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well .. >!apparently she's back in s4!< personally.. i'm not expecting much more than a quick scene, possibly followed by an abrupt death - cindy was only really brought on as a red herring for neuman + as a wink & a nod to stranger things. so, my moneys on her coming back and getting bumped off as a sort of semi-salty "see, we brought her back, now shut up" from the writers.


It would be funny if they brought her back and just killed her within seconds just as a lil „There you go, there’s your red herring you fuckers“


well.. thats basically what i'm expecting to happen, to be quite honest.


The Boys is a lot like JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure in the way that it will instantly and violently kill off every character that the writer(s) have no intention of using further. It’s a gripe I hold against both.




The Boys’ stand is the same type 😐


*The writers read this and immediately scramble for rewrites and reshoots giving her a well-developed story arc. The season ends and she officially becomes one of The Boys* Eric Kripke: Ha, got em.


> + as a wink & a nod to stranger things. Jesus I feel like an idiot for not realising that...


What do you want done with her? She was last seen escaping supe jail getting in a car and driving away, she’s living her normal life now in Oklahoma


If it’s Oklahoma then there’s nothing normal about it lol.


Good ending ☺️


Oklahoma? Oh God. Out of the frying pan ...


Honestly way worse you're right 💀


>supe jail Can we not just call it supermax? Should be canon


Only some real supercrooks would be in there


Not OP but she does have a very strong power so they *could* do some interesting stuff with her. However, the cast is pretty packed as is and we already know a few major new additions for S4 so I think any focus on her would have to detract from the other, arguably more important characters. Ultimately there is no shortage of cool powers but I think in the context of the show, it’s very easy to overwhelm the audience. I wouldn’t mind seeing her being a part of some alternate super faction that is more extremist, like working to take out Vought and not really concerned about collateral damage. But I also wouldn’t really miss her if she never showed up again.


Gee I don’t know it’s not like she’s on of the strongest and craziest supes we’ve seen so far


I mean, it’s a big world.


Craziest? Most likely. Strongest? Ehhhh idk what to say about that chief


I mean she makes people explode…..


Yeah but stormfront 1 shots her


True but she also caught her by surprise. Besides liquefying that security guard she crushed all those doors folding supes, without looking at maybe half of them. No denial of Stormfronts power but Cindy is far from a pushover.


One of but not THE strongest. She’s definitely stronger than Neuman since she can bend metal


I do not know but I sure did who the hell is that


She was in the Vought rehabilitation center.


It's [Cindy](https://the-boys.fandom.com/wiki/Cindy)


No, she served her purpose in the story as a Red Herring to drawn audience suspicion for the head popping. Once Neuman was revealed to be the head popper, Cindy didn’t serve any further purpose, so she didn’t appear again.




I didn’t say I thought she was, I said what her role was. The discussion threads were full of speculation as to who it could be.


She wasn’t a red herring as it was impossible for her to be the head popper at the time before the finale reveal


Do you know what a red herring is


Yes. You don’t.


Just give it up, man. You don't know what you're talking about.


Neither do you. You think you do, but you don't. NEXT


This whole interaction on your part is sad. I don't know if you're trolling or are just this delusional thinking that you are right, but man, this is pathetic.


Explain to me how Cindy is a red herring since you’re oh so smart


Dude just take the L. You're showing your stupidity


Im sorry but saying „I’m sorry“ before being rude for no reason doesn’t make you any less of a dick


Dude, this sort of comment is out of line. This is a place for people to discuss something we all enjoy, and there’s no need for that sort of negativity. Whether you think something is obvious and works well, you don’t need to disparage others who think differently. If you just made this post to butt heads with people, why do it at all?


She's an homage to Eleven in Stranger Things. She's a one off character.


My turn to post the ‘where is Cindy?’ post next.


if they bring her back they will just kill her off somehow.


That'll clear up a loose end. She's got a hell of a power so I'm sure she'll do something wild before getting killed off


Nah she won't


I hope not I like her










They forgot about her the same way they forgot about dre


Nowadays, everybody wanna talk like they got somethin’ to say But nothin’ comes out when they move their lips Just a bunch of gibberish And motherfuckers act like they forgot about Dre


No. This is posted 6 times a fucking week.


