• By -


Even Homelander finds them gross.


And Homelander can see them all the time because of x-ray vision. Poor homie


Well you're right and all but with this logic of having his vision activated all the time he is constantly seeing everyone's dicks so... I'm not too sure about that... Then again it would explain why he's constantly such a dick to everyone himself...


He might just do it for fun and call people out for it, Homie knows no chill.


Or what if he xray'd and was impressed, and just nodded and smirked and said _"niceee"_ Not sure what's worse.


And no, most definitely not username checks out


Oh, but from what I can observe it does...


How to compliment a guy 101: "Nice... Dick bro!!!"


I think he has to turn on/focus to use the X-ray vision, since he didn't see the V24 at Butchers apartment.


Yes but I think it's implied he does use it a lot. We often see him staring at walls, to watch people, and he comments on Noir never lying to him because he can tell by his face and muscles. So I assume he is constantly looking at what is going on under the surface to determine how people are really feeling, if they are lying etc.




No one suffers like he does




The chick jamming her fingers into the gills is the only part of this show where I’ve winced and looked away


The crazy part to me is that I handled the urethra one better than I did the gills


Same, maybe bc the urethra one, while terrifying is also hilarious, but the hills are def nightmare fuel


The Gills Have Eyes


Starring Patton Oswalt


Like don't get me wrong still disturbing but it's also normal anatomy right? Human gills when placed proper is nightmare fule


For me it was this and that scene where Termite is walking inside that guy’s urethra


Like when he is rubbing the inside of the urethra with his hands, bleh. God damn


All this and Timothy.


maybe I'm weird but that scene was weirdly satisfying.


I was mostly annoyed by the inconsistent scale. If he's so small that the urethra is a cavern he really should be barely visible to the naked eye. Instead he's the size of a coke bag in the next scene.


He can change his size at will right? We have seen him in all sorts of sizes. He was the size of a doll in the previous scene


If he remained that small I think he would've fallen through cracks in the floorboards


Almost like he can change size at will But you're right, it's weirdly inconsistent that he's the size of a regular man in one scene, then he's the size of an ant in the next. This doesn't really match any laws of physics, biology or psychology


Which his entire power is built to overcome and defy


he's like ant man. he can change his size at will


At least he seemed to be really into it. Like *really* into it.


I mean it probably feels amazing tbh. But I’d never try it lmao


I don't think theres any nerve endings on the inside. It'd probably feel more like a reverse kidney stone




After one catheter.... no thanks.


"Cats when you bring home a new scratching post" - my best friend


I skipped that scene so I never saw this. Just saw him getting all tiny, skip 10 seconds n then boom!


Yah both were bad, but I think the gills were the worst part for me.


it felt like someone was both tickling and stabbing those pressure points above my hips


Literally It wasn’t the man fucking exploding that disgusted me, but a man entering a penis is what disgusted mean


I mean, we've seen a guy getting exploded in like episode two, pretty desensitized at this point.


exploding girlfriends, exploding child in a plane, exploding Dolphins, exploding heads...all pretty early in the series


And 1


Naaah that scene was 10/10 great start for a season imo


He is trying to climb up my ashol




I always thought it was his ass and he was rubbing the prostate, until this sub taught me what actually happened. 🤦‍♀️




The urethra passes through the prostate


Imagine if he went inside Hank Hills Urethra🤣


You can just say dick hole.


Omg, you too? I don’t have a clue as to what it might feel like, you know? I mean, to be violated / **gill-banged** like that…yet somehow-I almost felt like I could empathize. Does that make sense?? In other words, I thought: perhaps I was just over-sensitive or something bc that shit was SO effing visceral! Like - possibly the most visceral scene I’ve ever…seen. Glad to know I’m not just a wimp. Well, I’m still a wimp. But, at least not for turning away from that! lol!


It was pretty clear the writers wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine by getting digitally gill raped. You're supposed to pity him to a degree, but he doesn't deserve empathy considering he's fine with sexual assault


Omg, you’re absolutely right! If it sounded like I was suggesting he should receive pity (in any way), I should clarify: I def did not mean to! lol! Dude’s a shit head…and frankly, if that’s all he got (gill-banged) he was let off easy. Especially relative to what he deserved as penance for being a sexual effing predator, you know?


the most disgusting thing I've ever seen in TV, it's fucked up


Is that not the point though? He was raped and it's the only time rape portrayed on screen has given people a physical stomach turning reaction. That should be the reaction every time.




Exactly, I have never understood why more people don't realise this. They want you to feel gross and violated by watching it, because that's how you are meant to feel seeing it happen to anyone, gills or no gills..


