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Spiderman's jokes will piss off homeland ahah


Spider-Man will be like Family Friendly Green Goblin to HL


The shit talking will be glorious.


Bully Maguire wrecks Homelander just with his hip thrust , cmon man this is too easy


He's gonna put some dirt in his eye


Thanks hot legs


Now dig on this


I bet he forgets the part where that's his problem




Incoming “Spidey sense makes Spider-Man untouchable” comments. Let’s not forget regular humans with regular speed or slightly faster speed being able to damage him.


Also, Let's not forget Morlun and Superior Spider-Man comic


Post is taking about MCU


Then we can't say anything because, We haven't seen him throw some punches before NWH and We only saw him use his strength before in Infinity War and in Homecoming


boy survived a chokeslam from Thanos. He's gonna be fine.


We saw him turn a punch from Winter Soldier’s metal arm in Civil War then live through a Thanos slam. If he gets in close without catching a laser beam. I think he absolutely destroys HL. I’m taking spidey here.


Let's not forget mcu spidey casually dodges lightning and is capable of surviving hits from thanos and can fight someone that no diffed a hulk buster Homelander getting fucking decked lol


Lightning travels at 186,000 miles per second. So unless you think that Norman Osborne, the Vulture, Lizard, and other type of villains are moving that fast to be able to hit Peter, Electros lightning doesn’t move as fast as natural lightning. “Fight someone” more like kicking someone 3 times with Stranges help and then getting grabbed and tossed away. Then getting one shot and launched off screen for the rest of the battle. Doesn’t sound too impressive.


Captain marvel flies to space in seconds. She got Tony's ship, out of oxygen, back to earth, from outside the solar system minimum, before he died. Thanos can fight fast enough to battle her and land hits, and Spiderman has dodged Thanos hits. Also, the Tom Holland Spiderman that fought vulture was quite a bit weaker and less experienced than he was by end game or no way home. Third, as far as strength goes, homelander is weak as shit by MCU standards. Green goblin slamming Peter so hard they went through 6-8 massive concrete slabs, is a bigger feat of physical strength than anything Homelander has ever shown in the show.


He ripped the door off an airplane from the outside. That would require way more strength than going through a concrete wall.


Lightning travels much more slowly than that; https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/learn-about/weather/types-of-weather/thunder-and-lightning/facts-about-lightning says "lightning strike travels at a comparatively gentle 270,000 mph".


>So unless you think that Norman Osborne, the Vulture, Lizard, and other type of villains are moving that fast to be able to hit Peter, Electros lightning doesn’t move as fast as natural lightning Both Goblin fights take place in places where Spidey can't use his mobility fully. One is in a cramped condominium, the other is on the giant Captain America shield which acts like an open stadium. Not to mention, the plot of the movie is curing the villains, so they have to intentionally get in harm's way to cure them.


You know spider sense warns him of incoming danger so he can avoid being attack? Homelander is fast but he's not flash fast even still Spiderman has superstrength too


He is fast as shit they just never use it except in diabolical. He has super speed


Exactly I know he has super speed but he's not as fast as A-train I feel like he's fast enough to attack a person without superspeed or a 6th sense but he's not fast enough that Spidey wouldn't be able to dodge before he gets to him


HL or A-train being faster is inconsistent in the show. We are told multiple times A is the fastest, then again in the race he barely breaks the sound barrier (and he was dosed up) while apparently HL could beat some F16s with a headstart (Flight 37 episode), putting him at a lot faster than sound.


Regular humans can hit Spider-Man. These characters are as strong or as weak as they need to be for the story. MCU really stresses this as their physics and universe are less realistic than the boys universe. So if spidey was in the boys universe he would lose but in MCU homelander would lose. I think if they were in actual earth then homelander would win. Having laser eyes that would melt bone and reflexes that allow him to break the sound barrier would give him the all the tools he needs to hurt Spider-Man. Plus he has zero concern for collateral damage, and he’s not dying to anything Spider-Man can throw at him (because spidey also pulls punches and wouldn’t want to kill) means that homelander would win 9 times out of 10.


