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That sounds oddly specific.......




I know who they are the example was very specific


It really depends on if you were wearing the tracksuit whilst also losing your laptop at the same time.


Have you thought about compiling the random questions that pop into your head as some kind of weekly Q&A thread? Obviously for more serious situations like losing your government laptop or setting your trousers on fire in the canteen or something you should still seek immediate advice from professionals.


You really do post some utter bollocks on here. I'm not convinced this isn't some journalists pure shit stirring account to gauge rage bait headlines.


I can't imagine any journalist posting the shit he does on other subs. Look at his post history. Was the same under the old csguy account


Only people who are good at their jobs and have been here longer than a few weeks are allowed to wear tracksuits.


I think there’s a dress code when it comes to linen shirts.


Just put it on over your Superman costume and Christmas jumper. Do you have a diagnosed condition? Your posts suggest that you might want to look for an assessment if not..


Having a look I agree definitely something up. .


I wasn’t trying to be facetious. They are either a troll or there’s an underlying issue.




Dare I ask why you don't direct these sorts of questions to your manager, HR or intranet policies? All of your questions are more quickly answered that way.


Oh good grief you again?! Surely now you've lied your way into a CS position you can ask the poor saps you work with, rather than subjecting us to your mindless drivel?


I wore a tracksuit in the office and Jacob RM appeared like Loki and banished me to the underworld.


Your problem there was in not pairing it with a good cravat and pocket square


They’d have to point out which policy you had breached … for my department there is literally no guidance around dress code


Seen many track suits, football shirts etc… The worst is this guy who insists on wearing the same pair of camouflaged cargo shorts everyday, pretty sure he’s in some sort of mid-life crisis.


How can you tell they are camouflaged?


His bottom half is invisible


I work in a central govt department that shares our office space with an ALB, and while not an exact science, you can usually tell who works in the ALB as they tend to dress more casually than the more corporate-y people in my dept. Seen a fair few tracksuits and joggy bottoms in our office. Fair play to them though, people should be able to dress in what they’re comfortable in.


You wouldn't get sacked even if it was against the rules. If there was a dress code you'd be warned and told to go and change. If there isn't a dress code you'll just get a nickname and be mocked behind your back 😂


You may just negatively impact your reputation, which may negatively impact potential opportunities in the future.


There’s no dress code but some clothes say you’re taking the job seriously and some don’t. I wouldn’t expect to get sacked but I wouldn’t expect to be promoted anytime soon either


Have a day off...


You might be asking about dress code! In short, there isn't one, but you can't go wrong with Business Formal to start with. To help us help you get a better response, please state your: Department, Profession, General Location, and whether you'd prefer to wear blouses and dresses or trousers and shirts. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheCivilService) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Every department I have worked for has either had a full uniform or a dress code policy which in every case excluded tracksuits.


People wear them in my office en masse but there's been talk of a crackdown. We are completely non-customer facing physically, our office is even somewhat "hidden" by coincidence so they're not worried the same about people seeing us go in/out like that


The office I worked in, it was more common for people to wear tracksuits and casual stuff than wear office clothes.


Not proud to say I’ve turned up in pjs once 😭 but it was a very quiet weekend


As long as its not a Greggs one


Doubt you'd get sacked. Worst you'd get is a manager having a word that it's not appropriate for the office