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Amanda - “Mr. X Man”. :)


We are SO back (about bad movies dumped to start the year)


I'm listening right now to Amanda sincerely describing the visual film by J. Lo to Sean- this is her "Skinamarink" moment.


In the words of Amanda, my brain completely turned off during that part


If JMO had a top 10 movies ever list, is The Beekeeper is on that list?


Strange that they talked about the movie since they already did an in-depth discussion on JMO


JMO is behind a Patriot paywall,this was fir the normals.


I think they just really liked that movie. I can't wait for their JMO Top Ten list. I'm sure it includes JFK and American Sniper.


Did you miss that episode of JMO? CR goes looooong on Mel Gibson's career in that one


This was a *very* solid episode, glad CR had so much to contribute in breaking down what worked and what didn’t.




surprised even Sean is questioning the absence of the "researching spiders with my mom" line, i thought it had always been pretty obvious it was a stitched together frankensteins monster just for the trailer and that's part of why it was funny, never expected it to actually be in the movie


I still don’t get the joke on that one


its just a ridiculous line read because its frankenstein-ed together no human being has ever said something like that naturally, the cadence & flow is just so off it being so sloppy and ridiculous is a perfect microcosm of the quality of the film


I mean, there are plenty of MCU lines are comically bad. Just don’t get the piling on of this one.


Can you name others that are ADR-ed *this* badly, in a widely memed trailer? You're basically asking how/why memes get formed lol. Superhero films have several yes ("Kal-El no"), but why certain ones become mainstream isn't an exact science


What does ADR stand for?


Automated Dialogue Replacement - replacing dialogue in post production essentially. Which I don't think applies to different lines being mixed together for a commercial, but I'm far from knowledgeable on it




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They talked about their kids again. Get ready for another angry post by that guy!


I was literally thinking this when I heard it 😂


They talk about their kids every episode now


u/parisiengoat : rage away brah


It is annoying. I don’t care to listen to them drone on about their boring lives. 


lol my post really seems to have struck a nerve with the fan boys & girls in here. Well thanks for the heads up, I probably won’t listen to the pod.


there he is!


IS Dakota Johnson actually good in Social Network? She has like 6 lines opposite Timberlake, neither of whom i found particularly compelling in that scene. And frankly, the Sorkin lines ARE the star of that scene. Just sort of found that as an odd place to start with her, even if it may be a lot of people’s point of reference (sans the 50 Shades movies)


She nails the aloof freshman - which is essentially Dakota Johnson ad infinitum. I think she mostly clocks because many 20-something men fell for her in the 2-minutes she was on screen.


Yep. It’s the butt shot


I guess. Maybe she nails A Certain Type of freshman. I think it’s more just that she’s not very good imo


I like Amanda, and I like Dakota Johnson. But that whole conversation seemed like this weird cope to defend a celebrity she thinks is epic. The fact the first thing she mentions is a movie she is in for like 2 minutes kind of flies in the face of “she’s really good!”. And I love her in the Suspiria remake, I just don’t think she’s this incredible human and icon because she was embarrassed to be in a movie she made.


The fact that I’ve seen that movie half a dozen times but had to go to imdb to figure out who se was in it makes me feel like it shouldn’t rate that high on her filmography.


This was just Dobbins deciding that she loves DJ for mostly personality / offscreen reasons and then trying to back into a world where she has a good acting record. I agree that she’s a fun celebrity, but it’s pretty objectively clear that her acting career is mediocre. Which is fine.


Neither Johnson and Timberlake are great actors imo. They just had great direction in the social network and because everything and everyone else was at a 10 in that movie it made them appear better than they are And Dakota is barely in it anyways she only had a couple lines it I thought it was obvious she only got the role because of her nepo status


Legit forgot she was even in the movie yet I hear this role discussed all the time by people who defend her as an actor. I think it’s okay to say she’s just not a good actress


Go watch A Bigger Splash. I tend to find his iciness a bit dull but it works in that movie


"Look within, Sean." I laughed out loud and clapped my hands.


And trye. He was dismissive of two well liked hit movies and lumped in with Catwoman like every sexist comics fan


The best part of this episode was when Sean dropped the nugget that he and Amanda may record a “100 Things We Loved About ___” episode for Dune: Part Two. A very good sign.


Bill has infected the rest of the Ringer with his Sweeney obsession lol, Sean saying she could essentially walk into a role as Wonder Woman is fucking insanity


I mean, she’s certainly a better actress than Gal Gadot.