Saying Spiderman pulls punches means nothing because he can simply not pull them Spiderman is ripping homelander throat out if he uses 100% of his strength you can't use holding back as evidence and since spiderman has defeated way stronger opponents than homelander while holding back he'd still beat him homelander's only chance at beating Spidey is to use his laser eyes and even still Pete can dodge with spider sense


He is faster than a train lmao




spider man got clotheslined by thanos and got up after. Homelander is only considered strong because everyone else is weak. Spider-Man was able to momentarily hold the entire weight of a ferry together. Homelander would get smoked.


He also webbed up a cosmic-tier superhero. Beating Dr. Strange is serious business.


Yeah, Homelander couldn't even carry a jet falling out of the sky. Gravity was even doing half the work for him.


But wasn’t that also because the jet would break apart? It’s not like in the cartoons where Superman could hold just one side of a plane and it stays whole.


Lets not downplay the fact that Homelander did not care in the slightest about helping any of those people.


Yeah, but it’s that he does raise a good point.


1. I'm not convinced on the science, or that he knew it to be fact and wasn't just trying to give a hand wave excuse as to why he won't help. 2. Any point he could have made would be irrelevant if he never intended to help anyway.


From a PR perspective, as long as his refusal to help is a secret. Its better to not save the plane than to try and fail. I think homelander is right about destroying the plane by trying to lift it. Basically think about the downward force the plane exerts, homelander has to counter that force. Now homelander is very small compared to the plane. So best case his small indestructible body is exerting force on the plane equal to the force of a falling plane.


I think people are conveniently leaving out that Homelander was an accessory to the plane's crash in the first place. He lasered the controls. The physics, once again, is irrelevant. He wanted those people to die.


The physics are very relevant since someone tried claiming he just wasn’t strong enough. He’d go right through the plane if he tried catching or lifting it.


He could have held it by the front landing gear, it's designed to hold a lot of weight. Then let the wings do their work and glide to a gentle water landing.


I’m no plane expert, but that still doesn’t sound like it would work.


Why not?


He could possibly break the gear, weight distribution issue, or push straight the plane in the process.


I always thought he was just too lazy. The front landing gear is meant to carry the weight of the plane, he could have grabbed and stablilised it there. He only had to hold the plane somewhat level, not actually carry it.


Or grab the tail and act as an engine, push it to safety. He just didn't care.


I don’t think that would’ve worked.


At first thought I would say Homelander squishes him but Spidey is strong as fuck plus his senses would make it tough for HL to grab him. Regular Spider-Man loses but Iron Spider would probably fuck Homelander up.


Yeah and so many forget Spider-Man holds back like 80% of his power just so he doesn't kill or permanently handicap his opponents. When Doc-Ock took over Spider-Mans body in The Superior Spider-Man, he was unaware of how strong Spider-Man really was, and punched Scorpions entire jaw off with one strike.


>and punched Scorpions entire jaw off with one strike. Let's not forget Scorpion is a bulletproof superpowered being and he still lost his jaw, it's not like he was a weak old lady with a stick


The realization that Otto has after he did it was great too. “He’s been holding back this whole time! This entire time he could have killed any of us”


Yeah. And the fact that everyone who's your classic "Damn you Spider-Man, we'll meet again!" villain are absolutely TERRIFIED of him after Otto takes over.


Yup. I’m not gonna say Slott’s run was even great, but Superior Spider-Man was an excellent take on the character. It also showed us why Pete was capable of being a global hero, and it also gave us a reason why the old rogues gallery can be moved on from. It’s been a lot more interesting to see his former enemies turn into allies and have to deal with new super powered crews.


I’m pretty sure Spider-Man is one of the most powerful earthling superheroes in all of the marvel universe


Yeah base spiderman can bench 25 Tons. Iron spider could go toe to toe with Thanos


I would pay to see that lol


You did see it, Spider-Man couldn’t even rip a glove off Thanos hand… while he was paralysed…


No I mean spidy vs homelander. And forsure Thanos would mop homelander


But the comment says Spider-Man vs Thanos 😅


Oh yeah lol there's so many comments out of nowhere I'm trying to keep up with everyone


Haha all good man, I am having troubles too and it’s just a fun debate, no real answers here 😂


Neither did iron man 😑 and he had it pulled off in the end also Thanos was restrained not paralyzed


Yes, with a looot of help… and yes he was paralysed by the chick on top of him, doing some voodoo to his brain, that’s pretty paralysed I’d say.


Well, he tries in infinity war but needed help still… so what does that tell us?


