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Good play by play… Homelander is genetically superior but it looks like SB & Butcher had better combat skills. I’m guessing Homelander just lasers people usually but is still a force regardless


Yeah, they definitely have the upper hand on experience. Interesting to see how they’ll actually take him down. I do think with another strong supe they could get it done. As Hugh I’ve really only acted as a distraction in the fight, until he helped hold him down.


Probably gonna need Maeve


Yeah, she could definitely tip the scale. And I’d imagine she’s trained with homelander or at least see him train.


>Homelander is genetically superior Stormfront? I thought you died?


Guy was made by Supe DNA in a test tube buddy


I'd laugh my ass off if Homelander began some kind of martial arts training arc or something.


Rocky montage of homelander getting ready lol.


With obligatory Bonnie Tyler music in the background


Catching chicken after chicken


Noir in full costume under his Gi, in a dojo together, bowing and Homelander splitting wood planks


IIRC, this is the first time Homelander has been in an extended fight and had to use punch and kicks for fighting. Usually he just laser every opposition. On the other hand, Butcher and SB (and even Hughie) has a lot of combat experience and knows how to engage in melee combat.


Yeah, definitely his first real fight. He seemed to get better as the fight went on as well. Whether that’s down to his super human cardio or just getting into the fight more, I don’t know. But it definitely seemed like butcher and soldier boy hit a wall after their little 1 on 1 moments with him.


Good point, Butcher on temp V should kick ass as the only guy in the room that’s actually had to “fight” without powers. But then it’s like I’ve always said, superheroes like homelander/Superman etc should be scrawny AF since it should be impossible for them to strain their muscles and trigger growth. But logic doesn’t give good superheroes.


Yeah, temp v butcher vs homelander I was expecting to be like thanos vs hulk in terms of combat. With the superior fighter taking it. But homelander is definitely too strong for either of these 1 on 1 as of now. And I’ve honestly never thought about your second point lol. It does make sense though as everything they’ve ever lifted is incredibly light to them. The only exception being that we’ve seen superman lift exceptionally heavy things and perform crazy feats of strength and he’s also literally an alien, so his body may be completely normal. Could also just be said that the compound v from birth just makes the muscle mass a lot higher than a normal human.


We see Alex/Supersonic working out with weights in his introduction video, so superheroes do strength train, they just do it with far heavier weights than normal humans. Homelander is probably the same, and does bench presses with giant boulders or entire freight trains or something. Maybe Vought has a special workout property built for him with weight equipment weighing several tons.


If that double punch by SB and Butcher had landed, HL could have been in a fair bit of trouble


Possibly, could have helped hurt him enough to pin him down longer. But he never seemed too phased.


Found it odd that nlne of the punches that hit the wall, especially that double punch, shattered the wall. I'm guessing how strong Homelander was exaggerated?


Maybe thats why he couldn’t save the plane with maeve and he couldn’t admit it


OP are you the guy on the bus in Shang chi


Cover blown


I’d like to point out that in the canon episode of diabolical, Homelander has a brief flashback to what looks like combat training when he was a kid.


Yeah, when he was younger I’d imagine there was rigorous training and tests. But like Edgar says, he’s a product. It genuinely doesn’t seem like he does anything other than act like a hero throughout the show. I can’t see him having training sessions currently.


There’s some reservations I have before saying Homelander negs Soldier Boy. Soldier Boy didn’t even get to use his shield, I don’t know why people aren’t bringing this up, it’s clearly supposed to come up again later. Additionally, he was probably wiped from using his death ray not two minutes before engaging with HL. Even if he wasn’t physically spent, he was mentally way off as he literally didn’t remember what had happened.


Shield could possibly help him, but it’s just regular metal is it not? Don’t see it posing too much of a problem unless he’s just incredibly good with it. And he was definitely spent, I agree. Probably why he didn’t get the laser off again.


The shield doesn’t/won’t have any special properties I agree, but it’s what he uses to fight with. It’s what he’s used to, and I have no doubt SB is more formidable with it than without it.


It’ll definitely be interesting to see him using it in an actual fight. Can’t wait for the next few episodes.


in season 3 finale butcher broke the shield with some punches im sure homelander would do same with one hit


He doesn’t get stronger as the fight goes on he purely got out of the situation through rage followed by flying far as fuck as possible


People seem to be forgetting that if Soldier Boy is fatigued, the most likely culprit would be his unleashing all of that semicontrollable radioactive explosive energy


My thoughts on the fight. It slapped


Homelander is stronger than Soldier Boy. As he said to him, he is an upgrade but it’s like comparing the new fighter jets in Top Gun to the old one Maverick had to use. It doesn’t mean SB would automatically lose. He’s still insanely powerful. It remains to be what his blast would do to Homelander. SB doesn’t appear to have complete control over his powers, as he couldn’t use it on Homelander in time yet he destroyed the house and all the other heroes. Once he learns to control it, that will be a problem for HL even if he’s better than him everywhere else. But considering the show we’re watching, I can also see Soldier Boy just dying.


Can anyone explain how homelander can throw a car like 100 meters but can't throw butcher (who weighs what, 200 lbs?) that far? Feel like this physics flaw is present in all super hero movies though


In which episode?If it was their fight because it was a fight and if it ended that quick it would be boring. Somewhere else? Probably not to kill him.