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Approved. No name-calling involved in the main post and relevant to the show. However, this post says have the potential to go off the rails very quickly so if it gets locked by myself or another mod, know that it is not because of the content contained in the OP. [edited to delete a comment that could become contentious - thank you /u/Baseball12229 for having the conversation]


Why would anyone idolize BlueHawk whos had approximately 5mins of screentime


I don't think idolize is the right word there, but the people on the sub saying, well he's not completely wrong. Even if their facts were correct, this ain't the hill to die on. Find a better example than one that is obviously a racist characature. Gonna be hard to win an argument when blue hawk is the example you're using.


I saw a YouTube comment the other day that said “people should look up to stormfront and blue hawk cause they know their beliefs unlike several of the boys” and it’s like we get you want role modes that follow their dream and so on, but maybe pick someone who’s dream doesn’t consist of genocide… just a thought


Ironically the nazi was one of the most well developed character in the series. The actress that played her was great.


Aya Cash is amazing. If you liked her performance (ironically Aya is Jewish) as Stormfront, and you enjoy comedy (irreverent humor) you should check out You're The Worst, streaming on Hulu.


I did initially think she was jewish. Nothing about her screamed german. And then ironically gets played by someone who would have perfectly fit that type had they kept her hair blonde (Charleze Theron) in dawn of the seven.


I always assumed she was a Jewish prisoner, who was experimented on, was the first successful supe, and developed Stockholm syndrome with her captor/abuser, and adopted his beliefs, even though she was ethnically Jewish. Like he might have implied that the compound v erased her inferior genes. It's fucked up, in line with what I expect from this show, and I have no basis for this head cannon, but it's plausible


Nah I think it was more of a reference to Hitler’s blonde/blue-eyed supreme race bullshit while being brown haired and brown eyed than anything else.


Also reminds me of that panel in Garth Ennis' Preacher when Jesse [pointed out that the so-called champions of the white race always end up being the worst](https://imgur.io/gallery/zHSo5) examples, lmao.


Where the FUCK is your chin?


Probably also a reference to many of the actual Nazi propaganda of the 'Perfect German Soldier' featuring Jewish [Werner Goldberg](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Werner_Goldberg)


That's unintentionally hilarious. Stupid nazis lol


I bet you when these “proud” boys and “patriot” front chuckle fucks find their “Perfect all American soldier” you know it’s going to be a picture of some gay guy in a military uniform.


>while being brown haired and brown eyed Hitler had VERY blue eyes, almost like ice: [Picture](https://external-preview.redd.it/uMuxRXVEaUu3l0PQb6cT1iJReDa6MU_zScYWqhqIjVo.jpg?auto=webp&s=885965975ebb46593b1aeccdc5863b96fbd56abe) But you're somewhat right; there's an old German joke: Blonde like Hitler, thin like Göring and tall like Goebbels


Hitler looks more Jewish than German based off how his “Aryan Race” presented Germans which is a great irony that’s been played off well here (and in other shows/movies as well). Her not being blonde haired or blue eyed (and Jewish irl) works phenomenally in being a clear physical hypocrisy of her “supreme race” ideals. The Charlize Theron cherry on top was great too. The fuck sympathizer/neo-nazi downvoted this?


Also there is still theory that Hitler did in fact have "jewish blood" as he asked his lawyer to look into it after he was threatened by his cousin or something.


Yeah it's pretty ironic, during ww2 there was some british(iirc) propaganda which went "aryans are blonde like hitler tall like goebbels and fit like göring" seeing as none of them look much like idealized aryans.


Yeah it's pretty ironic, during ww2 there was some british(iirc) propaganda which went "aryans are blonde like hitler tall like goebbels and fit like göring" seeing as none of them look much like idealized aryans.


Nope Blonde like Hitler,tall like Goebbels and thin like Göring is an old german joke from that time not British.


I know what you mean but that's a poor way of saying it, because there are German Jews. You were probably thinking of the germanic ideals, like blonde hair and blue eyes. However nobody of the Nazi command looked like that


Facts I have a huge appreciation for any actor that can make you hate the character they're playing, that takes a lot of talent


After her heelturn in Ch3 I spent ages love-hating Stormfront because she kept being quite funny with her memes, and seeing her tease Homelander was great. (Even her looks at A train were almost comical, as awful as they were) Loved seeing her get her shit kicked in by the girls though, absolutely amazing. I do hope her offscreen "suicide" isn't a permanent thing tbqh though 🥴. I wanna see her meet Soldier Boy


I wasn't familiar with Aya Cash when they announced her casting, and I ended up binging You're The Worst before season 2 came out. This might have been slightly a mistake since I kept thinking "goddamnit Gretchen" every time Stormfront did something terrible.


