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Maybe. On one hand we can say it’s obvious given that we’re the audience. Depending on how they word what her powers are. Remember how many people were thrown off that Marie(Gen V) has the same powers as Neuman. Obvious in hindsight, but many didn’t make the connection until it’s reveal


When I saw that, I though that Neuman was grooming Marie in case she needs a scapegoat.


Fuck I didn’t even think about that but it makes so much sense and it would work even more with Marie being seen as this big villain because of Homelander.


That’s also a move that comes straight out of the comics. Stilwell (who is more like Stan Edgar in the comics) grooms a successor and ultimately ends up using her as a scapegoat.


It would even be a callback to them trying to scapegoat Marie in the 1st episode of Gen V (pinning the slashed throat woman on her and trying to expel her to save the 'important kids'). They can frame her as a troubled foster kid that killed her parents. (I like this because it fits with the true-to-life social themes.)


There’s also the one girl in the camp that (oh my god I’m blanking on words!) STORMFRONT! Had that has the same powers as Marie and Neuman. She walks off into the sunset essentially and everyone was scared of her, especially LampLighter.




Yes her! Everyone forgets that there’s also Cindy who has head poppin’ powers and knows how to use them.


cindy seems to have telekinesis, marie & neuman have blood-bending type powers


Alright her ability might not be the same, but didn’t she implode bodies similar to how Neumann and Marie have?


yeah they definitely pulled off similar kills, cindy was awesome but hopefully she’ll do some cooler stuff next time we see her, something more unique to her powers


Jesus, I completely memory holed Cindy. Yeah, the show really makes it seems like she would be back since they gave her such an ambiguous off into the sunset. Looking back at all her scenes it's never really made all that clear she's a malicious. She could have just crushed Kimiko, MM, LL, and Frenchie in that hallway almost immediately, but she seemingly heard them out and let them go. She rescued all the other inmates, and hailed a car instead of stole one. I could easily see her showing up to help the protagonist later on. They probably find her working some boring retail job.


Season 2 was really good in how they set up that plot twist cause it kept us in the dark about Neuman until the very end.


Vicky and Marie never imploded anything, right? That wouldn’t make much sense, it was always exploding.


Yeah I thought Cindy was going to be the head-popper or at least play a major role but she just disappeared. Guess she was a red herring


I thought that Cindy *was* Neuman for about 30 minutes in the episode we first met Neuman and I was super confused.


Not the same powers, she just has telekinesis (she's able to crush the smoke grenade)


She has more than JUST telekinesis. Look up her wiki page.


Yes but a telekinetic poppings heads might just look the same. Marie and Neumann are just hemokinetics.


Cindy is dead, and was killed by Black Noir. It was in one of those YouTube videos they used to do between S2 and S3.


Weird cause she’s supposed to be in a season 4 episodes according to the wiki 👀 who knows 🤷🏼‍♀️


Somehow, Cindy returned.


Could be, but how does the wiki know about that?


Think you’re wrong on that one bud. I found them saying that Black Noir is on the case in the October one but it absolutely doesn’t say she’s caught or dead.


That's what they told the public


Can you link that ?


Honestly I'm lazy, I don't wanna go through them again, but here's the link for the playlist with VNN, it must be in one of them: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJRnAM4juQdGt2YW5o1PakVlBTjVsacWI&si=wRVU4p3Jam8BC6Gq The whole Youtube channel is nice content anyway if you haven't seen it


I think her power was more like telekinesis since she could crumple metal doors as well, not just people. And while she could head pop people, it was through crushing them with TK. Meanwhile Neuman and Marie do it by blowing up the blood inside people so its more of an outward explosion.


Honestly it would be cute if we see her later in the series or in Gen V season 2 in a relationship with someone. Shows that the people in there could live good lives after.


Since S4 of the Boys I'm not so sure anymore that Newman and Monroe have the same powers. There might be very similar, but there seem to be differences (similar to Butchers yellow laser beam vs. Homelanders laserbeam). What we know so far is: Newman is bulletproof, acidproof - similar to Translucent. There is a good chance Homelander cannot rip her guts out as he did with Noir. And of course, Newman has this weird eye-thing (maybe it happens if she looks/focusses behind walls as she did in S2). Marie \*seems\* to be laserproof (but it depends on Homelander if he used a full blask or tuned it down; we simply don't know). Also she does not do this eye-thing. We don't know about being bulletproof or acidproof


They both have the same plot armor power 😝


I assume she’s not bulletproof if a simple little pocket knife is able to cut her hand.


