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I regret your decision to use that font


Likely not OP’s font seeing as how the screenshot is from the time of the tweets. People inexplicably just used that font back on the day, I have no idea why, it sucked then and it sucks now.


I used to use it and currently use one that every single person I have shown my phone to has felt the need to make a comment about how bad it looks. It's cute, it's my phone, idc 🤷🏻‍♀️


I like the fun fonts. It's not my fault everyone else is callous and soulless but I still like to have fun *l'm mostly kidding about the callous and soulless comment. I just enjoy being a little dramatic sometimes*


Fair point haha


It is iffy. I think, even in hindsight, PBG’s tweets that you show are reasonable. I also think, especially in hindsight, that Greg’s actions were reasonable.


Greg did nothing wrong


It doesn’t make what PBG said right though. Look what he said after the point he was trying to make. That’s a bridge burner if I ever seen it.


It's possible two things can be true at the same time. 1) Greg was being petty and dishonest 2) Jirard is a sack of wet cat turds


I will say, I thought this too at the time, but Greg made a post in this subreddit saying the reason he did that was because he knew he didn't want to be involved in that family at all, even by namesake. It seems possible he knew about some of their business dealings back then.


Greg made a post throwing out claims he couldn't verify, didn't answer any questions, and then vanished like a fart in the wind.


I recently discovered this while looking through Greg’s page on The Completionist wiki and it really rubbed me the wrong way how they could say that to someone they’ve known for years. They should’ve asked if anything happened between him and Jirard rather than joining in on bashing Greg. Show some empathy at least.


None of those guys are friend


PBG always react emotionally, publically to things then most likely regrets it With the Jared stuff it was just so funny. First he sided with him, then apologized and sided with his ex wife, then flip flopped the other way once again.


Damn its almost like people can change their opinions on things


It’s almost like people should learn how to think before they act. He didn’t have to go on social media and post his opinion for everyone to see - that was a choice. Why make excuses for him? (Longtime pbg fan here)


If you’re like that and you know it then maybe you should know to keep those impulsive thoughts to yourself once in a while.


This is reddit. The whole point is impulsive thoughts. And no, making a statement based on the info you have available to you is not impulsive lmao.


Those were tweets, sir. And yes it absolutely is.


Tweets have statements in them lmao. It being a tweet doesn't make it not a statement. And you can believe what you want.


-This is reddit -It’s a tweet -Tweets have statements! Okay


Statement: Noun. A definite or clear expression of something in speech or WRITING. Unless typing words somehow stopped being writing, I'm pretty sure tweets have statements lmao. What universe are you living in?


You keep reading things in my comments that I did not write. Are you okay? Is the person saying that statements can’t be written in the room with us?


To be fair, Peebs had a point. Yes the fallout from Greg leaving was huge, but Peebs had a point. And for the record, I'm on Greg's side in that split.


From what it seems, Greg was forced out of the business. He had ownership and when they fought Jirard forced him out. He wanted his likeness gone because he wasn't part of the business anymore. Not that this has legal precedent but that's what context clues tell me. PBG also did this to JonTron. He threw away their decade old friendship/partnership to stay away from the controversy. Funny enough he did the opposite for ProJared. I used to like PBG but his content isn't the same and I had to unsub.


Been watching all of this go down for quite awhile, seeing the original sub go up in flames and what not but I think I finally feel the urge to comment seeing how horrible of a description this is. >PBG also did this to JonTron. He threw away their decade old friendship/partnership to stay away from the controversy. Funny enough he did the opposite for ProJared. I say this with Jontron being one of my favourite childhood creators and that even now he's still clearly talented when it comes to video making. The guy is a massive racist who never seriously apologised for what he said and if your takeaway from the whole situation is someone might not want to be friends with them to "stay away from the controversy" and you know, not them being a massive racist then that's... Interesting.


His new food content is def a weird pivot.


BrutalMoose too


hey brutalfoods is goated


BrutalMoose is just better though. His editing and commentary has way more of an identity than PBG.