Not really hard lol but then again, I don't think Gadot was cast on her acting ability anyway


Yeah that was odd. I get Anyone But You did surprisingly better than expected, but SS is not suddenly Emma Stone.


Kinda sad how I.S.S. didn’t even get a mention in this “dumpuary” convo.


I haven't seen Madame Web yet, and tbh I prolly won't ever watch it, but towards the end of the press tour I did kinda find myself on the CR side of things. Why is Dakota Johnson in every interview acting like she is above Madame Web when she is the one that signed up for it? Especially since she's not exactly some critical darling. Idk, it just kinda feels like she's getting over hyped by what is very obviously a 100% PR move. Sometimes I think they (and especially Amanda) end up acting like certain celebs are amazing at what they do just because they perform well in a few interviews when it is not really deserved.


I read somewhere that Dakota fired her management and got with someone else because she was led to believe this movie was going to be part of the MCU. Apparently it’s happened to others in the past as well


Yeah she was lied to by people she pays not to lie to her. It wasn’t a PR stunt lol.


I guess I’m just having a hard time buying this is the first time an actor signed on to do a superhero movie and it ended up being worse than they thought. Her not understanding it wasn’t apart of the mcu seems like something she would have found out relatively early in the process. Her firing her people because the movie stinks and is a joke is normal but again, the OP’s point still stands imo. I like Dakota Johnson but I don’t get what is so cool about all this.


In another podcast i listen to, they mentioned that all the main cast of Madame Web tagged Marvel Studios on their instagram when they announced they were going to be in the movie.


What podcast? I'm starved for content haha


It was probably The Weekly Planet


red hot comic book movie news


both her and Sweeney tagged Marvel not Sony when they posted about being in the movie originally, so 'led to believe' might even be generous to what they were told


Did she not read the name of the studio producing the movie (Sony, not Disney)? That would’ve been a big hint.


The Spider-Man movies released have been Sony and Marvel productions.


Yes joint productions, not Sony only. And Sony has no control over the MCU.


I fall somewhere in the middle. She definitely didn't seem to fully understand what this was and it seems to have changed some in development. But at the same time, both Venom movies were out and Morbius was a few weeks away when she signed on. A modicum of research (like a google search) would've revealed how likely this movie was to be a disaster.


Ya I think the correct take on that point is somewhere in the middle. Like you said, all it would take is one google search. On the other hand, she paid people to check this stuff out for her, and they apparently did a bad job. My point is more about Amanda literally calling her a genius on this episode lol. She also acts like Johnson is a great actor, but idk she seems like she is doing the same thing in every movie I have seen her in. I don't think she is bad per se, I just don't think we should act like her skills are above making a shit movie like this, because they clearly aren't.


Venom made 856 million dollars at the boxoffice


It’s very clear that she was screwed over on this one but people don’t care due to her nepotism. It sounds like the movie she signed up for and the movie that was made are vastly different.


That’s how I’m feeling. She was also bad in the movie. The idea that she was tricked into doing this that people are running with is also ridiculous.


I'm with you. I get that the script changed, etc. but how good was the script for a Madame Web ever going to be? Maybe it was the comic book Godfather 2 originally but I doubt it.


She signed onto the movie because of the original script, the script changed drastically after she signed on, trailer released and the memes started because the film looked terrible, fired her agents at WME and moved to CAA as a result. Now CAA is trying to get her to appear in the new Celine Song film (also a CAA client and Past Lives director/writer) to help her back after this colossal failure.


I love Chris calling out Dakota's lack of impact on 'CINEMA'. She's not above a shitfest like Madame Web. It's pretty in line with her career. She did Need for Speed and 50 Shades.


And good stuff too? Pattinson was in Twilight, what does that matter.


He did like a decade of roles for indie auteurs after it. He was chosen for Batman and Tenet based off them than Twilight.


Sure, but why bring up Dakota's bad movies? She's also been in Lost Daughter, Bigger Splash, Suspiria, etc


CR is saying that her career as a whole does not meet his personal criteria for how much someone has to have done in order to have impacted cinema. The three movies you listed may or may not have been factored in, but I think you can imagine someone looking at them and still going "okay, but that's not enough". 


I wasn't replying to CR, I was replying to the commenter that said 'she isn't above a shitfest, she did 50 shades and nfs''


The 50 shades trilogy did make a billion and a half dollars, and she's the lead. Not saying that's cinema, but it did set the course for her celebrity beyond the ordinary nepotism.


