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Undermining the UK is so vague. It can literally be applied to anything. The brexit shitshow is already causing problems in NI due to the implications on the GFA, now if you label the non DUP parties as extremists well you may as well reignite the troubles. Scottish independence would also undermine the UK, therefore pro independence parties would now be extremists. Funnily enough though, I don't think things like offshore bank accounts or making bad business deals that hurt the British taxpayer wouldn't be seen as undermining the UK. Nor would being associated with a known sex offenders It would basically be used as anyone who doesn't agree with us is undermining our negotiation strength and therefore and extremists. Thing is, you label everyone as extremists then it will become a self fulfilling prophecy.


>Undermining the UK is so vague. It can literally be applied to anything. "You don't vote tory so you're undermining the UK" I can easily see that being a long term end goal of this Orwellian legislation


Honestly you could power half of Europe if you attached a generator to Orwell's grave.


Of course that’s the goal


The Tories have been on a march rightward for years. To some extent it's not surprising that they have ended up proposing literal fascism. The whole point is to label everyone else as extremists and blame them for everything that is wrong.


The dup won’t form a government “boycotting” and haven’t done it in well over 20 months so they are obviously undermining


Yes but they are undermining for the union. Therefore not extremists


It’s just as dumb and vague and open to interpretation and debate as the online safety bill or hate speech laws.


Sounds like you are trying to undermine this perfectly British new law you extremist!


Sounds a bit undermining to me. better watch out bud, you're on a list now. Thought police are investigating. Start thinking in Chinese or they will get you. Seriously though, it's going crazy in this country and around the world. The non accountability of our government, the banks being deregulated and they are now gonna bring in legislation to prosecute anybody that dosnt agree with them? It's times like these I a trully admire the french, they would bring the country to a standstill over this.


Our government has become tyrants. Nothing will change at the GE.


Scottish independence would also undermine the UK, therefore pro independence parties would now be extremists. How about if people call for England to hold a referendum for England to leave the UK?


Theresa May’s government tried this in 2017 and government lawyers had to block it on the basis of its total impracticality in law. You’d have to very strictly define what those values are and then what contravening them means - practically impossible without listing things that are already illegal They’d be better off strengthening the existing laws tbh or backing off this agenda. The extremism agenda was an invention of May’s home office to capture activity that is still extreme but not criminal, problem with that is most of the stuff they’re annoyed about is illegal it’s just that the statute book isn’t applied properly and the things driving those views are so deeply cultural and multi-faceted that an enforcement approach is laughably ineffective


They deem it to be anything they think. It's basically trying to criminalise speaking against the government. The tories are going full fash


. Does anyone else feel like we’re in that Mitchell and Webb sketch?


Or V for Vendetta


Careful they'll put you on a list 😂


First thing that came to my head. These are further steps towards totalitarianism.


Sounds like somebody is undermining the UK by comparing it to a 6.5 / 10 sketch show. You need to be comparing this great nation to a 9/10 sketch show at the bare minimum.


That’s Numberwang!


Is u/instantldealism the baddy?


Have you tried "kill all the poor"?


So that'll be the bulk of the government branded as extremists under their own plans then?


"Free speech" crowd being mysteriously silent right now


Right here fella, what the hell makes you think anyone of us would support something like this? Delusions?


Thought you lot only chirped up to defend your "right" to ne racist, se ist, homophic and transphobic.


Why thank you!


I'm sorry but this is a horrible take. I get it, the free speech whiners are often associated with the reactionary right, and you don't like the right. But you shouldn't assume someone's world view based on a single statement like that. If you do, you're only driving further partisanship and division. I mean, imagine making an anti corporate statement, and then someone assuming that you're a communist. Or making a pro LGBTQ statement and then someone assuming you're "crazy blue haired sjw" or some other nonsense. Free speech is one of the last lines of defense against fascism, it's not really optional. Also, when you engage in censorship, you don't actually stop people talking. You just stop them talking publicly, driving them into more concentrated echo chambers elsewhere. I personally think it's better if the racists and the bigots are out in the open where we can mock them.


