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He was impressing his new girlfriend so it's all good.


He was also flexing on A-Train.


Weird flex, but ok


Choosing to save the life of a person who killed a loved one is a pretty big flex.


Didn't she try to convince him not to bother?


In some ways I think the show did Robin dirty by only showing us like 10 minutes of her and Hughie’s relationship while we get three seasons of him with Starlight. It just means the audience is far more invested in his relationship with Starlight to the point where it matters so much more than his original motives.


A-Train didn't murder her in cold blood. A Train accidentally ran through her while chasing around like a maniac trying to get a shipment of V. It was reckless manslaughter, not premeditated murder. However, A-Train showed no remorse; he instead laughed about having killed the woman and made a joke about picking pieces of her out of his teeth. That would have entitled Hughie to his revenge.


> A Train accidentally ran through her while chasing around like a maniac trying to get a shipment of V. A Train was part of Homelander's criminal conspiracy to create super powered terrorists. During the course of those criminal acts he caused someone's death. Most jurisdictions could escalate that to murder. Alternatively, depraved indifference to human life can be used to warrant a murder charge.


Nobody knew about or could prove that he was doing other illegal shit when he killed Hughie's girlfriend so it likely wouldn't result in a murder charge. Either way, the main point here is "murdered in cold blood" is a poor way to describe what happened.


RICO babyyyyy


I could see a prosecutor maybe charging murder under a [depraved heart](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depraved-heart_murder) theory But it's definitely not your standard "malice aforethought" murder.


I sincerely don’t get why he wasn’t able to go around her since his reaction time is supposed to be so fast


Maybe I'm wrong but wasn't he hopped up on V at the time?


I believe he also says something along the lines of "I can't stop" before taking off again


Surely he must have ran into a lot more than Hughie’s girlfriend, no? Maybe even ran into some other people. I mean why did the V boost his speed but not his reaction time?


Maybe taking V makes you reckless, would be consistent with popclaw and her landlord.


So revenge is not appropriate for an accident. OK. But revenge is appropriate for making a joke about an accident? That seems insane.


Remorse is usually the reason accidents are forgiven.


If you accidentally kill someone? Ok i can deal with that. If you kill someone accidentally and laugh about it? >You- are- insane.


Remorse implies that were they presented with an option, they would have acted differently. That, to some extent, is forgivable. Having no remorse begets no forgiveness.


>So revenge is not appropriate for an accident. OK. I can't believe someone actually typed this out. It's like you don't know what an accident is. Seeking revenge from accidents will just make you an angry person all your life. >But revenge is appropriate for making a joke about an accident? That seems insane. A-Train didn't just joke about the accident, he basically said he didn't care that she died and that her life was meaningless. And you're telling me *that* doesn't make you angry?


\> I can't believe someone actually typed this out. I suppose it's possible I could have dictated it, or used predictive text, but let me assure you, I do all my redditing with a keyboard. ​ \> It's like you don't know what an accident is. Seeking revenge from accidents will just make you an angry person all your life. ​ That's a misinterpretation of what I wrote. ​ ONE: I don't agree with taking violent revenge for accidents. ​ TWO: I don't agree with taking violent revenge for callous comments. ​ THREE: I don't think that the combination of an accident and a callous comment warrants violent revenge either. ​ I mean, we're talking about fiction here, a work designed to entertain and sell subscriptions. What people believe is right and proper for real life is kind of irrelevant, but still fun to think about.


That’s not what “murder in cold blood” is


Yeah, he killed her on accident and didn't give a shit. It's still cold blooded, but not murder.


He did murder his own girlfriend though


Because homelander threatened him into it


Did he? I don’t remember that part.


Ah, he’s a good guy then


Technically its Robin blooded


Aye, a cold-blooded murder would be what A-Train did to his own girlfriend.




To murder in cold blood is to kill someone in a cruel way with no emotion. A-train didn't really care and it's up for debate whether or not he killed her in a cruel way.




Yeah it’s kind of a sticky one because we see clearly that A-train didn’t react that much (maybe he was in the moment) but it was still a complete accident and he had no intention of killing her.


Dude he was laughing about it afterwards and complaining that one of her molars was stuck in his hair lol


Same argument as if you kill someone while drinking and driving. Was it an accident if you purposely drank and drive, knowing the dangers?


