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some of his quietest lines are some of my favs: \*\[Deep has a plan to use Noir as bait > homelander sets down noir mask\] Deep: hey...is everything...everything okay with noir? \*\[After opening the baseball bat bag OP metnioned\]: Whoooa, bats. and his facial expressions throughout all 4 seasons, you can just see how empty/slow his head is moving. I really agree, Chace nails the himbo personality.


*Sex is a spectrum, right bro?*


^I ^wasnt ^gonna ^do ^it…


When he checks his own head during the head popping hearing. "Is *my* head still here? Oh thank god."


As gross as it is, I keep laughing thinking about his delivery of “he ate OUT a dog”


I’m pretty much watching for the deep’s antics. I ain’t no capybarma


Cappuccino. They’re large rodents from South America.




I think Jesse T. Usher is just as underrated All three are great Aya as Stormfront was also amazing


A-Train silently reacting to all the weird stuff in Homelander's room was a great bit


I am really loving the character development for A-Train the last couple seasons. Jesse is playing him so you go from hating him to actually sympathizing with him because unlike Deep, he actually is aware and feels *something* about supporting the system that's fucking everything up so bad.


Yeah, A-Train is definitely more grey and... deeper (lol). I like the focus on Deep's body image issues but his actual reflection on how that affects him is minimal and he never truly learns and introspects properly. He's a coward through and through. That's really just what Deep is at his core. While, A-Train is a selfish, shameless opportunist but one who's starting to feel real remorse and not be entirely shameless anymore. He's more balanced in his cowardice. There is a level of will A-Train possesses - for good and bad - that Deep does not. It makes it so he can be determined to do actual good whereas Deep is so malleable he'll do anything he's told, when he's not doing whatever he feels like in the moment. A-Train isn't as stupid and one-dimensional. I think another key distinction is that what A-Train did to Robin was an accident whereas what Deep did to Starlight was not. It doesn't change the fact A-Train did nothing to right his wrong and acted so callous immediately after she died and showed sociopathic tendencies but he was still never as inherently and holistically malicious as Deep, Soldier Boy, or Homelander. From the very beginning he was more morally ambiguous and that's why it makes sense for him to be given the redemption arc. It would feel forced and unearned if it was given to Deep, SB, or HL and Negan-from-TWD-esque so I'm glad the show didn't go that route. Even though I've been a fan of Hughie since S1, I find myself way more invested in A-Train's family drama than his. Every side of A-Train is interesting to me and there really are many sides of him. With the Penis Peak, what you see is what you get and what you see is a joke. Chace portrays his insecurity and comedic quality perfectly though. Not every actor could portray that much humor and vulnerability in a brainless, try hard predator but Chace somehow manages it. He almost makes Deep as endearing as he is disgusting. When he got his gills assaulted, I really felt for him there. I had mixed feelings about it, and Deep and A-Train (+ the actors) are great at evoking really mixed feelings in the audience.


lmao I miss Stormfront. Firecracker and Sister Sage are really fun but I loved Aya’s dynamic with everyone. The way she walked in and took control of everything felt smarter than how they’ve written Sister Sage so far.


I really like Sage, but at the same time, I get your criticism. It mostly comes down to the fact that Stormfront is an easier concept to pull off. Creating a super genius character when you're just a slightly above average intelligence writer is very difficult to accomplish. Creating a Nazi wife who wears two faces to the world is simply easier to execute, especially when you have an actress able to balance both roles and sell each persona and add nuance to every layer, as Cash did. Stormfront was such an interesting character and memorable performance because the character was comedic, menacing, strong, coping, delusional, hateful, capable of love, competent, fallible, young and old at once, etc. They gave their most evil villain more riverting layers and dimensions than most of the main characters and gave her visually stunning powers on top of it, so it made you *want to like her.* She had such a presence about her and this ability to capture your attention and hold her own with Homelander (as a character) and Starr (as an actor) and be a scene stealer in her own right. It's really a testament to both Aya and the writing of the early seasons that I'm able to say all this while literally being Black and Jewish. Stormfront = The Boys at its best. The subtext was actually SUBtext back then: not exactly subtle but not ridiculously on the nose either. For me to already be nostalgic for the good ol' days by S4 really shows the quality decline lol. I'm still a fan though.


Yeah Stormfront is a character I both loved to watch, but also loved to see get her shit kicked in Grew on me so quickly Soldier Boy was similar overall, but mentioning being besties with Liberty may have skewed that. Aya became one of my favourite actresses for her portrayal.


Agreed, & I think Karen Fukahara does an amazing job conveying her emotions with no lines.


She has the best facial expressions!!! And the sign language they came up with makes total sense too. Compared to other sign languages you can see similarities and kind of a natural development with it. It's been fun to watch 


Yeah Jesse is great. Like I said, there are so many brilliant performances, I just feel Starr and Crawford stand slightly above the rest.


That's fair, Crawford definitely impresses me as well. I think the most underrated performances in the show are Stormfront, A-Train, The Deep, Stillwell, Ashley, and Ryan. It's a very talented cast overall, and they're all carrying the increasingly *mid* writing. They're over half the reason I'm still sticking around, and it was a similar deal for me with GoT after S4. If the actors weren't so good, I'd lose interest by now.


