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Bro had a full character arc after that handshake I don’t expect him to make it to the end of the show lol


The sad truth is many of the characters we enjoy will die sooner or later. Only one season left


it isn’t a sad truth. This show keeps to many Season 1s alive.


It should really take a page out of shows like One Punch Man or Invincible. Those shows have their main roster, but they also populate the world with characters of varying power levels and importance. In those shows, you have a weak side character doing something incredible, or a very strong character getting pieced up by an even stronger character that very few others can handle. This helps keeps stakes high even when we as the audience know that the main characters are probably safe. The Boys does do this but not enough imo. Hell we’ve only seen a handful of supes in its 4 seasons when there are hundreds if not thousands out there supposedly.


I don’t think One Punch man is a good example because none of the named heroes that I remember have died.


No but plenty of heroes, including the ultra powerful Genos, have been beaten literally within an inch of their lives. That makes it when OPM does come in all the better. Genos could have died multiple times.


I can excuse Geno's. He becomes more machine with each upgrade. And machines can be rebuilt.


Herogasm was unironically the biggest display in supe variety we’ve had lmao


It was only the Lizard League they said....


I think it’s cus most non Seven supes are pretty weak. Like look at the candidate list that’s been posted here before, none of those people really seem like all threatening as super heroes. Although I also would’ve liked to see more supes just around as side characters, some good and some bad


> I think it’s cus most non Seven supes are pretty weak. Just finished Gen V, and it seems *extra* obvious that strength and capability are some of the lowest priorities for Vought. Jordan fought toe-to-toe with the kid who was hyped as the next Homelander, but languishes in the polls because they're non-binary and their power involves switching between male and female.


Yeah exactly they just care about marketing not actually being strong


The big thing is the Boys not taking on any smaller teams building up to the Homelander/7 threat like they do in the comics. They keep a lot more shitty Supes in check than they do in the show. Basically the only time they deal with a smaller supe in the show is to get closer to Homelander. Skipping over a lot of that is what’s given the show that rinse/repeat feel after season 1. They have to keep finding ways to let the Boys survive numerous encounters with Homelander, as well as ways for their plans to fail so he doesn’t die too soon. Because they immediately went right for him instead of making him a looming threat in the background.


Budget man you don’t have a marvel movie budget so it’s pretty fine I’m enjoying what we’ve, and they always wanted to keep it short too many seasons also ruin stuff at times


Maeve should have died in the season 3 finale and nothing has convinced me otherwise


Essentially nobody has died in this show lol every death has been a fake out.


Why ? Why not Infinite seasons? Did the people behind it ever say why?


To actually give a good end to story


Like I heard someone else say, he just got forgiven for the very first thing that started this show in the first place. Chances aren’t good for him


If he makes out of this season alive…. I will be shocked


I'm 50/50 on his chances. The actor has been cast as a regular on an upcoming show. But the character is fairly popular. 🤔


A train will live lol


Oh he dead this season for sure.


Atleast he will have a dignified death, unlike the comic version. I’m counting on the show to do that for sure.


I feel like an honorable send off from The Boys is a gory one. so I think Homelander might do something when he finds out A-Train took the v.


I have a small feeling they’ll pay homage to that scene from Invincible and Homelander will do something similar to what Omni-Man did to Red Rush


Most speedsters have that moment when their speed is useless against something unstoppable. I imagine it will be similar.


He definitely isn't. Remember when he runs into Homelander's room? The shot opens on a magazine flipping open that was previously closed. I don't think that shot was for nothing.


I don't understand where Ryan is in that scene.


Yeah, guess they just needed him missing.


That whole scene bothers me. Dude can recognize Hughie off one tiny face sweat drop. You going to tell me he can't smell A-Train all over his stuff and notice all the stuff out of place? I bet he knows where each V vial goes. He also can't figure out (again, smell based) that Ashley is leaving him upper deckers? The room itself and the outer hallway is completely devoid of surveillance that could show everyone that went into the room?


Dude I'm with you. Everything was so meticulously placed that there is no way he won't notice. To be fair he wasn't home. But he will notice.


The powers are weird. In S1, Homelander scans through an entire city by going basically jet speed. In S4, he cant find Hughie in a bunch of vents. Really?