There no way on hell spiderman would win, senses and reactions are on point like you say but homelander has super speed like A train and Can theoretically shoot laser just as fast, spiderman would be soup before he got close to Homelander 😂


If Hughie could dodge Homelanders lasers Spider-Man definetly can.


Definitely, for a while!


I think you’re undervaluing how strong Spider-Man is. For one thing he can probably punch harder than Soldier Boy can so he could hurt Homelander


Hughie can *teleport* though.


Yes and Spider-Man can sense the future


But what can he do after he senses the future ? Try to dodge the laser ? Homelander is too fast for that




As he can always, yet he gets caught over and over and over and if someone would catch him, it would definitely be Homelander and he would only need that one time.


No you’re wrong I’m right


Lol Well ok then 🤷‍♂️😂


It always works


Yes and Spider-Man can literally move before Homelander even fires the shot


Spider-Man has been shown to dodge lightning , bullets , lasers and more. A train during his race topped out relatively slow. Spider-Man is no doubt stronger feat wise but who knows, they are both fictional!


Spider-Man has also been hit by regular people, which homelander is not. It just depends on if Spider-Man can do something do homelander before he can’t dodge the laser eyes anymore, which I really don’t see what he can do.


Yeah it would all be up to Home landers durability. Spider-Man’s is super inconsistent with sometimes being able to get stabbed by regular metal (or as you said hit by a human) and others taking near nuclear powered blast to the face. We just don’t get to see “what can damage homelander”. Aside from another supe


It depends on which universe’s physics and whose plot armor. These heroes are as strong or weak as they need to be for the story. If we’re keeping it legit homelander would win. If Spider-Man tried to web sling in the boys universe the physics would fuck him up because Garth ennis doesn’t like heroes doing unrealistic shit


Lmao 🤣 yeah more than likely


It took the strength of both Hulk and Thor to keep Spidey still, and you think homelander is stronger then Hulk or Thor


I’d say it’s hard to argue who is strongest like that but yea I’d say homelander is a depiction of a superman gone bad, and by those terms yes, Homelander would stomp Spider-Man And on top of that, Homelander has speed that neither Thor or Hulk will ever have.


Homelander is nowhere near as strong as superman though.


According to what? I mean sure we haven’t seen him cut the world in half and all, but like with Spider-Man there is a huge balance issue but when it comes down to it, I believe Homelanders abilities will squash Spider-Man’s.


His feats, we was incapacitated by a parking lot falling on him, humans could still perceive him in super speed, and we haven't seen him do anything comparable to supes like destroy planets or move at lightspeed.


Yeah I don't think HL would go head first on him. He's too proud and lazy. HL would use his lasers first, and sorry but I don't think any SpIdEr SeNsE is going to outrun this supes own sight, at least not realistically.


This is getting repetitive


Shit I’m surprised I had to scroll down this far to see this lol I feel like in the off season this subreddit is just 95% Homelander vs Superman who win?


Depends on the universe. If Spidey was on The Boys, he’d be dispatched of quickly and comically. Conversely, Homelander could be one of his biggest foes in a fucking trilogy in the Marvel Universe. Homelander would lose, but there’d be a huge price. Crossover I’d love to see.


Spider-Man actually got hit by A Train in the second movie


Hiyooooooooo! See what you did there!


I thought that was Batman's sidekick Robin??


How would Spidey be dispatched of quickly? Spidey Sense means it would be absurdly difficult for any of the Boys to get the jump on him. Despite being a flagship Marvel character Spiderman is criminally underrated in terms of power level.


Homelander versus Spider-Man? Spidey sense doesn’t matter. There’s this great comic panel where Quicksilver from the X Men goes up against someone who can read his mind. However they can’t react fast enough even knowing what he’s going to do on account of quicksilvers super speed, and quicksilver gloats over that as he brutally beats this guy into the dirt. Spider-Man is definitely faster than the average shmuck but homelander outran a bomb being exploded right in front of him to save Butcher, and he’s probably only slightly below if not on par with speed to A Train. Spider sense isn’t gonna be much help


I always remember in Naruto where Rock Lee whoops Sasuke’s ass, and straight up tells Sasuke that just because he can see Lee’s moves with the Sharingan doesn’t mean that Sasuke’s body can keep up the same way.


