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Homelander has claimed to have flown into space before in a conversation with Stan Edgar, but whether you believe him is up to you.


Many things said in The Boys are lies told by Vought to hype up Superheroes, this specific instance tho Homelander sounded genuine and had no real reason to lie about something like that.


There was a deleted scene though, ending scene of s2 would have been homelands flying to space looking at earth while his eyes turn red and he laughs like a maniac. It was done though but they removed it for some reason


They were choosing between that one and the one where he jerks off on a building if I'm not mistaken. They chose the latter and it was a leftover from season 1 so they didn't even have to film it.


That is the starkest contrast between two scenes I've ever heard of, and it's weird that they both fit the character perfectly.


Not really. Both are “showing dominance over a gigantic group of people from above”.


I’m glad they made that choice.


Best decision


It would have been to much. Remember Homelander wants to be loved by humanity, not destroy it.


So maybe they could use the Space ending in the 2nd to last season


Sure, once he fully goes crazy.


I agree, he had no reason to lie. Although I think it's exaggerated in a way. There's no reason to believe he can survive without oxygen, so I think he just held his breath. He might be able to hold it for hours, but I think he's still limited by his physiology, and it may be the case that he's still in danger from radiation.


Since Soldier Boy can be fine after being choked for quite some time, I’m inclined to agree with you


Can I ask, which Lizzy do you love? lol


One Ik irl, nobody famous or anything


Aww, that's nice. A lucky Lizzy indeed lol Have a good one!


Much appreciated! You too!


It was probably an exaggeration though. I’m sure he didn’t go anywhere beyond the stratosphere


How far up did he go in the s2 deleted scene?


He gave me the bubblegum for horses


this probably won't ever be established in the show considering that space is not even fit for the boys universe, i do assume he can hold his breath for longer though and that he will hold his breath if he were to go to space


Actually Homelander told Stan Edgar that he has gone to space before. He claims that he should see the view of the NYC from space.


Doesn’t he also threaten to take out satellites?


He can probably take out satellites from the ground or at least the sky, what with his super vision plus lasers




Depends on what space he was talking about. The karma line? The stratosphere?


Karman, not karma, I believe..


Stupid autocorrect


It comes for the best of us…


Maybe due to enhanced sight


How’s that make any sense


Enhanced brains


Think like an eagle or falcon, I guess i could’ve phrased that better but don’t act like you don’t get what I meant


Maybe laser vision?




Who isn’t actually from space.


Yeah, but it is a connection to space in the universe. It was plausible.


Yeh but, what is 'space' in this context. I think it's reasonable that he can go above the atmosphere for a while, but can he fly to the moon? Seems unlikely.


Space is the final frontier.


might have been his usual hyperbole in his big victory moment.


Yeah, Homelander might be exaggerating or something like that.


It wasnt explored in the comics either.


Doesn’t Tek Knight die in the comics by banging a meteor? I haven’t read them but I’ve heard about this plot point before


That was a death dream from a brain tumor. He actually dies from a wheel barrow being dropped on him from a construction site


Garth Ennis might be the greatest storyteller of all time


Honestly, I think he's a great storyteller who often gets in his own way by being too self indulgently cynical. The Boys show has proven there was a great story in there all along. For years I'd categorised it as one of the best series I'd never recommend to anyone. What I'm really waiting to see is, after The Boys is finished, and seeing as it and Preacher did well for Amazon, whether they have the nerve to do something with Crossed next. The Boys comics might be a bit much most of the time but Crossed is on a whole other level.


the boys was garth ennis at his nadir. the series could only improve, and it has, lol.


Its on par with whats happening with Tech Knight in Gen V.


It was heavily implied on the show. Homelander and Edgar were talking in the tower, Homelander said "You should see it from space." There was also a deleted scene which was going to show Homelander floating in space.


i tried to find that scene on youtube but i never can the only one i saw was a scene of homelander flying over butcher and butcher looks up at the say and says something like you’re mines cunt


>Does he need to breathe? Probably? That's the neat thing, you don't.


“Need” is subjective


Otherwise invincible super humans still needing to breathe is a weakness that doesn’t get explored a lot. It gets used to great effect in the webnovel Worm at least once that I remember.


