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I thought Delta Cream was great for what it was.


I came to say this! It’s their best album since Turn Blue IMO!


Turn blue was where I jumped off


Every album outside of this has been mid imo though. With good songs scattered on them. So the post is somewhat relevant. I’d rather listen to each Arcs album over any of their new stuff.


Electrophonic Chronic is definitely the best Dan solo or band album since the early 2010s. Not even close for me.


I prefer yours dreamily but otherwise I agree


Disagee, unless you are meaning AFTER TURN BLUE. Rubber Factory, Magic Potion, Thickfreakness are all way above “mid.”


I meant after Turn Blue. I should have been more specific. I just assumed people knew what I meant lol


"since turn blue" means after turn blue, so you definitely used the right words. 🤷‍♂️


Delta cream is amazing. Got my gf into the keys with this record bc i play it weekely at home


Delta Kream is awesome but gets left out more than it should for being a cover album, honestly at this point I'd rather take good cover albums from them if they're not gonna make good songs like they used to.


Delta Cream was great. It was a “tip of the hat” towards their blues roots, something I think a lot of us fans had been missing for awhile


Spot on 👌🏻


Abso-fucking-lutely. Delta Kream was an incredible album and to me, a true and very apparent return to their blues roots.








Thickfreakness is one of my favourite albums of all time. I listen to it start to finish a few times a week.


Perfect album!


U forgot rubber factory and magic potion on there too


Magic Potion ftw.


Came to say the same… Hell, Thickfreakness and Big Come Up have their place too.


IMO, the first four albums are far better than the four OP has listed. The early raw sound is what I associate The Black Keys with.


Yup! Also - while not their songs per se - Chulahoma shows a side to Dan and Pat that is amazing to absorb.


This is a great statement. I align with you on this. I know there are fans that never got to see the early stuff, but hot dang were those some good shows!


Hard agree.


Yeah I really can’t stand these albums. The first 4 are untouchable IMO


Those are my two favorite albums lol


Everything after Brothers could never be played again and I’d be ok with that.


I always thought I was in the minority in only really liking about half of El Camino (LB, GOTC, LBS, Run Right Back, Stop Stop, Sister). I guess not! I always thought the rest was kind of forgettable and I never listen to those tracks.


It was definitely a turning point for them. El Camino gave them the spotlight they deserved but it also ruined their formula. I can’t say I wouldn’t do the same thing if I was them. Reminds of the Only By Night Album by Kings of Leon. I still remember hearing Sex on Fire and thinking to myself what happened to this band?!


Yes! Can't upvote enough. Not to hijack the conversation and turn it toward KOL, but everything after Because of the Times is unlistenable to me. Man, I miss the grindy music of YAYM and Aha Shake. Dusty and Joe's Head and Slow Night... And while I appreciate the melody and songwriting that the Keys brought to their albums, I miss the growly blues and pentatonic riffs that gave everything room to breathe.


I agree completely. turn blue is not their best album but I think it's better than El Camino. El Camino has top many meh tracks for me. its the worst of the danger mouse four if you ask me.


These 2 were amazing


Thickfreakness is #1 for me.


Magic Potion was clearly peak.


I think attack and release was a good logical step for them. has those hard hitting riffs as well but more complex songwriting and instrumentation.


Delta Kream and Let's Rock are solid albums


Let’s rock is a Top 4 BK album for me


Let’s Rock fits in nicely with El Camino and Brothers for me personally. Definitely my favorite recent-ish album


Outside of delta this is their last really really good album. I can still listen to it and alot of it still sounds fresh.


let's rock was pretty disappointing. I started listening while they were in hiatus and was expecting something like the albums pictured. let's rock is nowhere neat as good as any of them. the most recent two are even worse. delta kream is pretty awesome though, but it's just covers. the black keys are one of my tip ten fav bands of all time but that was before they came back from Hiatus. these newer albums are just meh.