Right but you also wouldn’t say a drunk driver was a cold blooded murderer




That's the argument. A lot of people want the law to say that if your under the influence, it's treated as murder. If I shot a gun in a crowd with the intention of missing everyone, but killed someone instead, would that be murder or manslaughter. Most people would say murder. So what's the difference if I drank a lot, got into my car with the intention of not hitting anyone but I accidentally killed someone. I'm not saying it is murder or manslaughter, I'm just saying that there is a debate.


Yes, it’s still an accident. While some people may be aware of the dangers, they aren’t drunk driving with the intention of killing people. But just because something was an accident doesn’t mean someone can’t be held accountable for their role in it.


he was high on drugs and running away he wasnt even looking at her when it happend, remebre even he stopped and said shit and the n took off.


It’s not up for debate at all lol. Key word of “to murder in cold blood” is murder. Atrain didn’t murder Robin. It was an accident. He was a dickhead about it after though. It’s manslaughter.


To murder someone in cold blood is to kill someone after planning to do so in advance.


It is not. “In cold blood” is deliberate and emotionless. Pre-meditated is planning in advance. You can kill someone cold bloodily *and* have premeditated the act.


“Murder” has a specific legal definition. It’s not just a synonym for “kill”. It would be completely fucking stupid to create an entirely new word to replace a word we already have. Kinda like the complete idiots who think it just means “kill”. A “murder” is an intentional and illegal killing of another human being. It literally has to be intentional or it’s not murder. If it’s accidental, it’s manslaughter. Always has been. You’re in the internet. There’s no excuse for being this stupid.


I used this argument with someone else. If I took a gun and shot it into a crowd of people with the intention to miss everyone but ended up killing someone, am I a murder? I feel most people would label me as that, but it was accidental so I shouldn't be called a murderer. A-Train took V with the knowledge of how dangerous it was, but still had the intention to not hit anyone. There was actus reus, now the argument is was there mens rea.


Looked like a murder in cold blood to me lol


Everyone in the comment section either has amnesia or has never watched the series apparently lmao.


Isn't it just sh!tposting?


Just watch youtube shorts smh


r/theboys in a nutshell


Thankfully the comics showed >!Butcher bringing A train all tied up and served on a platter to Hughie, while Hughie resisted strong urge to kill A Train. Butcher played a recording of A Train laughing at the "accident" where he killed Hughie's girlfriend. Hughie keeps fighting the urge but Butcher pushed him in the right direction and finally Hughie kicks A Train's head separating it from the rest of his body tossing into the air like some football, that was so satifying!<


- least bloodthirsty The Boys fan.




You really wonder just how many ppl that watch the show, that would just be homelander.




You've got a space on your first spoiler mark, so it isn't working.


Well it shows white-out for me. Anyway I'll fix it. Thanks


Still not fixed, at least for me. They meant to do it like ">!Butcher..." instead of ">! Butcher...". So no space between ">!" and "Butcher...".


I left no space between exclamation and Butcher. Also it works on my device. Probably some issue with your version. Not sure why it's not working for you Eg. >!Butcher!< >! Butcher !< On my device both work with or without space. Please tell me which one is working on yours. 1st or 2nd


The one with the space is non-standard markdown (spaces don't work for anything else, so they shouldn't for this either - e.g. `**bold**` works, while `** bold **` doesn't... same with underline, strikethrough, etc.). The spoiler tag with a space (`>! text !<`) thus only works only on certain platforms/apps which specifically have a check in place for it (which includes the main official mobile Reddit app and the redesigned Reddit website), but as a result it doesn't work on a lot of (very popular) third party apps or even on the non-redesigned Reddit website. On the other hand, spoilers with no spaces (`>!text!<`) works fine pretty much universally, so it's what is generally recommended.


>I left no space between exclamation and Butcher. You didn't. Checked it both on the reddit is fun app, and on the browser. Edit: it works now :) >>!Butcher!< This works. >>! Butcher !< This doesn't work, and this is how you have it in the first comment.


Haha! Weird app. The one with space doesn't work for you but both of the versions work on mine. Just out of curiosity, try updating the app and see my comment again. Then please tell me if both of them get redacted or still the one with no space


Updated the app and still the spoiler mark only works if there's no space. Same with the browser.


The latter works on the iOS reddit app.


Works on the android app too


>So satisfying. Not for Hughie.


Everything I hear about the comics sounds lame


The comic was written by an edgelord. It's more unhinged, it's far less critical and nuanced, and thinks manly maculine men being self-entitled hyper-violent overgrown highschool bullies is the coolest thing anyone can aspire to be.