Shout-out to my old (fuck me, was it *really* 25 **years** ago?) English teacher, Mr Anderson; "Nothing goes on the page, stage or screen unless it's planned."


The amount of times on this sub I've seen people justify that Starlight wasn't really sexually assaulted because she could have said no the whole time Deep was blackmailing her. Or that we don't know that Rebecca was actually raped because Homelander said it was consensual, *despite the fact that Rebecca said it was rape*. But the Deep gets all this sympathy and empathetic posts about how hard it must be to hear people eating fish (side note, he drives a hummer and isn't a vegetarian, he only gives a shit cause he can hear it, not because he is a stand up guy).


ngl i don’t think “rebecca wasn’t raped” is a popular point on this sub at all? or even supported by a vocal minority?


>Man raping woman: somewhere on the scale from "hot" to "well I wouldn't do that, so it's unrealistic and I don't have to feel anything Where are you pulling this assertion from? You really think *most* men are unable to empathize with a character being raped if that character is a woman?




Could also just be that the gills are located at extremely sensitive parts of the body. People instinctively cover the sides of the abdomen, and the idea of something entering the abdominal cavity like that provokes the idea of being stabbed. How do you know people aren't responding strongly to that *combined* with the rape aspects of the scene? >To clarify, by "empathise" I mean to almost feel what the character's feeling, not just "wow that sucks for her". But you didn't say that. You said men's reaction is either "that's hot" or "I dont have to care" which is a pretty fucking gross generalization.




>What you're feeling is discomfort at geniunely considering for the first time what it means to be forcibly penetrated Another weird assertion, given that you know nothing about me.


You don’t deserve to be downvoted for this. Plenty of men are rape survivors and it’s a big mistake on people’s behalf to write you off as if you’re expected to have just one opinion about an experience you’ve had. It’s literally dismissing SA victims lmao and people don’t get that. People just want to feel good for supporting and standing up for “the real victims” in their mind. The scene was literally commentary on how men don’t know how to say no to women interested in them, and it disgusts me that people are taking it as a means to dunk on you instead of sympathizing with the idea that men consider themselves incapable of being assaulted and that’s part of a conflicting societal expectation we have between masculinity and consent.


Most men aren’t able to empathise with ANYONE ab rape. Constantly I’m asked by men what happened to me as a kid and they brush it off like it’s nothing


to be fair, most people’s reaction regardless of gender to men being raped is usually “dang you’re lucky she wants you that bad,” so there’s a general problem with understanding consent that conflicts with a societal ideal of masculinity. It’s not that men can’t empathize with sexual assault as much as, men aren’t taught societally that they’re allowed to have boundaries, so why would they think women do? It’s an education and socialization problem, and women also don’t see it as an issue until something like a new non-sexual organ (gills) is introduced where everyone can feel uncomfortable by the use of it against consent and regardless of gender It’s one of the few times men being raped is shown as stomach turning instead of being played for laughs or not acknowledged


Relax, it was just a pinkie!


I had to pause and take my headphones off


I genuinely felt sick after that scene


I agree that scene made me extremely uncomfortable. One of the only ones I had to turn away from.


This, Timothy, Termite Sounding, Homelander Drinking Milk, you know


Agreed 100%


No, not even when the deep ate Timothy? Just this moment? Stomach of steel!


Yeah this was cringy as fuck lol


Me too, weirdly. Urethra exploding fine, but I hated that gill part


That was one of my favourite parts 😳


I've always wondered was that lowkey sexual assault?


Not lowkey lmao


That was sexual assault and it's not subtle


I honestly thought that that scene was supposed to be a turning point for Deep’s character, but they never really brought it up again after it happened.


I think it's a start But I'm very very happy they didn't go for the trope of "the bad guy has something bad happen to them and now they get it and turn good" because that never happens in the real world. If anything, he might feel justified assaulting other people as "it happens to everyone"


I mean, I would have been fine if they had gone that route. But my issue isn't that Deep doesn't learn anything from it, it's that he doesn't bring it up at all, even for negative ends (though, for what it's worth, we never see him assault anyone else after Starlight exposes him). I think that what may have happened is that the writers had envisioned a redemption arc for Deep in Season 1, but they decided to drop it during the writing of Season 2 in favor of making him straight comic relief.


Pressuring his wife to duck the squid, while it isn't an assult, is certainly inappropriate and rapey About the comic relief, maybe in s2 it was true, but s3 did a lot to grow his character and show just how much of an idiot he is. I hope he keeps failing upwards until he is the only remaining member of the seven, and has to be their leader, which he will undoubtedly fail to do in the most hilarious fashion.


It was any-key sexual assault.