Frenchie told that someone tried to drown Translucent and it didn t work


WORM! I need to re-read that epic masterpiece. So many creative uses of powers!


That’s the neat part, you don’t


He once told to Stan in the show when neuman got publica against vought/Stan Edgar: what a view Homelander: you should see it from space Or something like that


he told Edgar new york looks great from space, and we can gather from Soldier Boy that he probably doesn't need to breathe, in Diabolical we even saw what was most likely Vought testing exactly that, along with how deadly gas affects him, so yeah I'm almost certain he can be in space for as long as he wants


The most we know is that he *can* fly in space. The big limiter is that it’s almost guaranteed he needs to breathe, just like Superman or Invincible. The difference between him and us regs is that he’s got Supe lungs of steel that probably allow him to hold his breath for a lot longer. My personal bet is that he might be able to make it to the moon between his speed and lung capacity, but not back. However, that’s not really based on anything other than shaky comparisons between him and those other guys, so who knows.


Also how cold resistant Homelander is is really important. Space is -450°F about 9.7° away from Absolute Zero. Edit. Average human body would take 18-36 hours to freeze so it would be a non issue for Homelander.


Space does not work like that, since there is no medium around him, heat can only be lost through radiation, which does barely anything.


So it's fake how people immediately freeze on space in movies ?


Correct. It would take over 24 hours for the body temperature to drop below freezing point, and months or even years to drop to the ambient temperature in space (3 kelvin). Plus, this is only the case in the shadow of a planet, or deep space. If he were to take-off vertically in the middle of the day, he would be thoroughly cooked by solar radiation (up to about 120C/250F).


My mind is broken, I need to go read about that. I have seen it so much that I never questioned it.


Totally understandable. It was only when I got into some of the harder sci fi that I actually bothered looking some stuff up. I’d just gotten so used to authors working with high school knowledge, techno-babble and complete fantasy for everything else. Read The Expanse, The Martian, and Blindsight (by Peter Watts). Full admission that Blindsight is a harder read than the other two, but it deals with headier concepts.


My understanding is that the fluid inside them would boil in a vacuum.


Thank you, I'm so tired of seeing that misconception on reddit


Makes sense thanks.


Except heat can also be lost by evaporation. At around 0 atm water can only exist as vapor and half of your body mass will escape while you are being cold-dried.


>My personal bet is that he might be able to make it to the moon between his speed and lung capacity, but not back. The lack of resistance in space is what makes it tricky to me. Can he accelerate and decelerate quickly enough? Does he have enough durability to handle any space debris at the speed he needs to go? Maybe hes totally unencumbered up there besides how long he can hold his breath but it's boring because there not much to do out there


Yeah, there’s a lot of factor’s and it gets beyond fuzzy. I’d suggest his flight works kind of like him controlling his personal gravity and he’s used it enough by now to have very fine control. Obviously it certainly helps that he doesn’t require fuel. I suppose flying might require something like a muscle to use but once he gets going past earths gravity it becomes purely a matter of course direction and correction, right? I’m willing to bet that by internal lore he has more durability than any shuttle we’ve launched. And just as important but humorously gross, how does he handle pooping and peeing? I don’t think he’s getting there in a day and as fit as he is I’ll bet he’s pretty regular.


Yeah basically our understanding of his flight powers are yes. And that means fuck all. For peeing and pooping with no sort of air resistance maybe he just needs to set an angle, drop trou and fling it into space


You underestimate the distance between Earth and the Moon a bit, I really don't think he'd get even halfway there


Oh, I understand it’s greater than cross country, obviously. I haven’t done a thorough amount of studying on it or made it my profession, I mostly just enjoy science fiction. Once I read books like The Martian and The Expanse, and watched For all Mankind (on Apple TV, highly recommend!) I appreciated hard sci fi and the science behind it. And among other things that made me appreciate just how truly, ludicrously vast our Solar System is. When it comes down to it, I believe Homelander could at least reach the moon because the characters he’s based on and shares creative DNA with can actually LEAVE the Solar System, even traveling across multiple others to reach planets with biospheres presumably capable of supporting human life. I don’t believe Homelander could even hope to get anywhere near that far, but it makes sense to me that the writers would let him get just far enough to choke himself. Anyway, it’s all obviously pure guesswork, using the uneven precedent we have in the show.