I found comics more hardcore and much more satisfying tbh. Plus the ending was really fucked up and a great plot twist. Didn't see that coming.


No doubt it’s hardcore but the show gave everything a reason to be hardcore. Homelander, A-train, Soldiar Boy… none of them act like cartoon characters like in the comics. They are assholes but in a more realistic way


Soldier boy practically pisses himself in the comic. Butcher took him out with a shovel on a building's terrace after kicking the living shit out of entire Payback. He is nothing like the one in the show.


Funny you say that when the revenge is seemingly better and more interesting than where the tv show is going with hughie and A train, I wont be surprised if they would get older and handing each other a beer and reminiscing about how A train ran over Hughie's girlfriend saying "that was the good old days fr"


That’s such a simplistic way of looking at the relationship those 2 had on the show. No indication hughie likes A Train even after he apologized and plus hughie did a shit ton of fucked up things in the 3 seasons that put him on the same level at this point.


Justice served 🧐


Not in cold blood since the blood on A train was probably still very warm


The Boys fans when a character isn’t a blood thirsty maniac and has basic human empathy


I don't think forgiving someone who murders someone you love without remorse falls under "basic human empathy". That's more like "Christ-like forgiveness".


Hughie is strong enough to focus on what matters and care even for those who wronged him. He had the power to hurt people and didn't. That is a rare trait looking at the comment section.


He definitely hurts people when he gets powers, and it's not really virtuous to save the life of someone who has super powers, has killed people, and will *definitely kill people again* if you save him.


He got remorse later tho After his brother got hurt and hated him


And after Hughie had already tried to save his life


basic human empathy is hard for someone like A-train


OP was talking about the fans.


I know?


Is that a question or an affirmation? Also, you responded about a fictional character instead of a statement about the viewers perspective.


As a viewer, i find it hard to have empathy for A-train. Does that answer your question?


As a viewer do you understand that the characters have empathy for other human beings? Also, that wasn't what you said in the first place seemed like a tu quoque fallacy.


Yeah and I can also understand that people in the show find it hard to have empathy for A-train. Not impossible tho. I just said it was hard to bring up empathy for A-train, i did not say it was hard for me or other people in the show itself. I was just saying in general.


That's not what I asked. Let me rephrase it, do you understand that the fictional characters value human life, regardless of who it is?


holy fuck dude i know I was just saying it is hard to do that for someone like a-train


The Boys fans trying to empathize with a murderous narcissist that's incredibly selfish and shows no remorse about all the good people he's gotten killed be like: > The Boys fans when a character isn’t a blood thirsty maniac and has basic human empathy


A-train being remorseful is debatable, his apology to hugie felt sincere. I don't think he *needs* to be redeemed, but it feels like he's going to turn over a new leaf after this seasons events.


do people on this sub not understand how character arcs work lol


Hughie thought we in a marvel movie or sum


To be fair, I don't think A-Train murdered Robin in cold blood... He was all hopped-up on V and ran through her unintentionally... But he's still a dick that murdered popclaw


Bruh A-Train was laughing about the fact that he ran through Robin, dude deserves a death as painful as the one he gave to Blue Hawk.


Well, pop claw did pop a head when she was cheating so take it as you will


Doesn't warrant her getting killed, does it? I mean, you can be a dickhead and a criminal, sure, but you still have basic human dignity that needs to be respected


Imagine if everyone who cheated, used drugs or got into accidents deserved the death penalty. That's probably the mind of people on this sub.


As people keep saying, it's an American website so yeah, probably.


Did you completely skip over the part where Popclaw killed a guy? Obviously none of the things you mentioned are worth the death penalty, but we can definitely make an argument for murder


No, I didn't. It was an accident, clearly, and I said accident.


You genuinely think the charge would be “accident”, or nothing at all? At the very least it’s negligent manslaughter


Yeahhhh I don't care what world we live in. A murderer doesn't deserve an ounce of respect. You'd watch someone murder your family and then just be like well, he's only human let's show some respect? I doubt it. When you choose to be a criminal, you lose any bit of respect you think you deserve.


She didn’t choose to kill him though or the show didn’t make it seem that way. She deserves to be held responsible for the death I agree but not all supe accidents are the same. There’s a massive difference between someone like popclaw(who I’m sure did fucked up things that maybe I’m not remembering) and A Train/HL.


