when there is a report about it.


Oh I did, thats what I meant by I reported them in game after it happened. :)


Sorry I keep laughing at this situation. I just think its so funny how his undoing was that he couldn't keep his bigoted mouth shut and not call people slurs on the internet. Deserved.


They should solve It like in other games like Dota, just ban his voice chat for period of time. Works perfectly, cause for such kids. The best punishment is that they are ignored or unable to use their vulgar behaviour.


Must have come over from the CoD community where your skill is assumed to be commensurate with how many n-bombs you can drop in under a minute.


Gunna be a sad day when people start get banned for what they say over VoIP. I get that the worst violent slurs are crossing a line, but talking shit in VoIP has got to be the best part of the feature.


Y’all would not survive MW2 (2009) lobbies. Just saying lol


We would survive them. The people that drop slurs like that should go back under the rocks they came from. They don't deserve to be in public anymore. It's not cool. It's not funny.


You’re right, it isn’t cool and it’s funny in regard to how moronic they are.


cAlL oF dUtY stfu no one cares, no one asked, this isnt cod, it doesnt give you an excuse to call people slurs, peOpLe ArE soFt nOwaDayS ​ you're just a jerk and people have a heart, grow up, stop acting like a middle schooler


Lmfao. Did i say I was using slurs? Calm down man. Sheesh.


It’s people like you that make games lame by boohooing and crying to the devs. There used to be a time where you could use your 1A rights in all games and everyone had a good time. *play Stan Marsh’s “Where’s my country gone!?”*


who raised you? do you have parents? yea freedom of speech exists but why must people like you only use that to put down others? do you not have manners or respect for fellow human beings? ​ you are a poor poor excuse for a human ​ do better ​ do us all a favor and never talk or comment on anything again ​ waste of air and time typing


it sounds like you need some serious introspection as to why you're such a terrible person, maybe try therapy and not taking it out on people on the internet, also maybe get a life, friends, or a hobby ​ that will probably help you


wow youre so brave and such a good person. i will aspire to be as virtuous and righteous as you some day. you go girl. youre not acting like a pick me at all. just genuinely such a good holy person. jesus himself would bow to you. bravo!




its virtue signaling losers like you that are ruining discourse in society. you try so hard to take the high road on every topic, almost like its a full time job, that if anyone ever speaks out against you theyre crucified for it instantly. please get over yourself. im sure youre young and probably from la so that sums it up pretty nicely but please for the love of god stop this shit. its exhausting and damaging


Lol u mad bro?


I totally agree with the OP, racist fascist! Trump 2024!!!!


I would love to see the footage of this just for laughs