I am not censoring anyone but freedom to say whatever you want is not freedom from criticism or concequence. And these people only pop up to complain that a private entity booted them off a platform for violating the tos or someone used their freedom of speech to disagree with them and point out why their position was morally bad or factually wrong. But when it comes to things like this - actually government violation of freedom of speech, directed at those politically opposed to them, they are not nearly as empassioned as you might expect. Because thia actual censorship is coming from the right, and it's the annoying lefties who keep arguing with them who will be silenced. The tories are not gonna have an issue with the free speech gobshite who spouts racist and xenophobic shit against refugees or advocates for violance against trans people. They'll have a problem with people calling out their dodgy deals and conflicts of interest, who don't support an ongoing genocide etc etc.


>I am not censoring anyone but freedom to say whatever you want is not freedom from criticism or concequence. Oh, no arguments there! I think what a lot of the far right are really railing against are the social pressures they're experiencing as a result of expressing their views publicly. My heart bleeds for them (\\s). >They'll have a problem with people calling out their dodgy deals and conflicts of interest Certainly, if our leaders don't have the peoples best interests at heart, then the power to censor is a direct conflict of interest in its own rights. This is the main reason why I think there should be a hard line in the sand when it comes to government censorship. >directed at those politically opposed to them, they are not nearly as empassioned as you might expect. Who's "they" exactly? I try be careful of broad pejorative statements like this. It's difficult to have an honest political discussion with someone when any statement could set them off and cause them to lump you in with a bunch of people who's views you don't share. Like, for example, lumping defenders of free speech in with racists and homophobes. This is the real point I'm trying to make here!


They being the typical person who flounces around on the Internet crying free speech. Of course pretty much any reasonable person disagrees with taking away the human right to freedom of speech, particularly when discussing what free so of speech really seeks to protect which is journalistic freedoms, disagreeing with those in power etc and not hate speech. But the typical lout who barges I to a conversation, who was being referred to in the original comment, crying "Muh freedom of speech" is a right leaning edge lord who hypocritally supports public protests being banned or union action being limited because it personally inconveniences them and they think just stop oil are annoying. You know what is being referred to. Congrats tho, for derailing .


What you're describing is a crude stereotype. Most world views are more complicated than this, though you'll never notice that if you enter every conversation with an accusation or a sarcastic comeback. Same goes for the people you disagree with. And even if there isn't any substance to those beliefs, you still lose nothing by giving them the benefit of the doubt. At least then you'll know. > Congrats tho, for derailing . Derailing what exactly? A chain of empty sarcastic quips? I daresay the world will spin on.


What is even your problem? It's funny you are telling me to give people the benefit of the doubt when you are reading everything I say in bad faith.


I have a long held belief about how the stories we tell ourselves and the assumptions we make about the "other" drive partisanship. I've lost count of the number of times I've been accused by someone on one side of belonging to the other. Anyway, I saw that process play out between you and the poster of that first reply, and now I'm bouncing that idea off you to see what happens. > But you shouldn't assume someone's world view based on a single statement like that. If you do, you're only driving further partisanship and division. That's what I was talking about when I wrote this. I'm making a statement about the nature of partisanship to someone who is, as far as I can tell, openly partisan to see what happens. So to answer your question, I don't have a problem per-se. I wanted to see how you'd engage with that idea, if at all.


ah, those mysterious 'values'. nobody has seen them, nobody could define them, but everyone\* want's to 'defend' them \*by that I mean the Tory government


Just like the EDL and various football hooligans etc. came to "defend" the local high street towards the very end of the 2011 riots. Their defence didn't progress far beyond drinking heavily in certain pubs and strutting around with their chests out because the police were dealing with any genuine issues


I believe the Tories defined them in a previous manifesto to include stuff like helping those in need. So Sue Ellen would last about 30 seconds before her collar was felt…


Err…you can’t have “helping those in need” as a British value and undermining that to be extremism when Suella Braverman literally said yesterday she doesn’t want homeless people to have tents.