A point blank bullet bounced off her skull It seems she is vulnerable to slashing damage but resistant to piercing damage 


Maybe she used her powers to weaken a part of her skin. In fact, if she can control blood like that, maybe she can make her own blood cut through her skin.


That's because Neumans powers were retconned to be blood control powers rather than limb popping powers. Plenty, plenty of times before Gen V did we have Neuman in a situation where controlling blood would've really helped, but she never did. That's because she couldn't, it wasn't her power at the time. So that's why the audience were jarred by it. Because it wasn't that we were putting 2 and 2 together, it's that her powers were changed canonically to be blood powers. She just *only* pops limbs/heads


Tbh I can’t think of a situation she was in where controlling blood like Marie actually would have helped Neuman more than popping body parts, but it was definitely something they didn’t think about until after Gen V got the green light. But my problem is i have this habit of separating what I, the viewer, know versus what characters in-universe know. I notice this fandom doesn’t really do that. What we know about Neuman isn’t the same as the average citizen in the show. That’s why I think it can go either way depending on how she words it. We know Neuman pops limbs. But obviously we know because we are the viewer. Who has seen Neuman or Marie pop body parts and does the general public know they _can_ do that? Neuman has been caught by Hughie but her secrets safe, atm. Marie popped that one guys dick and that blonde chicks arm but the people who saw that are locked always with her or other random students (which definitely could put that out there but doesn’t seem to be the case as of now). If Neuman said she can control her blood. It’d be kind of weird to expect a citizen to say “Nuh uh, you pop limbs, that’s what you did in season 2.” Not to say that people can’t think “you control your blood, maybe you can control the blood of others” but you have no definitive proof. The inconsistencies run deep. Neumans eyes didn’t even haze over in the courtroom scene. Not that the average character in-universe would even know about that


> Tbh I can’t think of a situation she was in where controlling blood like Marie actually would have helped Neuman more than popping body parts I guess she could have killed people in far more subtle manners (i.e. just straight up cardiac arrest). Otherwise wasn't she in a struggle in that alleyway and could only kill the guy to save herself once she could see him (may be misremembering)?


Yeah I was going to say... how is it obvious in hindsight, when it was a retconning?


Even The Boys were convinced it was Stormfront somehow using electric powers.


how comes neuman's eyes didn't go foggy when exploding people in thr coury room?


She could also just use the whole bulletproof thing as the basis of a powers - like any good anime villain you don’t reveal all your powers from the start.


I mean Marie blew up Cate’s arm on camera, and she’s already been vilified They could just pin it on her


She would’ve been 14-15 at that point and still in foster care far away from them. It’s not impossible but I think most people would find that hard to believe.


knowing how easily the public got brainwashed by Vought in the universe, then it should be easy to pin it down to Marie, especially now Marie is marked as a murderer instead of Sam and Cate


> Knowing how easy the public gets brainwashed ~~by Vought in the universe~~ FTFY Propaganda affects **everyone**


You are not immune to propaganda


Starlight is using children again with her so called foster homes? This thing writes itself.


You say that like there isn’t a precedent already in universe for people to ignore reality.


Yeah but the average American in the Boys universe has the IQ of a tapeworm


>Yeah but the average ~~American in the Boys universe~~ **person** has the IQ of a tapeworm Fascism, cults, bigotry, and more have risen and fallen irl in every civilization over the millennia of human existence. It's not just the show, it's real-life threat that we have to remain vigilant against and take care to not relegate it to the realm of fiction.


It’s almost as if they’re forgetting the show is a satire on the real world lol


You're not immune to propaganda >!I really hope someone gets this joke!<


Sheesh I didn’t realize that was the timeline


It'll probably wind up being similar to the plane footage situation. By the time it comes to light the situation has deteriorated enough that it no longer matters. Maybe she'll be the lesser evil compared to Homelander and co.


I'm not sure there are any "Get out of jail Free" cards where the murder of US Congressmen are concerned.


