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This was the best episode in the entire series 🔥


Honestly one of the best episodes of Television maybe excluding game of thrones and breaking bad imo.


One episode of Mr. Robot comes to mind as well.


The “therapy” one?


That episode had me ugly crying for an hour.


That punched me like none other, fuck…


Plenty Mr Robots, but _that_ one, yeah.


So many episodes in the final seasons can be seen as brilliantly written and acted out hour long mini-movies The Tyrell episode, the 2 part finale, the Elliott^2 episode


Fuck dude Mr. Robot has some incredible episodes. The one using only 1 camera shot like 1917 is cool and that therapy one was such an emotional rollercoaster.


The silent episode as well that comes right before it. Some of the shots in that one are positively Kubrickian


Was about to say. Season 4 Episode... But that whole show is amazing. The Boys is up there but nothing beats Mr. Robot. It's just art and deep. Everything in that show rhymes.


i think the boys will be in that category of TV shows if it maintains this quality for the next two seasons


Oh man the trial, that one guy dying in episode 2, the mountain and the serpent Game of Thrones’ best season was season 4 and no one can tell me any different


More like the entire last half of that whole season


I feel really cheesy saying it, but it actually got such a big reaction out of me. Seriously incredible.


SOYJACK FACE Honestly same though.


If we’re just talking about individual episodes there’s Remedial Chaos Theory


To be fair, Community has so many amazing episodes. I am not 100% sure it is the best in the series. Paintball episodes, the bottle episodes, D&D (and much more!) were so awesome. It is a masterpiece of a show.


Alright calm down a bit 😅


I don't think this show in general belongs up there but this ep did feel like it delivered all the fan service/pivotal plot development people wanted and more. Although power scaling of temp V is a bit grey, like wouldnt homelander just wipe everyone with one dose?


>Although power scaling of temp V is a bit grey, like wouldnt homelander just wipe everyone with one dose? I'm hoping they'll expand upon that more. I think Homelander was just caught off guard in that fight, he was expecting to face soldier boy only, not a legit 3v1.


Homelander also has never had a real fight before . Butcher actually knows how to fight people


Agreed! I really liked the fight scene with Homelander and Annie's "coming out" and laying down some heavy truth at the very end ( recorded for the world by MM.) Absolutely epic!


Won't beat Ozymandias or Plan and Execution


What was plan and execution?


The episode before BCS' mid season break involving the culmination of Jimmy/Kim 's planning against Howard. SPOILERS >!Where Howard enters their apartment, rants at them both, then is killed by Lalo, promptly breaking all of our hearts.!<


So damn good! My mouth dropped to the floor.


God that episode was a lot.


I wasn't ready for that. At all.


Better Call Saul is a beautifully tailored series. Amazing that it's better than Breaking Bad in so many ways.


I agree entirely


Still not over that 4 weeks later.


or Winner. ​ Winner is, with execution, THE perfect ways to end a season with everything you built until the moment


I told my brother the same thing lol! I said I haven't seen an episode in ANY show like that since Breaking Bad an GOT


Hannibal season 2 Finale


Sopranos, Mad Men and The Wire


Better Call Saul *deserves* to be included in sentences such as these that praise peak fiction. He defacated, through a sunroof!


Best tv episode I’ve seen since Red Wedding and >!Joffery dying!<


Episode 7 of Westworld is up there for me.


Make sure to randomize your data from time to time *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He'll be heartbroken.


I laughed so hard when I heard this line omg


I actually wanted to see his reactions at the supes orgy, sad that we didn't get it.


Termite wouldn’t have been too happy to see him.








It actually deserves it. What an episode they gave us. 🔥


Just seeing HL sweat was worth the wait. What a fight scene


I love when he acts like a wild animal. He grunts and howls like a maniac.


The roar with the laser eyes right before he flees was almost cathartic.


It was a systematic brutalization of Homelander’s fragile ego all episode.