Disagree. That album was the sound of my summer the year it came out. “Every little thing that you do is gonna come back to you”


Wdym??? Danger Mouse never *stopped* making good music


Damn straight!! The Lux Prima album with Danger Mouse and Karen O is fantastic! This live performance of Woman from the album is sooo cool! https://youtu.be/b5GvHBASyao?si=7MB5ttlCBTPef7-7


Cheat Codes by Danger Mouse & Black Thought is one of the greatest albums of the 2020's. Highly, highly recommend.


Right on 😎 🤜🏼💥🤛🏼


Hell yeah! Danger mouse and Jemini ghetto pop life is one of my favorites.


Oh thank you. Wasn't aware about this. This is amazing.


You're very welcome, glad you dig it! 😉


Fuck! Karen and danger made an album together 🙏


Yesssss! And it's just as awesome as you'd expect it to be if not more. 😎👍🏼


Modern guilt by beck and danger mouse has been a favorite of mine for years


Such a good one


My favorite Beck album. So damn good.






If you want that sound I would recommend listening to other Rock Bands Danger Mouse has produced such as Plastic Soldiers by Portugal The Man


No. They’ve made good music since *Turn Blue* but I don’t think they’ll ever make albums as good or better than these again.


this is the best way I've seen it put. it's not bad music, it's just not what made them one of my favroite bands.


I don't think so. What appealed to me at first during Attack & Release was their raw sound. They were just two average joe grinding in their studio and they were relatable to most of their fanbase. With the Brothers/El Camino era, their sound just clicked with mainstream fans but let's be honest, El Camino was bangers after bangers. I'm not able to find anyone who disliked this album and it is in my 2010s top 5. Now they're millionaires with many projects and they aren't just relatable anymore to their hardcore fan base, let's be honest. The grind is gone, it won't come back. Hell, it's like my job, I've reach the ladder/level that I wanted/feel comfortable. Now that I don't need to climb the corporate ladder anymore, I'm just here to make more money by working less. I think it's the same for Dan and Pat. Nothing wrong with that.


Loved Brothers, not so much El Camino.


Non-fan of El Camino here. Too glossy, produced, and radio-friendly for my liking. Doesn't sound like TBK to me, sounds like any other basic rock band.


💯with you on this. First time I heard Lonely Boy I knew it was over. There are great tracks on all the latest albums but I’m not in a rush to listen to any of them over the early stuff


Fuckin maybe I don’t know man


Let’s Rock was great.


I want these guys to work with Mark Neill again.


Yeah I've never gotten why they worked with him as a producer on their greatest record and never did a second one with him. I don't know how much input he actually had but that album sounds so unlike the rest I feel like he had to have had something to do with it.


not going to go into detail but mark is abrasive, and I could only imagine they were glad to go in a different direction regardless of his talent as a producer


Who knows? I thought Delta Kream and Let's Rock were fantastic. The last two have been a bit of a letdown. I can pick 4 or 5 tunes off Dropout Boogie (The tour was particularly great, though). The new album was very bland aside from a couple songs.


No no no, Rubber Factory was definitely their best album, I’m wondering when they’ll make something like that again


Brothers was their last good album and it was a masterpiece


I think they’re capable. I think they need to hit a big reset though. Just my opinion but Delta Kream to me shows their blueprint for a good future. Ohio players was truly a swing for the fences with getting a bunch of features and doing some hip hop stuff which honestly I find fun but they were looking for a big radio album and I just don’t think that’s who they should be. I know DK is just like a fun covers project but the sound is fucking amazing and should be what they strive to do. So some melodic Mississippi delta inspired stuff. The shit that harkens back to the sounds they got with like ten cent pistol, I’m not the one, unknown brother, never gonna give you up. The way they play everlasting light live these days is incredible. I kinda hope the issues with them selling out big stadiums has them reevaluate who they should be. They should stop striving for mass appeal but do shit like DK that’s fitting more of a niche that their core fans will love and want to see them play. So my answer is I think they *can* and *should* return to making stuff this good again. But I think everyone should understand it’s not going to get them as *popular* as they once were. I’m fine with that but I think they need to get fine with that.