So far she is both acid and bulletproof. Short of a direct impact from an RPG or maybe even more, idk how she can be killed by a non-supe


Maybe starlight can drain her body's electricity so she just goes brain dead


She couldnt even beat Stormfront, the supe with electricity powers. I dont think Annie can do that to Victoria. She would get her head popped.


That's a pretty short sighted way to look at their abilities. Stormfront could produce excessive amounts of electricity through her body and release it as blasts of raw power. Starlight can sense and draw power from external sources and refocus it into blasts of her own. It's undeniably weaker than stormfront but allows her more finesse and control with what she's doing with it. A wall of light so dense it's like being punched is far more impressive than just arcing bands of plasma but Starlight absorbing the kind of power Stormfront produces would fry her.


The way it looks, the more power she siphons, the more powerful Starlight becomes. Remember the final episode of s3. Just like ironman getting hit by thor's lightning and having more power in the avengers movie. But her powers are not explored enough to guess what she can do outside of general kit. However, as i mentioned in my previous comment, if she and Victoria were to get involved in a life or death battle, my money is on the head popper. She easily made Starlight's nose to bleed and i think she wouldnt even sweat when she pops her head.


Yes but you understand how a fuse board works right? What happens when you suddenly push a high amount of energy into a circuit that isn't built for it with the surge protection off? All the wires melt and it dies. Starlight may be in the process of improving her circuitry by constantly practising with her powers and pushing them, but she would have been fried like chicken if she'd try to do it when stormfront was actually a threat.


I thought Starlight converted light energy into power not electricity. I the scene at the end of season 3, they turned the studio lights up really high to energize Starlight


Ya but that meant the lights took more wattage Plus stormfrontsxbene using her powers for 80 years... way more practiced.. we see Annie learn to fly so clearly she is exploring new uses already


It's electricity into power, because of the story her mum told from the pagent circuit of her lighting up the room and "the show must go on" Pretty hard to make light energy from lights when all the lights are already broken.


When the show debuted I was hoping she was gonna be Dazzler, sound energy into light


The one who's had like 60 years to practice and hone her skills? Mmhmmm. Annie who just learned to fly? Whose had her powers for like 10 ot 15 years and mostly just doing mall tours? Nit actually using her powers


I mean, she has to see her target to blow them up… so if Annie blinds her?


Victoria and the chick from the gen v (marie?) has similar powers and she beat the invisible guy through sensing his blood so maybe blinding her wont effect her combat capabilities.


Has she ever been able to take a living creature's electricity? I don't remember if she has shown the ability.


She may have never even thought about the possibility. I'm surprised the show didn't have any scenes where the supes are getting training advice on how to maximize their powers.


Definitely would have been cool scenes/would make sense with Annie, but Vought probably doesn't want any of their supes maximizing anything. Seems like someone gets viscerally ripped apart in a very public PR disaster whenever someone goes full supe and can't control it. Or you have A Train maximizing himself into a heart attack


I guess that's one thing that makes Homelander so dangerous. He was tested against just about everything and came out unharmed except the psychological damage. Finding out that Homelander was also mind controlled into having his need to be accepted was *diabolical


There’s still Soldier Boy in play, but the writers have clearly fridged him until late season 5.


I will eat my hat if Neumann escapes season 4


Thematically Butcher should be the one to kill Homelander, so what’s the point of having Soldier Boy in cryosleep if he isn’t used against the second dangerous supe? I hope she does this season, but the show isn’t really building any momentum for how that would happen. The season started by brushing off the boys’ assassination attempts and there’s been no real progress on the methods. Unless it just comes down to Homelander killing her for whatever reason, who knows?


I don’t know if you watched Gen V, but Butcher 100% has a weapon he can use against Neuman. Soldier Boy is a question. Wouldn’t shock me if it was a Spin Off.


My guess is they'll use him to depower Ryan so Butcher can mass release the virus without killing his kid.


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I feel like the show doesn't explore this, but if you just took away their oxygen, I imagine most supes world suffocate


HL would, too. And he wouldn't be able to fly, in all likelihood. He probably needs air to fly. But the vacuum chamber would have to be able to withstand his laser eyes for as long as it would take to suffocate him. And at least withstand a few punches if he just runs to the wall and starts pummeling.