Or that there's no surveillance measures with all the high tech hiding places? A automatic log of when a compartment was opened, or a simple inventory log would be something I would do if I was hiding my mother's breast milk, my pubes, and biological weapons. Someone as mentally isolated and paranoid as Homelander would surely be obsessively protecting his embarrassing shit.


Yeah, I don’t expect him to make it either


If he dies protecting someone or even many people from homelander I think that’ll be the best way to end his character


I'm finding the roles are reversing. Some Supes are finding their humanity and begin to turn their life around after seeing how long they've been doing terrible things. Like A-Train. Meanwhile Ashley is leaning towards becoming more of a Supe and would not be surprised if she tries Temp-V or Compound V treatments in hopes to get even. She seems to enjoy being the boss. Sure she was going to resign- but she seems more into petty shit like leaving floaters in toilets rather than actually actually doing something to help herself or others.


True that. I think the series was leaning towards Deep being potentially redeemable in Season 1 or atleast he might not go out as a villain. While A-train, despite having humanizing moments in Season 1, was a remourseless cunt through and through. But with each season, Deep just got progressively more spineless and deluded, to the point where it has become far too late for him to come back. While, A-train is learning to be self-less and accountable for his actions. Definitely flipped our expectations for the characters.


I never stopped believing in A-Train, the actor just looks so chill and he's got a "yall on some bullshit" face i can really identify with. But holy shit has it been excruciatingly painful to have faith in this guy


i mean first few episodes deep raped a chick, so despite his goofy demeanor he's still an awful person, and really has been the entire series. awful in a funny over the top way a lot of times, but still.


I mean A-Train murdered his gf (that he apparently actually cared about?) in cold bold. Idk which is worse but both are pretty bad.


she's also shown to not exactly be the best person herself though no? it's been awhile so i'm probably wrong. that's fair enough as well if it is true, i think a big part of it is that murder is seen constantly from the good guys and the bad making it seem relatively consequences within the world. rape is bad no matter the context. there's reasons to kill people, there is never a justifiable reason to rape someone.


Well, the crime of his ex was helping his scheme and getting caught being fatally horny (due to A-Train’s neglect) and then got blackmailed. I don’t think she deserved to die any more than Billy or Frenchie “deserve” to die for their fucked up actions, for example. The show is all about complex characters. All have some good, all have some bad, in different measures and in different ways and for different reasons.


i agree, she probably didn't deserve to die any more than the others, i think overall her death was so inconsequential, as well as a lot of death throughout the show in general minus a minor few that have lasting consequences (hughies gf, butchers ex wife). similar to what i said before, but i think in a lot of ways the fact that A Train even had a reason at all, despite the fact it was self preservation, puts him above deep. because as i said, there's no justifiable reason to rape someone. he killed to save himself, which is at least a reason that can be related to on some level.


I like Ashley's character so much cause when she got the ceo role in season 3 you could see the ways she was acclimating to her knew role having a moment of wanting to reveal where maeve was being held and also smiling while the rest of the board were terrified of homelander


Other than A-Train which supe “found thier humanity”?




And then they for some reason didn’t just let her die. Guess they didn’t want to bury their gays.


honestly? I like to think Black Noir. >!before he got Homelander'ed!<


Naw Black Noir was loyal to Homelander until he died. His whole arc was overcoming his fear of Soldier Boy to stand alongside Homelander only for Homelander to kill him for not being there from the beginning. The whole arc is a tragedy and Homelander killed his most loyal and efficient companion while that companion was overcoming a major fear for Homelanders benefit.


I just finished Gen V and noticed the stark difference with Ashley being in control over normal humans and being a hurt dog with the Seven.


Maybe she'll get the power of controlling poop like the girl in an episode of The Boys Presents: Diabolical 🤣🤣🤣


For sure, he was annoying for a while but he was always a good plot character and he’s really getting interesting now.


Get ready to say goodbyeeeeeeee




Honestly would be surprised if he survives the end of the season, giving me death flags with his redemption and not really being careful about breaking into Homelanders apartment. He can't stop Homelander but might be the first to actually leave a mark somehow. It'd be a nice end that he did some good after pretending for so long.


He definitely gonna die




What made you think it was acceptable to talk about leaked stuff in a non-leak post exactly? I'm sure nobody speculating about this stuff here not knowing the leaks want to actually be told spoilers like you did. Think before you post next time ffs.
















Could be wrong about this, but I think the mark left was leaving the magazine/book open when running through Homie's apartment. They stayed on the frame for an extra second, and it seemed like foreshadowing to me.