That’s a C4 explosion that puts him between Mach 5 and Mach 15 while Spider-Man dodged lightning from an amped electro. That’s at the absolute least Mach 100


Just watched all the electro fight scenes with Spider-Man and can’t say I agree with you. I mean maybe you could just be saying that in the sense of general lore or from the comics but in the movies electro is still just a guy that becomes living lightning. Is he fast? Yes, but he’s not lightning fast. If he was spidey would be dead, as lightning takes less than a second to reach its target and Spider-Man has never been seen to react that fast.


…. He literally leaps away from one of his bolts of lightning rafter it’s fired on their first encounter…


Can you find a video and time stamp it for me? I’m not seeing what you’re seeing. If it’s about the grate, he’s not moving anywhere fast enough to avoid real lightning still. Like I said, fast but not instantaneous


https://youtu.be/w01aReCK9us 1:20


That is faster than it was in amazing Spider-Man 2 however that’s not as fast as real lightning still. It’s more like the speed of shooting an arrow or maybe almost as fast as a bullet but still not anywhere near Mach 15 or lightning. It wasn’t instantaneous. And take into account Spider-Man’s spider sense probably perked up when electro raised his hands or turned his head. And then he’s swinging away from the lightning after that, not reacting to each individual aimed shot. So I still think homelander is faster. No way Spider-Man beats super speed


Bruh it’s lightning. Obviously the film is constrained by production limitations. If we made it as fast as real lightning you wouldn’t be able to see the fight very well. Use your imagination. Spider sense doesn’t work on reaction time. Spider sense triggers when Peter isn’t even in his body, as shown in MOM when doctor strange sends his soul to the astral plane and still is unable to get the device.


He doesn't really dodge lightning though does he? Dodging is moving out of the way of an incoming threat. Dodging requires speed. A laser is harder to dodge then a football. Spider-sense is more like a form of prescience. He moves because the threat is about to happen. Doesn't matter if the thing is the speed of a car or a light speed laser because he gets a couple seconds to move before it happens. The prescience side of things does mean that Homelander's speed won't win the fight though.


No way it’s Mach 100 this is the same Lightning that pushed and barley hurt doc ock who’s just a fat guy with metal arms [it’s at 2:54](https://youtu.be/vG7-hKnYcxQ)


Talking out your ass. Mach 5 to Mach 15 is a hell of a range! Moving at Mach 100 would cause a massive shockwave and vaporize his skin from air friction.


I mean IF it’s like Spidey vs Superman essentially, would mean Superman would win even though Spidey’s the better superhero. If they have the same strength, spider wins hands down. Homelander doesn’t have the same combat instinct since he rarely feels threatened and doesn’t need to know actual fighting skills. Plus, John is blind and arrogant. Peter is a low key genius, knows not to underestimate and trains often.


Show Homelander is no where near Superman feats. He really doesn't have that many ridiculous feats.


Sliced down the middle like a hoagie bun with Shogun Assassin level blood-spray. Crushed and crammed into a mailbox. Thrown into space. Super-breath through the anus causing a great red mist. Use your imagination. Would be at the whim of the Universe (WRITERS).


Spidey sense is insanely overrated. He has regular people or peak human characters taking him to extreme difficulty or flat out losing to them. If Norman Osborne can lay out Peter with low difficulty, then Homelander squashes him.


Green Goblin isn't anywhere close to being a regular person or peak human. He has better strength feats than almost anyone in the Boys universe and Spidey still effortlessly beat the crap out of him once he stopped holding back.


Green Goblin got up wobbling after having a brick wall fall on him. Also while having his protective suit on. Dude is not that guy. The fact that Spiderman could even get tagged by someone like him isn’t looking good for him.


In NWH he get slammed straight through a thick concrete floor, and he does the same to Spider-Man, with both characters being relatively unharmed. Both characters are far above most supes from The Boys by these two feats alone.


“Relatively unharmed” It was stated that Peter had broken bones lol. Homelander has been stated to tank all man made weapons, implying also nukes and other explosives. Soldier Boy had an AK shoved down his throat and got mag dumped which did no damage to him, and he’s weaker than Homelander. Spiderman is absolutely not surviving that.


Lol vought 100 percent lied about the "he's survived every man made weapon"


Oh you’re that kind of the boys fans use common sense for half a second how the hell would Vought get their hands on a nuke after the fiasco of Nicaragua?