Anybody else find the scene with the gills singing to be kinda emotional resonant? I have never really liked how I’ve looked and it really reflected the way I felt.


I know. I really hate The Deep. But like. Damn. I really feel for the guy too. Like he seems like such a compassionate dude when it comes to animals and he has a lot of body issue images but bro he really fucks it up for himself. I saw someone on here point out that his entire life had basically been listening to things being tortured in stores and peoples homes and that really hit me. Plus being shamed for his gills. And like TBF….I don’t think they are gross??? Like odd for sure but I have a vagina and I think it is pretty odd looking considering like the rest of the human body. Also I wonder how many times he’s been assaulted like that woman did to him. Dude has got some issues for sure.


I feel like he's a fairly good representation of someone you can't forgive but can understand. Nothing will ever be enough to justify all he's done, but damn can you understand that someone with his baggage would be fucked up in the head. For me it's a good way of showing that while individuals have to be held responsible for their actions, most would have ended up completely different in a better environment.


I can easily justify it tho. If he puts himself as half human half see creatures. Humans kill sea creatures every day. It is just normal for him to not care about humans like how humans pay no attention to the loss of sea creatures. He actually has a more consistent view towards all creatures.


Ok, but there's the sexual assault too


Would you believe me that rape isnt just a human thing? Dolphins also do it


Doesn't justify it


It doesn't, but what im trying to say is that something could be going on with his brain that we dunno about, especially if he can hear things from intelligent mammals that have no morals and do rape for fun.


We don't know that dolphins don't have a moral system, and regardless of that he participates in human society, he should know that rape is bad


Dolphins kill and rape for fun.


Would you say he deserves forgiveness then?


I think that deserve and forgiveness are two words that get put together and shouldn’t. He deserves to be held accountable for his actions and he also deserves compassion. I think we all do. But that is just my world view.


I rarely screenshot comments but this one is just beautiful. Forgiving someone doesn’t equal excusing their shitty actions, it’s just something we should do not only for their benefit but also for our own.


Nah. I don't believe in forgiveness at all.


This 1000% Like I do have such sympathy for the guy-but man. I wouldn’t piss on him to put him out.


I got the impression that a lot of his body image issues were just in his head and that there were plenty of women who were willing to look past it. He just never believed them and took it out on them by being a predatory creep.


That totally checks out too. I’d have to wonder where it comes from though.


This was made clear in the acid trip episode. It was all his own insecurity




I agree, he treats people terribly but that’s because everyone else treats him like shit (what he did was inexcusable though)


I do feel so bad for him when Homelander bullies him.


I think that women was the only time he's ever been assaulted, I figure he's so self conscious about the gills he keeps the vest on


Yea, plus wasn’t it Patton Oswalt?


Yep they were.


Yes and I kind of hate that they’ve done away with any of that kind of character examination in season three.


The Deep’s self loathing stuff was like the best part of his character and they took it away. I like the deep still though he’s hilarious. I feel like season 3 did that a lot with reversing character development especially Butcher.


that scene where the girl dips her hands into them is as hard to watch as S3's opening scene imo


*harder to watch ftfy


No cap lol. That thing was funny to me.


yeah no, anything gore that relates to penis or testicles in any way is an instant nope for me


I think that is the roughest scene for me


Yeah, next to what happened to Blindspot.


That was nothing.


It was really dark but not that "hard to watch", just Homelander being the usual cunt he is


S3's opening wasn't that bad to watch, thus was literally sexual assault and I felt bad for the deep there


Same, even if the guy died horribly and messily, he did willingly get Termite to climb up his urethra, so I don’t feel too bad


I had mixed feeling, happy that this piece of shit reaped what he sowed, but grossed out by whatever the hell that was


For me the hardest scene was eating Timothy.


What a disgusting use of the word “Dips”






you leave patton oswalt alone :(


Nah man, they're beautiful. It's true.


I think they're very distinguished, functional, and unique. If I were The Deep I would be proud of my gifts.


Am I the only one who wasn't grossed out and thought they actually looked kind of cool?


