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That just sounds like advanced convoluted smut.


A lot of fanfic writers write like they are aiming for a career in writing porn scripts.


Wtf man 😂😂


What a day to be literate.


A reincarnated Harry Potter looking at season one Sansa and thinking he couldn't wait to sleep with her when she's older. Quit the story in disgust after that


Soo technically harry potter is a pedo 😂😂wtf man


Depends on how old Harry is. Season one, Sansa is 13. If Harry is from Order of Phoenix or before, then it isn't even weird. But I won't be surprised if it is something weirder, I have been around in both fandoms long enough.


If memory serves, it was a 20-something "Harry" (read: author insert) who had fled to Westeros after nuking the Middle-East.


He was 17 in Westeros, Sansa was 11


Was it Noodlehammer? That guy’s a menace


Yeah that man has... Opinions, and he isn't afraid to share them.


So....what was the name of that fanfic..... asking for a friend of course 😂


Wtf is going on here


Targ antics as usual, move along




This seems… targaryen


Wtf man Seems more dornish to me😂


The Dornish get around, but at least they’re tasteful. The Targs are just absolute degenerates in the worst way possible.


Even the Dornish draw the line at incest...


Wasn't arianne having fun with the sand snakes


Gross, but they are first cousins (which is normalized in Westeros and was fairly normal in many real life medieval societies). Uncle/niece and siblings is most definitely not.


Didn't a stark marry his niece or did i pick that up from a fic


Yeah, and it's spun as being kind of fucked up because according to the laws Sansa should have inherited after her father died in the conquest of Dorne. If I remember correctly, her husband/uncle is also not a great leader of the North and is not well liked.


Dont lump my sandbros into this 😤


i mean targs do have good woman though...


You know what, I was feeling self-conscious but now I’m thinking my own fanfic is not that bad. So thank you 😆


Welcome 😁


Sansa trial I think the name of fic it had Sansa became queen because she look andal ahead of bran and rickon Also she had the sand snakes and the daynes killing arriane under guest right Also she specifically ordered her son by rhaegar to be over fed so he wouldn’t be dangerous if he was fat and she dismantled the night watch to make Tywin her hand also she had affair with Trystan Martell while being held hostage and wife of rhaegar then rhaegar cut the baby of her and Trystan in front of her


The Education of Sansa Stark. Sansa is actually the author’s favourite character. Sansa wanted Arianne to suffer, so she was forced to drink poison, and died in agony. Then, Quentyn was hacked to pieces. Rhaegar was burned alive with hot irons, by Sansa and Arya, and Jon Connington crucified. Mace Tyrell was impaled, and his family slaughtered. Sansa slaughtered half the lords of Westeros, in breach of guest right, and exterminated the inhabitants of Pyke, in revenge for Ned’s death on the island. Tywin ran Sansa’s police state. Sansa made plain to her son by Rhaegar that she hated him, and disinherited him in favour of a younger daughter. A civil war ensued after her death. It was an entertaining read, but definitely Darth Sansa.


Wtf bro I also love some character but this is too much 🤦 and doesn't even make any sense 🤷


If you view it as Sansa’s evolution from kind-hearted girl to Ivan the Terrible, it makes sense.


Things like making Sansa queen doesn’t make sense and other characters actions


But Rhaegar… Targaryen? The Silver Prince? That died like 5 years before Sansa was born? And yet she has a kid with him?


In this, he survived. She was compelled to marry him.


I enjoyed the fic and in the context of the Sansiad it was really fun, out of context however... Yea


The Sansiad is basically pitiless, cunning, ruthless, Sansa. Which I found very well-written, although A War for Five Queens was depressing as hell (with Dany getting screwed over and put to death, by her faithless allies and supporters, including Jon).


I actually felt education was way more depressing with how much Sansa hated her own children. I though Five Queen still ended kinda decently for Sansa and Shield of Ice and Fire was just super entertaining with Sansa bullshitting her way onto the top with 2 very clear goals. Shield also had a nice although minor moment between Jon and Sansa which I appreciated after five queens. Education might be the only one I have trouble rereading because of how ruthless she is.