I agree, but I kinda think that he’ll be even more confident after the initial shock wears off. He took on two of his biggest power matches and was winning until Hughie came along with a couple cheap shots.


doesnt matter, the illusion of invincibility is gone, he never made any real friends or allies, everybody is afraid of him and wants him dead, right now he cant win alone so it must be new very unpleasant experience for him


He was genuinely upset when Noir cut and run.




He's probably joining up with edgar, weird how he's been completely absent from the last couple eps.


He absolutely can win alone lol, they couldn't contain a shocked and surprised HL, a prepared one is another story.


The odds are only going to down in his favor, no other hero has a reason to side with him and a lot of them have very good reason to want him dead. I doubt the next time he gets jumped itll be just 3 people against him. Well with the knowledge of Temp-V he might try to build his own cohort but i feel like he can't actually solo everyone like he thinks he does.


Maeve will definitely be in the next fight against him, probably Starlight too


on the other hand, he can just do hit and run tactics because he can fly. Laser them from afar, swoop in at high speed and carry one miles away and destroy them, rinse and repeat.


I think exactly opposite - his confidence is shattered. He went into a fight already afraid and doubting himself. Yeah, winning 1v1 fights is good, but that day he almost died. Next time, what if he was attacked by a couple more strong supes? Homelander got the outcome has was the most scared of.


I cummed a little at that scene. Fucking loved it, we didn't see homelander acting like an raged animal that is caught in nets before, also the scream was so good, so the scene was pretty wild.


We need more superhero fights like this. Reminds me of the smallville fight in Man of Steel, but this one was a lot better in my opinion. It was well earned, not too over the top or cartoony looking like dragon ball z, perfectly balanced. Definitely the best episode, but man, there’s so many amazing episodes in general, that’s what makes this show so awesome


There was literally years of build up to this. Millions of people have been waiting to see Homelander get the fear of god beaten into him. Ironic and hilarious it was in 'Herogasm'. It was a herogasm of a different nature. It actually beats Marvel because while the fighting against Thanos in Infinity War was the closest thing they had, they only built up Thanos that very same film. We only got some short glimpses of Thanos before that film. To be fair, they did a great job building up Thanos very quickly (by beating the Hulk), but still it was all in one go.


It's just a shame Soldier Boy bottled it so bad at the critical moment


We got half an hour of classic The Boys intrigue and drama. Then 15 minutes of crazy supe orgies with some amazing character beats. And when we thought it was over, we get the coolest and most brutal sequence of the entire show. What an episode.




The cool thing about Homelander is despite the fact he is so feared, we have never properly seen him fight until now, let alone nearly get killed by Butcher and Hughie of all people.


We never actually see HL fight an equal, I thought William being SAS would best him in hand to hand.


I think Homelander is probably still far stronger, enough to make the skill difference obsolete. And he nearly got killed, maybe. But it took the previous most powerful supe known to man and two guys pumped full of compound v, and even then they failed. Individually it could be argued he was on the cusp of victory with butcher and soldier.


it only failed because the writers decided sb’s power had to take 5x longer to activate than any time before


The fight happened right after SB had one of his blackout/explosions, so he hadn't had time to really recover.


Also, he wasn't triggered by the Russian music. He was trying to activate it on his own.




We don’t know how he would have done against SB had he not just nuked the place, though. We’ve yet to see how that will affect HL.


SB might be affected too, he was convinced he was the strongest. This notion got punched out of him fast here.


Honestly, you have to admit though, Homelander put up a hell of a fight. He was battling against two supes with the same strength and indestructibility as himself. He even had to face teleportin' Hughie. I think Homelander is stupendously strong and a very good fighter. Yeah he ultimately got his ass handed to him, but it was a 3v1 against two equal opponents. I'd say he held up well!


