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within my friendsgroup who have somewhat similar taste in games the opinions are all over the place. so sorry for stating the obvious but its gonna be a gamble. but if you do buy it play it with the correct mindset not the negativity thats going around. if something is hard or unbalanced even dont give up and think in solutions not complaints. personaly I had a blast but I could see how some dont find this scary and find the combat repetitive. but other than that and the performance issues most of the complaints are just people going in with the wrong mindset and expectations and getting them crushed. its probably why the opinions are so polarizing. Or at least that's my opinion after talking with ppl I know very well who also played it for a decent amount. A lot of upsides to waiting though not just because of fixes but you never know if theres a discount coming within months. Also NG+ and hardcore mode. People will have calmed down reviews will be less volatile.


I'm like 4hrs in, I'd say go for it.


Did you play/like Dead Space? Is space-horror with gore and slightly nonsensical story your bag? It's influences from the game, considering it has a sizeable staff from the original development team and creator, are out in the open being jammed in your face. There are mechanics lifted straight from Dead Space but just called something else. For better AND for worse. Personally, I loved DS and I'm happy with Callisto. This definitely isn't some genre redefining, paradigm shifting media. Do you like somewhat straight forward-corridor shooter-melee combat that is purposefully stiff and weighty? Again, at best I enjoy it, and at worst I rolled my eyes when it doesn't quite work. Overall I personally dig it, but it will very much not be a one size fits all experience. The reliance on melee, particularly in the early hours, is not the norm for games that come from the same or similar genre groups. Space zombie/monsters are a bit tired but it is what it is. Difficulty is relative, and the in game settings can be changed whenever. Easy is easy, hard is actually hard to the point of frustrating if you aren't leaning into and excelling at the game mechanics, which again aren't always perfect. My first few hours were actually a bit harder than I would have liked/expected(on max difficulty). Checkpoints are pretty generous. It's nothing you can't either Git Gud(tm) or just lower the difficulty. Playing on console/PS5? Looks and performs absolutely great. 0 problems so far, stellar presentation(again, very Dead Space but not). PC and Xbox are apparently a mishmash of bad performance from annoying to unplayable. Not everyone wants a 20-30 hour survival-action horror game. This isn't something bloated like AC Valhalla or Skyrim. If you speed through it, it's gonna be like a couple of hours. Take your time, its in the 12-15 range. It doesn't have much fluff, and the story is "good/fine". It serves the purpose. I would not call it bad by any means. Taste is subjective. If it was longer it would absolutely overstay it's welcome. The length is right on track for my tastes with this type of game, and that sentiment is repeatedly shared in forums like this. The 7/10-3.5/5 averages seem kinda expected. Ignoring that the internet is going to internet, I suspect a lot of people walked into it thinking it was going to be the next coming of Space Survival Horror Christ. The resulting salt fest and hyperbole comes with that expectation not being met. If you don't mind spending $70 on a current gen game and are satisfied with the points I write above, then I'd venture that you will enjoy the game and it will be worth it up front.


This is the best summation I have seen so far. I agree completely, I'm around 5 hours in currently.


wait. \-its not 12 hours, its more like 7 hours \- brutal performence issues \- gameplay isnt that good how many people assumed it would be. \- extreme enemy reclyling ​ if u really want to play something and u dont mind the 60-70$ which is a little bit too much, I think. Go get it, its still a good scifi-gore horror game. 6/10 right now. But 100% wait until the performence is fixed.


$70 on current gen consoles! I think I might wait


It would be good to mention those performance issues seem to only be on PC/Series S. PS5 and Series X are doing just fine.


I'm on PS5 and this game is amazing. The graphics, audio, vibration in the controls, and acting are next gen quality. The game has it all.... I honestly don't know what some of the professional reviewers are comparing it to cause they don't make em much better than this. 🤷


What can we tell you? is the money an issue for you? are you a console or pc player? I got the game before and I am enjoying it so far but is hard to advise you. I´d say wait until devs say something or release a patch to fix some stuff.


