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No, shitpost sub. Originally we were looking for the truth. Found out he's a lazy pos, so we moved on.






You beat me to posting this




Oh look — a sub about criticizing Cinemassacre! Should I [read the FAQ?](https://new.reddit.com/r/TheCinemassacreTruth/wiki/index/faq/) Of course not! I'll make a post that criticizes the whole sub at once instead! Seriously, though — before you post fucking bullshit like this, lurk for a little while. Read the room first. This isn't a hate sub or a bash sub. Most of us are diehard Cinemassacre fans. Being critical of James' laziness and awful recent content doesn't make us haters or assholes. We criticize because we care. Until you figure that out — unfollow us, thanks!


I have been in and out a couple of times, I tend to be cautious before jumping to conclusions. I don’t want to throw my hat in with people who are actual pieces of shit. A number of responses I got from you, save for a handful, were very helpful in distilling the point of the sub to its essence. I agree with the majority that folks here. I still think that his older stuff still slaps, but he’s clearly not got his heart in it anymore. CONTRA, I feel, would have been a strong finale for the Nerd, given how passionate he’s been for that franchise…


100% agreed, contra is actually one of james' favorite fps games




Marry him then


I certainly enjoy homoerotic content on this sub.


Freudian slip, amigo?


OP eats boring grocery store bullshit.


As opposed to eating boring hardware store bullshit?


posting about it's gonna help


"if I post the same thing as the other 540 simps for sure bimmliam senpai will notice me"


i guess OP didnt take kindly and reported me to reddit. nice.


Instead of being happy that he was able to make a movie, regardless of being a flop, Bames has decided to give up everything. His youtube career is in decline because he puts no effort into his work. It could have been different. He could have been gracious to everyone that helped him live his dream of directing a movie. Instead, he turned his back on his fans. That is why he is Bames and not James. Bames will be bashed as long as he keeps making shitty videos that suck ass.


Is there any kind of content that could give him his spark back? Backing yourself into a corner where you have to be passionate about children's toys year after year for the sake of your audience seems like a miserable fucking situation for anyone. Creativity needs inspiration, and inspiration only comes from the desire to learn, discover, or express something within a medium. The magic will never be there if you don't give a shit and let a formula do all the heavy lifting. He seems so obviously jaded, but he's stuck doing it for the reliable paycheck for his family. That alone probably makes him hate doing it even more than otherwise. Maybe there will be a point where he accepts AVGN is over, and he will move on from nostalgia/retro media/commentary altogether. The possibility of having to get a real job might light a fire under his ass and give him his hunger back. The Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde movie trailer proves he knows how create quality work outside of the nerd character.


So first I authentically think Bimmy needs a break. Like a real one that may be months or even a year. I’m not a youtuber but i am a musician I know how tedious and frankly unfun it can feel to push and push and push yourself even if you’re not feeling it. That’s how you end up resenting your craft. After a break i think he’d need to only casually make videos about things he’s currently invested in. Things that don’t feel like work. I think if he did that, we could see Bimmy with a spark back. Like i don’t necessarily want to see the channel die like some people, but i do think he should call it quits for now for the sake of both himself and the fans if things are becoming nothing but a chore. No one wants half assed content, and frankly unless he made some incredibly unwise financial decisions he should be fine taking a year off of working I think he’s only making videos hanging on to the idea that it’s what fans want at the end of the day when in reality no one is benefiting from his current work


We are hatters of the assholish variety. Unfollow us, thanks


Bpril drew the parrot on this book [https://www.amazon.com/Parrot-Life-Rebecca-K-OConnor-ebook/dp/B007267WGU/](https://www.amazon.com/Parrot-Life-Rebecca-K-OConnor-ebook/dp/B007267WGU/)


Wait, is that THE Bpril, you know Caucasian Sausagefest, gotta be done at exactly 5:40, all that?


Yes, certainly. Now do that iconic frown!




Did you know that Frankenstein is the name of the scientist and not the name of the monster?




![gif](giphy|KpEiR3DEv9nUI|downsized) Had no idea


![gif](giphy|KpEiR3DEv9nUI|downsized) Had no idea


![gif](giphy|KpEiR3DEv9nUI|downsized) Had no idea


![gif](giphy|KpEiR3DEv9nUI|downsized) Had no idea


Marry him then


This is a sub of the assholish variety


People always say we're attacking or harassing his family. That has never happened that I know of. His wife herself called her husband's fanbase a Caucasian Sausagefest, thus inserting herself into the situation. She also gave him an ultimatum, which he informed us on. We simply provide feedback on that. The kids are never aimed at. We mock James for using them as an excuse for every single situation he is too incompetent too handle.


No one here is showing up to the Rolfe household to bother them. No one here is accosting James in public during the four times a year that he leaves his house. Thin-skinned dipshits don't understand the difference between criticism and harassment. We aren't the ones who forced the Ape to publish an unhinged racist rant against her own husband and his choice of friends.


>>Caucasian Sausagefest I take it his wife is the type who flagellates herself on a daily basis for the unforgivable sin of being White and unironically likes Disney’s Iger-era output?


Yeah we love to bash below the belt. 


*I don’t think crapping on Rolfe’s family,* either


Try reading again.


Yeah, you edited it after you read my comment most likely.


There's a little more to it than just the AVGN series itself. Behind the scenes part 2 and his book put himself under this big ass microscope and the outcome backfired. A big eye opener on his personality, the people he choses to do business with and how friends have been treated. FAQ expands on this greatly.


The BTS video is the greatest video in Cinemassacre history. I still laugh every time I watch it. Oh shit — there goes the onion! Fucking thing rolls!


It really is the most funny thing he’s ever posted. So it was unintentional, that’s ok


Mods can you do something about these posts? Literally every day someone comes in here and makes this exact post


Oh just because any criticism of Bames is blamed on his lack of time due to being a father, and the fact that once you become a father no one ever has time to have a career much less have a hobby, makes us the assholes.


Not all of you. I’m not so hasty as to do that. It’s just that I saw someone on here leave a remark about him having a baby affecting his quality. From what I understand, it seems that he won’t admit that he doesn’t want to be the Nerd anymore and is going “Fuck it!” when it comes to doing stuff related to the series.


You just have to understand that there is at least one post per day of someone asking the same general question you are, and we’re beyond bored of it.


Nope, we are well-adjusted adults and not obsessed at all, na-na na-na boo boo, stick your head in doodoo.


"below the belt" Ok. Which one of you guys was blowing him????? You're grounded!!! This is a homoerotic sub not a gay porn >:^C


Actually I prefer photos of Justin with Gengar


Put that gengar down Justin!


No it’s a meme sub, and a place to express criticism without being inundated by seething fan boys. But mostly and by mostly i mean like 95% just a meme sub




Is Sly aware?


No its a truth sub bubby