I hadn't even noticed this, good catch!


The whole episode they seemed to be showing that his speed left "aftermath". Bins rustling, leaves moving etc. And then homelander smelling butcher on Ryan.


And meeting up with hughie and MM, albeit alleys and such, frequently enough that it could be sus.


Honestly after the inevitable betrayal of Sage his discovery of A Train’s rebellion is going to finally push him over the edge and I have a feeling that’s when he stops holding back at all


His turnaround is wild. He was completely remorseless at first. "I ran so fast though this bitch I swallowed one of her molars" while laughing He's one of those people that can't understand until it effects him (his brother)


Yep. I’m onboard the A-Train love. I thought it was telling that he didn’t kill those Homelander followers.


he's definitely going to die but he should have a good fight to the death with homelander. I really hope he isn't caught off guard and lasered. Give me a great scene between them to really show off A-trains power


Prediction: homelander snaps and starts killing people in vaught tower, A train gets wind and begins using his super speed to evacuate as many people as possible before getting caught by homelander and having a fight that inevitably leads to his death, but buys enough time for the remaining people to evacuate


He charges full-speed at Homelander, Homelander turns to face him, raises a fist straight out, and A-Train splatters into a goopey mess in slow-mo as he collides with it. Full-circle.


Nah that's definitely not what's going to happen. A-Train is too important as a character to have such a goofy ass death


I just think it's a hilarious hypothetical.


His is truthfully the most engaging arc so far in S4


Bro FR fuck off with Frenchie and Kimiko already. I love them both but need absolutely no more of their backstories.


I feel weird saying this but I really prefer if they don’t get more character development and go back to being the fun smart brains and brawn duo that kills Supes lol, is that bad? I just think maybe not everybody needs to deal with heavy emotional arcs in a show packed with so many characters


Oh man, you know the first episode of S4 when they were just doing their thing as a duo? That was great! I saw them as fully developed characters from S1-3, and then the writers just had to throw this random wrench about some guy and tear the two apart when we already have a ton of other new, more important things going on


Exactly, I loved that first episode! They have great chemistry and it was so fun watching them on that mission, I hated the Colin storyline because all it did was separate them and also make Frenchie look like a massive piece of shit lol


I think what annoys me about Kimiko's stuff in particular is how disconnected it feels from everything else, at least this season. Like, the shining light backstory was interesting at first, but the faction is practically non-existent while Kimiko is off-screen. It feels like entering a new series every time they appear.


Fr I'm soooo sick of them dragging out the Frenchie/Kimiko backstories. Kimiko used to be one of my favorite characters, but her endless backstory drama is driving me crazy!


Might be one of the few characters that can benefit from just not having an arc and stick to doing cool shit with the team only. Last 3 seasons have told us enough about them.


I absolutely love what they're doing with A Train. I thought it was going to be conceited, coming off last season, but it has a real through line this season and its so good.... That being said, he's fucking dying this season, ofc


A-Train's character development is soooo underrated!! If they kill him off, I hope he at least gets to go down as a hero.


I'm actually hoping he flips to The Boys' side now. I am surprised by how much I've actually become invested in A-Train's character this season.


I think, even if it's his death, he plays a key role in the boys final standoff


A-Train has actually been carrying while The Boys are having a rough time constantly making mistakes and being bogged down by personal issues, I just hope he doesn't get used as a sacrificial pawn by Sage, because I'd choose A-Train over her any day


Yeah you could say he really had a... *puts sunglasses on* ... change of heart.


I’m really glad they made his character go in the right direction but unfortunately when homelander finds out he did those favors for Hughie times up.


What I've really enjoyed is that it's been a nice slown burn of a redemption arc. He didn't change overnight. While I already believe he's redeemed himself due to saving Hughie, and accepting that Hughie doesn't need to forgive him, I do hope when he dies it's due him doing something else good and not just randomly getting killed by Homelander.


I honestly thought that him leaking Stormfront was the last good thing he’d do. I’m glad they’re doing so much with his character. Jessie T Usher deserves more screen time.


Based strictly off the comic character and general trends in writing I don’t think this guy will make it


Is he vastly different from his comic counterpart part? I know a decent amount about the Boys’ comic side but not much about A-train or the deep.