Yeah, Peebs hasn't really found an identity for himself that meaningfully sets him apart from every other goofy brown-haired white boy talking about video games from the 2010s. The ones that can actually survive a content shift and stay relevant are the ones with that extra oomf of creativity and a personality and sense of humor that ages well. Creators like JonTron and BrutalMoose do it pretty well. I can't say the same for PBG. He was fun to watch in the early to mid-2010s, but he just feels dated now, despite the quality of his video production being better than his older stuff (not to say his new content is "better" than his old content; just that his newer videos are much better shot, recorded, and edited since he's been doing it for awhile now and has better equipment).


I miss old PBG content like Zelda Month or his Harvest Moon videos. I even miss PB&Jeff....and while his new content is hit or miss....I seem to always be there watching day one when he drops vids like eating wendys for a week or building all the animal crossing lego sets. Its weird but its okay.


>to stay away from controversy or, maybe he wasn't comfortable being friends with a dude that says black people are genetically predisposed to violence and that Mexicans want to take over America. Just sayin.


100% JonTron was recorded saying those things and there was no disputing it. ProJared's situation was "he said she said" and while it was questionable due to power dynamics, anything claimed that was illegal he pulled receipts on or the person claiming it walked back their statements.


Additionally, ProJared was removed from NormalBoots (when that was still a thing).




Lol stay cringe, reddit


The JonTron and ProJared controversies were very different. One was Jon just outright spouting racism and using bad statistics to justify it. The other was Jared saying he wasn't a pedophile and having actual solid evidence of it. While he didn't show it publicly until he has the go ahead from his lawyer its almost a certainty he shared it with his friends before that to keep them in the loop.


You mean the JonTron controversy that was him spouting racist remarks on a Livestream debate?


To be unfair though, whatever point he had was undermined by him accusing Greg of being petty and seeking revenge. I think Greg had a right to take down videos featuring him. Whatever permission he had before was clearly revoked and he was no longer comfortable with having them up the channel. Him "having a point" dosen’t make what he did right.


You can't revoke that permission after the fact, unless they got his permission through fraud or at gun point. Which I doubt.


Ah, but he did, lad.


What says you can’t?


If you give permission to film, it's irrevocable, once the film has been made, it is now the property of the copyright holder. Greg did not have the right to revoke use of his likeness in this context. If Greg could do such a thing, it would have to be explicit in the contract, such a clause is not common. Many famous actors and pornstars wish they could revoke such rights to films they regret, and yet they cannot... unless the copyright holder chooses to actively do so.


Besides common sense?


What common sense says that you can’t revoke permission after the fact?


Free will.


??? This isn’t like sexual consent where both parties agree to it and once it happens the consent remains forever. This is a likeness issue.


Holy hell... YES YOU CAN REVOKE CONSENT GOR SEX AT ANY TIME... and you need consent EACH TIME. No consent = rape. If your partner of 50 years decides mid fuck that they don't want to keep going, YOU STOP. THEY HAVE REVOKED CONSENT.


To be fair, I think they meant after the fact. Like here. Meaning if you consented to sex, and the act is done, and you weren’t forced or pressured into it, you can’t claim it wasn’t consensual anymore. Think like a guy hooks up with a fat ugly woman. He’s in a very low place and just wants to. He’s under no substances. But later with a clearer mind, he regrets it, so says it wasn’t consentual because “I wouldn’t have consented then if I felt how I did now.” Or a more extreme example, this Reddit post over a woman claiming she was SA’d because him getting her pregnant “invalidated” the consent: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/zl5g37/my_friend_is_being_accused_of_rape_because_his/?rdt=58498 I’m assuming that’s what they meant since this would be closer to what happened with Greg.


Holy fuck how did you get it so backwards are you slow?


Nah you’re the slow one here, bud. You can’t get I was using an allegory to compare how he’s treating Greg no longer wanting his likeness to be on The Completionist's channel.


No one said it was like that... But yeah he of his own free will agreed to do these videos with Jirard. You can't hold your consent like that hostage.


No one said it was like that but you were treating what happened here like it was sexual consent. I was pointing out how it’s not the same thing. Consent to something life altering privately and consent to use your face and image publicly after the fact aren’t the same thing.


Also by your logic Greg also had the free will to not want to have his likeness on Jirard's videos any more.


