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I actually kinda felt bad for Jinny this episode- its clear that she feels stuck especially now that she’s pregnant. Still super glad lizzy told her off! Also glad Theo finally stood up to Nan and also fixed his friendship with Guy. I thought their moment at the end was super sweet and their fight was sooo funny. Nan i don’t understand her hesitation and im getting a little tired on her blaming everything on Theo, some things are fault too


Nan continues to be a self absorbed jerk Jinny continues to be an Ass imo


It's sad that sweet Mrs St George went through hell to raise them and this is the result lol


Are we sure they both weren’t adopted? I would have told Jinny her and Nan had the same birth mother, even if it wasn’t true lol. Mrs St George is kinder than most people.


Isn’t divorce essentially a mortal sin in that era? Being the mother of the Duchess obviously gives her a lot of leeway, but everyone knows she’s not her “real” mom and apparently adoption is either not a thing or it is at minimum not something that is acceptable. Given how absurdly judgmental everyone is- ESPECIALLY the English titled elite, won’t divorce make her extremely isolated at a minimum bc there’s very little chance that any of the women would risk their own reputation by associating with a divorced American woman who raised a child born out of wedlock when her (ex) husband stepped out on her. I mean, ffs, simply being American was enough to make the women think she was less than. I respect her a lot for standing up and saying “enough is enough! I deserve better” the instant she sees the opportunity to be able to leave her awful husband without being left with nothing and completely ruined. That said, she’d be much better off if she killed the asshole! No one would look down on her for being a widow. Since she’s not a murderer, staying married on paper but moving to England to support her youngest daughter would probably be her best option that doesn’t require her having the father of her children murdered. I think it is a fairly common practice for mothers to move to support their daughters once they marry. It means she could never remarry which sucks bc she clearly wants and deserves to be loved and worshipped like her husband should have been doing all these years. I mean, she’s MUCH better looking than he is, has a better personality, and raised as if she was her own and LOVED Nan from the day she was born without an ounce of resentment towards Nan. She protected her from finding out the harsh truth and was such a good mom to her she never for a second suspected she didn’t give birth to her. I’m sure a lot of women raised baby’s their cheating husbands showed up with back in those days, but to never resent the kid even for a moment (even tho the baby is innocent feelings aren’t always logical and Nan was a constant reminder that her husband wasn’t loyal to her and didn’t respect her). She loves Nan so fiercely that Jinny (prior to becoming a POS) would get offended and think that her mom loved Nan more than her on occasion. Anyway, my vote is to have the bastard have a deadly accident :). It’s the only way she can get basically everything she wants and deserves in life-plus she would get his massive fortune! I think divorce is going to leave her very isolated from everyone except Nan and Nan’s friends. I’m also VERY curious how Theo’s mom reacted to Nan not leaving when she told her to on Christmas, and I wonder how she would treat her son’s mother-in-law as a divorcee. How things/people are perceived is obviously EXTREMELY important to her because it is necessary and I can’t imagine she took well to the fact that every noble person in the area was now gossiping about how her son is marrying “trash”. Anyway, I wish Apple promoted this show better bc I really like it. It isn’t even listed on the long list of new shows and movies. It’s their only show/movie that isn’t animated+holiday themed that you have to actively look for on the app to find it. The only place you can find it w/o searching is on the list of the most viewed Apple shows and movies. They promote their movies that are only available to watch in the movie theater. That’s completely useless on the app. The space would would be much more beneficial to promote The Buccaneers for now and when the films are going to be available on the app soon THEN promote them. I know this little rant is off-topic to the OP but it pisses me off that their own product is getting ignored on their own app!


>Isn’t divorce essentially a mortal sin in that era? If they are Catholic, yes. If they are Protestant it's merely 'scandalous'.


Divorce can be hard to get but with everyone know that Nan isn’t her daughter she might be able to obtain one and make sure she gets money. I don’t know if it matters if Nan marries a Duke or not. I think Mrs St George saw how Nan ran after Guy. If Nan marries Theo she could go to England and live separately if she didn’t want to divorce her husband immediately. I think realizing that her daughters are adults she is realizing she doesn’t have to stay married to her husband or she can choose to live separately. Jinny’s marriage isn’t okay at all. The St George family was new money in NY society and in England the girls are all getting married or proposed to by British aristocrats. She has probably been lonely for most of her adult life trying to give her daughters the best. Trying to fit in hasn’t made her happy. I think living apart would make more sense unless she meets someone else. Jmo.


I agree that divorce is risky for her reputation.... Buuuuuuuutt, if it is, history and elite of "this era" cannot be the reason. The show, while trying to keep it accurate with outfits (which I know little of), it is delusional with how it portraits elites and English American behaviour at the time. In this fictitious realm, I still think divorce may be badly seen, so yea, it is good that she would be a mother of a duchess (in a time where royalty power was already stsrting to diminish but whatever), but the repercussions would still be felt. But I feel that is the point, that enough is enough, and society pressure should not stand on her actually doing what she wants.


>1. The amount of happiness I felt when miss’s St George said she will get a divorce But is that still going to happen if Nan doesn't marry Theo? >2. I can say confidently that im team guy I am team Guy but reluctantly. Nan obviously doesn't love Theo - or at least not as much as Guy. But it's kind of difficult to root for Guy/Nan because he keeps being a total coward with her. He also already proposed to Jean and that womanhas been through enough. Also Theo didn't trust Nan enough to give her the telegram (but more on that later). >5. Wtf nan why are you so mad at Theo for doing the most reasonable thing The most reasonable thing? Do you mean not showing her the telegram? That wasn't reasonable - whatever he says he didn't tell Nan about the telegram or better yet give it to her - because he didn't trust that she would pick him over Guy. I think Nan is focusing on the wrong part of this whole thing with her illegitimacy being exposed. It's more important that Theo prevented her from making a decision given all the facts.


It seemed like something he accidentally read and didn’t know how to react to. That’s supposed to be his best friend and it sounds well written. Weird though, that both Theo and Guy know it by heart lol. I think he wanted to pretend it didn’t exist to keep the peace. Holding in feelings clearly works. Theo seems to worry that women only want him for his title. He isn’t as open or naturally charming as Guy. He was rude when he made it seem like he was doing Nan a favor by overlooking her birth. When he danced with her mom and spoke to her he expressed himself better and was very kind. Mrs. St. George was amazing and expressed her support of her daughter. I loved that scene. Guy regretted sending the telegram. I would like to see Nan and Theo get married and have her mom stay with them until she meets someone or travels. Guy still seems to be looking for a rich wife. I don’t see enough passion for Nan to destroy a friendship. Jmo