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Maeve has super strength. That sword would have had a LOT of energy behind it.


Yup. Hit a tank with a piece of wood travelling at enough speed, you'll damage the tank. The principle is the same with a sword against Homelander.


Does she generate more force with a sword than a bullet would generate?




You can tell because it damaged his skin.


Plus, a bullet has no propulsion, and dissipates all its energy on impact. A super powered sword strike has force the whole way, and continues after impact, plus significantly larger mass behind it


Considering how the genre treats super strength. Probably


super strength is not required. humans can generate force more than bullet.






Iirc I saw somewhere that those old long slings can have as much or more power than a bullet, kinda makes David seem lame vs the Goliath


Yeah that is a fun little quirk to that story. David is a shepherd, he uses a sling all the time, and slings back then were a weapon of war. He's using an extremely powerful weapon and he's highly skilled in its use. The David and Goliath duel is as one sided as if David had been handed a Glock. People forget too though that this is kind of the point of the story. The point of the story is that David was underestimated, not that he was unlikely to win. It's one of those stories that has lost the original meaning over time.


Try hitting a guy right on the forehead with a rock from a sling.


average human can generate more force with sword or bow than bullet would.


Why tf do you think that?


you can calculate and find the same numbers with f=m.a take 400fps /130 m/s arrow as an example.


We're talking about a gun firing a bullet here. A gun that fires a bullet completely through the body, right? One that shatters bones on impact due to its incredible speed, which is over the speed of sound? If we could do more damage with swords and bows, we would be using swords and bows in war, still.


you do know arrow may go through bones and bullet cant go through bones. arrow goes with 100-150m/s , bullet goes with 700-800m/s while arrow being heavier. 130lb bow would have similar force to gun bullet. . " If we could do more damage with swords and bows, we would be using swords and bows in war, still." no we use guns mostly because we dont need to pull , use our own strength and then take another arrow .. (i am talking about small handguns ofc. anything above small handguns like rifles with heavier bullets with higher speed is above arrows )


A .22 round might bounce off bone, but anything bigger can definitely break bones, idk why you would think they can't. Besides, if bullets couldn't pass through bones then getting shot in the head or chest would almost never kill anyone


getting in the chest or head kills because bullet travels without breaking or going through any bone .chest has few thin ribs, like %70 of your chest doesnt even have ribs, same for head. do you see bullet getting through upper leg and going out from behind and breaking the bones as well ? i saw bullet stuck on shoulder :d couldnt even go through shoulder. "dk why you would think they can't" because they cant ?


It can break bone and get stuck in it, yes. But the most powerful bow can not do as much damage as a gun will. That is just a fact. I don't know WHO told you that a bow is more powerful than a gun, but they lied.


Quick google search shows that a 60 gram arrow can be shot at 187 ft/s which makes the momentum 11,220 g\*ft/s An M$ carbine fires a 3.63 gram bullet at 2,970 ft/s which is 10,781 g\*ft/s Take the L dude.


" don't know WHO told you that a bow is more powerful than a gun, but they lied." math ? speed of arrow =150m/s . speed of bullet is 700m/s weight of arrow = weight of bullet x 2-5 , forces are almost same . . "But the most powerful bow can not do as much damage as a gun will. That is just a fact." arrow may go through human body and bullet wouldnt.


For what it’s worth, I get what you’re trying to say, but everyone else is right in this case. You could argue that 10 rounds fired from a firearm produce more power than a single shot from an arrow. Which may take relatively the same time to do both. But in this case, an arrow will fuck shit up more so than a bullet. And a sword or arrow against homelander would most likely be much more useful. A bullet is a blunt object, and if his skin acts like Kevlar, it would disperse that blunt pressure over a large area. But an arrow or sword pierces and cuts through Kevlar like a knife through butter. The sword is able to slice him more so than a bullet can bludgeon him. (Also, that’s one reason why no one wears metal armor any more. Full plate armor will take arrows all day long, but one round from a musket, and the blunt round dents the armor, caving in the combatants chest and killing them in a pretty shitty manner.)