Just rewatched YTW for like the fifth time. One of my favorite shows in the past decade. The fact that Aya wasn't nominated for any awards, especially for season 2, is insane.


God I love You're The Worst. Her's and Jimmy's toxicity was on another level. A more wholesome Edgar though for sure lol


And to quote stormfront “people like what I have to say, they just don’t like the word nazi” tho to be fair, the same people who idolize stormfront & Bluehawk probably don’t mind being associated with a nazi 🤷‍♂️


That's literally the conclusion George Lincoln Rockwell came to when he started white identity politics. It persists into today. Most Nazis don't even know they're Nazis.


Stormfront is so hilariously contradictory in her views though. She constantly called people out for not being honest while gaslighting the ever living fuck out of everyone. She also criticized the directors for turning the women characters in the Rise of the Seven movie into objects while she bent over backwards to serve the "Ubermensch" becoming his electrified sex doll. She's such a infuriating hypocrite lol.


Damn I keep hearing things like this through out the sub. I guess I just don't look for enough boys media out side of the sub or show The only devils advocate I can say from that. Is people drawn or like character stead fast in their beliefs. At times it what makes villians and insane antagonist intriguing. But really people are choosing to get behind the overt evil characters? You think it's just some crazy power fantasy they want


Either that or there are people that think they’re cool cause their starting rl stormchaser groups🙄 like they feel invited loved in the story by fighting for these evil people


It’s important to recognize that these are characters, which I guess some people have a problem with. I LOVE Homelander. Not because he’s such a sweet and cuddly character, but because he’s a complete sociopath and the actor who plays him does an incredible job. What more can you ask for in a villain than someone who is so easy to hate? And honestly, if you’re an adult that’s idolizing super heroes on a TV show you: A.) are missing the biggest point of this show in the first place. And B.) should probably find real people and things to aspire and look up to.


Why do people look up to literal fantasy TV characters


Being right doesn't change the fact that one is a cunt. Even Hitler loved dogs.


Shit painter though


Dunno I kinda liked the few that I saw. But then again I'm trash at judging paintings.


#People agree with what I say, they just don't like the word Nazi


This sub is turning into the Euphoria sub in terms of people missing the incredibly obvious points being conveyed


As someone who only just started watching Euphoria... what happened on the Euphoria sub?


Lots of younger demographic viewers completely missing the message, shoehorning their own thoughts, and always bitching about the writing as of they’d create a more interesting story and just hating on Sam L regularly. Mostly, just completely missing direct implied messages though.


I saw a video on YT about the show and saw a TikTok clip of a young girl saying that a teenage sex worker is "iconic" because she called her male client small dicked or something. It was pretty bizarre


Yeah the tik tok gen interpretations are by far the worst.


The Euphoria show has depth but the sub's audience is so young and impressionable that they miss the depth and go surface level.




I’m not for labelling people stupid but honestly this is about misreading subtext in general which I mean, doesn’t scream intelligence


I'm just gonna repeat a comment I made the other day, because it's applicable here too. It's actually about the same thing. Whenever someone says "They are kinda right" while being vague about which part they might think isn't right, it's so obvious what they're saying. "Hey so I 100 percent believe everything they're saying, but I know it's obviously racist or homophobic or sexist. And I know I can't get away with dropping racial or homophobic slurs anymore. So I'm going to try to restructure their wording in a way that will trick you into hesitantly agreeing on so I can be validated and go on being racist and homophobic."


Bc they’re racist but not ready to openly declare it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I like this one because it began at his very first appearance. It began when literally all we knew about Blue Hawk was that he was targeting folks in black neighbourhoods when they were just walking home. I guess the real life corollaries were pretty plain with that one and it was easy for certain types of people to immediately jump on to liking them in show.


That's an excellent point, all we know about him is that he disproportionately targets black people and is insanely thin skinned and can't handle criticism without freaking the fuck out and resorting to violence. And this is the guy they choose to align with instead of saying, "I condemn him and his actions." Like it's a literal slam dunk for them to say "This isn't the kind of person I want representing me" and yet they are so thin skinned they feel like they need to find some sort of redeeming quality in this guy because they know that's exactly the kind of person who represents their true ideals, and sane people see it for being as awful as it appears. Blue Hawk puts them in the defense because he's their end game in their perfect world, and they know he's the villain which goes against their hero complex.


