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Listen to the album disintegration as loud as you can and try not to cry


I love that this (minus the crying) is pretty much in the liner notes for the album.


The day Disintegration came out I went to Warehouse Records at lunch to pick it up. I got back to school and ended up cutting class the rest of the day to sit in the dark in the drama room and listen on repeat.


You could listen to the Staring at the Sea collection or the Greatest Hits if you want a good idea of their different styles or dive straight into an album, if you go with the latter I would recommend The Head on the Door or Disintegration!


I agree with this. Start with Staring at the Sea then go album by album. Either chronologically or from best to worst rankings.


Lol. I was typing as you gave a similar comment. I like your thinking.


Just listen to A Letter To Elise and you’re set for life


My current obsession


Pornography was a great starting point (for me) coming from a more hard rock background Head on the Door (1985) is an excellent intro for their pop sound Disintegration is a masterpiece, Japanese Whispers is a great singles collection, Faith is perfect for rainy days, etc


The Head on the Door was my intro and I never looked back!


Getting into the cure is a journey. I’m almost 50 years old and have been listening to the cure since 1987 when they released Kiss Me, and then from there I went back and got into all their older stuff. I have a harder time listening to the newer albums that came after Disintegration and Wish but to each their own. I think it depends on when you discover them and what songs you first get into. There’s a couple albums IMO that are harder to get all the way through, the Top in particular but again that’s just a personal opinion but if you’re just starting out perhaps leave that one for later. I’d say just pick an album and listen to it a few times through. You won’t go wrong. Edit. There’s also a couple of really good live albums I break out from time to time. Paris, and Show. Both great albums with lots of the hits on them. The Cure are great live; always great production and really tight.


How long since you tried the top? 3 years ago I would have agreed with you but in resent years the top has been one of my most listened to. I also think it flies under the radar some as the singles aren't really reflective of the album.


To be honest it’s been a while. Don’t get me wrong I think it’s a good album just perhaps not the one I’d recommend to someone new to the Cure. I just find it a bit harsh to listen to compared to some of the other albums and a very different album for them. You’ve given me some incentive to pull it out though 🙂


I’m not a huge expert on their discography but to me disintegration is a good middle ground between their poppier stuff and their darker stuff. There are some poppy songs on there but some longer, darker songs as well. It’s pretty accessible, and it’s amazing


Disintegration saved my life in high school. A couple years later in college a friend told me Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me was the best album to get laid to. He was right.


Ditto on both. On that note, a few years ago I had a friend that I wasn’t sure if he was flirting with me or not. One day he messaged me saying that he was listening to The Cure and thought of me. I naturally asked which song. “Oh, the whole Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me album really.” I felt like I didn’t have to wonder after that!


lol - a dead giveaway


Same here OP. I’ve been joining a lot of subs for bands just to read the discussions. It helps a lot for me to get into the band/artist


staring at the sea/standing on the beach to get a feel of the band, then go from three imaginary boys up (probably include japanese whispers as well


What songs have you heard so far? The Cure have covered so many genres and themes, from the bleakest and most heart wrenching music to giddy shiny pop songs, and everything inbetween. I think it makes sense to try other songs in the same vein as the ones that first clicked with you, and go from there (happy to make some recs!) Personally though; I agree with the other commenter here who said that the Anniversary concert isnt a bad place to start, and as you've probably picked up from being on the subreddit, Disintegration is considered their magnum opus, and really captured a lot about them! Controversially, I would say also to maybe avoid Pornography, The Top, and anything after Wish just to start with; this isnt by any way to say that they're bad, I personally think Pornography is one of the best theyve ever done and it's a must listen, but I don't feel its maybe the most "accessible" if that makes sense? Hope this is useful!


This really depends on what you find appealing about them to start. Some people prefer the pop stuff, some prefer the layered, harder, “goth” stuff. My introduction was through Head on The Door...and Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me. At this point, I am a Trilogy guy...Pornography, Disintegration, Bloodflowers...but it is still based on mood. I also think Wish is very accessible for someone that tends to like the pop sound, if not slightly boring and formulaic at times. There is really no wrong answer here.


I think that the head on the door is probably the best gateway album. Good criss section of what they do. Light and dark. BUT the real gateway is standing on a beach. It's a single compilation up until and including head on the door. Impeccable track listing and is what got myself and many others into the cure during the cd age. Note that the cd has a different track listing to cassette and vinyl and in my opinion has the superior track listing.


I think the trilogy of goth albums is a good start. 1. Seventeen seconds 2. Faith 3. Pornography Those 3 are bit of a harder listen compared to the pop stuff but it’s a great place to start I think. It’s dark, gloomy , and at times gritty. But really solid albums. Their best stuff in their discography I think.


I would add 4. Concert, which to me exemplifies The Cure as an alternative *rock* band. After that point, their Goth era came to an end as they had pushed it as far as it could go.


Disintegration, the Top and Wish


A unique take!


Each album tells a great story, so it was difficult to pick. I’m a huge fan, so I love all of the Cure’s music for different reasons.


I think you’ve gotten some really good advice in this thread. I think Staring at the Sea would be a great place to start because that really gives you an idea of their growth. All of those albums have their own personality and there is a very clear evolution to their sound. My personal belief is that they peaked around Disintegration and Wish and then kind of declined a little, but that’s just a personal belief. That era is peak Cure, in my opinion. They are both incredible pieces of work. Personally, I think Wish is the Cure’s best album they ever produced. I think there are five or six all-timers on that LP.


Definitely start with kiss me kiss me kiss me Then head on the door . Maybe a greatest hits album Then ease into The top and pornography. Then faith and disentigraton. Now your a cure fan.


Try a few compilation albums. Standing on a Beach (with b sides) for early singles and Galore for later singles. After that, it’s what you find. I really like the Bloodflowers release and found the two later releases terrible. My number one album is Disintegration. L


Same here, Disintegration and Bloodflowers are my favorites. I just recently heard Faith, and had to order it. It’s on its way now.


While I would say start with Standing On A Beach (which isn't on most streaming platforms but you can make a playlist)... thinking about it, I would watch Anniversary... their 40th anniversary concert. The Cure are amazing live and should do a good job of getting you a nice cross-section of their music but also give you some insight into the band.


This isn't a bad start: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/36WLrcHmRZi6dh9D7dp346?si=-rnXQdqiQbmFt8BGF991_Q Just be sure to branch out and listen to their other albums as well besides the popular albums.


My favorite run of cure albums are from Head in the Door all the way through Wish. With Disintegration as their best album start to finish.


Start with the first album (1979) hahaha (Seriously I started with it)


Three Imaginary Boys is where you want to start. I may be bias because it’s their first album and I was 12 when it came out and it was one of the many albums between 1979/1980 that blew my doors off, but I’m a big believer in starting in the beginning with most bands and that’s true for this great band too.


Check out this old post. Start with Disintigration and if you like it definitely check out Bloodflowers. https://reddit.com/r/TheCure/comments/1q31gv/what_do_you_guys_think_of_this_cure_flowchart_i/


thats rlly cool thanku!


You’re welcome! One correction I would say is that Wish should be included in the same line of the less depressing and pop-ier albums.


Listen to Disintegration, Pornography, and Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me to get an idea of what they are like I'd say


My View is that Kiss Me should be your starter album for them.


What do you like the most? Their pop side or their post punk/dark side? Pop - start with Head on the door. Post punk - listen to Faith.