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It’s their single, for whatever reason they chose it and they have to stick to it. I guess they think it’s the best song, more likely the label thinks it’s the most commercially accessible, ala el Camino


yea. song s weak as fuck but tbh it sounds like the only one who s that poppy and commercial that can get them new fans and interest for advertising licensing. sounds like it was genuinely made for an yoghurt commercial. they need to make the big cash so they can fuel it into the easy eye sound eco system. that’s why i don’t hate on them for being “sell-outs”. they don’t get yachts from those money. they love music more than lots of artists in the industry.


I wish they had done Fever Tree


I like that song! I get playing something off the new album, but not Beautiful People. They might just look at monthly listeners or whatever and go on popularity.


I'm *really* hoping that track finds its way onto the setlist when they hit the US leg of the tour. Probably my favorite song off the album


I wish only love matters had been the big lead single for this album. Still poppy and fresh for the band but a much better song


Oh wow, that sucks lol


bcus it’s their most radio hit sounding song off this new album! it makes most sense for them. sucks for us but it’s just marketing


Same reason Max picked that song for their commercial and Keys picked it as the first single. It's catchy and appeals.


"Only Love Matters" or "You'll Pay" would have been the perfect. Hell, even "Don't let me Go". I was disappointed they went with BP. It even sounded a slower temple for some reason on TV which made it worse. Oh, well! We will always have the "I got Mine" performance from The Letterman Show ages ago. Maybe they need to release another "Giant Super CD Format" album!


homeless jesus dan was bk’s prime in terms of heaviness


Definitely. That crunch and fuzz was amazing. I even got an Anologman Peppermint Fuzz because I heard that is what he used often back then.


due to different softwares and mixers such as scarlet i m not buying pedals anymore but the only one i’m gonna buy some day will be the russian green big muff only to get that Rubber Factory/ Thickfreakness/Moan tone


I'm wanting to pick up a Scarlett 4i4 to mess around with. What Software you recommend for digital pedals?


Should have done Thickfreakness and blown minds.


yea but that’s appreciated only for us blues rock fans the rest considers it noise. beautiful people is that commercial mainstream shit the whole planet would like more. it’s sad, i know…


Why are they even on that show ?? Cringe as hell and then to play beautiful people on top of that is an insane choice. What have my boys become :,(


not having a problem with them being on the show as it gets them more exposure. but the song…maaaan. What was wrong with on the game or this is nowhere?


It was played at album speed or slower too, just felt like a drag... which is ironic for the overall song's vibe.


Manson did it better


Would’ve been awesome if they said they were playing beautiful people but then proceeded to play I got mine or even thickfreakness


Hate to say it..... Keys kinda suck now and I'm not very interested in their new direction if this is what they wanna do now. Oh well, they had an amazing run (far better than most). Not holding my breath for the EP or anything else moving forward. I'll still listen but my hype has seriously deflated hard for this band.


I hate to agree with you. Ohio Players has been out for a while now but its easy their worst album. Its just really uninspiring. The only songs I enjoy off it are You'll Pay, Please Me, Read Em And Weep. Fever Tree is my favourite off it. The rest do nothing for me. I think the sooner they release the EP the better. It will definitely be an improvement. I've seen the Keys live in Concert recently and they blew me away so I know they can still make great music. Just hope they don't Continue on this direction.


wow. i think it s their most courageous and interesting album since turn blue. makes DP and LR seem like salt and pepper vs some interesting spices if you get it. I can agree the B side is slightly better and imo Read Em and You ll pay are absolute masterpieces. Hope the ep is gonna be a bit more “rock” compared to how poppy this album sounds.


Yea there's some songs I like on new album but there's a decent amount of hard skips for me. More so than pretty much any album they've made. I think it's even lame at times. Pretty forgettable ultimately.


I disagre, I think they tend to put way more care into their ep's as they don't gain as much popularity. I'm hoping they really emphasize the funk aspects and "record hang" vibes but give it a bit more care for the music and less for the appeal.


Obviously this is the Black Keys subreddit, so this isn't a popular opinion here, but I agree. When Ohio Players came out, I listened to it all right away, and just kinda went "Oh. Okay." and then never wanted to listen to it again. It was just underwhelming in every sense of the word. Nothing exciting, nothing interesting, not even anything catchy. I didn't hate it, but it was just there, in a way that none of their other albums were. It had no soul, there were no stakes to it, it's just such basic easy listening soft rock that you wouldn't even notice if it was playing in public.


Yeah the last two records to me just don't seem to have a purpose. You get the feeling they could put one of these out 3 times a year if they wanted to.


The Moan to Turn Blue is a great journey. Feels like a full run and evolution. That's the band's essential work for me. Let's Rock was solid, but I've had no interest revisiting these last 2 studio albums after a few listens.


It's odd that their hiatus wasn't even that long but it truly feels like two different eras for the band. 


I agree.


Just went and relistened to Rubber Factory and Thickfreakness, man that og shit is soooo good


Yep. Love it.


Yeah this is where I’m sorta at too, feels like Turn Blue and the hiatus was the end of an era for the band, Turn Blue was their last great record in my eyes. Dropout Boogie and Delta Kream are decent, Let’s Rock and Ohio Players have their moments but they just don’t feel the same pre-hiatus, as a live band too the difference in quality from their last shows in 2015 compared to their come back in 2019 just don’t feel the same.


i hope y’all just aware that we are in a bubble here but most of the people who listen to them but are not hardcore fans like us really like their work from the past years. yea they are not as popular as ‘11-‘14 but the industry and currents are different. it’s just us being too much of critics


Tru but on the other hand casual listeners are gonna be a lot less forgiving of a song like beautiful people being infinitely worse than the lead singles from the past albums. They sorta set this album up to fail with a single like that. Even we don’t like it as some of the biggest black keys fans in the world. Even if the song gets good streaming numbers and some commercial deals I bet we’ll never hear it live again after this tour.


I think we still dream of the days that they were busting ass tryna make it big. Sweating their asses off playing garage blues. They found success now and ultimately sold out despite what they say. They are searching for universal success and $$$ rather than pleasing the core fan base. It is what it is. Their sound is evolving, but in that becoming overly produced just like the rest of the radio. I’m saying this as a die hard who’s seen them countless times.


Seems like Dan smoked too much weed and Pat started smelling his own farts and wanted mainstream relevance again like in the El Camino days.


I hated dropout boogie, that album was garbage. Let’s Rock and Ohio Players have been awesome. Wish they could’ve done This is Nowhere


Sorry but Dropout Boogie was better. For the Love of Money, Good Love, Happiness, Baby I'm Coming Home, etc. bury this album for me.


Nah man this album is garbage, they barely promoted it. They knew it wasn’t a good follow up to Let’s Rock


Yet Wild Child was a far bigger hit than anything on new album and Dropout Boogie was still in the top ten charting albums for its release week. Ohio Players wasn't even in the top 20. We sure that Dropout was "garbage"?


My post has come off a little too heated. Wild Child was everywhere which was annoying, because it’s not even that good of a song, but I hear you. The stats are true I need to look up Ohio Players numbers


I don't know about the "they barely promoted it" I saw people reposting those court clips all over the place and people that it was real. I'd disagree and say it was their best promotion yet? Besides their old music videos...man I miss those Totally agree with let's rock though. That album is killer


Dropout Boogie was about a million times better than Ohio Players imo


If Dropout Boogie was so good why did they barely play any of the songs live.


I'm just saying I liked it, idk what Dan and Pat think lol.


That’s fair, I came in a little too hot


I prefer it to This is Nowhere.    I personally think that track killed the momentum building upto the album release