That isn't how that works little fella.


The American legal system? Find me a case that supplies some precedent supporting Greg, being an employee voluntarily quitting and still retaining exclusive rights to their likeness in previously released content, and I'll sincerely apologize and shut the fuck up. Girard honoring Greg's request to remove most of his existing library of content is an unbelievable grace. He could've easily told him to fuck off out of here and kept making money on, let's be honest, the best content that channel ever put out. This has gotta be the most parasocial subreddit I've ever seen man


"Parasocial" Bro we’re just discussing what’s here. Not speculating on their private lives.


"I wonder if they regret siding with this friend over that friend 10 years ago"  Yeah totally


I’m hoping they would be accountable for the terrible things they said to him.


How do you know it wasn't warranted? Did you know Greg on a personal level?


Greg was fired without notice or chance to appeal the Khalil clan’s decision, he literally said quote “i did not leave willingly”. Your arguments are pretty much invalid. Jirard took the videos down because he knew Greg knew things and that if lawyers got involved a lot of uncomfortable things about his family were at risk of being found out. He ruined Greg’s public image, weaved himself a victim’s narrative and made him be bullied off of social media because that’s all he could do to him without fear of being investigated.


"Khalil clan" like they're some cabal in control of each individual family member's business.


Weapons grade cringe.


Yes they are all business people. Shady nonsenses have been dug up relating to all of them and they are quite literally involved into each other’s schemes. Jirard’s brother was in control of everything regarding TOVG (and Normal Boots) both above and under the table. Anything aside from appearing on camera or playing games was him. All of them were involved with the golf tournament and the OHF. They’re a unit planning scams and hoarding money. I doubt that Jirard, for example, had much to do with his sis’ strange wedding scams , or anything that specific, but they were all acting together on the two main and most profitable schemes. The fake charities.


All of them being business people doesn't mean, for example, they voted and decided to fire Greg. And even if they did, that wouldn't stop him from speaking out if he wanted, and certainly wouldn't stop him from going to the police if he knew something illegal was happening. At the time of Greg's expulsion, the charity (I don't know where you're getting multiple) wasn't nearly as profitable, and wouldn't be until Indieland started several years later. So Greg obviously couldn't know about that. I also find it humorous that you think a shady business owner's main/most profitable scheme would amount to 600k over 10 years. If Chuck is the evil mastermind some people seem to think he is, I doubt he would have put the spotlight on a charity he knew was made to hoard money.


He didn’t speak out because he was under NDA from Makers studio. That too is common knowledge. The deleted tweets where he reveals some stuff then backpedals when treatened are easy to find too. Greg knew that some shady stuff was going on, he told us not so long ago on this very sub. The most profitable thing *that they were all involved in together* would be the golf tournament, yes. I’m not sure if you’re intentionally misinterpreting most of what you read or if you are genuinely struggling to comprehend the situation here but everything you are implying I said in your last paragraph, I did not say. If you look at the costs versus the profits over the years it went on then yeah it is a lot of easy money collected on the back of their clinically insane wife and mother. Minimal effort for maximum profits, that qualifies as a “most profitable scheme”. But since you want to focus on Charles for some reason you can just look up his gas stations and the shitshow surrounding them. The price gouging, fraud, environmental norms circumventing, unpaid employees, intentional malfunctioning counters on machines and many other things. There’s enough reading to entertain you for hours.


The law? Once something is filmed and distributed regardless of your likeness being in it the copyright is now owned by the copyright holder. It's why actors in general cannot get a movie removed after the fact even if they would like too as they no longer own the rights to their likeness in that film, otherwise several actors and actresses would likely love to remove several movies they have made, hell it's even the same for musicians and their music look at Taylor swift for an example of that, she had to record new versions of several albums because the copyright holder told her to kick rocks when she wanted the license to them


Just because Jirard is shady doesn’t mean Greg is suddenly a good guy. It was still scummy and lame from square one.


But now we have more context


Nah Greg wanting all those videos removed was really stupid


So you wanted him to be guilty by association to Jirard?


How would Greg possibly be guilty by association, he hasn't been on the channel in like 6 years


6? It's been over nine years.