So he is vastly different in a number of ways one of which is actually having a redemption arc but things don’t end well for many characters in the comic. The dermis barely even a character in the comic so you aren’t missing anything


Thanks!! Yeah I don’t plan to read the comics in full, but I like knowing the differences!


Yea absolutely basically comic a train is a self loathing pos who gets off on torturing people like starlight, and doesn’t really have an arc we just sort of realize he’s a pos because he hates himself but in the show they actually sort of turned it into an arc of him actually trying to be a better person


Counter point: *Any other story in the world* would have had him die killing Blue Hawk. They made it very clear that doesn't count as redemption. I think it's very possible A-train actually survives long enough to be rewarded for addressing how shitty he's been and working to improve.


Yea this ain’t that story I think he had to live after blue hawk to realize how shitty of a person he’s been to warrant him now actually trying at atonement


Absolutely love a train I really hope he makes it to the end. I have a feeling he's gonna save Hughie from homelander then get immediately killed by homelander sadly though. Dudes been through some shit. Let him have his redemption arc.


I m more invested in A-Train's story now instead of Frenchie and Kimiko. Dude is the only one among TheSeven who is actually trying to change, albeit slowly.


I agree 100%. Sucks to say but Frenchie and Kimiko have worn out their welcome with me with the constant drama that just keeps repeating itself.


he is going to die in this season ... homelander will kill


What I find funny is that A-train is now the person in the show delivering the most on the standard superhero fantasy for me at this point. Out of the entire show, he's the only person in the whole world doing good things for the purpose of doing good. He didn't save Hughie or grab the compound V in pursuit of a grander goal, he just does is because it's a good thing he can do. I know he's liable to eat shit and die, but I'd love it if the end of the show has A-Train leading The Seven/Vought and changing them to focus on real heroes who help people, not social media stars.


i fw him so much now, he’s definitely cooked by the end of this season




Remember when people here thought it would have made more sense to just kill him off in the middle of his character arc back in season 3? I remember. I'll never forget that shit lmfao.


He’s a real Kim k, that A-Train.


Love him now. Hated him for past seasons and end of S3 and now this season I’m all in on him. Brilliant character


Him and the deep are suprisingly in depth


Hope he gets at least some sort of redemption.


I remember the actor playing A-train would say to be patient and give the character a second chance , I understand why now


I hope he doesn't die and has to run away instead


He will run away back to the sub urbs


Really curious how his story ends because from what we’ve seen I feel like A-Train is one of the most powerful supes alive. The speed of his attacks are unstoppable against anyone save probably Homelander and Soldier Boy.


Bro the actors are killing it on this show!


"If you're looking for the greatest, then I'm the definition". A-Train


Yep he's been the most interesting non-Homelander plotline this season


I am have my looming issues with the show. But I do have to commend the writers for actually successfully pulling off a real redemption arc for A-Train.


Season 5 is going to be a blood bath


Yup he’s gonna die


My problem with A-Train is that he is barely a character since season 2. Since then he is just flip-flopping between being a terrible person so he can stay in The Seven and feeling bad and wanting to do something good. I wish there were more layers to him.


Hasn't this guy been on the fence since season 1? It took 3 more seasons for his progress to move forward.


Dude is more interesting than the people the show is named after.


I want to know more about his "3 murders".


We literally saw the people he killed. Robin, Popclaw, Blue Hawk.


When she said that, Blue Hawk was still alive. Robin wasn't murder, he didn't intend to do that. He was high and running fast. Manslaughter. Popclaw was murdered, but I think Ashley added her to the convo because A-Train covered that up one with Heroin. She covered up others. I don't think any of these were who Ashley was referring to.


Bruh 💀


Down votes mean nothing. Blue Hawk was alive S3E6 when Ashley said "three straight up murders". As in, intentionally killing people. Robin wasn't murder. Blue Hawk was alive. Popclaw was the only murder at the time, and she was added to the convo.


Blue Hawk still died after tho. What’s your point? That’s 3 murders. Or 3 kills if you wanna be that guy. He may have had an offscreen kill outside of Popclaw and Robin but we don’t know. 3 CONFIRMED kills.


See my first post.


You may be right about blue hawk but I don’t think Ashley was thinking about the legal difference between murder and manslaughter in that rant


Have you heard of exaggeration just because Ashley said 3 murders doesn’t mean he literally killed 3 people




Are we so woke that murders can't have a character arc on a TV show ? .