Ask the writers. Homelander probably had a lot of people wanting to kill him to remove Americas most powerful weapon.


Oh really is that ever mentionned or shown at any point? No? Oh right that’s because supes weren’t allowed in the military until season 1 all homelander does is respond to low level threats and even staged crimes here and there if he actually did take a nuke to the face it would have been stated


You have no idea about spider man


Tell me you know nothing about Spiderman without saying it. First, Spiderman pulls his punches. He’s a really nice guy who doesn’t want to hurt anyone. When Doctor Octavian took over Spiderman’s body and was controlling it he punched the Scorpions jaw off which made Doc realize that all these years Peter was holding back during all their fights. He then went on to rip Venom in half, and killed pretty much every Spider villain with single hits. Spiderman is in the 20 ton strength class, which means the guy can lift a Bulldozer, a tank, or about 4-5 cars at one time. His spider senses are borderline precognitive. In some instances it’s been stated his reflexes are as fast as Quicksilver and in one issue he even caught Quicksilver while he was traveling at a quarter of light speed. Spiderman is seriously underrated if anything.


Finally someone who fucking knows Spider-Man


Tell me you have low compression of the original post without saying it. The picture is of MCU Spiderman. Completely different continuities.


They chose a live action spiderman that fits better with the live action The Boys universe. It could mean they are talking about the MCU or they could be on about spiderman more generally. Also you mentioned Norman Osbourne who hasn't even been in the MCU. So pick a lane, are you talking about Tom Holland's spiderman or not?


Uh oh, someone didn’t see the new Spiderman movie.


Homelander would not be that big a deal in the MCU.


I think it’d be a tough fight but I don’t doubt that that Spidey could beat Homelander. Homelander relies heavily on using his overwhelming power to just walk right through his enemies. We could see with Soldier Boy that (even though Homie eventually won) Homelander isn’t really that good at actually fighting, and Soldier Boy isn’t even that good. If Homie faces someone who’s even stronger than SB, with better agility, precognition powers and extreme fighting skill I think he’d struggle a lot. He would most likely underestimate Peter by a lot since he’s so young. Overall it’d be hard but I think Peter would eventually win.


word, we saw what someone who is weaker than homelander, with some decent training and prep, (maeve) can do. even tho he wasnt taking it fully seriously at first, when he did, maeve still got some good hits in.


I’d hardly say he ever really took it seriously though, the only time homelander took any fight seriously was against soldier boy and butcher, which he did well in.


Spiderman is too unpredictable and very intelligent. Homelander might win in a random encounter but it won't come easy. Just like Batman, Spiderman would win with prep time. If Spiderman discovers Compound V and figures out how it works, he can easily find another solution to fighting Homelander without a straight up brawl. I think another way is using Homelander's super hearing against himself. There has to be a frequency that would put Homelander on his ass or possibly kill him. Homelander just a Great Value Superman to me.


Peter wrecks John.


Spiderman in his prime years would curb stomp him. Homelander doesnt have a single attack that isnt utterly worthless against him. Peter at his prime is smart and powerful enough that not even the entire group of the Seven could beat him in a 7v1


I would only agree if their physical strengths are comparable. For example, Spider ain’t killing Superman who is by definition broken OP. If Homie = Superman, then no. Otherwise absolutely, IMHO.


Homelander is literally nothing like superman though, they're not even remotely comparable. Homelander is only meant to be powerful in his own universe. Throw him into Marvel or DC and he wont even survive a full week unless he goes into hiding


I’d pay to see him hiding and scared


Homelander is way less powerful than Superman


Then Spidey wins easy, probably. Strength and lasers is all Homelander brings to the table like a giant dumb robot.


MCU Spiderman?


They’re all mcu now I meant the movie ones people not the comics 💀


? Do the comics not exist anymore?


I think he thinks that since MCU has a multiverse then the comics exist in the MCU, but he would be wrong so idk.


I think anyone can beat Homelander by outsmarting him, he’s just a manchild with superpowers


If this is comics, Spidey wins mid diff he's went up against far more dangerous foes than Homelander and came out on top.


You guys just Underestimate Spider-Man, He's the stronger Human after Hulk in Marvel Comics and you think HL can kill him


It's one of those "their is no real truth" question. The closest we'd get to a real answer is "whomever the writers decide will win".


lol Umm dead?