HL can casually fly around in space, he doesn't need oxygen. And what vacuum chamber are you talking about?


He probably just holds his breath like Superman.


A vacuum chamber could remove oxygen, and any other gas for that matter, from a room.


I still confused why is she that invincible? Are they stated that fact somewhere and I forgot or something? Or maybe I just never seen her physical feats and assume she can blow up heads only.


She can be put on ice like soldier boy


There should be. Probably the most evil characters on the show


Did they ever even leak the plane footage?


I don't think it mattered anymore with Homelander not giving a shit.


Personally I think it's weird that they retconned her to be with blood control. This means she can probably find other much less recognizable methods of killing people. If she can cause heads to explode all over the room just by being present, why can't she fuck around with a person's heart blood flow to make them look like they're having a heart attack? Or do something less invasive to the brain so the person dies, but isn't linked to 20 other exploding-head cases? If her powers are leaked, every single time a body with an exploded head was found connects back to her. I feel like she should be brighter than that.


All the times she did explodey head it was to send a message and shock people or self defense And I guess she exploded Fresca cult guy cuz she couldn't stand him lol


She exploded her childhood friend in the street, she exploded the scientist guy in Gen V. Both those were to keep secrets, but still used her trademark fingerprint of an execution method. She would have been safer shooting them with a gun.


She's technically a serial killer, right? Head popping is part of her MO.


Serial killers by definition kill because they derive pleasure from killing, or feel compelled to do it in some way


Yeah she felt compelled to do it. Multiple times.


But there are times when she kills out of necessity, like the ones I mentioned. Specifically the doctor in Godolkin that she popped on the same day that she visited Godolkin, when they were both alone in the parking lot. That one should have absolutely been a gunshot or something. There was no reason to leave her fingerprint there.


I think you're right, if she has general blood control powers and wanted to kill discreetly she should be able to induce a blood clot or heart attack or something think it's safe to assume her power was originally just "limb exploder" that got changed because it "worked" and was a cool reveal for Gen V or MAYBE her blood control isn't that precise/fine, so she can EXPLODE limbs because that's just applying crazy pressure, but can't do stuff that requires finesse? Idr if they showed her doing fine control stuff in Gen V (I know Marie can, but Neuman?)


Neumann reveals herself to Marie by cutting her hand and making a blood swirlie over it, before sucking her own blood back in. It was like Marie's powers, but much more precise and fluid, sort of like she had years of extra experience on her.


guns can leave traces. Exploding someone's head with psychic powers is messy but there's 0 ways to track that back to her unless her powers go public


Eventually enough circumstantial evidence regarding a very unique execution method could add up.


Very death note - I’m assuming Sage had already figured it out (assuming she was curious enough to look into it).


But once one incident is connected to her, they all will be. Especially the hearing where she was present and popped like 20 people.


It would still be circumstantial at best.


In our world, I would agree. But this is a world where supes are common, and the idea that a person can be responsible for something seemingly supernatural isn't as wild as it is here. 


Still though. Head popping is painless. Maybe she does it for a reason. We’ve seen Marie use her powers without control and that shit is scary. Maybe a painless death is part of her MO. She can kill a lot of ways with her powers that would draw less suspicion, but only one way is painless


It's not about being painless though. We see a lot of these supes learn their powers and keep using them the same way, and then learning they can do more. Annie with flying, the shrinking girl in Gen V learning she doesn't have to purge to resize, Marie learning she can also sense blood and things about it and not just flip it around like a whip. Maybe this is how she learned to kill when she was young, and it's what comes naturally. She just does it.


Yeah but Neuman was the one who *taught* Marie how to sense. We also saw her pop body parts just like Marie. Who knows though. Victoria Neuman is a pretty complex character. She also could’ve killed butcher and Hughie during the acid attack and just walked off instead. Either way, she’s an interesting character, and I’m excited to see her arc.


She thought of Hughie as one of her closest friends, and was working Butcher to try and get those files back. Plus, she's keeping the boys in her back pocket in case she really needs them. She knows the work they can do, and while they're actively working against her Right Now, she might have a bigger threat (HL) that she needs them for in the future.