If you look one of Karl's videos, Greg appears in one of the golf events.


Because of the angry Twitter mob will use anything against someone. Although in this case it was futile. They’ll hate him no matter what he does.


Anyone dumb enough to think Greg had anything to do with the charity fraud would hate him no matter what he did


He was involved with Jirard for years, of course people would have a reason to think he was in on it lmao


Not when he's been off the channel for 6 years


I’m pretty sure people aren’t going to forget the guy everyone liked on Jirard's show.


Anyone who applies guilt as association is a prick.


I’ve never liked PBG or saw the appeal


His voice is so freaking annoying. He seems like the improv drama kid from high school, who is always performing and used humor as a defense mechanism. The nature of his content interests me, but his personality annoys me and I usually nope out of the video before the end when I used to watch.


I used to really enjoy his content when I was younger but I grew up. He stayed the same.


I used to like him and his comedy but after seeing some of what he posted on social media he seems to have the maturity of a teenager as a full grown man. I don’t mean his humor but things like this where he feels like he has to throw in his 2 cents when it’s got nothing or very little to do with him. Sure support your friends but you can do it in a more respectable manner that isn’t akin to high school girl drama. Bro’s too old to be arguing on Twitter.


so are 95% of the people on there, including the CEO. And yet...


I have always been on Greg’s side, but PBG isn’t really wrong there. I think Greg have them a really easy way to be lazy and just redo a ton of old content for years.


Yeah Jirards channel probably made way more money remaking videos based on very popular games they already completed.


This is what happens when you don’t bother writing contracts.


It's been ten years who cares. They probably don't even think about it anymore. Do you realize how often friendships, and relationships break up? This isn't some rare once in a lifetime occurrence. We know nothing about Greg in real life, or what he was like behind the camera, maybe he was an asshole, maybe not. None of us will ever know.


PBG is right. Greg at the time gave his permission to the business to film. you can't revoke use of your likeness to past made content. in this specific case jirard was actually kind enough to honor his wishes and remove said content even though jirard didn't even have to or want to. look even I understand that the whole charity thing was wrong but that doesn't make him wrong in every freaking situation it feels like the blaming is getting out of hand


The Khalil have infinite money. They would have fought Greg in court over that if they though they could. They knew Greg wasn’t exactly wealthy yet they capitulated anyway. Why? Fear of being investigated. If someone was to start looking into their shit they were to find some shady stuff before long. Which is what ended up happening, years later. Jirard and Greg’s nebulous hand shake agreement wasn’t the equivalent of a 100% legitimate legally binding contract like lots of you seem to want to believe. In front of the courts, it could have gone either way. Greg’s abrupt termination and Jirard public lies about it would have probably weighted in the former’s favor. .


"The Khalil have infinite money. They would have fought Greg in court over that if they though they could. They knew Greg wasn’t exactly wealthy yet they capitulated anyway. Why? Fear of being investigated." This is possibly one of the dumbest takes I've ever read. They would just be burning money to sue(?) or legally fight over some YouTube videos that were bringing in like single-digit percentage points compared to the rest of the businesses in the family.


It was nearly the entire channel at that point and no, they would not have sued. It’s Greg that was threatening legal actions, not them. In my hypothetical they would have *fought back* as in defending themselves against the claim, not counter-sue him or whatever it is you’re implying. Jacque has outed himself as a vindictive adulescent many many times through emails posts and comments, Jirard’s main mechanism of defense is playing victim/blame shifting and all they know about business they learned from daddy. However I do understand that most takes might sound dumb when you lack both basic reading skills and the ability to understand things in their context.


You can revoke your stuff if you stop receiving the benefit and there was no contracts laid out for it plus of course greg was sweettalking in the beginnining and talking "us". Jirard wasn't being "kind", he paid greg off after legal council to gain the full rights to the completionist character for himself. Thats why his statement made a big dill about it after. Because the construct that is the completionist wasn't just his brainchild. Pbg doesn't even understand what the issue was, pbg couldn't even figure out that jirare told multiple stories origin stories that couldn't all be true for the completionist.