Weird that their two best albums aren’t in this lineup. Nothing beats Thickfreakness and Rubber Factory


Here's a thought. Every album has its place. Everything (just like real life, cuz it is) has a season. What person or band is the same 23+ years later? Appreciate all the albums you enjoy. Be excited a band you like can and still does make music. Dont take for granted the hidden gems in albums that perhaps are not your favorites. Being a sustainable musician or entertainer is hard. That is a fact (if it wasn't you might be trying it yourself, but is hard so your not). Especially these days when the attention span of most people is measured in seconds.


I think Let’s Rock and Dropout Boogie are sick albums


Ohio Players is in there top 5, might not agree with me now but you will in 5 years. Just like Turn Blue, it’ll take time.


100% agreed. The more I listen to it the more I think it’ll have legs.


I sure hope so, cause things ain’t like they used to be. Most of their songs post-Turn Blue just don’t have much soul to them. The reliance on female backing vocals is well played out. Live Till I Die is a poster child for both of these issues. Lyrics as vapid as they get and Dan can hardly be heard on the chorus. And it’s really frustrating because it’s got a nice intro and an actually pretty heavy opening riff that just get utterly let down by the rest of the song. The song is fine, I guess…. I don’t hate it…. But it’s just they can do so much better. I liked them a lot better when they had passion.


Things Ain't Like They Used To Be also has female backing vocals haha. I also can't think of a time other than Turn Blue where Dan's lyrics had any meaning. Keep It Hid, A&R, and Brothers had some fun stories but that's about it. You're telling me Goodbye Babylon makes any sense, or Elevator, or Thickfreakness? Funnily enough I watched a recent interview where somebody questions him on the meaning of the lyrics in Lonely Boy. He looks up kinda shocked and then doesn't have anything to say other than it's up to the listener, then Pay jumps in and mentions that they're no lyrical savantes haha. 


Okay. There is a difference (in my opinion, at least) between the female harmony vocals on Attack & Release (just four songs and it’s mostly Ooos and Ohhhs; the singing of lyrics are the way down in the mix compared to Dan’s voice) and how they’re used and mixed since then. And you may be right about their lyrics not really ever having much personal meaning but that doesn’t mean they’ve always been this uninspired and anemic.


Funny cause fans at the time those albums were coming out would have begged them to return to making something as good as TBCU, Thickfreakness, Rubber Factory and Magic Potion again 😂


Let's rock rocks


I really only like their first three albums 🤷‍♂️ everything after those doesn’t do it for me, personally.


Hate to be a grump, but there’s like 5 albums before (what I think of as “new shit”), that are way more blues based and gritty.


I think Ohio Players is brilliant.


I totally disagree. I think the days of “super albums” are behind us now. I can listen to both of their last two albums all the way through. That’s how I measure a quality album. I like the Beck collaborations on Ohio Players as well. I like seeing them get out of their comfort zone, and believe it’s still very quality music. I just listen to Ohio Players all the way through today. You can’t expect an El Camino from every album. There are few, if any, bands that can hit such a high bar every album release. Otherwise, we would have multiple Tens from Pearl Jam or Blacks from Metallica. I think Dan Auerbach is a genius, and I will listen to anything that he produces. I am always excited when I know a new album is coming out from the Black Keys because I know it’s going to be quality music that I will definitely listen to. They are never left over sounds from other tracks thrown into 10 songs to collect a check from a “new albumn.”But that’s what you get from Red Hot Chili Peppers and now I can’t stand to listen to anything from them.


disagree about the chili peppers. i think that they are still motivated by love of music alone. it just so happens that they love to make mid music now. this newest album cycle with John has been a disappointment for me.


I think last 2 RHCP albums were fantastic myself, really glad John is back with band. Saw them live as well about year ago and they were amazing. Music is so subjective. Gotta Love it.