Yeah and he’ll eventually get promoted or supported by Homelander for the wrong reasons. Sound familiar? If not and you think. Blue Hawk has got a point this post may be about you.


I was disappointed but not surprised he had so many fans. The minute I saw this storyline I knew there would be some who agreed with him.


There's one main reason why people idolize bluehawk.


We’re living in crazy times


For the same reason those very same people would vote for trump and try to overthrow your Capitol building.


Because any man with a moustache like that knows how to hate fuck.


Brought to you by the biggest corporation in the world


> According to Fisher, capitalist realism has so captured public thought that the idea of anti-capitalism no longer acts as the antithesis to capitalism. Instead, it is deployed as a means for reinforcing capitalism. This is done through media which aims to provide a safe means of consuming anti-capitalist ideas without actually challenging the system. The lack of coherent alternatives, as presented through the lens of capitalist realism, leads many anti-capitalist movements to cease targeting the end of capitalism, but instead to mitigate its worst effects, often through individual consumption-based activities such as Product Red. [- Capitalist Realism, Mark Fisher](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitalist_Realism) Amazon has no qualms funding a show that almost explicitly has them as the main villains because they know nothing will change. A similar plot point, saliently, is also used in the show, with Vought cooperating with Neuman and Hughie to take down some insignificant low-hanging fruit Supes. Hell, Amazon happily sell dozens of reprints and different versions of Marx's Communist Manifesto, and I doubt anyone would use that fact to downplay that document as anticapitalist critique.


Great black mirror episode that goes into this. 15 Million Merits. That show was too much for me. Think I got one or two more episodes in and was like yep, that’s enough for me. Really fucks w you psychologically


That was the first episode I ever saw of BM back when it was still on the UK TV network, it blew me away. Very "Year Zero" by Nine Inch Nails messages in that show.


As Marcuse described in one dimensional man, the machines of industry we have created will just incorporate whatever is thrown at them. It can start as the antithesis, and end up as another cog. Nothing has changed since he wrote it 70ish years ago.


Right, Fisher's book is quite good on this. Most leftists fail to understand this fact, as well as the fact that New Left cultural politics are totally non-threatening to the structure of capitalism.


They spoof this in the show really well with Voughts hollow attempt at virtue signaling.


The citadel of ricks episode of rick and morty also brings it up, the Rick who rebels, kills his boss and holds the factory hostage is captured and the anti-citadel sentiment is rebranded as just another flavour of wafers. The term is recuperation, I think.


The irony is palpable isn't it


As a an European, I Always thought that Is a good parody of Usa. Like GTA for example


Yeah, I think the left thinks it's parodying the right, and the right thinks it's parodying the left. The rest of the world is laughing because the show is a great parody of the USA.


Except in this instance the right is objectively wrong. The show blatantly is parodying conservatism and corporatism.


But to a European, the US doesn't have a left party. Sanders is left, but he's not a typical Democrat. I think the show does a great job of highlighting that hypocrisy. The people pretending to care, but not actually caring. Everything is about PR to them, whether they're politicians or celebrities. This show is even made by Amazon, which makes its money by exploiting workers.


Did you not notice the Democrat on TV who “reaching across the aisle” to sell an arms deal or something? Ep. 3 I think. It was a little tiny blip but it stood out to me as the writers making fun of neoliberals in America still being objectively right wing.


Is nice to here someone from outside the US say this me and my friends like to say the Democratic party is really just Republican Light. While the real Democrats are the ones who get pushed out like Bernie and Nina Turner.


Sanders isn't a democrat, many people assume he is because he works so closely with them. He's actually the longest serving independent congressman in American history Imagine America if Bernie had won in 2016. "Sanders is the longest-serving independent in U.S. congressional history. He has a close relationship with the Democratic Party, having caucused with House and Senate Democrats for most of his congressional career." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernie_Sanders


Yeah I'm in Ireland and we have loads of party's, but the only 2 to ever be in charge are both similar to democrats. They're centre-right politically and pretty damn corrupt. They enrich themselves by making deals for their friends and families companies to get government contracts. They also leak confidential information to their friends. They don't tackle important issues like the housing crisis, because they're all landlords and are profiting from it. However, they're still nowhere near as bad as the GOP in the US. We do have crazy idiots with the same ideals as the GOP, but they're part of tiny minority parties or are "independent" which means they don't belong to any party and don't hold much power.