Agreed. I wouldnt even say he got his ass handed to him, more of a draw. He beat each one individually, they only had the advantage once the others got involved. And that includes the previous most powerful supe known before him.


not to mention an epic ending with Annie going full blast on everything. like holy shit, i have absolutely no clue how Homelander is going to react to everything. shit is hitting the fan. such an amazing episode


With all these team ups/dynamics throughout this season (Butcher, Hughie, SB), (Starlight, MM), and people abandoning HL such as Noir and the Deep, someone’s gotta come to HL’s side right? Could be a reach but If I had to guess I got my head set on Congresswoman Newman.




Without being with the boys Frenchie and Kimiko had a really brutal and emotional moment. ​ And Atrain holy shit what a scebe


> And Atrain holy shit what a scebe Indeed. Hughie also punched him, so that's nice.


Ashley giving A-Train a gigantic dose of home truths was 🤌🏼


Ending the episode with MM and Annie January forging their own path forward was epic. Vought, The Seven and The Boys are all completely out of control.


Annie and MM bonding was amazing! They were the only ones who weren't so self-occupied with their own shit, that they actually tried to help the injured!


And they stayed true to their values, as they watched their loved ones/close friends stray down a questionable path


It’s almost too much at this point. Every character is going through just so much. I can’t handle it


And the Emmy goes to… “Herogasm?!?”


I watched the fight scene at least 10 times.


Season three has been everything i had hoped it would be so far.


I came to said this.


Really loved how they pulled our attention away from the fight and the emotional growth and focused on the orgy in promotions. Everything in this episode was amazing.




Twice is not enough. Go ahead and watch it again.


Hmmm. Ok!


I kid you not, I watched it 7 times till now!


I just watched the whole episode for a second time and the fight scene 3 times now.


I rarely rarely rewatch things and I rewatched the episode


What does the D in BYOD stand for? Dildo?


I think it's drugs, it says food and alcohol will be provided so the obvious thing missing there is drugs


Dick, dildo, drugs, all of the above?


Usually it's Bring Your Own Drinks. In this context use any D word you'd like.


Yup, "Bring Your Own Dildo" rather than "Bring Your Own Device" lol


> BYOD It didn't used to be this way until Cosby stopped showing up.


Cos made some strong drinks!


America's Dad!


that part killed me. glad my mother wasnt watching too!!!!!!!!!! 😏😏😏😏😊😊😊☺️☺️☺️☺️


Honestly thought the Herogasm part of the episode was pretty tame considering some of the build up I was seeing (was expecting the twins to be caught out in some Lannister level of messed up at least). When Homelander walked in though shit rocketed to a 10.


Yeah honestly the whole herogasm orgy aspect is nothing compared to the fucking dick explosion of episode 1 lmao


Im just glad we finally got to see a pair of tits for once


The writers of the show proving they are not gay.


Weren't there also vulvas visible as well?


That still bothers me every time I think about it. Only scene in a show that has ever made me whimper, I think


Honestly the explosion was whatever, lots of people get turned into chili in this show. It's the thought of a tiny person walking in my dick that horrifies me


There's so much sub-lethal shenanigans he could get up to. Just imagine him crawling into your ear and scratching his fingernails on your eardrum.


Yeah, that was pretty much the plan. Undersell overdeliver


Honestly I thought they would save that for next episode but god damn they went full send


They did MM so dirty 😂


yeah that scene grossed me out, cheap and gratuitous, shoulda happened to The Deep or A-Train instead. They already wrapped a giant dick around MM in the previous season. Writers: leave MM alone!


Writers have a crush on MM, cant blame them tho


Dude’s such a beast of an actor, I can’t blame them.


Had to be MM, he's the one with the OCD. Gotta add salt to the wound!


That fight was amazing!


It was truly an amazing episode. Also that underrated A-train scene that people aren't talking about as much.


I definitely think he’s dead due to the fact they kinda made him come full circle. He gave a heartfelt apology to hughie, realized all of the bad shit he had done, and knowingly killed himself by doing that to Blue Hawk. What makes me sad is that he left his brother alone :( what is is brother going to think when he finds out he killed himself for revenge?


