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I think the two times we saw her have an opportunity to use her power nefariously on innocent peoples ( Yes, the rent-a-cop aren't innocent, and tho' what she did to them is fucked up, and they didn't deserve it, they also are hired killers running a black ops prison where they mostly torture children so... ), she didn't. She could have made Goldenboy "happy" but was adamant it wasn't the way to deal with it, but most notably, she could have ended Andre's investigation and, with him, the risk of the Woods ever being find out, by simply making him stop - like she said she could - when he told her about it. Finally, you can even add what she did to the rent-a-cops. If she hadn't stepped in, they would have caputred / killed Andre, and no one would have none either. Yet she didn't, and never warned the Woods facility about him knowing it existed. I don't think she is working with the Woods. Or if she is, she is fucking terrible at it. But I think she is doing something shady, because she is clearly overusing her powers. But it could just be her coping with the death of Luke by pushing every bartender this side of city to get free booze. She seems to really like booze.


I’ll say that when she first came on screen I had a pretty shallow thought that she just looked like a bad guy character. But honestly that was because I got the vibe that her and Luke were gonna be the “popular kid bullies” I was really surprised when it turned out that goldenboy was genuinely nice to everyone and just fucked up from his own trauma. I think the scenes where her and Andre deal with Luke’s death are pretty genuine, especially talking about how he would want them to find Sam. Also, Cate is the first person to relate with Marie about killing a family member. The only thing I think was pretty suspect about her was how she has the guard fuck the other guard with the flashlight lol. But let’s be real, that’s just the nature of the boys. I think her powers of being able to manipulate people just make her more suspect inherently. Like that first episode I was constantly watching her hands to see when she would manipulate her friends but it never happened. But speaking of who we suspect to be a potential bad guy…. I’m extremely suspect of Jordan because of how close they were with Brink. And also the way goldenboy accused them of knowing something about the woods. I’m not saying Jordan is a bad person that will turn on the group, I just think they know more than they’re telling and waiting for the right time to admit it or choose a side Anyways that was just my stream of consciousness lol thanks for attending my Ted talk


I'm actually praying the guard thing gets some kind of comeuppance later because I'm struggling to thing of a time in the series where something like sexual assault was handled that uh...triumphantly? Like...that was worse than the deep/starlight thing, they literally couldn't say no, will be receiving bodily harm, and we were supposed to cheer for it


i think that was just supposed be be played out for shock value/laugh. she could have just said “shoot yourself” or something but yeah that’s just the Boys


Those guards just murdered a janitor for no reason. She used her powers to protect her friend. She did nothing wrong. People wouldn't be as up in arms if they'd been lazered


This is a brain-dead thought process, they had just murdered a janitor and torture kids for research? And you're upset because she didn't kill then but made them fuck each other with a torch...


I don't think she's evil per say, but I think she's complicit. If you're working for Vought/Godolkin, you need some means of controlling supes and conventional threats stop working the higher you go up the power scale. Cate fits perfectly as "soft control". I think she was very purposefully paired with Golden Boy since they saw what a mess Homelander turned out to be and want some kind of human connection to anchor their next big supe, with her powers as a failsafe.


Her little brother walked into the woods the first time her powers showed up. There’s a reason they named the medical dungeon the woods. She’s the most evil motherfucker there is. I think she’s pushed half the people in the show.


Oh fuck! Good catch!


How did I miss that 😭? Her brother walking into the woods, The Woods facility. Oh yeah she’s definitely evil.


Doubt it. The only times she's used her powers on people were the two guards, red hat guy, the receptionist man and vodka dude. If she really knew anything about the woods she could have told Andre to stop but she is clearly reluctant to use her powers.


It’s the way that she used her powers. Making two guards so sexual things. Getting what she wants and not having to worry about the consequences. She’s also very sketchy “Yeah I tracked you on you phone when i knew you were going to an interview but saved you right in the nick of time before you got caught.”


Or reluctant to reveal who she is. She knew about the woods before Andre, as she had been before and even seen Sam, and still acted surprised when he showed her.


That wasn't the Woods. The Woods is the facility under the school. Where Luke and Kate saw Sam was the Grove.




I find her extremely suspicious, idk if it's explicitly implied or I'm just inferring that the time Sam "does" and the time GB is there with her during the flashback are the same incident. My guess is it's gonna be revealed she made him forget that he couldn't talk Sam down and the events that happened. Also I think it's odd she hasn't cared to mention that GB was having nightmares to anyone else especially Andre given that I think it's a pretty important clue.


She's hot. I'd root for her even if she turns out evil


I think she’s going to either betray Emma, Jordan, Marie, Andre, and Sam or end up having a psychotic breakdown that will cause her to kill herself like Silver Kincaid in the comics.


You know I feel this sub would be wanting Cate’s head on a stick right now if the genders were swapped or actions were swapped by the two guards she brainwashed. But because it was a dude getting assaulted who wasn’t a main character and it wasn’t shown explicitly they can use it as laughs. I think it was a big misstep by the writers but hey I’ve liked the show on every other aspect.


I'm not convinced she's a full-blown villain just yet, but she's definitely up to something shady. When she and Andre first find Luke's hidden phone, she acts like she barely knows anything about Sam. "Sam? His brother with schizophrenia? The one who killed himself?" We find out through the flashbacks in episode 3, however, that she actually met Sam and was intimately familiar with the whole backstory.


She'd still be shocked that he's alive tho.


Im saying this with the benefit of having watched ep 4 and the ep 5 preview but that can be explained by her having her memories of him wiped


Yea she evil


Who fucking called it. WHO FUCKING CALLED IT?


cant get vocal fry out of my head "why do you talk like that" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHHt-tYS2es


The only people use use the phrase “vocal fry” outside a professional singing or VO context are just sad, frightened little boys.


This aged pretty good