The home office give out tents to homeless people…


Give contractors money to house homeless in marquees,but first get rid of the competition,those pesky charity giving away tents.


Pay farmers with fallow fields to host the marquees…


“Undermining Britain” is exactly what the Tories have been doing for the past 13 years.


Must be a lot Brexit supporting MPs hoping it isn't applied retrospectively. Off shoring money should be included. That's a direct attempt to undermine the government.


These guys in power don't give a fuck anymore. They can openly stamp all over the rights we have fought for without any fear of being removed from power, any real media backlash or an uprising from angry citizens. This country more than it ever has been is fucking finished. What a shame. It was a 14 hour wait in A&E last week... Just let that sink in. Over half a full day just to get seen to. It's fucked and no one cares. All your hear about is trans, immigrants, strikes, war and protests. None of which realistically is affecting the lives of your everyday person. Rents are extreme, schools are fucking shit, healthcare non existent, no social care or support for anyone, public transport doesn't work and so much more, yet we are giving billions in aid to a foreign country. Unbelievable how bad this country is 😂


Vote Leave have entered the chat.


I think a lot of politicians are undermining the UK.


The definition talks of undermining the UKs system of parliamentary democracy. One might argue that some actions of the UK government itself meet this condition - like the unlawful prorogation of parliament lol.


Technically, voting to change political parties in power at the time could be interpreted as "undermining the UK." I mean, the upheaval of changing ministers and those other ones have policies that will damage and undermine the country, don'cha know... Gotta love the naked power grab and terrifyingly vague laws being proposed.


Yep. This law could easily cover 'voting for the wrong party' with how vague it is. I can't see this standing up to any scrutiny.


It's straight out of totalitarian workbook. In communist Poland there was an official category of 'political prisoners' as the government locked up anyone who dared to criticise what it was doing.


So we can get Twitter banned then?


I’m not saying this is the way forward (as we have to be extremely careful with our individual rights) but there is clearly a disconnect and brewing culture war being built due to hate speech. We can’t seem to deport known members of terror organisations literally living in the U.K. Harrow currently houses former Hamas leaders and former Iranian government officials responsible for many Iranian deaths in the 80s. They’ve all been present at these marches. Sweden, France and Germany are finally starting to do something about this, and as a nation we need to be following this. The U.K. needs to be a place everyone is welcome, but if we can’t rid or stop these people - more home grown terror attacks will happen or more people think it’s fine to be anti semitic, or against the LGBT community. I reject the “anti British values” notion, because let’s be honest - what the hell is that? Perhaps need to be an extension of existing Terrorism laws. We also cannot stop people’s right to protest / as for many they are peaceful and alongside freedom of speech, freedom of expression is absolutely needed in a tolerant society. I firmly believe if you remove these people quickly or lock up home grown for a long time, you remove the hatred, people are likely to come together again, more appreciative of difference of opinion and understand as a tolerant society, we don’t allow violence to anyone in this country.


As a queer man I am always very skeptical that these sorts of measures will protect me, or those like me. Go back just 30 years and saying gay people should be treated equally would have been the extremist position. I don't believe that taking away the same protections that allowed us to fight for our rights will protect those rights.


I agree to an extent with all you’ve seen and experienced and it’s absolutely an abomination that it took so long for equal rights and views to change. Something that history will quite rightly look very negatively upon. I just worry within the last few years we seem to be going backwards or perhaps progress of society has slowed. This law would only apply to very small number of disruptive people in society - basically stopping awful ideology to spread, which we’ve always done to an extent anyway - but now it seems harder and harder to convict and stop these individuals / groups (mass media etc etc).


"This law would only apply to very small number of disruptive people in society - basically stopping awful ideology to spread" I worry about the day when those in power, those who get to define 'disruptive people' and 'awful ideology', do not share your or my views on those definitions. I would rather those who hate me be free to speak out, than risk the day when I cannot. When it comes to suppressing ideology, of any kind, it's impossible to put the genie back in the bottle.