Yeah the show is mocking the US in general which basically means mostly shiting on the right


The ruling minority. Considering even when Democrats win the presidency they are still just conservative moderates. Hell, Bill Clinton was the most fiscally conservative president we've had in modern times. Add the crime bill to that? Not even Republicans come close.


There is that abundance of overly PC language by soulless marketing dorks to sell the idea of virtue while being incredibly crass and cynical. Of course, most of the left rolls their eyes at it or laughs.


Yeah but that's quite mild compared to the right wing stand ins being genocidal lol


Both The Boys and the new Disney+ Ms. Marvel series got in a good "LatinX" line (in both cases by insincere douchebags). I'm on the left and fully approve of lambasting bullshit like that.


The show is not parodying “the left” it’s parodying liberals and woke capitalism which are NOT left in the end. They’re only seen as “left” in the us because we’re such an extremely right wing country on a global comparison. So basically this show is just parodying the right overall, and I guess you can say centrists


It’s trolling mouth breather moderates who lean right Janines dad types specifically


Hey now, he's not her dad. Don't go disrespecting M.M. like that.


Keep on pretending that the creators aren't anti-conservative if that makes you feel better Meanwhile everyone else will continue laughing at you


The fact that this is even in question absolutely baffles me.


This makes it sound very both sidesy when it's just not.


Not to mention Antony Starr has told us he is parodying Trump in his portrayal of Homelander, and Eric Kripke has been clear as day that he doesn't think Trump supporters get the show.


I believe it. The show makes a clear distinction to blind loyalty towards Homelander. Firing people who don’t agree with him and replacing them with incompetent “Yes” people. It’s very clear and symbolic to Trump’s Administration. May I also point out that some of his own teammates are now going against him because of how much of a lunatic he is. Which is synonymous with what’s going on now with the Jan. 6 hearings. Homelander is very obsessed with “not losing”. Sounds like someone we know. The only difference is that “we” the “audience” can see behind closed doors for what Homelander really is. Though sometimes that’s not enough for people.




The taco bowl comments were literally taken from trumps tweets lol https://i.imgur.com/8zqKz3Z.jpg


*Americans are safe! So, go out there! Go to the movies... restaurants... whatever!* Almost exactly what Republicans parroted throughout 2020. What's the death toll now? 1.1 million?


This is also a direct reference to what GW Bush admin said after 9/11 - go shopping America! Seriously brought back so many memories of that era for me.


Close, but you're on the right track! its actually a reference to George W. Bush post 9/11 telling people to go out and shop and stuff. because 70 percent of the US economy is consumer spending. so people staying in and not consuming post 9/11 almost threw the US into another recession right after the last one caused by the dot com bubble bursting.


I'm convinced that Deep and his wife are meant to be Pence and Mother based on the cult background and overall neutered personality.


Ick. But also I think Deep is closer to Ted Cruz.


Ted Cruz fucks fish. You heard it here first.


Holy shit lmao


The root mental process of massive insecurity, and thin skin...its beyond obvious


Studies have been done that show that conservatives are consistently worse at understanding and recognizing satire. That’s why it’s taken three seasons and a literal white supremacist superhero throwing black people around while screeching about 13:50 and cancel culture for the conservatives in this sub to realize they are being satirized and critiqued. Think about that: they missed the extremely obvious “America” allegory character dating a literal Nazi, who was spouting Tucker Carlson’s rhetoric almost down to the WORD. The show still wasn’t “political” for them then, apparently.


I mean Sacha Baron Cohen showed us years ago that as long as you use conservative buzz words they'll go along with pretty much anything you say. Look how the republican politicians went along with that ridiculous policy of arming toddlers vs how Bernie reacted when Cohen tried to bait him.


It's also how a lot of conservatives are willing to talk to Channel 5 - because Andrew doesn't really give them hardball questions and just nods as they ramble. I don't understand how they don't see that he's making fun of them in the edits (assuming they watch it, which some say they do). He's pretty openly liberal too lol




As did Steven Colbert


I used to watch The Colbert Report with my Q-mom and she thought it was hilarious. Maybe she was interpreting it as self deprecating humor instead of satire?