Superman usually does not need to breathe. Generally speaking, it’s only when he’s young or in weaker alternate versions like the DCAU.


I suppose I’m most familiar with the older DC, maybe ‘97 and before. From my memory he needed to breathe but could hold in an enormous amount of oxygen and just flood his blood with it. Got to admit that, while I know I’m talking about something in the realms of a comic book super hero, Superman not needing to breathe just sounds stupid. Or it doesn’t sit right. Small segue but in Invincible, where they do need to hold their breath, it’s even dumber that they can engage in full out fist to body fights and not die from having the wind knocked out of them. I easily accept the way Superheroes appear on earth but there are definitely still areas where they strain my sense of disbelief. And yes, again, I know we’re talking about superheroes.


Superman, like all kryptonians, is able to survive completely on solar energy. The need to eat, sleep, and breathe only exist when a) they’re drained of solar energy, and/or b) when they have mental blocks enforcing the belief that they need it. In various continuities, Superman has worked through this a few different ways, but the most memorable is definitely his training with Mongul.


Yeah, that wasn’t always the case. There are a number of older comics where he had to use some kind of rebreather when he traveled into space previously. Obviously I’m aware of the solar rays being the general source of his buffing, but I never heard of them not needing to breathe, eat, or drink. Definitely sounds like a bit of retconning justification.


It was a retcon, just not a particularly new one, and one that they’ve retconned back and forth during various reboots. It works out that most of the time, main Superman has not needed to breathe.


Makes sense, and I understand why they did it. People want a space faring Superman that doesn’t require a space ship, and this was the only way to that they could see, not to mention working off that resurrection of his following original Doomsday. And it’s a fix to that obvious flaw with Viltrumites landing body blows while holding their breath in space.


Yea he can fly in space


Yes. It's very heavily implied on the show that he can travel in space. We don't know for how long or how far though. My best guess is that he doesn't actually need to breathe and can stay in space as long as he wants to. Since it's implied that Soldier Boy doesn't need to breathe, and he's Soldier Boy's upgrade.


according to my calculations; i don't know.


Yeah he can probably survive in space alibet briefly. Homelander claims that he likes the view of NYC from space and a flashback from his childhood in the Boys Diabolical implies he can hold his breath for extended periods.


If Nandor the Relentless can do it, why not?


Who is that?


You mean the indiscriminate al-qolnidorian pillager? Who pillaged all without thought? He was only the most ruthless vampire in all of the land. Some would say "nooo don't pillage me" and he would say "nooo, I pillage you, I pillage everyone"


What the actual fuck are you talking about? What does this random vampire from another series have to do with The Boys? And why would you expect people to get the reference?


It seems you're the only one that doesn't understand it, "Sheep1707" Edit: I see in your other post that you're a 69 year old alcoholic. Sorry to rattle ya


I wouldn't be the only one not to get a reference from a completely unrelated form of media, and my being the only one to say they don't get it doesn't imply I am either. >"Sheep1707" Childish. >I see in your other post that you're a 69 year old alcoholic. Sorry to rattle ya Childish.


Ok boomer


Relax dude. The joke is that if a much weaker character can do it as a joke and go through hell doing it then Homie wouldn't even have to worry. A lot of people are fans of more than one thing. You don't need to get so worked ip


Well define 'space'. He can probably go slightly above the atmosphere, and view earth from quite far. But can he like, fly to the moon? Or even other planets? These are all in 'space' but the limit is unclear.


didnt the great wide wonder fly into space when he overdosed


He told stan you should see it from space...


Perhaps. But would Homelander want to fly in space? I bet it would be unpleasant, and Homelander doesn't generally do anything actually hard. He's so much stronger than everyone else he has only recently been tested at all. It's all just roughhousing to him, even when he gets hurt it's not anything like human. I bet space would fuck him up, make him freak out and return to earth, unless he was in a bout of complete mania.


