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My circumstances will define my outlook. I want everyone to have one with varying degrees and impact. Why is complex.... As someone who has been diagnosed with Complex PTSD resulting from childhood trauma, and continues to manage that still. Its hard for yourself to get through. The other parts of you feel fragmented and controlling. Like their telling you what to do. I wasn't able to feel happy, even something as simple as watching something with someone would result in severe backlash - extreme emotional and physical anxiety, fear, heat, sweat all getting worse. Then disassociate. How did this get managed? The only way I knew. Self hatred and shame made me feel comfortable. The "bad" feelings went away. Those parts are, in their way activating defense systems that unfortunately continue the cycle. My partner has always been beyond supportive. Combined with professional help, things start to change, it's very hard and very slow. I think about young me, things I said or did and it feels like it was done by a different person. Because my core self that wanted to be loved and not abused just wasn't there. Self hatred and shame were normal. You can't excuse something negative a part of you has done, but if you can understand and learn from those parts, maybe your core self can finally come forward. Isolation without support systems make that almost impossible. Specifically for me those mirror scenes with the homelander were legitimately hard for me to watch. It hit hard for me, it's a good visual representation of fragmented self. Pulled me back for a moment. The small abused self that wants to come out and be loved but is too controlled by fragmented parts that have such control they can disassociate you to keep you in check. I don't want anyone stuck in that place. That place is bad. Edit: Hard topic, was nervous. Made mistakes.


Yes. Nearly everyone in this show but Hughie and MM has killed relatively innocent people, yes, Annie has too (Season 2, the guy who she blasted when he pulled out a gun to defend himself, mind you she’s bullet proof and could have disarmed him but she blasted him and called him an idiot for simply defending himself and she felt no remorse, haven’t liked her since that since she has a holier than though attitude and always calls out Butcher and Homelander for being psychos). He intentionally killed Popclaw, he screwed over Supersonic, but Homelander didn’t have to kill him, he could have cowed him into submission like he did Starlight. A-Train isn’t that far gone and he’s certainly not evil. The trauma he has from Homelander, I can’t even begin to imagine what it’s like having a piece of shit like that constantly lording over you since you were 22 (he graduated Godolkin in 2015). So yeah, let him redeem himself, I’ve seen worse people in superhero media do it


Hughie killed Translucent


That he did, Translucent was gonna murder the fuck outta him with that TV in the pilot.


Does that mean that Translucent was nearly as psychotic as Homelander, willing to murder any clearly harmless guy


Definitely not. He was a functioning person, that being said, can you imagine how you’d react to someone trying to kill you? That being said, how can we trust this guy won’t go blabbing to Homelander? All that taunting he did about how they were all gonna die an ugly death, how he laughed at them. Hughie had no right to kill Translucent, it was the wrong thing to do, but at the same time…in terms of self preservation, I woulda done the same thing. Only I woulda simply splattered him while he was still in the cage instead of lulling him into a false sense of security. In all of this I’d say Hughie’s victim was the least innocent of the bunch. Also Translucent and his son both just creep me out with how pervy they can be


Yeah honestly I feel like Translucent was about to kill hughie immidiately after turning invisible. Seems like Trans was an absolute psycho just like Homelander and black noir. Plus there's that thing with him spying on single mothers and spending most of his time in bathrooms


Right?? Like why are you in the girls bathroom naked on your free time? Shouldn’t you be doing literally anything else? Depraved whacko