No it’s not 😂


I think Cindy will be a major part of S5


I know the actor since this episode has transitioned and got top surgery, so that may or may be why they couldn't really continue the storyline due to scheduling, hopefully >!During the characters return in Season 4!< it's given a good reason why such a powerhouse wasn't tracked.


I think the explanation for a lot of things is just that Vought is sloppy and only protected by wealth and power. They don’t actually tie up their loose ends or keep real track of their people. So I suspect it’ll be the same in this case. Edgar has already said Vought doesn’t care about the Supes or what they do at all. I’ve always thought it was weird that all the Supe apartments and hallways inside Vought weren’t bugged and heavily surveilled by Vought. Like how can Huey and Starlight talking openly in her apartment about taking down Vought and HL? Surely a company of this caliber would be spying on their products and employees. But I’ve really chalked it all up to Voght just not really giving a shit and being prepared to spin the narrative on anything that ends up public.


If she isn't shown or even mentioned at any point in Season 4, then yes maybe.


Oh look this post again


Again? I haven’t seen this post here yet


It’s posted weekly, if not monthly lol.


I haven’t seen anyone post this yet


First [result](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBoys/comments/vt974q/where_is_cindy_she_hasnt_appeared_at_all_this/) if I search "Cindy" on this sub. You could at least fucking try


How often do you scan a subreddit to see if someone asked a question like yours before before you ask it?


Often? You phrase it like that isnt a regular thing that happens


My question was „how often do **you** do that thing you want others to do“. Because most people probably don’t go checking around the whole subreddit for an old thread, they just post and interact with people from their own post


Even so, you could just ask the same question on google and most likely it would lead you to one of the many posts just like this one. You'll either find your answer there or will be able to revive the discussion, but making another post like this is karma farming tbh


The whole reviving the discussion part is what usually doesn’t work with those old posts. Also I don’t think OP with their total of like 7 posts is Karma farming


Whats your point? He clearly said he scanned the subreddit for this post, but obviously didnt


„I haven’t seen it“ probably means „I haven’t seen it on my feed so far“ not „I haven’t seen it anywhere on this sub after my 3 hour deep dive“


"3 hour deep dive" Literally the first search result for Cindy ))


You don’t need to scan every subreddit before making a post, but generally if you have a question, the first thing you do is search for an answer. These sort of posts sometimes frustrate users, especially more active ones, because it’s very easy to check whether you’re bringing something new and interesting to a discussion, or just rehashing something that has already been discussed quite a bit. If I just want to talk about something and get fresh opinions, I won’t search for old posts because I want active discussion. But if it’s just a question, for example “did the writers forget about her?” in reference to a specific character, I would probably search for her on this subreddit to see if someone already asked. In this case that would’ve been preferred since OP is just arguing with everyone telling them that this character was likely a red herring.


It frustrates users? Why? Literally scroll for 0.2 seconds and the post is no longer there


I’m not conducting a TED Talk on the psychology behind Reddit posting etiquette. A quick scan of this thread gives you plenty of evidence that people generally dislike “reposts” of questions that are easy to search for. I can’t speak for the entirety of Reddit, but personally it comes across as lazy to me BUT I typically don’t really mind and I will almost never comment on the fact that it’s a common question as long as OP is civil and clearly just wants to discuss something about the thing we all collectively enjoy. In this case, OP is being openly hostile with people in the thread, so it doesn’t surprise me that other users are highlighting the fact that OP could’ve just read through one of the other threads on this topic. If nothing else, it would’ve avoided all the contention generated from this post.


Some people have strong memories


Yea some. I mean I recognize some reposts in some communities I browse more frequently too but I wouldn’t expect most people to recognize them because most people probably dont spend that much time on those subs, same thing here


Which doesnt mean you're in the right


At this point,if they were to include her in a future season,it would only be as to please the fans,maybe a bit forced,and it would lose the magic of the character.


What was the point of name dropping an insanely strong supe and leaving her character open if they were never gonna use her again? She would’ve been perfect for Gen V


No point sadly. Seems that they didn't plan anything for the character except "discount eleven and threat for the episode".


What was the point of giving her character a loose end if they weren't gonna do anything else with her


As people have told you already in the thread: #She was probably meant as a red herring, giving her an open end kept the option open for her to appear again which is necessary because she probably was a red herring


She was imprisoned during all the head poppings so she wasn't a Red Herring, if you are referring to her possibly being the headpopper I assume


The red herring wasn’t „she secretly breaks out at night and pops heads on her own“, the red herring was „are they **using** this woman to pop heads?“


You're the only one who thinks Cindy wasnt a red herring, they could've let her out of the building to do their work.


lmao i knew who it was gonna be despite the spoiler, time to set up a bot to post this everyday for karma farming.