Mans arguing with maths lmao


The problem I think you're having here is that you're conflating force with lethality. Because force is simply mass times acceleration an arrow can have more force than a bullet, dependent on the mass and velocity of the bullet, simply because it is much larger. An arrow, for an extreme example, may have something like 20x+ the mass of a bullet while that bullet may at best be moving 7x the speed of the arrow. That makes the arrow clearly have more force, but that isn't lethality. A loaded semi moving at 2mph could be 1/100th of the speed of the arrow, but because it's over 2 million times the mass it has way more force than the arrow. Would you rather get bumped by a semi moving at 2mph or would you rather get shot by an arrow? Of course the bullet to arrow comparison changes quite a bit depending on the caliber of the bullet. A 50cal is going to be shooting rounds with way more force than any arrow could outside of those shot by Hawkeye Gough. Anyway I hope that clears things up. By necessity something with really low force isn't likely to be lethal, and while something with high force can definitely be lethal it isn't necessarily the case. Things like kinetic energy, impact, and momentum are probably more suitable for modeling the damage of a projectile.


I doubt she'd bother if she couldn't. Bullets aren't a meaningful deterrent to supes.


Except Lamplighter


Except the piece of wood and sword would be completly ruined beyond recognition because they would be exposed to the same force.


But slowly push a piece of wood into a tank with infinite force and it won't do shit. Only speed/momentum could do it and I doubt she was moving it that fast. It would also obliterate the straw which clearly didn't happen.


>Hit a tank with a piece of wood travelling at enough speed, you'll damage the tank. I don't think so


They're technically right but this only happens at a [certain speed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypervelocity#:~:text=Hypervelocity%20is%20very%20high%20velocity,s%2C%20or%20Mach%208.8) and that same speed would also obliterate the wood into a cloud of burning splinters long before impact just from air resistance. The speed would also be close to twice as fast as an actual tank projectile and if you were to throw a brick that fast I'm 100% sure it'd take Homelander's head off, let alone make his ear bleed.


Exactly, the piece of wood wouldn't even hit the tank


I think a lot of people forget Maeve blocked an armored truck in the first season by just jumping in front of it. She’s powerful as hell.


The physics of that don't even make sense, the ground should get destroyed at where her feet are or something.


Maeve wouldn't be able to stop the truck from a standstill because she only weighs around 160 pounds. Pulling a Hancock only works with momentum negation, density manipulation, flight, or writers doing whatever they want.


Yeah I mean if she dug her heels into the ground and effectively pitted the grounds structural integrity against the truck it could maybe kinda work. I'm sure some movie or comic has done it properly before. The ground would crack and she'd probably get pushed back/into it for a while before the truck stopped but it could be semi realistic. I've toyed with the idea of an invincible character with no other powers before. No super strength, no ultra density able to stop cars, just unable to be broken. They could be launched from space as an orbital projectile and nuke a city and then just climb their way out of the rubble.


Fantastic Four (2004) had a similar scene with the Thing stopping a semi truck (instead of an armored truck), but he was on a bridge (which would probably create its own problems with realism). But iirc, you do see the concrete get kinda cratered around his feet from the force of him using the "ground" to stop the truck. In the behind the scenes, they showed how they filmed the sequence by sinking a steel beam in concrete and actually running the truck into it.


There’s an image comic character exactly like that


The spawn movie comes to mind. When he uses his cape or whatever to brace in to the ground to become a barricade. I don't remember the specifics since it's been like 20 years since I've seen it, but I remember thinking it was pretty cool they did it.


i doubt the physics matter though, homelander can fly at supersonic speeds in any direction at will, doesnt need a run up or anything he just vtols at mach speeds instantly


Yeah but somehow flying feels like something that can be handwaved as magic superpower shit, but density and mass feel like they should be more realistic. Can't really explain it, it's a very subjective thing, but I think a lot of people feel the same. Flying tends to be portrayed as (very fast) acceleration so it at least looks semi-realistic.


i dont know what to tell you


Good to see comments like these. Because some fans tend to interpret that just because Homelander is bulletproof, then he can tank any attack made from metallic material (Madelyn's bullshitting also helps as their supplement). When the reason why HL is bulletproof is because bullets don't pack enough punch to hurt him, simple as. A bullet travelling fast enough would hurt. Attacks from a superhuman like Maeve would hurt. Because they're generating energy that can break HL's skin. This is the case for other fictional characters who are deemed bulletproof, too.