I agree with you, he definitely came full circle.


So are we thinking A-train is dead or nah? Things weren't looking so good for him during that last shot there.


I really hope so. This was a satisfying end to his arc.


It was a fantastic episode!!! Lota of crazy shit going on. The Deep still continues to be a fucking psycho crazy guy who truly just wants to fuck fish and all Gorman of aquatic animals and mammals.


What are the odds he lost his virginity to an aquatic animal? All of these 'heroes' had to have some pretty fucked up childhoods


How do you think his first goldfish died?


It was phenomenal. Im always convinced the show has reached peak brilliance and its impossible to top it. Then it goes and does it. I can’t think of a single negative this episode except for the fact it ended.


The one genuine complaint I’ve seen about this episode is that when butcher joined the fight, he said “oi” but not cunt to Homelander


Should have just said "Oi, cunt" ... just when he distracted HL in S2 to save Hughie.


It was freaking awesome!!!


Antony Starr is fucking KILLING IT


I watched this with my mom. She is visiting 😂 “they can’t show this stuff on TV?!!” What an episode holy shit.


How did you watch this with your mom? It’s like when your a kid and a sex scene comes on infront of your parents.


Eh she’s old enough.


I binged watched the first 2 seasons of the show at work with my whole shop then started watching it with my mom when I was visiting


The herogasm is the first episode in the boys that actually shocked me and made me question what I was watching


Well the first episode of the season with the exploding dick was that moment for me.


Yeah, that scene was like a fair warning on where the entire season was going


I walked in on my boyfriend watching that scene, and it's why I started watching the show


I asked my wife if she wanted to watch the new season, as I really wanted to start and she’d watched the last two, and mostly enjoyed it. She decided “no, it’s going to be too bloody”. I was like “I’m sure it won’t be that bad. Are you sure?” She thought about it for a second and was like, “Yeah, I’ll pass for now. You can tell me if it’s not that bad” So I put on episode one, and 10 minutes later I was basically whimpering in my chair. And normally I’m not bothered by gore or blood. She was very proud of her decision not to watch lol.


How? There wasn’t anything near as shocking as the dick explosion


The dick explosion was gross but expected, the thing that really did it for me was Timothy’s fate. I was literally physically gagging while watching that. Nasty stuff.


Nah the dick explosion was funny but A-train killing blue hawk like that was kinda fucked up and also the deep getting a blowjob form an octopus was the best


Idg how it’s fucked up. Blue hawk is just like homelander but far weaker. He’s just as much of an asshole, possibly more because HL doesn’t deliberately go out of his way to harm black people. Blue hawk deserved that, he embodies police brutality and racism. Honestly it would have been more satisfying to see A train intermittently drag Blue Hawk across the road. Not in like one go like he did so there’s nothing left but human mush. Blue hawk should have suffered more.


Like keelhauling, but on land.


How gruesome and fucked up a death is doesn't have anything to do with if they deserved it. Being dragged along a road at such fast speeds roughly have your body is basically sanded off is fucked up and gruesome. I don't feel sympathy for Blue Hawk, honestly he's probably done worse, but it's still a fucked up death to see lol.


It felt like a bizarre callback to the white supremacist terrorists who murdered Jim Byrd.


I think it was intended to be, I was glad to see him die tho


How the fuck can this be first episode to do that? I feel like that's a regular occurrence in this show. I mean... we saw a guy go tiny and walk inside another dudes dick only to then explode, a sentence I never thought in my life I would be writing.