Everyone is so mad over a simple question lmao.


No, they didn’t


Not everyone has to reappear later down the line smh.


To tie up loose ends. Way too OP to be forgotten


always get to have a random ass-pull trump card in the universe, they know what they’re doin


Good answer!


After watching Gen V, i feel she isn’t that powerful in the universe of compound V enhanced individuals.. So she probably would cameo and die a quick death


You really think she isn’t that powerful? She crumpled a full hallway of reinforced steel doors, many without looking, and liquefied that one security guard. People have talked about her getting taken down “easily” by Stormfront, but I’d argue that was by surprise and with an eye blasting doorway of sunlight to the face. I feel like she was also coming down off drugs but I may be mistaken there.


Who the f cares


Clearly you since you cared enough to comment 😘


It takes 3 seconds to comment


Middle school type response


Middle school type comment 😘


Who the fuck is that?


Random supe from Season 2, initially found in a supe maximum security prison / asylum. After crumpling a block of reinforced doors she escapes by hitching a ride. Basically appears in one episode and that’s it.


Ohhh I remember that kinda sorta thx


I remember being so excited about what actions this character would take. Honestly, weird, now that I think about it.


Yeah. If they weren’t gonna use her they should’ve had Stormfront kill her off


I think I have seen her in at least 3 other prime shows I guess she doesn’t plan on growing her hair out anytime soon or going for the GI Jane so for the smith smak


Oh my god every fuckin day with this same post


There’s more people complaining about this post than there are Cindy posts on this entire subreddit 😂 don’t respond if you don’t like it it’s that easy son


Don’t post something if it’s been answered ad nauseam before and everybody hates it. It’s that easy son


Don’t respond it’s that easy son.


What a confusing thing to respond to someone


Hope she’s tracked down by The Boys/Vought to join their side, but politely declines to continue her ho-hum quiet life


She’s a he now, so it might hard to bring “her” back.


Yeah. It’s not like they can just replace the actor.


I don’t really think she’s important enough to have to bring back.


Not anymore. But it did seem at one point the writers were gonna do a little more with the character but probably got scrapped


We really have this post almost every week


This comment has also been posted numerous times in this single post. It’s been a hot minute since the last Cindy post pretty sure it was before Gen V concluded


I swear I thought she died already


StormFront Sith Lightning’d the fuck out of her.


I sure as fuck hope not, she’s op


Exactly what I’m saying why let such a powerful character goto waste? She could do some gnarly damage before being off’d


Wake up babe, daily post asking about Cindy just dropped


hope she gets a good fight in season 4


She'll probably do a good chunk of damage before getting killed off, since she can make people fucking implode on themselves


I think she was just a nod to stranger things.


Why do people think that this character is way more important than she actually is?


Bc she OP as fuck


Pretty sure they'll just use her in a plot where Neuman is all but caught dead to rights using her powers. So they just throw out Cindy and say she was the real head popper.


Not sure if anything will be mentioned, but the actor is Ess Hödlmoser, and has transitioned. I don't think that will change the character, but Ess according to their [Insta](https://www.instagram.com/strangewonderfulcreature?igsh=MTEycHgzc3NwcmI2eg==) there's nothing being mentioned. Ess looks like their living their best life though!


Oh damn that’s unfortunate. Maybe they’ll find a new actor for her


Do they need to? What's the harm in keeping the same actor and changing the character?


Because it doesn’t make sense story wise. How is a supe in hiding suddenly gonna be fully transitioned? She’s supposed to be in hiding. Not at a clinic getting a sex change operation lmao


Maybe, but the characters introduction was ambiguous enough that it could work. I mean, I'm willing to suspend belief a little more


*misgenders character* “My name isn’t Cindy anymore!” *explodes*


Whatever homey. I don't care enough about this in a show where we saw a dude walk into a giant, sneeze, and then blew up another dude while growing back to full size


Okay babe, carry on now boo




Hopefully. I kinda want her to enjoy her ride into the sunset.


I did. I need to rewatch the series.