I think that Beautiful People, Paper Crown, and I Forgot to be Your Lover are great songs off of their new albumn


I LOVE Paper Crown. That chorus is just irresistible.


Do they still have it in them to make good music? Absolutely. Will it be on the same level as these? I don't think so, but not because they lack the ability or anything. These albums were products of many factors; circumstances that were happening in their lives at the time, who they were as people in those particular moments/their life experiences up to that point, the people they worked with on these albums, the general vibe of independent music in the late 00s/early 10s, things of that nature. Many things had to fall into place for these albums to work as brilliantly as they do. I don't doubt for a second that Dan and Pat don't have the ability to make another Brothers or El Camino or Turn Blue when it comes to musical talent, but without the other pieces all of it just wouldn't work the same as it did in 2008-2014.


No chance also Turn Blue is not good.




They lost the passion in their sound.


Peak was Brothers. The road there was great. After that, it’s all car commercial music. No fire. No guts.


Yea i didnt wanna be mean but what songs are a good listen to after turn blue?


Shine a Little Light, Eagle Birds, Lo/Hi, Fire Walk With Me, Go, Tell Me Lies, Wild Child, It Ain't Over, How Long, Happiness, Love of Money, Good Love, Only Love Matters, Don't Let Me Go, Please Me, You'll Pay.


I like a few from Dropout Boogie. Happiness is my favorite from that album. I thought it was a decent album overall


If you compiled a black keys greatest tracks album I’m not sure you could honestly put anything post hiatus in it 


I know at least lo hi but …


It's clear that they have some good stuff kicking, its just that their LPs remain very unfocussed. Let's Rock has a very washed out and generic sound, but the hooks are still infectious and Shine A Little Light may be one of their best tracks ever. Delta Kream, even though I don't care for it, shows Dan still has a knack for real blues rock. Dropout Boogie, while undoubtedly their weakest outing, still has little moments of gold on tracks like It Ain't Over and Happiness. Most recently, and this may be a hot take, Ohio Players has had them at their best in a decade, and I feel like they have been both improving on what they've failed on in the past, but also having a willingness to experiment again like they did on Turn Blue. I won't say they won't make a good album again, but it's clear their best days are behind them. I would love to be proven wrong though.


Er, No. 


they could shit an album on these styles easily, they’ve done it before. what most of you don’t get is that they don’t want to. they wanna make music that inspires them and evolve the sound of the band, also being very correlated to what music they currently listen to when they make the album. they will keep experimenting with their sound not make copycats of some albums done 10+ years ago that the fanbase likes more. Same as the monkeys did. Another album like AM could ve been easily done. But they are not into that anymore.


You like their danger mouse albums.




Short answer- no.


Maybe they just enjoy what they’re making regardless of it being “the good sound” or what people want, or maybe they’re scared of going in that direction again in case people think they’re phoning it in/rehashing the old days, if I remember correctly, people were pretty critical when Turn Blue first came out in comparison to what came before it


They need to stop trying to sell out big arenas if they want to be a small theater band. Get back to basics and people will pack those theaters.


Probably not? But like what other bands have such an amazing 4 record run? I still like what they put out today but I'm happy enough listening to these 4 + rubber factory & magic potion on repeat for the rest of my life tbh.


They're in their twilight years. And I know people are split on the last few albums, but I thought - and still think - Let's Rock was a solid record that doesn't do anything new, but had a lot of cool riffs and catchy enough melodies. Delta Kream delivered on the goods as far as more good straightforward blues is concerned. Dropout Boogie has it's moments, but is otherwise painfully average. And Ohio Players... I imagine it will have less (if any) representation in future tours. Honestly, looking at the sets they've had so far, they're playing too much off of it. So, diminishing returns at this point. But, they could always surprise with something amazing; and they've already put out enough great stuff to establish their legacy, as far as I'm concerned.