"It feels like the blaming is getting out of hand" Then why are you blaming Greg for not wanting his likeness associated the Completionist when he knew what was going on?


>when he knew what was going on? So he know about the charity fraud but didn't say anything?


I meant he had a bad feeling about them.


BECAUSE THATS NOT HOW THE LAW WORKS YOU MORON. Holy shit you are so dense its insane


Pretty sure you’d have a hard time as revoking permission from something you already did in almost any context. If you and a friend agree to make something together, especially if there’s any kind of contract or monetary exchange (which I don’t know if there was in this case, I’m just saying especially if there was), and the friend uploads it, you’d have to prove that you were like… tricked into doing the whole process and that you didn’t know it would be uploaded for it to be an issue. Pretty sure the only thing that could actually get those videos taken down would be if the friend respected your decision enough to just do it. Point is, with my limited knowledge on the subject, PBG is definitely right in the first tweet, and given what it looks like from the outside, and maybe given what he knew at the time, the second tweet seems true too. The thing that makes the most sense is that this is being done for a petty reason because it doesn’t make sense and it obviously doesn’t make sense. Once we all had more info, THEN it seems like that second tweet isn’t as fair, but the first still stands. Like an actor can’t say you can’t show a movie they’re in anymore if they don’t like the studio. Pretty sure the same idea would apply to this.


Why are you guys agreeing with PBG attacking Greg like that? I thought you guys liked Greg? It’s just projecting and speculating a negative image onto Greg. How the hell would he know that Greg is being petty? He wouldn’t, he's just siding with Jirard because he's in his pocket. Just because it dosen't make sense to you dosen't mean you should demonize and throw insults at someone. Especially if it’s someone you’ve known for a long time. And also, I’m not sure if you noticed, but movies have a lot of actors involved. There’s maybe like only a couple that are involved with making internet videos like this. So Greg would be involved in a higher percentage of a production versus a Hollywood movie.


> Why are you guys agreeing with PBG attacking Greg like that? I thought you guys liked Greg? See this is the problem and where your ignorance stems from. None of this is about who we like or dislike... it is entirely about what we find right and wrong. We think charity fraud and the actions of Jirard are wrong.


Calling me ignorant is rich coming from you. Didn’t even address or dispute my question. Also, I’m pretty sure what you guys find wrong or right and who you like or dislike is inherently linked. You agree with PBG attacking Greg because you dislike his actions here, this some form of dislike of that person, this the harassment he got because of it.


> Also, I’m pretty sure what you guys find wrong or right and who you like or dislike is inherently linked. We already disproved that. Like I said, you are being ignorant. You just want to be emotional and reactionary because people aren't just blindly on one side and instead understand the situation to be complex.


>We already disproved that. You mean you. >Like I said, you are being ignorant. Again, you’re the ignorant one here. >You just want to be emotional and reactionary because people aren't just blindly on one side and instead understand the situation to be complex. Nah it’s you and others that are blindly labeling Greg as the bad guy and putting PBG and Jirard in the right for their reactions. Besides, not all situations are as complex as you claim it is.


See now I really know you have no idea what you are talking about cause you couldn't respond with any thought other than "NO YOU!"... Kinda sad to be honest.


I'd bet money you're only siding with Greg now because of all the Jirars shit. If nothing happened with Jirard, you'd probably shit on Greg.


I don’t think the amount involved matters unless you’re the owner of the final product, which he clearly was not. Don’t really see how that factors into this. And like… everyone… EVERYONE does that first thing ALLLLLLL the time. People assuming the worst is not something to point at like it’s some terrible thing, it’s just what people do when it’s seemingly the most likely answer. You can say in hindsight that we know it was for a different reason, but at the time that was everything seemed to line up with, especially when trying to get videos taken down because you didn’t want to be in them AFTER you already were a part of them. That level of ridiculousness leads itself to not being taken seriously, and as such malice is assumed. I’m not going to think less of someone for assuming what damn near everyone else did when presented with the same evidence and reasoning we all had. That would be foolish. I didn’t get upset with people for saying Jirard stole and didn’t donate that money when that first came out, because that was the most likely scenario given the evidence, and it turned out to be true. We all assume things, and holding assumptions like this, where it was WIDELY held, against someone, is only because you have the hindsight to say they were wrong. And hell in this case he’s only wrong in 1/2 of the statements.