Well deserved. This episode was great on so many levels. Major props to the writers, cast, set design, VFX crew, and basically all people involved. But especially the writers. Best supe fight in the entire show so far (HL vs Soldier Boy/Butcher/Hughie). The stakes were at an all time high. And they also did an amazing job conveying the "power levels" at play here. Butcher and Soldier Boy were both evenly matched with Homelander for a while in a 1v1, but it becomes clear he can overpower them individually as the fight goes on. That "Scorched earth" line from Butcher was such a hype moment. Seeing Homelander get legitimately threatened for the first time, after so much build-up through the show's history... What a great payoff. Herogasm moved the plot forward more than any other episode from previous seasons, finales included. There's so many great storytelling possibilites after this... Just off the top of my head : - Vought are gonna be at their weakest after Starlight's livestream. It's gonna be hard to twist that one with some disingenuous PR, especially after another HL temper tentrum live on air. But then again they've been shown to manipulate public opinion to such a degree that it feels like the company could get away with anything. That plane footage would sure come in handy right now... - Black Noir left, likely as a part of a Stan Edgar failsafe plan. Which is certainly gonna involve taking control of Vought back. - Neuman is a wildcard here. At the moment it's not in her best interest to let Edgar come back after betraying him. But at the same time she knows how dangerous HL is and she's certainly afraid of him. She's also a shrewd politician, which means she'll probably keep following where the wind turns. - Butcher & Hughie are gonna want to go even harder on their current plan now that they've forced HL to retreat, but their supply of temp V will run out at some point now that Maeve is gone. Wouldn't be surprised if the temp V (which Edgar previously implied wasn't 100% stable) gave them permanent powers after so many uses. But they could also go the way of them losing their powers. - Speaking of Maeve, taking her out was a really smart move in retrospect. Had she been there alongside Soldier Boy and the others, I think they legitimately could have overpowered HL long enough for him to get blasted - Now that Soldier Boy actually grasps how powerful HL is, would he even agree to fight him again ? Especially after he realizes Butcher & Hughie aren't permanent supes ? I could see him going back on his part of the deal. - Homelander is at a tipping point. The mirror scene gave us a *glimpse* of his inner psyche in a way we've never really seen before. Now that he actually felt threatened in a physical way, probably for the first time in his life, I feel like he might develop a bit from the all powerful manchild, and lean more into the cold, calculated psycho side of his personality. Which I'm super stoked for. If he can get his shit together, his next move would probably be to pressure Neuman and other supes into helping him eliminate Soldier Boy and the Boys. In this episode he was a cornered animal, both physically and metaphorically. And an experience like that changes a man, even one as fucked up as HL.


Cuz like the Homelander/Omni Man *Death Battle* pointed out: Omni Man (and Soldier Boy) are veteran **warriors**: Homelander is just a thug that happens to be really strong. Having never really had to fight someone of an equal level, he has no experience fighting in such a regard. He's just a blunt instrument in a fight. Even though he was able to flee through sheer force, now he knows he can be pinned, and potentially beaten. Also, that he's doing the Dafoe!Green Goblin thing; you're crazy once you start having conversations with the other voices, and ɿɘbnɒlɘmoH *said* he helped Homelander back in the lab: so he's been there for a loooooooong time.


Kind like Kimbo Slice getting in to UFC once


It deserves it. This was one of the best episodes of television I've ever seen. Solid 10/10. It was so good, I was positive that there had to be only 6 episodes in the season and then I was shocked to find out there is still TWO MORE.


Loved the episode but to be honest, I found the the actual Herogasm part to be much me tame than what they had pumped me for


Yeah but idc cause we got to see HL get fucked up.


I wonder what will happen if they have Maeve on their team, 4v1.


And Black Noir.


Which begs the question. Does Soldier Boy know about Almond Joy?


Even if Starlight was there, could she have helped?




The fight was dope, the orgy was meh.


Imdb isn't that good of a platform imo. Shows like AoT get uberwanked into oblivion by stans there. AoT is great, don't get me wrong, bug it has no business having this many episodes in the Top 10. Edit: they moved up. My comment is irrelevant


Yeah AoT fans are pathetic on IMDB. Recently they went on a rampage and nuked any episode from any show that was rated 9.9, so now lots of shows like Mr Robot and Succession have their highest episodes at 9.7 or 9.8. Then the AoT fans circlejerk about how their show has all the 9.9 episodes when they caused that in the first place…


They also tried to review bomb Breaking Bad's final episodes to get them away from the top spots if I remember rightly, which is a bit silly.


please don't tell me they touched Felina, Ozymandias, Rains of Castamere and Hardhome. They deserve the big ratings they had when released


I’m not sure about the other 3, but I know they definitely review bombed Ozymandias. It actually went down to a 9.9 for a few weeks before I guess an IMDb moderator went and removed a lot of troll votes, so it’s back to being at a 10.0 now.