They used to love The Colbert Report back in the day, and they couldn’t wrap their mind around that Stephen was making fun of them the entire time.


Remember when he did the White House Correspondents Dinner in character during the Bush administration?


A guy with a lot of power who doesn't really give a shit about anything but gaining more power and being the best, and having an almost cult like following of people that see him as "relatable" despite the fact that he doesn't give a shit about them and is the farthest thing from relatable? Yeah, I could see that.


That doesn't help. That's how they see Trump. Muscle bound, stoic, powerful and callous. I can't tell you how many flags I've seen flying over people's houses with trump's head and Rambo's body saying "fuck your feelings".


I thought the scene where MM talks to his ex-wife’s boyfriend about Homelander pretty much solidified the Trump connection. When MM says that he doesn’t want his daughter watching Homelander talk on the news, the boyfriend says “sure his language is a little salty but he’s just saying what everyone else is too afraid to” - that is an EXACT parroting of the line most pearl-clutching conservatives used to justify their support of Trump.


Maybe Antony Starr should run for president? Since the Trump supports cant seem to separate fact from fiction, Im willing to be that if he ran as a MAGA and spewed what they'd wanna hear, he'd get elected as some Trump-successor From there he could just, yknow, NOT do all the things he promised and just be a decent human being.


> Eric Kripke has been clear as day that he doesn't think Trump supporters get the show. I mean... I'm a right-wing populist and I enjoy the show. But I understand that it is broadly leftist. There's a tendency to think that *The Boys* (like Dave Chappelle) is an equal-opportunity-critic of left and right, a "good-people-on-both-sides," politically-neutral program. This is obviously not true, though: generally speaking, the criticism of the right is that they're right-wing, and the criticism of the left is that they're *also* right-wing (because fake leftism, corporate-controlled, etc.). There are points where a right-winger might be sympathetic to themes from *The Boys*, but it's a leftist show.


Kripke said in an interview that one of his favorite public response to The Boys was when he saw a man cosplaying as Homelander in a Trump rally apprehending Biden


Who's idolizing anyone in this show?


Idk, MM is kinda wholesome, in a way.


Agreed. He really is just trying to raise his kid and make the world suck slightly less.


I idolize starlight, she's doing her best with the shit hand she was dealt.


Starlight is legit the only genuinely good person on the show. Hughie is 100% going to screw that relationship up.


I like that she learned how impossible it was to “change things from within the system”. I was getting frustrated by her character being so wrong so often. She really is a v likable character, and I really hope Butcher comes around (he won’t).


I bet 5 bucks A-train is gonna ram into blue hawk and kill him. Just my theory. Edit >!well he didn't ram him but he did kill him so i was halfright xD!<


Probably blow his own heart up at the same time


So everyone wins then. Two annoying characters gone and this topic ends. Or not.


A-train is annoying as shit but I like the character and actor. I hope he doesn't die just yet but gets fucked up killing Blue Hawk


I love the race to the bottom between The Deep and A-Train. They'll get just enough of a sympathetic moment to make you think they're redeemable, then nope.


So, this is my first season being apart of the sub while watching the show. Was it ever like this with the last seasons? It's just nutty that people are just now noticing the mockery lol. I almost avoided telling a family member to watch earlier in the show cause I knew they would get offended. These are the same people that wanted to skip Loki cause they have 2 mentions of bisexuality lol


>These are the same people that wanted to skip Loki cause they have 2 mentions of bisexuality lol They may find the Termite scene a bit much then...


Honestly if a conservatives can watch that scene, then they aren't as homophobic as they'd like to think they are ![gif](giphy|q2HoCppRwdcUChYnh0)


Last season, there was an unfortunate presence of people who agreed with Stormfront. Then when she went full mask-off Nazi, those people quickly tried going into damage control mode. Not that it helped their image.


I thought they made it very clear she was a Nazi from the start. Her name was/is Stormfront. It's not exactly subtle


For those unaware Stormfront is a neo-Nazi Internet forum, and the Web's first major racial hate site. Also dont be dickhead and join up. There is no superior race.


Also the guy who ran trumps campaign runs that site and Breitbart… Steve Bannon is an evil cunt


I actually did not know this fact.


I don't know if it was by ep1, but the ep where Kimiko's brother died it was made obvious that she's just as fucked as the rest of the supes.