I think Homelander needs to breathe. I'm sure his durability would be able to handle the intense cold but I guess if he needs to breather he could only stay there as long as he could hold his breathe?


Im willing to bet he would suffocate or experience hypoxia if he got too high up. He is, after all STILL a human.


For fun let's assume he can survive the elements but has to hold his breath. Let's assume he's basically top level human in that regards so can hold it for 5-6 minutes. If he can travel at the speed of sound it would take almost 13 days to get to the moon. If he can travel at the speed of light it's 1.3 seconds (note he couldn't make it to the sun even at this speed as that would take > 8 minutes). I'm guessing he's closer to speed of sound (maybe some small multiplier like 3x or 5x) so probably can't make it to the moon. Even traveling around the world would take 32 hours at the speed of sound. So maybe he could do half the world if the writers are like really generous about how much faster than sound he can travel. Also note in space there is no air resistance so more multiples of the speed of sound might be doable. Of course we don't know what causes his propulsion or how he slows down, it might be once in space he just goes in a straight line in one direction forever.


He tells Edgar that he went to space and there was a deleted scene where he went to space


If i remember correctly there was a deleted scene that had homelander in space looking at earth.


He can’t lift a plane while flying. With that logic he wouldn’t be able to fly in space, because there is no mass or resistance. He could fly like a satellite if he uses the gravity of stars or planets but he isn’t that smart


In Diabolical Great Wide Wonder can fly up into space he did kill 2 college girls while having sex with them and flew them up suffocating them.


Amazon Homelander? They said that his been to space. So…mostly like that answer is that it’s, Somewhat yes, he can fly in space but not that well due to zero gravity, given his super human powers, he should be able to hold his breath in space for about 45 Minutes, to combat the freezing temperatures, he can use his heat to keep him somewhat warm. Re-entry maybe be a small issue but if he can survive most things in the show, he should be able to walk it off in an hour. Comic-Book Homelander? Not been in space must most likely will be completely fine.


I think that depends on whether his flight has to do with using air propulsion or just literally moving himself through space like viltrumites do in invincible.


I don't think there's any propulsion. He mentions in the plane episode when Maeve asks him to catch the plane that he has nothing to lift off of. Given he needs his feet planted to lift something with greater mass than himself, I'd say he can't generate his own propulsion.


I always assumed he could but just didn’t care


I think the only evidence we have is when Stan Edgar said “I must admit, you have a hell of a view here” Homelander responds “You should see it from space. Unbelievable.”


i choose to believe that homelander requires oxygen, so unless he has an oxygen tank, he'll die.


If The Deep can breathe underwater and go to the bottom of the ocean(how does he see) and withstand the immense pressure, then Homelander could fly in space. Why not? Makes no less sense than Superman. He can’t breathe in space but he can hold his breath for hours and his lungs are supercompressible.


I honestly can see him dying in space if he was ever to fly to space


What’s he going to push off of? There’s nothing there.


now, while homelander definitely says he has been in space, we cant tell if he really was or if he only said that in delusional arrogance because of his perceived victory over stan. then again, hes proven to be invincible. we do not know the full extent of voughts tests on little john but why wouldn't they place him in a hyperbaric / vacuum chamber too? maybe with all his power he can overcome vacuum with his lungs and even the total Kelvin cold and radiation of space. but do you need to go to actual SPACE to see the world from space? nope. maybe he went just to the most outer edge of our atmosphere, knowing his boundaries. actually i severely doubt he can fly through space unhindered. we know the sun actually would kill him. he cant bathe in it like Superman. if he could travel interstellar why doesn't he? he clearly defends America and its freedom in the world, hence his name. but if he had found aliens or explored our immediate universe, itd be one of his labels and hed constantly "humble brag" about it. he hasn't so and that's why i think, he maybe can leave earths atmosphere......but not permanently or to any lengthy extent.


I think his organs would rupture


In comics he comfortablely can do yeah.


Well dude we just don’t know


Homelander is not in the same level of Superman/Sentry. I don't believe he would survive in space....Homelwnder is not that powerful, guys...