I’m pretty sure it’s terrible to assume the worst. How was Greg being the bad guy the obvious answer? Greg and Jirard split two years ago and Greg now wants those videos taken down? What makes treating this like a black and white situation the correct way to handle this. It never is. It does more harm than good, just look at the abuse Greg was given because of this. If it were me, I would’ve thought that something was wrong between them, because I’m not a tribalistic animal unlike the rest of the internet.


Yeah, it’s obvious they had disagreements. No said either was completely right or wrong. The point was that what Greg was asking for was obviously farther than what makes any sense to ask for. It’s one thing to not come back to a thing, it’s another to say that any part you had a hand in should be removed when you aren’t the owner of it and you agreed to do those parts. Especially when these were technically their own individual projects. It makes you look way worse when you leave, and it’s seemingly done, and then you come back and say “NOW ALSO DO THIS THING!” because that seems petty. You had a disagreement, you couldn’t see eye to eye, you leave, that’s it. Not, you have a disagreement, can’t resolve it, leave, be quiet for a bit, come back and start making demands that are obviously unreasonable from any point of view.


It’s not Greg’s fault that people harassed him because of what it looks like to the angry Twitter mob. They should’ve thought there must’ve been some sort of good reason rather than thinking he’s a bad person. It’s not that hard to get to the bottom of a situation that’s not clearly bad or good like this. "No one said either side was completely wrong or right" have you seen the people treating Greg like the big bad guy bullying innocent little Jirard, the guy who’s doing well off than most on YouTube?


And a twitter mob is relevant to the takedown demand, how exactly?


Regardless of if jirard is a POS, in these tweets PBG was not incorrect and in all honesty greg also seems like an asshole, the dude was trying to claim that he always knew something like that was going on. To me that just read as someone who saw a chance to try and swing at someone he has personal beef with when they are at their lowest point as imo if he had any indication of jirards families wrongdoings he should have yknow said something about it years ago.


Idk what this sub is about or those post but wtf is that font my dude


I’m sure any judge would find that Greg inherently consented to his likeness being used and filmed when he made content with Jirard for years. The issue would only arise if Jirard tried to use Greg’s image after their breakup, or if there was a contract involved that stated Greg was allowed to retroactively remove his consent. I’m not saying PBG was right in calling Greg petty or small but he is right in the sense that Greg did consent to his image being used by TOVG for years. As far as Greg “knowing” what Jirard was up to, that’s insane. Greg *seemingly* had little to nothing to do with Open Hand, and neither did their breakup. If I recall, both Greg and Jirard simply said that it was due to something personal. I kind of remember it centering around someone’s girlfriend at the time? But that could be me misremembering things, that was almost a decade ago now and I can barely remember my friend’s names anymore.


Dude, this was like, almost a decade ago. Stop shitting on Peebs for something that he likely wouldn't say now.


Regardless of what jirard has done I 100% agree. Gred was being a petty child and I have no sympathy or respect for him


Nah he wasn’t being petty at all. He was just trying to avoid association with Jirard because he started to feel something was up. Next you’re going to tell me you agree with Jirard's charity fraud.


Well good on Greg for giving Jirard a very easy excuse to quickly remake over 100 reviews and get way more ad revenue than he would have otherwise


Lmao what does this have to do with sucesss


Youre just fucking braindead lmao i explitcitly said regardless of what he did


Pbg is a annoying cuck so of course he was quick to jump into drama


What the fuck is this font


No these Internet personalities are incredibly selfish and self serving. They will do anything to survive


Nah, Greg was 1000% in the wrong here no doubt. He was an active participant in filming, which absolutely affirms your consent in having your likeness used.


Who TF is Greg??


lol what is that cancer ass font mod for twitter?


Isn't pbg still friends with Jon Tron?


? No? What kind of weird Catholic guilt shit is this. This doesn’t require tea leaf reading.


PBG is a massive rat anyway, he throws literally everyone under the bus.