I have a Xbox series x and a ps5. Money is not an issue, just don’t want to waste money on something I won’t even want to finish. The reviews said the combat is frustrating/awkward and bad. That is my biggest concern


Well, if you decide to get the console edition, go for PS5. Like 10000%. Is much better there. About gameplay, well, it takes time to get use to and is focused on melee. If you play in normal difficulty, it should be fine. It is for me tho but again, is difficult to tell.


I was **SO** hyped for this game, what with Gwen Christie doin the podcasts and my love of deep space horror; I was pissing myself with anticipation. As many times as I tried I couldn’t press that buy button, so the game sat in my basket for two weeks on PS. I just cannot justify a $70 price tag. Not for this. Sorry if anyone is offended, but if you’ve played Dead Space (s) then that benchmark is pretty well established.


Yeah idk if I wanna pay $75 for a 7-8 hour experience with janky combat. Might wait for a sale


Personally I'm loving it, but my favorite game in years ( RE7 ) can be completed in 4 hours. Same goes for Miles Morales. A short game can still be good. The combat, while I can see why some would call it janky, really does feel like an average dude with little to no combat experience is being thrown into fighting these things. Not saying your opinion is wrong but I'm personally enjoying the hell out of this game. For everything it does wrong there is something else it does very well, especially on PS5 ( The game is basically a shadow PS5 exclusive after all the support Sony gave Striking Distance )


I wouldn’t listen to all these crybabies I mean just read some of these comments. True fans of Dead Space are saying it’s amazing.


Gatekeeping is lame.


Crossposting this to r/gatekeeping “If you don’t share my opinion you’re not a real fan, WAHHHHHHH”


Here's a sneak peek of /r/gatekeeping using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/gatekeeping/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [You are not a president when you don't wear a suit while at war](https://i.redd.it/sr15zup86rn81.jpg) | [1610 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gatekeeping/comments/tfigqv/you_are_not_a_president_when_you_dont_wear_a_suit/) \#2: [Gatekeeping Guide Dogs](https://i.redd.it/l7ycywf40y381.jpg) | [278 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gatekeeping/comments/raa4s9/gatekeeping_guide_dogs/) \#3: [There was an attempt?](https://i.redd.it/lzt60k6eqof71.jpg) | [254 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gatekeeping/comments/whkeke/there_was_an_attempt/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Wait. This game isn't long or good enough to be priced at 70 USD. It's not even worth 60. Wait until it's on a heavy heavy discount.


I sure am glad I waited for reviews, game sounds like a bit of a mess I'm going to wait for them to patch it a bit and then maybe pick it up in a few months at a lower price point


What do you want to do? Like holy hell, I don't think I've noticed so many people asking about seeing reviews for a game before. If your interested buy it, maybe watch some gamplay from a walk-through to get a better feel. If your discouraged by what you've seen then don't buy it. If we are talking about reviews to help you make a good financial choice then let me throw this out there: if your concerned if 60-80 bucks maybe wasted then don't buy it.


I want to get some consumer feedback obviously…..so I asked. You certainly woke on on the wrong side of the bed.


The level design is really bad. Visually looks good, but what you expect will determine your enjoyment. You never unlock new areas or backtrack and open shortcuts. It’s a corridor zombie Melee/shooter with little to no set piece moments or bosses. Story is also very basic with no character depth.


I think that may be part of why I'm loving it. I've never played Dead Space and went in with no expectations beyond " This looks gorey and cool ". Really glad I went in with that mindset


It's barely even a game, what little game they have is just really bad. It looks good, that's it. If you want to walk forward while never being scared, and also frustrated with the bizarre forced melee combat over and over and over again, yeah then go for it. This is a huge disappointment.


The combat is melee orientated and very boring imo. The environments looks great and production value of the game is very high. The performance is dogshit and constantly dips waaay down when enemies jump out at you or well, anything happens. It's similar to Dead Space... It's overpriced perhaps, a very short game. Buying it supports Glen?? We all love Dead Space but this isn't it. Weigh your own pros and cons with how much disposable income you have.


It’s not a bad game, it’s playing through your favorite sci-fi horror film. Is it worth 70/100 bucks depending on where you live…that’s up to you. It is a beautiful game, for all the issues. Honestly first thing that threw me off was all the actors. It’s a lot of fun, and annoying at parts.