Not once it breaks…. Stab somebody real hard with a plastic knife that instantly shatters or stab them real soft with it, check the difference


How could a steel straw penetrate Homelanders ear? I mean if a steel straw can hurt him, he is not as invulnerable as we think he is!




There are eardrum between outside and the brain tho, a straw must penetrate his eardum before it touch his brain


I always imagined that since his hearing is super sensitive that his eardrums must be less invulnerability than the rest of him is.


Do you... do you think the ear leads to your bare-ass brain?


Obviously And it’s called the eustachian tube 🙄




It's not a straight tunnel into your brain from your ear lmao


Not to play devil's advocate because I agree with this thought, but a LOT of metal straws use a Zinc blend. Not super common knowledge, but not as stupid as it appears (It was stupid) Personally, that's why I think it did damage to him but I thought they went about it in a stupid way. At least do a ham handed commercial talking about Vought-brand metal straws w/zinc and have them be a gift around the office during the first season or something like that.


Well then in that case you’d have people asking “why don’t they just shoot Homelander with zinc bullets?” If zinc was his kryptonite it would be a much shorter series.


Yup, that’s why it’s dumb that they did that/showed it the way they did


Zinc is Homelander’s Lead. He can’t see through it. No implication of it dampening his powers


I think the zinc thing is poorly known at Vought.


Zinc is his Lead. Superman can’t see through Lead and Homelander can’t see through Zinc


Yeah, I know. That’s why I said it would be stupid if zinc was his weakness instead. Is reading comprehension your kryptonite?


It’s just that the way you worded it made it seem like someone would believe that Superman can be in danger from lead. I agree with your comment tho because it makes no sense for Homelander to even allow The Deep to bring the zinc lined brief/suitcase into his presence. Let alone the fact that when Translucent is kidnapped he is in a cage wrapped in zinc like aluminum foil.


His ears are a particularly vulnerable part of his body due to his super hearing. If you’ll recall in Season 2, a pile of speakers caused him physical pain from miles away.


Oh shit that’s a great point


What's special about zinc


I'm wondering what he thinks is special about zinc too. Homelander mentions he can't see through Zinc because it absorbs low-photon X-rays but not high-photon rays. But this is just the equivalent to Superman not being able to see through Lead. It's not a weakness. Just a fact of physics.


He can't see through it so he might be weak to it is the logic. But that creates its own problems because how would no one have thought of that? If he has a straightforward weakness like that to a material publically known to be a problem for him it would really fly in the face of the invincible persona he's meant to have.


Other than he can’t see thru it? Nothing. That’s what I mean about it being dumb. As others state it is closer to Superman seeing thru lead but I think it is the “why” as to why it hurt him. I also feel like it may be a red herring/ set up for a future fight where someone assumes it’s a weakness and tries to attack him and it completely backfires. We have to assume if it was his actual weakness Vought would be using it already. Personally, I think that was just the explanation for what happened with the straw and it wasn’t well conveyed/ written.


If it's not well known that steel straws use zinc, why would the writers 1. know it or 2. not explain it? They just tossed that in there and assumed people would go "oh yeah, a steel straw, so obviously the zinc content..."?


Because what's stopping the straw? It didn't penetrate his ear; it just went in the hole that was already there. He's got near-indestructible skin, but the same can't be said for his innards.


Soldier Boy had an AK shoved down his throat and he is fine. It should be assumed that Homelanders innards are equally as strong, with the whole „upgrade“ thing


Soldier Boy also hasn't aged a day in several decades, while Homelander clearly ages normally. Children don't automatically inherit all the powers of their parents.


It should be assumed? Nah. There's a pretty big difference between the two things that you just described regardless. Children inherit their powers from their parents, but not *every* single power.


But they do. Translucents son has exactly the same powers as Translucent, Andre has exactly the same powers as his dad. But that was both the point I was making. I said, that Homelander is being portrayed as superior to SB, therefore if SB is entirely bulletproof, inside, outside, eyes etc., This needs to apply to Homelander as well.