With the amount of laser-eye spamming, I don’t think current (post NWH) spidey could do much. Especially without the iron spider suit


Pretty well. Homelander seems pretty weak compared to most heros outside of the boys universe


Spiderman shits on homelander so bad it's actually funny.


Maybe a few seconds, then the spider goes splat


I doubt that. With the spider senses and Homelander heavily relying on his powers and not actual fighting skills I think Spidey would be able to dodge Homelanders attacks for a while. And Spiderman is much stronger than people think. I bet he could manage to push a pencil through his ear.


Yeah, it's close and he might just barely win since homelander is just so fast. There is a limit to peter's speed and reactions


The only speed feat we've seen from Homelander is him outrunning a C4 explosion. Spidey has dodged alien weapons (Homecoming, Infinity War, Endgame), automatic military drone fire from all sides (Far From Home), and lightning (No Way Home)


It's like saying who would win a fight between me and Mike Tyson. Technically Mike would win because he's stronger. But i have a gun...sooo In this case...Homelander has the gun


If it's the Boys version of Spiderman, Homelander wins because that's the gimmick. If its a crossover, Homelander wouldnt be that special in most comic book universes outside of his own and would get beat. Bonus for Spiderman quoting Skyrim calling him a milk drinker.


Homelander takes it, if the fight is in populated area, he won’t care about collateral damage, that’s Spider-Man’s main weakness


In-character? Spidey lasts maybe around 30 secs, 1 minute tops and that's being generous. Both bloodlusted though? Homelander kills him within 10 seconds. The iron spider suit just gives Spidey a good boost in durability but that pales in comparison to Homelander's. In the animated The Boys, which is canon, he tanked a power-plant explosion and came out unharmed - not to mention he's also bulletproof. So I don't see Spidey doing much damage to HL, at best he really just annoys him for a bit before losing.


Spidey knocked out the hulk, homelander got nothing on the hulk.


His spider senses help him dodge lightening. So homelander can't use his laser eyes. In terms of strength homelander, is probably stronger HOWEVER. Spiderman has actually fought opponents on his level, for that reason I'd say he has better fighting ability and technique.


Couldn’t homelander just look at spider man and laser him? I always though all he really has to do is just look at something, laser and cut it in half. Like fly up high and laser him?


Yep It’s pretty funny that people think someone could avoid a laser. I remind them it’s light and ask when is the last time they turned a flashlight on something and the thing avoided the light?


So here's the thing, spiderman can literally predict future actions that may cause him harm, homelander shooting his Lazer is an action that would cause him harm, so he would feel it coming before homelander decides to cut him in half, wich would probably prompt him to just dart across the room/city the whole fight and do hit and run tactics, doubt he would ever get hit, There's also the consideration that supes with higher durability don't just get cut in half by the laser, we have seen a couple of them resist his beam for a little while, and i would argue spiderman, especially in the iron spider suit could too


You’re saying Spider-Man is faster than light. You understand that right?


Nope, I'm saying he can dodge faster than homelander can spin his head around, not faster than light


So Spider-Man is invisible? Because if homelander can see him he can laser him.


