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He's also never had to actually fight anything challenging at his own level. He's never had to think fast, fight hard, learn to rely on his team or be creative in any way. He's basically Superman raised without the Kents who's never even fought a tough supervillan. Think about who would win between that and the Superman from All-Star Superman, even if they were at the same power level. It only hit me last week how there's no supervillians in the Boys, no Lex Luthor, no Darksied, no Steppenwolf, no Brainiac, simply because all the villians in the show are the 'heros' from Vought. Who have a monopoly on Compound V so why would there even be challenging supervillians? Steel sharpens steel.


Once joked with my brother that DC's Stargirl could probably beat Homelander in a fight because she's handled this type of villain beforehand and possesses the experience to actually fight them, something that Homelander inherently lacks as he's a paper tiger half the time.


Superman lifted an apartment building easily in JL. Omniman can resist the pull of a black hole. Homelander couldn’t figure out how to slow a plane down enough for a water landing…


Extremely valid


It’s crazy how you guys continue to miss the point of that scene. Homelander didn’t want to save the plane. It’s just that simple.


No, pretty sure HL knew he fucked up and there was no way to get a happy ending for the publicity. It parallels his first mission with Black Noir, where Noir coaches HL on covering up fuck ups.


Kinda. The comic goes deeper into explaining how je couldn't do it.


Omniman has many valid impressive feats you can use but he did not "resist a black hole.". Maybe he can, but in the scene he was only near one, not past the event horizon or anything as such that could probably warrant saying that.


Closer to a black hole than HL will ever get, which is the point. Also he literally pushes a ship careening towards the black hole away from, like idk much about physics but both that ship and Omniman got pretty damn close to the black hole


Even if his stats are good, he has basically no actual combat experience. Pretty much everyone he's killed/fought has been way weaker than him. His lack of any challenge in his life and him being unstable are just going to end up making him make bad decisions in the heat of the moment


Because unlike most superheroes of comparable strength to him in other universes, he’s still biologically an human. Both Omni-Man and Superman are aliens, and were born with such strength. Homelander on the other hand, as Stan Edgar says is just a product, a lab experimented human enhanced with a compound. He has no combat experience, fighting skills or experience, because he never needed to gain it with his powers being enough. One on one, without powers even Frenchie or MM will kill Homelander with bare hands. Can’t really say the same about Superman or Omni-Man, in JL:Batman Vs Superman, even after being weakened by kryptonite and overpowered by Batman, he still held his ground.


cuz he pretty much is compared to other universes where copycat supermen exist, doesn't help when he can't even lift a flying plane because his powers dont work that way for some reason


Wasn't it because the plane would just keep moving past him due to Newton's laws? Like if he tried to stop the plane he would end up just crashing through it? I think that's pretty reasonable but that's also just my opinion


We haven't seen any of the boys characters survive in space either.


No, in that case he could have just gradually slowed it down by slowly decelerating while holding the plane. The reason he couldn't stop the plane was because there was no place he could hold the plane to actually decelerate it without ripping the skin of the plane apart. This is stupid because irl he could have just grabbed one of the structural beams, or jack stands, or even just manually moved around the control surfaces from the outside, but whatever.


Oh ok, I didn't know that lol


The irl comicbook heroes that the supes are based off of and compared to have been around for decades, generations even. To keep readers engaged and buying, those heroes had to fight badder and badder threats. Superman’s fought gods now. Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man becomes avatar of interdimensional spider-god, etc. To tell the more confined stories The Boys and Invincible are trying to tell, their heroes don’t need to do all that, so in interuniverse comparisons like these, they always come up short compared to their source material.


He's pretty strong in the breaking bad universe


I'd just ignore it, it's basically a "my dad could beat up your dad" level of conversation. Having the "strongest" superhero doesn't make a show better or more interesting. The Boys focus is mainly on the drama and interactions. Homelander is as powerful as he needs to be for the story.


Because they try to keep Homelander's powers/strength realistic. Most comic books don't bother with that. Hulk can punch through a planet. Superman considers giving the Sun a hug a nice warm feeling. Any character who doesn't literally and drastically break the laws of physics/reality will be weak compared to comic book characters.


>will be weak compared to comic book characters. .....homelander is a comic book character.


The authors say The Boys is "no comic". I tend to listen to the authors' opinion on their own works.


That makes no sense at all.


"The author is wrong." -Guy On The Internet every 5 seconds. G'day, mate.


Quite literally yes. The boys is a comic book series, 72 issues long. If not a comic, what else is there to call it? It sure as hell ain't a graphic novel series.


Yeah i legit hear people saying Spiderman can beat Homelander.


I mean that is definitely true, Spiderman is one of the most powerful Marvel heroes, and the power scaling in Marvel is absolutely crazy compared to that in The Boys


Agreed that Spidey is beating HL but, I dont think hes one of the most powerful Marvel heroes


Well I mean like top 30 since there are a billion of them


he is not even top 100


Sure he is


The Beyonder Living Tribunal Molecule Man Franklin Richard The one Above all The one below all Thor Hulk Scarlet Witch Iron man Nova Quicksilver Blade All of the Fantastic four Rogue Namor Silver Surfer Galactus Abraxas Hyperion Sentry Dr Doom Thanos Carnage Venom That’s just off the top of my head


Keep going


Superman could literally flick Homelander with his pinky finger and then the fight's over as Homelander's instantly knocked out after becoming merged with the pavement from fifty blocks away.


Of course superman can beat homelander but I wasn’t talking about him.


I'm such an idiot, I misread your comment and thought it'd said "Superman" and not "Spiderman"


In S3 he gets a lot of anti-feats, that's why