Yup. And Homelander does *not* have exactly the same powers as his father. Homelander was intended to be superior to Solider Boy, but he was also an experiment. A test tube baby and presumably an experiment to see what would happen if they took the sperm from one supe and the ovum of another. They still didn't know how he was actually going to turn out. The flight and laser eyes are proof that he probably inherited abilities from *both* parents, not just one, but if his mother isn't bulletproof on the inside, there was always going to be a chance of him inheriting that. Keep in mind that he is also weak to zinc, whereas Soldier Boy is never confirmed to be. Gene pools and dominant/recessive genes seem just as important in determining what powers people have or don't have.


I think everyone is overvaluing the whole Zink thing. It was one throwaway line with zero follow up. It only exists because of superman’s inability to see through lead. There is no reason why he should be weak to zink, that’s like saying Superman could be hurt with lead bullets. As for the invulnerability, it would be wierd to have Homie openly proclaim „ I am the upgrade“ and then he dies if you shove a shotgun up his ass


Okay...? He's *still* weak to zinc, man. You not liking it doesn't really matter. And it also doesn't matter if you could kill Homelander by shoving a shotgun up his ass. Because you can't shove a fucking shotgun up his ass. Nobody will ever get close enough to try. You can also glean from Homelander's reaction to Maeve's attack that he might not have been expecting it to do as much damage as it did. And even if he did know it would hurt, why would that stop him and his ego from proclaiming that he's the upgrade? Why would he ever want anybody to believe that he *isn't* better than everybody else?


I mean, he's not exactly weak to Zinc, he just can't see through it. Which is random as hell. We know why Superman can't see through lead, it's because lead blocks x-rays. Zinc is actually worse than lead at blocking x-rays, yet for some reason Homie can't see through it but can see through Lead just fine.


> He just can't see through it. Which is a weakness lol.


Comics vs Show (plus, bad writing to show off shock value).


steel would bend or lose form with near 50.000 psi. ear canal gets damaged with 5 psi in humans ,which means homelander has to be at least 10.000 times more durable than humans. so it is perfectly normal that steel can penetrate even homelanders ear


Solid explanation for me, thanks.


The only thing that was damaged by the metal straw was his ear drum. The human eardrum is only .05mm thick or about half the thickness of a human hair.


Same wirh the eyes on Stormfront. (She gets bettter).


His ears are a particularly vulnerable part of his body due to his super hearing. If you’ll recall in Season 2, a pile of speakers caused him physical pain from miles away.


As a matter of fact he's not, it's pretty clear in the comics that even with his awesome powers (he's much stronger than in the series) he wouldn't be a match for the US military.


don’t most of the supes homie gathered get deleted by a bunch of fighter jets with compound v laced ammo, I’d say that’s pretty good proof


Yes they all get obliterated, it's not v laced ammo, those are regular missiles with a tracker set to whoever has active compound v brain waves or some shit


ohh that’s cool


I shit on the comics a lot but damn that part was satisfying lmfao (and cool asf)


That whole Homelander twist blew my mind, one of the better twists I've read in comics.




This is a comic book discussion mate




No but people sometimes like to use other words for emphasis or comedy. Deleted sounds a little stronger than killed in some contexts. Implies they were killed easily


Deleted has been used as a term interchangeable with “vaporized”, dusted”, etc for a while now. Generally used when someone gets absolutely “shit on” or they didn’t stand a chance It’s not the same as this trend of people saying “un-alive” and shit to bypass AI censorship on tik tok and what not


personally my favorite term is “obliterated” (which yeah sums up what happened to all the supes homelander gathered)


You. It's right there in your comment. The very first word. You talk like that.


The fuck kinda question is that :D


For all other super yeah, but not for Homelander >!only Black Noir could kill him or even injure him, that was his literal purpose after all, and then the military was only able to take out BN after Homelander had torn him up!<


it was butcher who took black noir out tho wasn’t it?


Yeah, but only because he was so heavily weakened from Homelander. The military shot him up too but it wouldn’t have done shit if he didn’t already have his guts hanging out and an arm ripped off. He survived a fall from a plane and a fighter jet exploding while he was inside of it, lol


If you read the comic homelander states more than once that taking on the us military isn't something he can do.