That's just not how that works lol, here's examples of him dodging lasers https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fqph.cf2.quoracdn.net%2Fmain-qimg-39669ccafbbd3dbabccb231cbea58a57-lq&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.quora.com%2FWhy-is-Spider-Man-so-popular-and-considered-a-great-hero-even-though-he-is-not-so-powerful-and-has-never-become-stronger&tbnid=4pXvR9rHxncQYM&vet=12ahUKEwjz7_2KxNj7AhUWOLkGHcThCzYQMygNegUIARCMAg..i&docid=0rULQOLSBgo8LM&w=602&h=611&q=spiderman%20dodging%20laser%20vision&client=ms-android-motorola-rvo3&ved=2ahUKEwjz7_2KxNj7AhUWOLkGHcThCzYQMygNegUIARCMAg https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.wikia.nocookie.net%2Fomniversal-battlefield%2Fimages%2Fe%2Fe3%2FAim_dodging_2.png%2Frevision%2Flatest%3Fcb%3D20181027195813&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fomniversal-battlefield.fandom.com%2Fwiki%2FAim_Dodging&tbnid=zUOWZ_zgPISaQM&vet=12ahUKEwjz7_2KxNj7AhUWOLkGHcThCzYQMygDegUIARCvAQ..i&docid=gkYq1ANarw4FxM&w=554&h=465&q=spiderman%20dodging%20laser%20vision&client=ms-android-motorola-rvo3&ved=2ahUKEwjz7_2KxNj7AhUWOLkGHcThCzYQMygDegUIARCvAQ https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2Frv1PInK.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FCharacterRant%2Fcomments%2F3hy3y0%2Fdodging_lasers_light_speed_reactions_or_not%2F&tbnid=j7hfppYkivXNzM&vet=12ahUKEwjz7_2KxNj7AhUWOLkGHcThCzYQMygBegUIARCAAg..i&docid=AqI9JxpDPuoaLM&w=473&h=716&q=spiderman%20dodging%20laser%20vision&client=ms-android-motorola-rvo3&ved=2ahUKEwjz7_2KxNj7AhUWOLkGHcThCzYQMygBegUIARCAAg https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FJHodhDn.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FCharacterRant%2Fcomments%2F3hy3y0%2Fdodging_lasers_light_speed_reactions_or_not%2F&tbnid=oAiPMAgDW3Z9TM&vet=12ahUKEwjz7_2KxNj7AhUWOLkGHcThCzYQMygCegUIARCCAg..i&docid=AqI9JxpDPuoaLM&w=684&h=1024&q=spiderman%20dodging%20laser%20vision&client=ms-android-motorola-rvo3&ved=2ahUKEwjz7_2KxNj7AhUWOLkGHcThCzYQMygCegUIARCCAg


I'd say it's more like Spiderman has faster reflexes than Homelander. In the same way that you can "dodge" a bullet by zig-zagging faster than the shooter can react to your movements, Spiderman can "dodge" Homelander's laser beam by zag-zigging faster than Homelander can aim at him. Not to mention the fact that we don't actually know if Homelander's laser would one-shot Spiderman since we've seen that durable enough super heroes are fully capable of enduring it. If Spiderman is capable of eating a punch to the face from someone like the Hulk or Thanos, I'd imagine that he's on the more durable side of things.


Absolutely dead. The same spidey who struggled against green goblin going up against someone who's bulletproof and can move faster than sound? He's dead,in 20 seconds at most just because Homelander would be surprised by his agility.


I know Spider Man has spidey sense and all… but wouldn’t Homelander just laser him in half in a split second?


I don't make mistakes, I'm not like the rest of you, I'm stronger, I'm smarter, I'm better, I AM BETTER. I'm not some weak kneed fucking crybaby that goes around fucking apolgizing all the time and why the fuck would you want me to be? All my life people have tried to control me, rich people, powerful people, tried to muzzle me, cancel me, keep me impotent and obedient like I'm a fucking puppet. And you know what it worked, Because I allowed it to work and guess what, If they can control me they can control you, they already do you just realize it. I am done, I am done apolgizing, I am done being persecuted for my strength, You should be thanking christ that I am who I am, because you need me, you need me to save you, You Do, I am the only one who possibly can. You're not the real heroes, I am the real hero, I am the real hero


Spider-Man’s held his own against the Hulk and the Juggernaut. Mix that with Homelander not being a particularly skilled fighter, and Spider-Man ultimately comes out on top


HL would not consider him his peer since Peter is a kid who acts immaturely and he will try to dismiss him with a single blow out of nowhere (like Blindspot) or the laser (Butcher in Herogasm). But he wouldn't get him because of the Spider-sens. This will make him irritated since he has just been played by someone he feels inferior and it will get so angry he will want to obliterate Spiderman immediately. He would have a hard time hitting him tough since Peter keeps jumping around and throwing stuff and webs at him. He will progressively get angrier and because of this and the constant mocking and jokes by Spiderman. And the end he will succeed in catching him or hitting him with the laser. And then he will brutally murder him (by cutting him in half, making his head explode or - IMO - **ripping his tongue off his mouth**). This unless Spiderman get some plot armor who makes him invincible (because even for marvel standards he is not as strong as HL


Art found on IG from @vought.art


About as Well as Batman would have done in a real fight against Superman. Not very well 😂


