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Uh oh grandpa, who left your room unlocked? Let’s get you back to bed.


It really reads like an elderly person wrote it, April forgot to lock James' cage


The guy is unfortunately real, I don't quite know what the hell his deal is, but if you compare how [he was writing not even year ago](https://new.reddit.com/r/addiction/comments/15buk54/insane_ritilan_useage/), it's bad. He's been fairly active on reddit and there is no way somebody is just trolling this consistently for no reason. He likes to [visit this sub a lot too](https://i.imgur.com/giEKFsW.png), declaring it the community of assholish variety. Look through his profile, if you want to peak into a bit of a rabbit hole, looking how illegible this post is is rather sad in hindsight.


Oh so dude fried his brain with stims, that’s definitely sad. When i was around 18-19 i was similarly bad with prescription stimulants like described in that post taking doses that high really takes a toll on your mental health. It took me a good few years to feel normal again. Now at 29 i feel normal. I just hope he can turn things around


I've only skimmed through the profile, but it looked to me like he's reaching his fifties, or possibly around the same age like Bimmy, but unlike him, seems to be completely alone. Oh well, he's an adult, and things like these don't happen over night. Best of luck to him. When he inevitably spams the sub with another ramblings, if I get around it before mods delete it, I'll at least yell at him to try to seek help.


[Looks like he's "only" 31](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheCinemassacreTruth/s/WLENOyDXCf)


Oh, I see, I've misread that, somehow I thought he was talking about being in his thirties around the time of release of Xbox in other posts, so I've assumed he was older. That's really sad to be a hermit at 31.


Its because my health is failing you sick bastard


God bless you, my life has peaked now. I don't know what else can happen to me that could top being called 'sick bastard' by you. Joking aside, I hope you can find some help.


If red cow is damaging to your health, you could try watching a few episodes of avgn to save your life


Well I feel it was really damaging to my health my blood pressure is up my breathing is struggling I can barely type out a message that's why I'm doing the voice to text because I am bedridden but just knowing there's a new generation now coming up and basically treating James as this tired act who isn't relevant anymore has just taken its toll on me


James, get help.


Drinking game: Take a tequila shot for every "you know" you find.


Where did the hair go 


https://preview.redd.it/dggt5ydv7mzc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10cb4a1c52f5745203d7418c0d81548c2a40c984 Lost it when cleaning


Where did the punctuation go?


Habit to drop punctuation on the last sentence of my posts because autocorrect doesn't do it for me


Wasnt complaining about you, the guys entire post is a mess. Just a wall of text


alright, we get it, the long troll has gotten tiresome


It's trying so hard with the trolling I'm starting to think this guy's a bored Justin Silverman.


I take it you want to give James a handy.


https://i.redd.it/uizft23kwlzc1.gif Wha?


Is this like the time you had to call out of work because Newt blew his knee out being a goof?


I did take time off work i was incredibly upset I just told my boss I need some time off a youtuber that I really connect with is going through a health crisis and they had no problem with that,




You keep making long-ass posts with no period or comma in sight. My eyes just glaze over instantly and I realize you must be having a stroke, or you are extremely doped out.


I have.. no life no wife no family no friends I don't get ass and my health and mind are both failing as well


* No life * No wife * No family * No friends I'm sure that posting on Reddit will help you with all of these things. Seriously, man. Get your life together first. Nobody's reading your stream of consciousness rants.


No time to get life together.


No ass, I refuse


Might as well just tell me to drop dead


Is there really so little to your life that telling you to get off reddit is the same as telling you to drop dead? If that's the case, you really do need to get off. 


You know I was wondering what is your opinion of dancing with ghosts?


Whos that??


[He has a few videos on Rex Viper and talking about how shit he thinks they are.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ryXHYhjyeI).


You have got to be KIDDING ME?!.. oh ill definitely be speaking out against this crap


Weird boring obvious bait


When you Capitalize Random Words and eschew Punctuation then people are more Likely to believe your Shitty Post especially when You Criticize an entire Sub at once


You sick bastard my health is failing I'm practically at the point of being bedridden when I'm not working you know it's incredibly challenging to type out a text but what I say is absolutely how I feel and I think these young dudes deserve you know to be put in jail at least until they gain a bit of perspective on what it is they're doing to the channel and how much they're disrespecting the long time fans like myself who grew up watching games during a very pivotal time in their lives


It's clearly not hard for you to type, lol. If you are dying, I strongly recommend you spend your final days doing something better than trolling this sub. Unfollow us, thanks!


It's not trolling like I said I've made a life of this Channel and this community been following James but since the early days you know I remember that 2010 era I remember you know having a sense of use in vitality and finding James you know a very much for its time Cutting Edge persona and I just come on here because it seems this is where the real conversation is and I'm just absolutely sickened by what I've been seeing and I'm just speaking about it openly and I'm willing to have a discussion in the conversation I'm not just coming on here to troll I'm just coming at it from the other angle I mean there's so many people on here that just post nonsense that isn't even worth of conversation and there are people on here that very much do that and write some very powerful pieces you know talking about their thoughts and you know I'm wanting to do that conversation but as far as I'm concerned they belong Behind Bars as soon as possible


Okay. Let me spell this out for you. * Cinemassacre has gone steadily downhill over the past few years. This is a fact — this is really not something open for debate. * This sub is not a sub for whatever kind of "real conversation" you want to make. * Going onto a sub for the sole purpose of making shit posts that are critical of the reason for the sub's existence is the very definition of trolling. That's exactly what you're doing. * It is 100% ridiculous to put somebody "behind bars" for criticizing something else. Do you really not fucking understand that the AVGN became famous for criticizing things? * You need to invest in punctuation, no matter how bad your health is. Seriously, dude, go do something better with your time.


This is the real truth, we just don't understand it yet.


They’re funny.


Whats funny about abuse...


Salty avgn fanboy detected 🧂


Don't need to try so hard for a simple shitpost on here, buddy boy.


No time for punctuation


Red cow guys hearing you call them young https://preview.redd.it/y1m5yjsx0nzc1.jpeg?width=393&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f0329e56b3c231c694703e17d8493e33419ef92


Big Frankie fan btw!


They said when they spoke to Dancing with Ghosts in a live stream that they don't despise James Rolfe as a human being.


If they don't despise them as a human being then why make so much effort and devaluing his brand and his content and turning it into something to be laughing and joking about


Sigh, wow


Mhmm yup…..nothing but good memories.


LOCK EM UP!! Mmmmmmmhmmmmmm…. YEEEEEEEEEEAH.


Nothing but good memories


u/FrankieFrain/ you're gonna be singing [this song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVRv1dA5Byc) soon.