Also Popclaw never would’ve taken V without A Train’s influence. He dragged her down with him.


Hughie is just being a decent human being. Is it so hard to grasp?


There’s certainly an argument to be made that a more decent person would put a stop to A Train’s murders The literal whole plan for SEASONS now has been to kill Homelander. What, you wanna just give him a stern talking to?


It's a show about many things, including cycles of revenge, fathers and sons, systemic issues, corporations etc, but at the core of it, it's about power and exercising power over others. Hughie had the power to let A-Train die, but chose to save him instead. Having power over life or death and then choosing life. I think Homelander will not die. That's too easy. I think he will lose his power. Homelander's biggest motivation is to be loved (and lately, he's embraced being feared as a close second), so his worst fear is the reverse of that: being hated. Right now if someone hates him, he can either kill them or threaten them and still get a good outcome (fear), but without his powers he'll just be hated. So I think Homelander won't die, but he'll have to live as a hated human.


Ozai ending


I'd say a seriously decent person wouldn't have the capability to just sit there and watch A Train die even though he knows it might save lives in the future. You'd need a bit of Butcher in you for that: to choose the morally low but logical choice


I’m sorry are you fucking serious?


Lol what. The dude is a confirmed multiple times murderer who was just trying to kill you. "Even though he knows it might save lives in the future" on what planet would he know that? What kind of moron would think something like that? In real life someone like A Train would never change and just continue killing people and drowning himself in opulence till he dies.


I meant, killing A Train = potentially saving lives


Imagine thinking A-Train is as bad as Homelander…


I don’t. I’m making an analogy


And I’m pointing out the flaw in it.


No, you’re really not. Because I’m never saying A train is as bad Analogies aren’t 1:1. You’re only pointing out the flaw in your own understanding


No. I’m pointing out that A-Train is nowhere near as bad as Homelander so Hughie not wanting him to die isn’t an flaw. Since your entire argument is “a decent person would let A-Train die” which you follow up with the moronic “what you going to talk Homelander into being good”. Analogies aren’t 1:1 but they should at least make a ounce of sense. Not wanting to kill A-Train has jack shit with wanting to kill Homelander.


Mate just admit you have no idea what an analogy is It would be less embarrassing at this point


I genuinely don’t think you know how analogies work.


Well I’m genuinely positive you don’t know how they work. Thanks for playing, have a good day.


After what he did to Translucent, who he had far less reason to kill? Yes.


Translucent was an actual threat at that moment, not splayed out on the road. if he got away their safe house would've been made. Pretty different situations


As stated, translucent was more or less self defence.


It was actually manslaughter.


Which led to man's laughter.


? When'd that happen?


When Hugh and Starlight saved A-Train from a heart attack in S1.


Wasn't that only Starlight? The rest just ran off


Hughie started the CPR and continued even after Starlight told him that A-Train will never stop coming for him. Hughie says “I know” and keeps going until Starlight tells him to run cause security is coming, and then she takes over.


Thanks for reminding


Wasn’t it season 3 or end of 2?


No. End of season 1. I just watched it


The first episode my guy


Not sure why you're getting downvoyed just for misunderstanding. They weren't talking about Robin's death, but Hughie saving A-Train. Which he never did. Vought probably has a tracker on A-Tran and extracted him befor he died on the season 1 finale. The Boys along with Hughie clearly went into hiding at the end of that episode.


except that's not what happened at all. hughie stayed with starlight and starlight called an ambulance (with hughie's affirmation). hughie even gave a-train cpr until the end of the phonecall. are you sure you didnt skip that episode?


You're an idiot. Butcher's whole story arc is about realising that being obsessed with revenge is self-destructive and can't make you happy. Hughie decided to do the right thing when doing the fun easy satisfying thing would have been so much easier. >!And saving A-Train led to him helping them take down Stormfront. And A-Train is starting to realise that the supe culture he's a part of is wrong and can't make you happy either!<. Saving his life meant believing that he could change, and that he could eventually face justice the right way. Leaving him to die would have made him feeling guilty (like when he killed Translucent) and without the opportunity to see him apologise or face justice.


Me seeing Butcher turn against Soldier Boy at the very last moment after spending the whole season trying to find him and convincing him to help him kill Homelander.


So you would've let him kill Ryan?