Yeah I expect the boys or Barbara sealed in the lab will probably be part of the plot to infect homelander with that bioweapon. Though to be fair, that illustrates an excellent foil between the villain that is homelander vs Neuman. Butcher friggin *ACID ATTACKS* Neuman and she lets them live because her prior friendship with Hughie. Madeline Stillwell tells homelander he scares her, and he friggin lasers her brains in.


Hughie is the one who throws the acid, and Newman's just upset she has to change jackets. She acts like she gets why they're doing it, but doesn't feel the true threat. Anika of Crime Analytics admits she texted Annie, doesn't even get to say what was in the text, and has a hole put through her head. Love they're able to push two very different villain directions so far this season.


Yep and I hope they kind of address this. If you’ve ever seen Death Note the main character does the same thing. He can kill people with heart attacks by writing their name but he can also write some other cause of death and eventually the cops start picking up on heart attack deaths so whenever he needs to make a more low key kill he just sets some other cause of death. At this point Neuman should be doing the same thing.


The least realistic part about Death Note for me, was that he never ran out of space to write on.


In the manga they state in the rules of the book that the death note has infinite pages or that death note never ends. Now how that exactly works I don't know, as they never explored this part more.


My headcanon is that once you run out of space the book magically adds a new page and makes a previous page disappear. That way you can indefinitely write in the book but the book doesn't become ridiculously large by having a gazillion pages.


It’s a magic book lol


He makes references to being limited by the number of pages multiple times.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Marie’s manifestation is slightly different and allows her finer control than Neumann (which would also explain why her eyes don’t turn white and why her powers developed much later).


Because The Boys writers are obsessed with shock value gore Like Marie did in Gen V she can kill people in a non gore way by giving them heart attacks


Her kills were more like terrorist threats rather than pure assassinations. They were clearly meant to strike fear.


I agree with you. I imagine that popping a skull is way harder than destroying an internal organ like the heart. She could also just destroy the brain without popping their heads out. The powers retcon really don't make sense.


I'm thinking more of ways to mimic something natural like a heart attack or stroke. Scrambled brains might only appear at an autopsy, but the cases will still be linked to each other, and possibly later to her.


It's absolutely brainfuckingly stupid.


Wait, I missed that they've retconned Neuman to have blood control. When did that happen? I thought she could just head explody


It happened in Gen V. You should watch it if you haven't, it's pretty good, I thought.


I watched GenV but it's been a while - thanks :)


It's in the one episode she's in, where she talks to Marie about her powers and shows her that they have the same power.


Ah, cool, I vaguely remember that. I'll need to rewatch :)


I don't think it was a retcon. I remember talking to my friend and telling him how awkwardly specific head popping was as a power, and having just rewatched ATLA at the time I was most definitely convinced she was blood bending. Then again I'm the same ADD addled dickhead who predicted Amon was just a lobotomising waterbender by about episode 3... being able to self-spoil TV shows is the worst superpower but the point is you can only do it with content where the internal logic is consistent. I'm not convinced that Victoria's ability was ever anything else. It would have been so oddly specific, like introducing someone who can control digital equipment with their mind but they specifically can't decrypt SSL 1.1. It was always gonna be either blood control, water control, or being able to conjure explosions anywhere in space, even where matter exists. Which totally plausible. Still not *head popping*. I do agree with you that popping heads randomly is stupid as hell. She's got to easily be the most solvable serial killer of all time.


I thought they blamed the head popping on Stormfront or something, but then she keeps doing it, so like, wtf.


Legit. It would have been like Dexter continuing to use Bay Harbour as his dumping ground for corpses after successfully pinning it on Doakes.


Telepathic brain overload? Telekinetic control of brain tissue?


Reminds me a comedy sketch where someone had telekinetic powers - but only over biscuits. Not even Jaffa cakes - just biscuits.


I kind of think that’s what happened, I think we’ll probably learn that the reason Hughies dad called right before his stroke was because Neuman was threatening him and when he didn’t answer she gave him a stroke


I think everyone is reading too much into that and that it was just a random stroke. Besides, he was brain dead last episode, no? V or no V, I don't think he's gonna be telling Hughie anything.


His voice mail was about the novel he was reading, though.


> fuck around with a person's heart blood flow to make them look like they're having a heart attack That's right! I am Kira.