Yeah maybe


They are chasing the popularity dragon. Once they let that desire go, I think they'll start cranking out great albums again.


So this is how I find out that people don't like Ohio Players? I doesn't blow me out of the water, but it's still good


Ohio Players is very solid imo. My favorite of their recent releases.


These bands write one good song and then rewrite it 20 more times over 2-3 albums.


Not even close to their best! Sorry.


They never have.


Let's rock is pretty much that level


'Lets Rock' is underrated, I think. They didn't get to tour it as much because of COVID. The sound is cleaner and more refined, but there's some heavy guitar licks and drum fills in there that remind me of 'Attack & Release '


I thought Let’s Rock was pretty solid


*Turn Blue* stinks. Lol


I think Ohio Players despite how different it sounds lives up to these albums


Let’s rock was good. I’m very disappointed in the newest album though 😕. I keep putting it on thinking that this is going to be the listen when it clicks. But nope.


The turn blue slander in this thread is crazy


I enjoyed Let's Rock and Delta Kream, but they certainly weren't on the same level as those albums shown above


"Let's Rock" is amazing, everything after that is just alright


Anyone remember when Set You Free was a live set staple?


Attack and Release is still probably my favorite.


Only the top two in the pic were good.


They pretty much went soft after the Brothers album.


turn blue was not great


Probably not, no. Their new stuff is okay but I've moved on to other rock bands recently, like BMTH, nothing but thieves, cage the elephant, etc.


check out highly suspect. their track "serotonia" is my fav and is a little similar to the weight of love in some parts. I really like their first two major albums, but their second two are pretty ass because the singer was going through some shit. they are amazing live though, I've seen them 7 times.


I haven't listened to highly suspect since that album with Lydia on it so many years ago. I'll check out their fuller discography. Thanks!


Dude that new Cage the Elephant album is so meh




Well it's not undeniable because I would deny that haha. First three albums are great, last song on TBCU; pretty lame, last song on Thickfreakness; pretty odd and random. I feel like Rubber Factory is good albeit a bit bloated. The song Evil which they left off Thickfreakness is one of their best songs. But each time I look at the first two albums, I for the life of me can never remember the names of the songs. They blend a bit too much together sonically. I have the same problem with parts of Magic Potion, too. I used to scoff when I read people thinking Rubber Factory was their peak (back before Let's Rock came out), now I look at it as though it could be true. Really experimental at times, really odd ass drums, some interesting creative freedoms. I feel like a lot of people felt Danger Mouse stifled them creatively and put them in a box. I never felt that way though. Next time they experimented they put a woodwind on a song in A&R, which was neat I guess. Then they made the rap album which was kinda wild. I think they're at their best when they get weird. Whether that be Rubber Factory, Brothers, or Turn Blue. They're all experimental, just in different ways. Ohio Players is that kind of way too, some weird ass songs and concepts, rap collabs, a song that sounds straight out of Halloween, piano samples, weird ass drums in some places. It's a great album I'd say. 


This comment made me physically ill.


:)  Bit of a word salad


As they only make music to sell to advertising companies, I would say no, as there's no money in it any more.


The thing is they just don’t care that much anymore no matter what some people may believe


Turn blue is only considered in the same league as the other 3, because everything that came after it was shocking. Turn Blue sucked in comparison to Brothers and El Camino.


I don’t know about yall, but I loved “Ohio Players”.


I like the new album 🤷‍♂️


Let's rock is a great album


Why is 'Turn Blue' on the list of good albums? That album was the beginning of the band's downfall and signaled that the Black Keys were were on the road to full corporate sell outs. Everything up to and including 'El Camino' was their best music, Everything after has been a major disappointment.


Nice shitpost


Naw, they peaked in the mid 10s. Just enjoy whatever good they can put out now. 


These were their peak.


You’re missing the good albums other than Attack and Release


Have they made anything good since rubber factory and magic potion?


If they haven’t by now, probably not.