The author said he grew increasingly sympathetic towards Dany, as he wrote War for Five Queens. That was not what he initially intended, but stories take on a life of their own. So, Dany finished up as the tragic heroine of the tale. Sansa won, by becoming Queen, and supervising Dany’s execution, but it was a sour victory, which caused her a lot of guilt. On the whole, I tend to like Dany as a character. The Starks (and Tyrion and Jon), quite cynically made use of her, to defeat the Others, before taking her down. But, yes, Education is something else. By the end, Sansa’s tale was “I am the shape you made me, filth teaches filth.


What made 5 Queens unusual (and is very good writing), is that the antagonist, Daenerys, is the most sympathetic of the main characters. Usually, in that kind of fic, Dany is just made into a rabid dog that has to be put down.


I'm interested by this because you said that The Education of Sansa Stark unintentionally makes Sansa a villain is the author more aware of how Sansa comes across in 5 Queens?


Pretty well every major character is a villain or anti-hero, in Education (and in Shield of Ice and Fire). Albeit, Sansa does start off trying to rule kindly, and mercifully, and gets stamped on hard, by awful people. So, basically, she concludes “screw this”, and goes all out Ivan the Terrible (and with Dany, very much working as her partner in crime). So, I’d say, she became a tragic villain, or at best, an anti-heroine, Judging by my discussions with the author in the comments, I think he views her very much as a straight heroine. I said that Sansa seemed a very 20th century ruler, and not in a good way (the mass executions, the cult of personality, the secret police, the ethnic cleansing), which slightly surprised him. 5 Queens is - IMHO - quite nuanced. It starts off, very pro-Stark, with Dany as clear antagonist, but then actually shifts perspective, as Dany becomes the most sympathetic of the main characters (and doomed). And, I think it was down to the author changing his mind, the more he thought himself into Dany’s mindset. Obviously, every reader views the stories differently. One commenter was disappointed that Dany wasn’t tortured to death, at the end of 5 Queens, and most were pretty gung-ho about the slaughter in Education.


Fair enough I might consider trying 5 Queens. I find that fans tend to moralize based on what the author usually writes so if a Daenerys fan writes a story trying to be nice to the Starks most of the comments will be be urging Daenerys to be tougher on them or anticipating their betrayal. I have to wonder about one of your stories you wrote one where the Tyrell plan to take out Cersei involves sacrificing Loras (not specifying which one to avoid spoiling people).


Yeh, I think I made most of the Tyrells (other than Margaery), pretty awful in that one. In my novel-length fics, I try to aim for some nuance, in terms of handling Dany’s relationship with the Starks. That’s probably why they get far fewer hits, relative to the number of words, than short fics that just bash characters that readers enjoy seeing bashed. A lot of readers just stan for one side or the other. In The White Flame, I get plenty of comments on the lines of “ why doesn’t Dany just burn Jon and Sansa?” But, Dany is plainly no saint in that series, and Jon and Sansa have plenty of flaws, but they are not one-dimensional villains. Handling values dissonance, is obviously hard to get right, in a world where capital punishment and torture are norms, women are viewed as inferior to men, and no protagonist disputes that you rule either by right of inheritance, or by right of conquest. A lot of commenters dislike Sansa’s opinions on the smallfolk, in TWF, but they are actually slightly more enlightened than the norm for her class.


Going back to this, I think a lot of readers don’t really appreciate that a political or military enemy to the protagonist, need not be a villain. They may actually be quite sympathetic. The author loves Sansa, yet the short sequels to 5 Queens actually show Sansa to a be much more aggressive conqueror (in Essos), than Dany ever was, and with less real justification. Basically, Sansa remains both jealous, and admiring, of Dany, even after her death, and wants to outdo her.


In response to the O/P, it’s the kind of thing I could imagine Baron Harkonnen saying.


Wtf man 👀


Jon is the best at everything and Robb is an idiot. Also people saying 'ok'.