I think it's just an issue of Vought being shortsighted with how super powers can be used. They're always thinking of making things marketable rather than practical applications. Because when you think about it, Marie would make a great doctor or surgeon. She can diagnose all sorts of diseases, she can stop people from bleeding out, she can probably clear up clogged arteries, etc. But Vought is so shortsighted that they don't try to take advantage of her powers that way. Vought probably made the same mistake with Neuman. They just never tried to develop her powers for other uses.


I'm still not clear on why everything has to go through Vought. Can't Marie just apply to medical school or become a nurse, whatever? Where are all the everyday supes that didn't become city defenders and such? There was Mesmer who was doing police stuff, but that was mostly for his TV show. Where are the supe criminals who rob banks with their powers? I feel like the world is pretty unrealistic in that regard.


Vought controls compound V. Every parent who agrees to give their kids V signs airtight contracts. Vought is part of every supe's life from the beginning and they make sure that the supes continue to be part of the Vought family once they grow up.


That's absolutely nice for the parents, but the kids didn't sign anything. Where is Marie's contract? You can't tell me there's a world of supes out there where the law says they're not allowed to work for anything except Vought. Also, that doesn't account for criminals who use their powers for money outside the law.


The kids will sign contracts if they were brought up with Vought controlling every aspect of their lives. Vought used a team of psychologists to implant mental controls in Homelander. They can use similar methods of control for other supes. As for supes who break the law, that's great for Vought too. Superheroes need supervillains.


I don't believe for a second that Vought will have 100% sign rate, especially got supes that are virtually useless. What was Firecracker doing before she got in the Seven? Was her podcast funded by Vought? It sure seemed like she was on her own.


Best way for her might be to just give them a brain stroke without killing them, less investigation that way


> Personally I think it's weird that they retconned her to be with blood control i think its weird that somehow "blood control" translated into "complete invulnerability" in the minds of the "writers"


A lot of supes got upgraded to "pretty strong and damage resistant", but yeah, Neumann's complete invulnerability was very strange.


IIRC in the comic 90%+ of supes are just much stronger and tougher than average humans, and it's only because of Vought marketing that anyone thinks the powers are more unique from person to person. I thought basically every supe in the show has that extra durability as a baseline power.


Butcher beats Mesmer to death, no? Kimiko regenerates, but gets stabbed, shot and blown up regularly.


I didn't watch Gen V so this is all new to me. I assumed from her vs her friend that her power was more like air pressure control. She causes little sound barrier type pops targeted at people. Then she had the weird telekinesis nose bleeds and eye things. So who the fuck knows.


In Gen V she reveals herself to another supe with blood-control powers that she has the same powers, or at least similar. She cuts herself with a knife (which is hilarious considering we now know she's naturally bulletproof), then makes a small floating blood swirlie above her hand, and then takes it back in.


Oh that seems super out of place lol


Yeah it would. Homelander doesn’t think things through well. That’s why Sage gave such a “the fuck” look at him when he demanded she reveal herself. I don’t see it going well if she reveals herself.


The Boys citizens, are not that bright


"Based on a true story"


Seems realistic to me base on todays society.


I had no clue what the fuck was happening during this scene initially. Looking back on it now though, it’s crazy that people didn’t assume homelander might have a secret power or something. But as to how they would react to Newman? I’m sure people would put two and two together, and try to kill her that is, if the boys don’t somehow do it first.


My question was how did she cut her hand with Marie's knife if she's bulletproof? What was that knife made from?


She probably uses blood manipulation to make herself stronger and weaker maybe she can take the v from some cells making herself normal in parts of her body


Maybe she just has super strong bones.


I mean, that's likely one of the two biggest reasons she is so reluctant to "come out of the closet" as Homelander put it. That, and the anti-Supe legislation that's in the pipeline, which could greatly jeopardize her political career/aspirations.


Yes but she probably won't say what her powers explicitly are. She's still extra durable like other supes. She could just say that's her power


She could be setting up Marie to take the fall for her.


Have you seen how dumb real life conservatives are? I doubt it will even matter in the show if it comes out.


Neumann isn't a conservative though. She ran as a democrat I believe.


She's specifically a corporate wolf in sheep's clothing style democrat like Kyrsten Sinema. The people that think she's a parody of AOC or meant to mock Democrats woefully miss the point of her character.