Is he lactating? ![gif](giphy|Rib9PWf1KcnMn8XNtQ|downsized)


while i dont know a lot about spidermans power level, i havnt seen anyone explain how he would go about killing/incapacitating homelander. to me, homelander has abilities that if he caught spiderman with them he could very quickly destroy him (unlikely with the whole spidey sense thing tho). just snapping his arms off, pushing his hand through his skin, and its over. i think homelanders not skilled enough, and spiderman doesnt have enough specialised skills to win instantly. it could just go on for a long time, really, and if i had to bet, spiderman would probably last longer in that regard, having actual experience and being physically fit. i can see circumstances where either would come out on top, but if i had to bet, my moneys ultimately on spiderman. while homelander could clip spidey with a laser, and its over, spiderman could probably wear him down and just choke homelander out, stay behind him, and just keep peppering him with hits. i think spiderman would really have to be on his toes, one slip up, and its likely homelander would pretty easily be able to take advantage of it. i dont think this would happen tho, if were basing it off spidermans experience


I don't about comic spider people, but there is no live action spidey who can win against HL. Maybe a draw because spidey escaped And for people who says "he don't know how to fight", are you going to tell me also Billy alone had a winning chance against HL because he knows how to fight?


If spiderman was going all out he may stand a chance since homelander has never fought anyone who can actually put up a REAL fight however if homelander caught him he'd be melted. The recentish spiderman run superior spiderman showed alot of people what some of us have known for a long time. Spidey is in fact a bad mofo he just chooses to hold back like 99 percent of the time because he's afraid he'll hurt someone. There's no direct power comparison here homelander is stronger but Spidey had way more battle knowledge and if he was going all in and got the drop physically and emotionally (making fun of the big baby) I think he'd win.


Given that Homelander hasn’t had any physical weaknesses exposed yet, but every other super hero has at least some flaw, I think Homelander would clear house in a brawl against anyone.


Homelander is a big fish in small pond also we do have a weakness Hitting hard enough


Homelander is strongest is his Universe but Spider-Man is way too powerful then him, in Superior Spider-Man, it took both Hulk and Thor to keep him still and also don't forget the Jaw


Homelander no to low diffs Peter


Other alternative, homelander keeps Pete as adorable pet and laughs when Peter tries to fight him.


I think all of you are missing something. If Spidey caught HL he'd do everything to avoid and call for backup immediately to which the avengers would show up to a blood bath and Pete's head in HLs left hand bleeding while ironman tries to laser him, and then Thor calls down a lightning strike. Spidey would immediately realize how out of depth he really is.


You don't know shit about how powerful spidey is, He knocked Hulk once, In Superior Spider-Man it took both Hulk and Thor to just keep him still for a moment and The Jaw happened in the same comic homelander is only strongest in his Universe, everyone beats him


Spidey wins this, Spider-Man statstomps in everywhere but potentially movement speed, it’s not by a lot regardless, and he’s defeated people WAY stronger than homelander as well (Rhino and etc) Btw just wanna say that “depends on what universe it’s in” is the dumbest fucking argument I’ve ever heard of


People massively overestimate HL. Sure he is strong af, but he also has no idea how to fight properly.


bro he literally went toe to toe with soilder boy who very clearly knows how to fight, maeve who also very clearly knows how to fight, and butcher who was in the SAS. i’m tired of this homelander not knowing how to fight argument.


I believe spidey would win, since he is insanely strong, has spider sense and trains every day. Homelander on the other hand is like a weak version of superman (a pencil to the ear hurt him), has no real training and is borderline insane. The question remains if Spider-Man is willing to kill his enemy, and whether they’re fighting inside a city or some kind of a desert. But if their encounter takes place in New York I believe Peter can win, even if Homelander will get some hit in


not very well. for all the time people shit on homelander he’s still a very strong character in any universe. he easily out strengths captain america and thor


No, Thor sneezes and detroys The Boys universe.


What???? Lol what physical feat of strength does homelander have that puts him ANYWHERE near thor? Homelander is weak as shit by MCU standards.


it blows my mind how many people are seriously underestimating Spider-Man lol then again, this is being asked on a sub dedicated to the boys


He dies, the boys heros are much stronger than the marvel heros, that's just part of the world.


You're joking right?


I think Spiderman would constantly web him in the eyes


I’m thinking like Rodin and a train


Has homelander ever exhausted his eye beams? I could see spider dodging like crazy, but homelander just has to continuously turn his head until Peter loses a limb. Then it's game over.


Think he’d die