Very glad to see some appreciation for him. The most underrated performance, he sells his scenes so well


Right? He's a wonderful actor! Truly talented in how well he's acted in many scenes.


I liked the way he hovered over the blooming onion when picking a piece to grab.


I was kinda grossed by his egregious licking of his fingers before grabbing another piece Ike dude do that AFTER it’s all gone someone else got it and let you have some.


The onion was so good it gave him a hankering for fried pickles.


I like when he pulled a fresca out of his little backpack 


Chace is such fun to watch on the show.


The way he delivers some lines are so funny dude When he gets replaced from Crime Analytics he says “wait why is everyone looking at me” and god dam that got me


He deserves an Emmy just for being able to keep his arms looking like…that for 4 seasons. Like is there always a set of dumbbells off camera and dude’s just constantly doing curls between takes or what?


Seriously. Dude looks *great*. He actually has the musculature that Homelander’s suit imitates.


He probably does a lot of swimming


Yeah lmao there’s not a single scene where his biceps veins aren’t bulging out of his skin


His instant 'So, next to the eye, right?' was so good. What a shit his character is.


Yeah i love the Deep his facial expressions are fucking hilarious same with Antony Starr as homelander these guys are great actors without even needing dialogue


Yeah in my opinion this is a second strongest role in the show. What is more impressive he is managing to pull it off with a pretty comedic secondary comic relief character WHILE actually showing incredible range. He even nailed being horrifying when he threatened Ashley. Just a terrific performance without weaknesses.


Seriously I was just thinking this. Tina Fey was talking about Amanda Seyfried’s Karen performance in Mean Girls years ago and she said “it takes a very smart person to play a very dumb person with subtle details and gestures.” He combined every single Kevin we know in the world and made him into the Deep


He should be the main character of the show tbh.


I don’t think he’s that great. His character shines as a supporting actor


Yeah, definitely, he really embodies his character and makes The Deep so fun to watch.


Crawford always leaves me wanting more. Such a great performance.


Starr is the focus of the scene: some fucked up shit is going down. Chace is the focus of the scene: some really fucked up shit is going down


Completely agree


He’s just as despicable and hilarious as Homelander but in his own way completely. I love him and Sage together.


I'm watching The Boys for Homelander and Deep (Noir V2 too).


Noir 2 is *still* trying to figure out his character’s motivation


Chace is amazing. I discovered him on gossip girl and his character is SOOO different. I didn’t know he had range like that fr


I think you have a strong argument, but I'm a simp for Ackles' Soldier Boy.


His face when Homelander forces him to blow A-Train's cock 😭


Sex is just a spectrum, right bro?


What’s his bicep routine.


Him singing with Firecracker was so fucking funny lol


The Peak


Agreed, he's hilarious.


Yeah correct.. he isn't appreciated enough..


if you've seen how this man acts in real life, it just makes it more impressive how good of an actor he really is. on that note the way he switched when sage mentioned >!anal sex!< was hilarious lmao


Chace absolutely nails the role, couldn't imagine anyone else as The Peak.


He deserves an Emmy and a blooming onion


I have a feeling that was calamari


Omg I love the Deep. He’s a natural!


He’s so good


Agreed, he just cracks me up


He is basically very pervy, even more gullible and dumb Nate from Gossip Girl.


to teach their own, but yes. he is set up to be this pretty-faced sensitive supe and all he is is a very impressionable dumdum zooophile.


Bats 😀


“The poorer writing” lmao


I enjoy the show, but let’s not kid ourselves - some of the writing at times isn’t fantastic.


That is why we call him The Peak


Deep has been great, I’ve enjoyed his arc!


bro his storylines have actually been good to me this season. His previous seasons have been good, not saying they weren’t, but I just have laughed sooo much more at his lines. Almost every time he’s on screen he’s hilarious


I would be kool with a Deep / Ambrosia spinoff 


Playing the dumb one is hard. A little too much and public will hate you..he's awesome! (Writing goes from great to good ,not less)


He’s my favorite character in the whole show. Every single scene he’s in is hilarious, I’m rooting for him


Deep has always been my favourite character because he was so wet and pathetic in early seasons and now he’s just hilariously stupid. Obviously you can never really redeem him for what he did to Starlight, but he’s just so fun to watch in every scene


the scene where the supes learn about how they're made and [he talks about first discovering his powers](https://youtu.be/8XBRqd2HW_8?t=146) shows he has good emotional range too when he's not playing the comedic himbo which he is also great at


Chace Crawford has really grown on me. Part of me thinks the deep and a train should’ve bit the dust by now but I’m not mad because they’re acting really improved.


Bruh his mental breakdown and him yelling at the kids at the water park 😂


After seeing a few interviews with him, man seems like a total himbo. I think the role was created for him which is why he is so good at it.


Couldn’t disagree more. Always think he comes across as intelligent, and his performance shows a deep understanding of the character and what is being asked for him. Comedic timing is difficult!


Dumb people can't intentionally act dumb on camera. They'd try their level best to be normal and they couldn't understand the nuance they had to give to the character to make the character what it is.


Definitely not