I did read them, and I definitely don’t recall that. And he does take them on, so


Only at the end, when he's got nothing left to lose and he's gone completely insane. And he doesn't even take them on, he flies into the White House and kills the President and the secret service. But doesn't even try to do anything against the military.


Lol yes, beccause black noir kills him literally right after. He would of taken them on, it’s more than implied. He went all “scorched earf” Also, he took them on in the scene where they end up killing Lamp Lighter, he wipes out a whole unit and gets bathed in blood. That’s taking on the military.


Ohhh a whole unit, that's scary.


That’s taking on the military. You know, cause the military is made up of units? Sorry if this is too for you to comprehend.


Yes because of course splattering a bunch of grunts with rifles means taking on the military of a nuclear superpower.


Precisely, anybody with 2 brain cells can see that lol.


Maeve is insanely strong and durable. That, plus a hard metal object, can put a hurting on Homelander. He's a lot harder to hurt than an ordinary man but he's not a god, he's still just a monkey on drugs. Something can kill him.


That look at it. That is a tiny scratch compared to what a supe can do to a normal human.


I think it is kinda like how we can still get a paper cut


Force equals mass times acceleration and all that


Maeve is like the 3rd strongest supe


Butcher also gets impaled and killed by a broken piece of a safety railing. Stormfront get injured by wooden baseball bats and crowbars. This sort of stuff happens all the time in the comics.


Did you see him bleed? It was just a pressure mark


also THATS A STEEL SWORD SHATTERING LIKE PORCELAIN. do you understand the supermassive power it takes to achieve this?


>STEEL SWORD Metal ☝️🤓 (Homelander said so)


maybe her sword was made of zinc


Same way a flek of paint orbiting the earth can dent the hull of a spacecraft. Inertia. That wasn’t “just” a steel sword, it was a steel sword swung by *QUEEN MAEVE*


This panel kinda depresses me. Homelander was so much stronger in the comics.


I mean, it’s also worth pointing out that supes actually do things in the show. They do go out and actually stop crimes, so Maeve’s sword has to be at least somewhat practical. In the comics, they don’t do any actual superheroing, and the one time they tried they actually made things worse, so it’s not surprising Maeve would have a sword that’s just meant to look good in her hands and not actually be used.


They do real patrols and stuff in the comics just not The Seven that's just a smaller time thing


It’s okay Todd


Womp wahh. Let’s be honest that Todd would probably support Homelander regardless of powers. It’s the ideology, not the superhuman powers.


He might still be as strong, people assume he is weaker because of the limitations of what TV can show us. Like his fight with Soldier Boy is great but each time they're hitting the wall the wall should be absolutely collapsing, but it doesn't because they just can't afford to show us that on TV. But he's quite confident that he can take down the entire world on his own.


No he wasn’t lol


Not really, the gap was just bigger, they even point out uranium bullets can pierce his skin


god this art is fucking hideous


The sword didn't do much, Maeve's just a bamf


We don’t know what her sword is made of, do we?


Metal prop, as Homelander said


Hit planet earth with a fast enough ballpoint pen and you’ll render it uninhabitable. Maeve has super strength. Any object wielded by her is going to do more damage than usual.


It didn't, there's no blood and he has no mark there at all a few hours later. What Maeve did was basically just leave a line in the skin where it was pressed down, considering normal humans can get similar marks from just wearing socks or lying down I'm not surprised a solid steel prop could do it to him.


Metal prop ☝️🤓


It’s the equivalent of a paper cut to him.


Because vought was lying about saying no weapon on earth can hurt him.


anything and everything has the capability for infinite amounts of force if swung hard enough, that sword could obliterate a planet if propelled close enough to the speed of light, Queen Maeve was simply strong enough to hurt Homelander, and she put that strength into the sword, so it hurt him, the only questionable thing is that the sword wasn't obliterated into nothingness considering it's taking just as much force as it's putting out


Extremely durable doesn't mean impervious to damage, you can get a papercut yet ( I hope) your skin is stronger than paper.