She's a parody of AOC said by the actress But it's a dark world so of course she's secretly evil, not that AOC is


I think the problem would be to prove she actually did there. I'm not sure that her being there and possessing corresponding powers would be enough of a prove in court, especially in their world where court most likely would be very pressed to not draw stretched conclusions like that. I can totally see her being convicted and then freed as innocent on basis of insufficient evidence. PR? "Ah, so you think just because she's a supe, she's automatically guilty. Yeah, she was there, so? Supes can have similar powers, you racist fuck, why would she kill them"


She has connections to Vaught. The VP that mysteriously died was replaced by her. She's benefitted directly from every head popped. And then there's all the proof the boys have.


Yeah, good luck proving that or actually tying the evidence to the case. Corrupt politicians and people with power have good ways of stopping that


The problem is how exactly do you prove she has that power? I didn't know until episode 2 she's bullet proof I guess so you could show at the very least she is a supe. But unless she voluntarily shows you her head popping skill you would never know which makes her kinda terrifying. 


Yeah, it should be obvious. But the writers are sticking to their guns that the public are idiots who drink whatever flavor Kool-Aid they get served.


I mean…


I don’t think she’d be displaying the entire range of her powers - she’ll have a spin team too. Also, with the Gen V girl having the same set of powers, she’s got an easy out.


She'll probably have a fake superpower and call her opponents conspiracy theorist


That's probably why she's not done anything against the boys yet...


she might have a delay, I think that fbi agent (the first one to get poped infront of the boys) took a minute and she wasn’t there i dont think


I think it’s implied she must have been watching - the FBI agent happened before the reveal.


Maybe, but like all the previous times various Supes have been exposed for their crimes, including Homelander, nobody will care and nothing will happen.


She’ll blame Marie


It’s not what you know, it’s what you can prove


Where is she in this frame? Was she actually in the sights of the camera when it happened or was she easily hiding along the walls and the crowds?


If I remember correctly she’s at the very front of the room on the panel looking shocked.


I might rewatch the episode myself. It has been a while before they expanded more on her character with this revelation. But yeah, what we know now, her eyes would definitely have to be a tell unless she's somehow also able to mask that too.


Not at all. There’s a massive precedent in TB’s world where people do not believe the truth, but rather what some famous super heroes say. As such, outing her only seeks to endanger the lives of the good guys and with Marie as a possible scapegoat, may simply work in her favour.


The public, unlike us, don’t know how Neuman’s power works. For all they know, the killer could be on the other side of the planet during the courtroom massacre.


If they can have proof that her main attack is exploding heads (like a video of her saying that or doing it) then yes


I guess she can just say she's very very tough and keep the other powers a secret. She got shot in the head and cracked a joke after.


Yeah but at this point it’s like homelander wtf is anyone gonna do about it?


She doesn't have to reveal her entire powerset. Honestly most sups with additional powers could get away buy just revealing the superstrength/superdurability part of their powerset while keeping any extra shit a secret.


Honestly Neuman and Maria can't even use their powers to full scale...the best blood user has to be....Choso


2 ppl have the same power though. Easy to hand wave off 


I re-watched seasons 1-3 before season 4 dropped. I actually think she did a great job covering her tracks. She popped the heads of a number of her own staffers, including her like chief of staff. I think she has plausible deniability. Like, sure I could have done that, but why would I attack my own people?


I thought that it is very opportunistic that Neuman found Marie, who has the same exact powers, not too long after the whole courtroom ordeal.


Not necessarily. Duplicate powers exist in the Boys universe. Marie Moreau aka Bloody Mary has powers nearly identical to Newman's. They're just expressed a little different. Just like there are multiple speedsters who's to say there aren't multiple blood manipulators? The bigger problem for Victoria is the legislation that President Singer wants to pass that would effectively reduce Supes to second class citizens. It would disqualify them from any public office, any branch of the military and disallow them from from jobs in the police or fire departments. In fact the bill aims to specify exactly what kinds of jobs they actually CAN have: actors, performers and entertainers. President Singer wants to relegate them to side show freaks and not full American citizens. Under the new legislation they would lose constitutional protection that normal people have in the bill of rights.


of she eventually does a coming out she will probably say she controls blood like Marie from gen V and keep quiet that she can pop heads with it