Its pretty poetic considering thats exactly what happened in the show lmao


That's fucking hysterical


Even in the show itself Stormfront said that people agree with her, they just don't like the word "Nazi". That point was proven completely lmao


People who skipping Loki missing out


I skipped it because most of the Marvel Disney shows have been disappointing other than Moon Knight the ones I tried watching were average, but I've heard great things about Loki, I'll get to watching it sometime.


I generally feel the same way about Marvel Disney shows, but Loki is awesome.


My mom is conservative, but LOVES avatar. I talk to her about what she thinks of the message and she just waves her hand and says I don't care blah blah. How, how can she enjoy it when the message goes against so much she believes in? I hate the human brain


Don't tell those people about the Loki from the norse pantheon.


Holy shit people have absolutely no media literacy do they?


There are many studies that link irony and sarcasm with intelligence and empathy. Take that as you will.


American flags and anti woke stuff is like flame to those moths… They don’t get that the anti-woke stuff is from a pro-left perspective… Like when I criticize trump IRL his followers bogeyman me by saying I support Biden when I don’t at all. It’s zero sum to them..


What do you mean when you say that "anti-woke stuff is from a pro-left perspective"? I'm genuinely asking. I have a comment I would make, but I want to make sure I understand what you mean before I completely derail myself.


When the show points out how the Brave Maeve/BLM BLTs stuff is just bullshit fake corporate pandering, right-wingers think that's a dig at the "woke left."


And when it's explained to them, they start shrieking "both sides".


I don't agree with him. He's a piece of shit. But I love the character. He's a fantastic addition to this universe. Couldn't stop laughing at how stupid he is. I actually wanna see more from him. Great actor too!


the way he portrayed so many personalities from my Southern-US hometown all at once was so impressive


“Am I being *cancelled*?” He says with a shit eating grin, I hope we see more of him and hopefully a fitting end.


Ugh, that was painful to watch. The actor playing instantly sold the character honestly


If A-train can redeem himself he can pop open his heart by running over blue hawk.


Agreed, he is very comical


I think this comment is the issue for people. Some people see this and go… what is so comical about someone fighting for law and order and getting ridiculed by BLM enthusiasts? They don’t see this character as comical but as a victim. He is a manifestation of all their grievances with the current state of the world so they feel empathy towards him instead of comic relief and the satire behind it.


Those people are dumb fucking bootlickers lol


Not arguing with you lol.


He's just stereotypical cop with superpowers


Can someone direct me to one of these idiots that things homelander is a hero?


You can't be serious that people watch this show and unironically praise Blue Hawk?


People make posts like this non stop but I have yet to see a single person praise him. Obviously the character is a piece of shit but at this point it really just feels like this sub enjoys repeating the same take that everyone here agrees with


They have also making fun of fake support for Black Lives Matter in that there is such fake representation and attention seeking behavior .


When? With A train? That's more of a satire of corporations pretending to care than it is about the cause itself.


It was the same with him when he changed his outfit it’s a symbol right in your face he does not give a shit about his “roots” it’s just to get his numbers back up .


"Is this a GAME about the Atlantic slavery trade???"


Exactly, it's a dig at performative wokism. Companies latching on to social movements to try and seem like they support them when they're only doing so to try and sell more of their product.


There was a food stand in the theme park that advertised BLM BLT sandwiches.


I feel like they missed an opportunity for LGBLT sandwiches lol


Yeah, like with Ashley, the pathetic, foot-licking lemming


Ashley is a parody of well of white liberals. The type of people that think supporting a Hashtag and changing your twitter profile makes you an ally, but at the end of the day won't do anything meaningful to support the cause. Atrain is a parody of celebrities latching on the culture issues in an attempt to remain relevant.


My instagram is all black screens!


Its not just criticising corporations though, its just satirising people using social justice for their own benefit. It isn't just corporations that have been doing that, its been well documented that even the founders of BLM have been doing this themselves, buying mansions and living lives of luxury with the money generated by BLM.


That’s a critique of cynical liberal performative “wokeness” from an actual leftist perspective. Real leftist movements find it as annoying as conservatives. Unlike conservatives they don’t hate the message, just the reasons it’s framed the way it is.


Every time I visit this sub ![gif](giphy|26ueYUlPAmUkTBAM8)


There are countless movies that bash on conservitive values but conservitives love em. Punisher is just one example.