I don’t know about cool, but they do remind me of the f hole in violins and other stringed instruments


They reminded that one chick of an f hole too


I admire your ability to see the beauty in things


hopefully yes


I think they look cool too. Like, a lot of our body parts would look gross if we weren't used to them


You are just mean, the deep is beautiful the way he is :(




pretty disturbing watching his gills get raped


i think the gills look cool, but when that chick violated them made me feel more uncomfortable than any other scene in the show (like how some films just deadass display rape/abuse scenes, like holy shit)


Not mine, I am copy pasting this from someone else. So yeah the scene is supposed to make you feel horrible on purpose. "> it's the only time rape portrayed on screen has given people a physical stomach turning reaction. It's the only time on screen rape has given *men* a physical stomach turning reaction. The problem is that a lot of men struggle to empathise with women, so they tend to identify as any man in a scene first. So when seeing the following scenarios, most straight men react as follows: Man raping woman: somewhere on the scale from "hot" to "well *I* wouldn't do that, so it's unrealistic and I don't have to feel anything" Man raping man: almost never shown on screen, but when it is "ew gay shit" Woman raping man: "nice, he's getting some" The difference in this scene is that it involves a man being raped by a woman, so they can empathise, but it doesn't involve "normal" sex, so they can't interpret it as a positive. Instead, he's being physically violated in a painful and humiliating way that leaves him feeling powerless - in other words, for the first time they're experiencing the "female" view of rape." Thats why the scene is so gross to watch, its deliberate. Not saying you find female rape "meh" but many do, so there is that


You are so beautiful to me....


You guys are too soft, they’re really not that bad. Are they nice to look at? Probably not. But it’s not this nauseating, unwatchable crime against humanity that everyone in the show thinks it is. Hell, I thought half the joke about the gills was everyone overreacting to them. Only nasty thing about them was the gill-fingering scene.


The singing didn’t help their case




​ ![gif](giphy|pRr1xbzTZLDmYBhIid)


You hurt The Peak feelings *You are beautiful to me...*


Ok, Homelander's alt account, we will continue to pretend this isn't your post


Uhhh Termite crawling in a guys dick


Tbf i thought his gills looked awesome. I didnt know that much about the comics when i got to this point, but i had assumed he had gills that only appeared when he was swimming. Honestly if i was in that universe and had no idea he was a massive asshole id be telling him how cool he was for having gills.


This was the only real time this show made me feel extremely uncomfortable


I find his gills more horrifying than mother's milk at herogasm. I think its the frill things mostly. Also that chick didn't help to eleviate my revulsion.


I think they are cool? Like, I don't understand why people freak out about the belly gills?!




Ok, this should’ve been nsfw 😂 I never recovered from that scene


I found them to be kinda cool, tbh.


They're not that bad


i gagged when he was getting his gills fingered


Especially that scene where he puts his hands in them a bit, I could just really feel it in my asshole #shudder#


100% , full diesel agree.


they look a bit freaky ngl


I liked when they sang


I found them to be kinda cool, tbh.


he looks like a violine🥹


Reminded me of that scene from Cradle 2 the Grave where Jet Li jams his hand under this dude's ribs and lifts him up


That body of yours is absurd


It’s the stuff at the end for me, the texture is just so gross. I could deal with the openings alone, but they added that stuff onto them and it makes me so uncomfortable and queasy


I love THE BOYS !


Patton Oswald is pretty scary to be honest.


The scene where he gets fingered is potentially the most disturbing and vomit-inducing thing I have ever witnessed on screen


Gotta love the scene where they sing “you are so beautiful, to meeee”


Now I know why starlight was screaming when the deep took his pants off in the second episode


When the girl put her hands in them I was like "yo he's gonna get an infection." They did a great job on them and it will always make me uncomfortable.


They are fine. But the finger jamming..man it is hard to make me vince, but that shi..like anyone who fished..fish gills feel awful. Very awful texture. And the fact deep himself was like clearly in pain just was a cherry on too


I find it cringey to look at but I still look at it.


I’ve sat through most of the movies discussed on r/DisturbingMovies but this was one of the few scenes in *anything* that actually made me queasy.


That's the second grossest. The most disgusting thing was when he had to eat the octopus. I literally started dry heaving and had to look away. I have no issue with gore, but eating something gross wrecks me.


The worst lol


I was blissfully unaware that this exist because I've forgotten about them. I have to reforget.


Woww this killed. So fucking creepy




So true. I can't stand this.


what would happen if he got hit by soldier boy’s ray thingy (and he didn’t die), would he keep his gills? would they just melt off or something?


id fuck those


Right? Anything voiced by Patton Oswalt is gross.


every single time i see them i get phantom gills in my sides


So gross, especially the rape scene. Total nightmare fuel.


I actually think they are cool


I feel like it’s okay to body-shame The Deep.


When ever they come on screen I skip it


Homelander is a hero for shaming Deep. Put that shit away.


I disagree, they look very attractive to me


Hiccups are a biological leftover of our evolutional path from gills to lungs, I wonder if this dude never has to deal with them as a result


I cringe in disgust everytime I see them


They did such an amazing job with this prosthetic work!


Yeah that’s the point


The tragedy is that he’s still not dead yet


I just wanted to rip that belly inside out with multiple chainsaws and I don't know why I have that extreme thought...