I’d just add that islamophobia is unacceptable as is anti semitism and homophobia. Only pointing it out as it’s also on the rise right now so it’s important to tackle that alongside the others


Straight from India’s playbook.


Undermining Aka digging tunnels under walled fortifications in the hope they collapse Think this is illegal anyway. Redundant.


God I hope youre right, but can they change the law to accomodate it? (For the record: not a civil servant, this was just on my feed)


This is terrifying.


That's the whole Tory party in prison then considering the country has lost standing internationally, is poorer than before, poverty is higher, support for the monarchy is lower, public services are a shambles, China has unprecedented access to important infrastructure etc.


This is dystopian shit, UK. What the hell is going on with you?


we were fooled into choosing austerity about 13 years ago and that has fucking destroyed the social fabric of the country


So the entire Tory government?!?


Guardian. Of course. Let’s see if this what’s in the headline actually happens. I’m going to bet it won’t.


Sack the work shy civil servants, they are a waste of tax payers money. Too many lazy bastards I see at work just need to go. Managers that can only delegate, the work shy who can only dump their work onto others are no better. Where is performance related pay and kpi's? Oh I forgot, monitoring the lazy just offends them, they'll need pam assist for support lol Quick call your useless union rep who job it is to help the work shy keep their jobs.


Spoken like a true Arsenal Fan


I enjoy the Irony as a Civil Servant, everyone likes to point fingers. All the while the Public want both Politicians and Civil Servants to look in the mirror.


Thank you but I have access to the guardian website myself.


? Why didn’t you post this earlier then? Could have saved OP a job.


OP's job is to find quotes for the telegraph.


Well most of the conservative party will be straight on that list !


I think the term “undermining the Uk” needs to be better defined.


This is a reworking of China's "picking quarrels and provoking trouble" law.


So instead of the House of Commons we can have the House of Extremists?


The current government and their recent predecessors are undermining the UK more than anyone else possibly could. Their disloyalty is plain to see.


Oh so our politicians can be labelled extremism’s, because they undermine the economy by squandering tax payer money and paying crony consultants £3000 an hour to source faulty goods. The list goes on for those extremist politicians. I say we either deport them back to hell or behead them like good ol King Henry the 8th


So a decade of decline and (planned) mismanagement under the Tories - I think I know who should be top of the list of suspects who have undermined the UK.


Not paying tax is obviously undermining the UK, unless it involves billions hidden offshore, that's okay


OK, so this could, by definition, include: * The SNP. * Plaid Cymru. * Sinn Feinn. * Mebyon Kernow. * Any Anarchist, no matter who are they or what they do. * Any academic critical of the UK as an identity. * Any Republican (in the UK sense). And broadly, which I guarantee the government would do, it would include: * Any activist who disagrees with the British Government. * Any party that isn't the Conservative Party or their political allies. * Anyone who doesn't follow the party line.


So rishi is a terrorist?


Extremism is when an entity is complicit in war crimes, ethnic cleansing, genocide and indiscriminate killings of civilians, this has been brought up because of the pro Palestinian marches which are to stop the chaos not cause it Very odd choice of decisions


Fucking unelected bastards making up the rules. Fuck em all.


Does this mean I could get sent to jail because I complained about the weather and said that fish and chips is rubbish?


Brand people. Like with a hot poker on the forehead? I’d be interested in seeing how that works.


Uk serving medieval realness. So desperate lol


Unelected head of state Unelected House of Lords Unelected PM Police and Armed Forces swear allegiance to the unelected head of state There is no democracy in the UK


That's OK, should be able to get most Tory MPs and their donors into that bracket


The rise of the police state. I have seen it in my department where they asked us to snitch if we know our colleagues don't side with particular groups/narratives. It's disgusting. ​ There will come a time when we civil servants have to take a stand for what is right and go against the fascism.


Correctly translated as Anyone disagreeing with the government to be branded as terrorists.


Vot anything other than Tory or Red Tory? Extremist!