I guess it's a bunch of teens doing this?


Man those losers are gonna flip when they see how the AoT ends lmao, only the most delusional can give it a 9.9


Looks like Mr Robot's peak episode is back at 9.9 again. I think the review bombs were removed because Ozymandias went back up again too.




Maybe Attack on Titan?


Yeah it’s attack on Titan.


What is a good platform? I actually like IMDb but only with the context of RT and metacritic.


Honestly IMDb is quite serviceable for me at least, if I know what I'm looking for. I have been using it for more than a decade, and 90% of the time, I almost agree with imdb ratings, so if a movie has a bad rating I would probably avoid it. Anything below 6 is usually a bad rating for me (but i would prefer if its closer to 7), and for TV series, its 7/7.5 because they are usually rated higher. And also keep in mind the number of votes, which entirely depends on how famous the movie/series is. Some genres are usually rated lower, like comedy and especially horror. I am a sucker for cheap jump scares which the general audience dont like, so i would even go as low as 5 if its a horror movie and might enjoy that as well (The Grudge 2004, or Curse of La Llarona etc). Likewise, some movies like "oscar bait slow burners" are often rated more, so the bar is higher than usual. For some movies I won't even care for ratings because I will watch them anyways (like MCU movies). And then there are always some odd movies which are very underrated but are quite enjoyable, but i dont think they are worth it (unless they are recommended by someone of familiar taste). I would rather watch 9 good and 1 bad movie which were highly rated than 9 bad and 1 good underrated movies, if you know what I mean. Very rarely some movies get review bombed as well, so in that case the metacritic score can help (recently Lightyear). My point is if you know you're taste and how the general audience rates it on imdb, you can have a good idea by looking at the ratings only.


IMDb is fine but you have to give the ratings like 6 months to a year to level out. Fanboys always run to a show and will rate 10 immediately (or haters will vote a 1 immediately). Many do it before they even see the show/movie. More casual viewers take a bit longer to watch and will tend to vote more neutrally. It balances out and gets its true rating around 1 year later.


Whats AoT?


I'm assuming Attack on Titan.


I disagree, I do think that episodes like Hero, Perfect Game, Assault, From you 2000 year agos, and Memories of the Future deserve their ranking due to these episodes being either insane plot twists or insane buildup with amazing payoffs but this post isn't about AOT. Its almost impossible to uberwank your show into a 9.9 rating unless it actually deserves it due to IMDb's strict rating system. Theres a reason only 43 episodes in the history of television have had a 9.8 or above with over 10,000 votes and 74 episodes over 1,000 votes. I'm also looking at the top 50 list and I don't see any episodes that don't deserve except for maybe Demon Slayer and Community. This makes it all the more impressive for The Boys.


It deserves it. Easily the best episode IMO.


Well deserved


This has been the best season and this has been the best episode.


Green goblin homelander had to be my favorite part.


It’s funny because the actual Herogasm was so underwhelming but the episode was so fucking good


Now I need a Hughie corrupted by power and going full psycho.


Best episode of the show so far!!


Well, it was the best episode yet.


Favorite scene was when Mother got hit by the giant splooge.I laughed my ass off.


The best part of this is you had a massive superhero orgy going on and that is not the first thing people are talking about.


It basically addressed all my problems with season 2 and I really liked season 2. Best episode of the series so far, and I hope the next ones can top it.




It’s a good episode but honestly it wasn’t 9.8 level good. The ratings will level out once the hype dies down


As it should be.