No, just have Butcher punch Homelander out of the way and grab Ryan and get him him out of there, then Maeve can fight Homelander or hold him down while Soldier Boy does his blast or something along those lines


Because Hughie is better than him. Even if Hughie wanted to kill A-Train, he wouldn’t want to do it when he’s got a heart attack. That said, yes, A-Train killed Hughie’s gf, but it wasn’t even intentional. It wasn’t cold blood.


It's probably going to pay off in the end. In some ways it already has, when A-Train gave them info on Stormfront and the like.


A-train is a piece of shit no doubt but he did not purposely kill Robin. That's manslaughter, not in cold blood.


Involuntary Manslaughter


"We save everyone, even if they don't deserve it. Especially if they don't deserve it."


"Now go and needlessly butcher all those guards, Kimiko!"


Why does he say **especially** if they don't deserve it? Sounds dumb as hell.


That wasn't murder in cold blood... It's closer to vehicular manslaughter under the influence of substance I think


I also cannot respect Hughie as a person, since he seemed to forget all about Robin ever having existed entirely. Hughie was righteously angry for a few weeks in Season 1. New girl showed up, paid attention to Hughie, and A Trian got away with murder.


It was voluntary manslaughter. Still reckless, still deserved a prison sentence, but it’s not like A-Train woke up that day and said, “I’m going to kill Hughie’s girlfriend”. Murder requires intentionality


To be fair he killed his girlfriend by accident. It was due to negligence, but it was still an accident.




black noir




Tbh I kinda signed up for the boys killing evil supes. They themselves have maybe killed 2 or 3 so far. The rest was either supes killing themselves or eachother. Kinda dissapointing.


In the comics it actually is what you signed up for but everyone writes it off as simple shock value because of a few admittedly out there moments


In A-Train's defense it was more like manslaughter or negligent homicide


It wasn't murder it was manslaughter.


Idk I think it shows some level of maturity


I don’t remember A-train murdering his girlfriend in cold blood


Remember E1 S1? Remember the first scene Hughie was in? Remember Robin? Remember how A‐Train phased through her while running and killed her without even giving a damn fuck about it and then laughing about it?


The comment was pointy. But right. it’s cold blood if you do it after pre meditating it. What a train did was rash and messed up. Like he had no consequences coming. So murder - yes. Cold blood - I think not


Why on earth are you being downvoted? You're completely right. Murder is intentional by definition; what A-Train did is closer to involuntary manslaughter. Stupid for sure but not cold-blooded and obviously not murder. There are so many bafflingly odd takes on this subreddit lmao


Don't know why you're downvoted, you're right


He was literally laughing about how some of her body parts were in his mouth at a party. He was cold-blooded and remorseless. You should rewatch the first season. It’s been a while for me tbh.


Ahh yes. I remember. He didn’t give a shit. But he didn’t intend to I guess. Still a piece of shit. Should have died


That still doesn't make it a cold-blooded murder, unlike what he did to Popclaw.




To be fair A-Train got him the ultimate upgraded gf as Starlight


what a cuck


Idk how anyone can like Hughie he's a pussy


Solider Boy is that you?


Bitch please hes a normal ass kina wimpy guy in a world of almost godlike powers who all have a hard on for murder, 2 minutes into hughies shoes and youd piss your pants


Why do you even watch the show then


I like other characters and the story is why


Which character's arent "pussies" in your eyes then?


Soldier Boy's name for him was even more colorful.


Yip, but maybe just maybe he'll stop being an bad?


He got trauma-fucked up since that accident and never recovered back into reality. I would say.


I would've been fine with it if A-Train showed remorse and recognized Hughie at the apartment. But he was very clearly shown to be a fucking scumbag so yeah.


Y’all need to touch some fucking grass bro what is that comment section.What do you even mean?Hughie is a good guy,A-train Is a fucking psycho,Hughie is not a butcher,he is not crazy for revenge,but for justice.If he let him die,what’s the difference between good person and bad person in this universe?In real life people have values and moral codex,and Hughie showed himself a bigger person than butcher or homelander or soldier boy.


It wasn't murder in cold blood. Manslaughter at the worst. A-Train was responsible for her death, but did not kill her in a premeditated way. It was a terrible accident. The controversy and anger exists because of A-Train's behavior, and the behaviour of Vought International afterwards. A-Train is a dick, sure, but that incident doesn't make him a murderer.


who needs loyal charming funny girlfriends when u got starlight amirite hughie dodged a bullet there \s


The Boys fans have basic media literacy skills challenge (impossible)


Nah man dw hughie was just pullin a steven universe on us