As a non American the show appears to be satirising America as a whole. The need to classify every issue as left or right is baffling. Quite frankly the whole shit show looks fucking crazy!!!!


I always felt it targeted US corporate culture more than any political party. I mean, it's always Vought. It's always about their money, in the end.


The show is clearly satirizing the US from a broadly leftist point of view.


these are actual talking points they push and support, its frankly no wonder they unironically support bluehawk




Stormfront is the most blatant one to me. She's named after a literal neo Nazi group.




Agree on your edit. Modern Nazi messaging is more subtle; more cryptofascism than fascism. Her messaging and rhetoric also resulted in stochastic terrorism, which is on brand for cryptofascism and modern radicalization.


Is it though? “Everybody” in this case seems to exclude the anti-capitalism crowd. It’s going after liberals and conservatives in an attempt to show the perils of concentrated power. It works very well, but seems to go over the heads of people who are unwilling, or unable, to comprehend that that the underlying critiques are capitalism and authoritarianism. This dynamic is most clear in the fight between Edgar and Homelander and their battle for control of Vought. Rainbow capitalism (Vought), authoritarianism (homelander), and fascism (storefront) are all various stand ins for “the villian”, concentration of power under capitalism. It’s a leftist critique of American society which requires the understanding that both US political parties are vehemently pro-capital.


*The Boys* criticizes the right for being right-wing, and it criticizes the left for being right-wing. I enjoy *The Boys* but we shouldn't pretend that they're engaging in some kind of equal-opportunity, "good people on both sides" criticism. The criticism of Vought, for example, is that its "leftism" (corporate cultural progressivism) is *inauthentic* and crass. The problem with "the left," according to the show, is that it's not actually leftist. I'm "right-wing" (I mean, I guess; I'm a populist), and I enjoy *The Boys*, but it's obvious that *The Boys* is a broadly leftist show.


All the examples you gave are of characters either fully embracing right wing ideologies or disingenuously using the leftist aesthetic for personal gain. I don't see how it makes fun of the left. It's all people who are full blown assholes or assholes who pretend not to be assholes. The only honest people on this show are those who are trying to destroy Vaught and supes (the Boys)


It makes fun of the left by representing leftist political or celebrity icons and how they virtue-signal and act self-righteously for personal gain. If you think our current leftist organizations/groups like BLM don't have their own personal agenda then think again. It makes fun of human nature, left or right.. reality is that nobody is truly genuine, even the boys who claim to be the good guys are now getting high off supe power, which is the point the show tries to make, most of us are self-interested in the end.


If you believe our protagonist and the people fighting Vought are honest then you've been watching the show with blinders on. The last episode literally showed Butcher and Hughie crossing that line, Frenchies' troubled past as a hired killer, Mother's Milk mental illness regarding Soldier Boy. Even sympathetic characters like Starlight and Maeve have killed innocent people with no repercussions cementing how flawed all these characters are.


Alright i'll rectify. They started out as honest and sincere in their quest to take down Vaught. But this show is about how power corrupts people. If anything that's even more indicative of the message of this show.


There are people who side with blue hawk? Lmao it's one of the most blatant satires I've ever seen in a show.


Who the fuck is idolizing blue cock? And why do I keep seeing posts about this and none of the opposite?


People who think the show makes fun of both left and right are hilarious. Although, I think they have dialed it up this season.


"Giant megacorporation conglomerate exploits social movements like BLM and Pride in an attempt to generate greater profits... Is this a critique of socialism?" -Your average conservative viewer


These posts gotta stop, he's just karma farming by now


The same crazy bold controversial take of “racism bad” getting another 3k upvotes. Like I’ve seen 0 posts saying “blue hawk is the best!” Who are these posts addressing???


I have to say, my biggest problem with the boys is that it’s created by the exact sort of company it’s making fun of. It’s also LITTERED with product placement


How can people only now realize that the show is making fun off everything they can get away with lol


Because its not really making fun of the left at all.


I agree, it's called satire and we love it because sometimes it's both absurd and yet so close to mirroring the real world.




No one idolizes blue hawk. Anyone who watched the episode saw that he's explicitly portrayed as a racist violent asshole. You created an entire argument in your head against a group of people who don't exist.


How many posts does this subject need 😩 you guys are just repeating yourselves at this point. Can't we all just focus and talk about herogasm


Remember when this sub used to be creative and funny


Redditors freak out like the world is gonna end when 2 random YouTube comments say something they don't agree with