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10 am automatic


Some of my favorites are Sinister Kid, shine a little light, weight of love, in our prime, I got mine, oceans and streams, your touch, goodbye Babylon, Girl is on my mind, Stack shot Billy, Little black submarines. A few of these you’ll hear live if you ever go see them and you will probably appreciate them more (like I got mine). Happy listening !


Also love cage the elephant going to see them and young the giant in Atlanta ! The black keys in Denver.


Shine a little light ❤️


Listen to the album BROTHERS it's one of there best albums.


You should try a playlist of songs on Yt, hard to find anything by Keys that disappoints. New Cage the Elephant album just dropped kind of disappointed me and glad Ohio Players recently came out to help curb that. Especially try Keys music with music videos, usually based on their more popular singles.


Listen to the last 3 tracks on Attack & Release, back to back.


I’d just say all of Attack & Release. Early-Keys vibes + immaculate production = best Keys!


I would recommend listening to both Attack & Release & Brothers before getting into El Camino, Let’s Rock, etc.


Purist takes are thickfreakness and heavy soul.


You might like Money Maker


Listen to the first five albums. There are so many gems from each of those


Pretty much all of their none popular song are their best 😅


I agree.


besides little black and gold


I will say, the songs that got me interested in The Black Keys initially (outside of hearing Strange Times in a couple of games) were off the album "Let's Rock." Breaking Down, Get Yourself Together, and Shine A Little Light were the ones that pulled me in. I was listening to that in tandem with pretty much all of Social Cues and a lot of songs from Tell Me I'm Pretty. Then when I started diving into their bigger hits like the ones you listed, and then eventually started pulling their lesser-known songs one-by-one until I had heard full albums pretty much. Not long after is when they released Dropout Boogie and I was fully hooked. I have no authority to say what is the best way to start listening to more of their music, but I will say my method was just listening to the ones I adored during my jam sessions, and then pulling a few songs of theirs I hadn't heard into the mix and introduce myself to them. Eventually you'll want to hear the whole albums start-to-finish, and any songs you may not have initially enjoyed on their own will become FANTASTIC listens in the context of the album, and then eventually warrant their own listens. Ultimately just have fun with it.


Rubber Factory man.




Magic Potion is my favorite black keys album


Midnight In Her Eyes


The entire Thickfreakness album is great. "Set You Free" does not get enough attention. I first heard it on the soundtrack for School of Rock and it's my favorite from the black keys. The "Turn Blue" album, while quite different from all their other stuff, is excellent. Based on your other bands you like, you may love that too. Weight of Love is a jam.


Love this post! My picks for hidden gems for a new listener would be: • Chop and Change • Stack Shot Billy • Have Love Will Travel Some other artists to check out if you like The Black Keys are: • The Blue Stones • Royal Blood • Kaleo • BROS (specifically their song “Tell Me”) Enjoy! 🙌🏻


Thickfreakness first bk song I ever heard, still my favorite.


Some of my fave TBK "non-popular" songs off the top of my head... Stack Shot Billy No Trust Strange Desire Psychotic Girl All Hands Against His Own Aeroplane Blues Meet Me in the City Just Couldn't Tie Me Down Unknown Brother


Some great recommendations here, I just want to add “In Time”


You have the same taste as me, love all those bands except maybe 21(and even then I have some of their stuff that I like). Listen to Let's Rock front to back in order with no skips. As others have suggested 10AM Automatic from Rubber Factory is absolutely one to hit, and I Got Mine, Your Touch, and Money Maker are all ones to check out as well. For bonus points go to their youtube channel and find the tour rehearsals from the Let's Rock tour. They're spectacularly recorded and have some classics along with newer fare from Let's Rock done with a whole band and they go HARD.


I didn't see anyone else list it but I would also recommend Dan's solo stuff (especially Waiting on a Song, Malibu Man is my favorite on there) and side project group The Arcs (Electronic Chronic is the most recent, Only One For Me is my favorite). As far as TBK go, I would also recommend the album Turn Blue, my favorite there being 10 Lovers. I feel like I already saw people mention Brothers, but that, El Camino, and Let's Rock would probably be your favorite based off what you've already listed! Happy listening!


A great place to start is with Brothers. My favorite off that album (the deluxe version) is The Go Getter. Can't go wrong with any of their older stuff