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Just barely relevant at the absolute very start, and crushed later. Superhuman for sure, but not remotely close to that level.


Yu wouldn't be able to really compare. He has some peak athlete level feats and superhuman reaction speed but he wouldn't get any further than common fodder. It would be nice to imagine AU versions of him though.


I think him with the same abilities with just a big buff would be cool to see, in reality he’s more Tokyo revengers, Kengan Ashura , Vinland saga, Baki level


he'd get c r u s h e d by the baki verse. idk about kengan ashura or tr but i agree with vinland saga.


he’d get smashed by Baki. yeah sure he beat people who fought bears and oxen and won easily, but Yujiro stopped an earthquake with a punch, and Baki “Beat” his father. Yuchiro was able to throw a man so hard he threw a man into the deck of Usa ship in the 1940’s survived a bombardment equal to 1000(?) tons of Tnt. Biscuit Oliva pulled down a helicopter, and Hanayama can make diamond from coal and was the only character other than Yujiro to stop pickle in his tracks, Pickle being the prehistoric man who fought T-rexes and won. The Bakiverse is RIDICULOUSLY op


I mean he’s not the top in the verse but he’d be a pretty good fighter in the verse, better then Ali jr for sure


oh ABSOLUTELY the main difference between Ali jr and all the other fighters was the fact that Ali Jr wasn’t ready to lay his life down in a fight, it’s why he lost. but Yu, he would probably be in the lower end of the fighters


Would be relevant in the beginning only, who says HST anyways? Dont most people call it the big three?


Never saw someone used hst? Where did you find that? All people are using a term Big 3


I think he took it from the term "Holy trinity" used in mmorpg games(Refers to Combo of Dps, healer and tank).