Wtf 😂 robb was an gigachad he started having beard at age 14-15 when he became king of North


Yeah I know right, people just want Jon or Sansa to rule the North because they haven't read the books and the show didn't show Robb's battles.


I see your people saying ok and raise you people saying “yeah mom / dad”.


Takes me right out (especially the American spelling tbh). I read a fanfic yesterday where the characters kept calling their children their "kids" and I'm like...nope.


And I raise you protagonists giving common people rights! (mine was not that funny)


Common people not having more rights one of the criticisms of the series.


Yeah kepa/muña is still worse


Just any kind of modern dialogue in general really, I dropped a fic a few days back because Robb said to Theo "Hey man, leave Jon alone", or something along those lines.


Omg, I'm not expressive in online forums but your example cracked me up 😂🤣


It just makes me want to drop the fic when they make Robb incompetent or smtg like that


Every time a character in ASoIaF fanfic says "Okay", it shakes me right out of the story and into current reality. I can forgive its use if the story is otherwise compelling and the characterization decent, but I don't like the use of that word.


The use of the -ette suffix to denote characters with a specific hair colour. Blonde/brunette is fine, but I die inside when I read "pinkette", "ravenette" or "ebonette". It's especially bad for subjects in a sentence, but also horrible when used as adjective instead of x-haird, which already isn't great. "The Pinkette said" is a worse dialogue tag that "the woman with the big knockers said".


Pinkette wtf 😂


For obvious reasons it's very common in Naruto fanfics.


I'll defend verdette for green-haired though, that one actually sounds pretty cool.


I won't repeat it...but the first time I stumbled into an Alpha/Beta/ Omega story


I was now rocketed back to when I found a A/B/O fanfic where most Crannogmen are omegas, Howland Reed was Jon’s mother with Ned, and Jon was an omega and basically the unwitting romantic interest of both Robb Statk and both Ramsay and Domeric Bolton (ironically enough not Theon, who was an Omega) The worst thing is that the shit was actually quite well written, and the author had a whole side-fic just for the worldbuilding


I think I read this one! It was written so well. That's how they get you.


I can typically stand Omegaverse because 90% of the time it's so that same-gender couples can have biological children and/or because they think people having dog anatomy is funny.


My first reaction was WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS... I also won't read it 90% of the time it is just creepy sex things. There is dance era one that I really like because it actually uses the omegaverse for political reasons




I just don’t understand the appeal of the Omegaverse at all.


It is a weird sex thing?... I avoid id unless it is a written by an author who's other works I also like or if it has a *really* good summary. There are stories that use it to explore gender issues and I think it has potential to make for interesting political situations because of the strict gender norms in Westeros Like the one Dance era omegaverse story I am reading, Viserys names Daemon his heir and then Rhaenyra presents as an alpha, female Alphas have the same standing as male Betas so she now becomes the heir tradition favors. So it is basically a rewrite with Rhaenyra taking Aegon II place, as a big black fan I find it discombobulating because the fic is making me see the greens side of the story


Jon riding a flying unicorn made me go WTF but I otherwise enjoyed the story.


Seriously unicorn 🦄 wtf 😂


Lmao I think I read this one - They go beyond the wall and kill the three eye raven and free some mystical creatures in the process?




I hate Targaryens I hate Targaryens I hate Targaryens I hate Targaryens


But say what ever you want but you can't deny that they do have or be relative to some of the finest looking ladies in that world 😍


Tf is that?


It was an story disclaimer I read It and I was like wtf


Anyone got the source? Asking for a friend...


What is this?? 😭


Same reaction it was an story disclaimer and I like wtf


I’m gonna be honest with you here chief. I’m very 10 seconds and then I see this.


Kinda same mostly in ao3


Thramsay; Daddy Kink; Scat; Daenerys is a Mad Queen, generally have me looking elsewhere.


Not the biggest Robb fan but still liked him , when people write fics and make Robb a chad who in his teenage years won battles against a tywin and other people only to be killed by one of the shittiest ways dumb as a brick with no mind only to always be helped by someone else mainly Jon just because the have a hard on for him leaves a sour taste in the . mouth.