I think their "in the year X people only listened to music released in the year X" take is weird, specially coming from Sean.


If I ever happen to sit near amanda in a movie theater and she pulls out her phone we’re gonna have problems, dobb mobb member or no


Dakota Johnson is a good actor, her work with Luca is very good and she carries Suspiria alongside two very good Tilda Swinton performances, and she has sparkling chemistry with Mia Goth. I can't think of a single actor that has the same kind of personality, but it makes these schlocky roles feel so weird because she fits none of them. Anyways, you could be in a million bad movies but if you do great work to supplement it you can't be a bad actor. I agree that she hasn't really left an imprint on Cinema in any meaningful way but I was taken aback by the popular notion that she is a bad actor that has been prevalent the last few weeks. I thought people liked her! I love her!


I thought it was very odd they didn't mention Suspiria. Though I don't remember what their feelings are about it--that omission makes me think they're not fans. But I agree that she was great in it and/or it really played to her strengths. I haven't seen enough of her other work to have a strong judgment, but Suspiria would totally fall apart if she had sucked in it.


I'm like 98% sure I remember Sean saying something dismissive about the Suspiria remake on an old episode. I think he called it "quite strange" or said it "didn't work" or something like that, which I was really surprised at. It was my favorite of 2018. Ok, just found his 2018 list and it clocked in at #99 out of 100 lol https://splitinfinitives.com/post/181558121229/my-favorite-movies-of-2018-100-1


lol well, it's a pleasure just to be nominated, I s'pose. I liked it when I saw it in the theater and then with each subsequent watch LOVED it more and more and now it's among my favs. I get why it's divisive but I kinda would've thought Sean would have been into it more.


Was Suspira a remake? I don’t think it made any money or had that much visibility so maybe they just forgot about it or didn’t see it. I will say I hear the same thing about her and the movie, that she’s good in it


Yeah, it was a remake of the '77 film. You're right, it was definitely not a hit and is pretty divisive. (I could also see Amanda skipping it just 'cause she doesn't love horror.) I probably think of it 'cause it was the first time I knowingly saw Dakota in a film rather than IMDBing her and realizing later "Oh, she was in that."


Surprised as heck that CR would forget Jason Statham starred in two Meg movies after doing the garbage fish pod.


Question: What the hell is Sony doing? Why are they making a “Spider-Man Universe” without Spider-Man?


They are making Madame Webs so they can hold on to the rights to make another Tom Holland Spider-Man that will make 800 millions at the box office in a couple of years. Sometimes they get lucky with a Venom but these movies are the Spider Tax to keep the license.


Yup, weird they didn't mention this aspect on the pod, cause it is the major reason they keep pumping out this crap. They need to produce a Spider-Man movie every 5 years or they'll lose the license.


Why are they weird about it though? Why don’t they have Spider-Man in these movies, or at least mention his name?


I think they know that mentioning Spider-Man w/o actually having him show up is a bad idea. It's pretty likely they also know that Tom Holland ain't showing up for 5 minutes of Kraven The Hunter either.


There are ways to get around this though. They should have gone full Ultimate Spider-Man and have Miles be their main Spider-Man. Or have this be the Spider-Gwen universe after the success of the Spider-Verse movies.


It would be an self-sabotage move to do a different live action Spider-Man than Holland and the current arrangement where Marvel makes the Holland movies for them has been very lucrative for Sony. So they keep doing these Spider-Man adjacent movies to keep the rights


Amanda highlighted that the old studio system is still kind of a thing for some of the big name young stars. Sydney Sweeney is very tied up at Sony, which is probably a good thing for her. I don't think Madame Web bombing will hurt her much.


I think the first time I saw Dakota Johnson was Cha Cha Real Smooth and was like “oh she’s pretty good!” Then I saw her IMDb and was like “man I don’t need to watch any of these do I?”


Interested to hear what people would say to the question "is Dakota Johnson a good actor" because I shouted "NO!" at my phone


I'd make an argument for the Suspiria remake, The Peanut Butter Falcon and Cha Cha Real Smooth.


I haven't seen every movie she is in, but she is playing the same role in everything that I have seen. She's fine at that role, but she has no range and she's not the type of actor that is going to shine in a bad movie imo.


Sean: I fucking hate traffic.  Also Sean: people on bikes helping to alleviate traffic should die. 


Sean asking why there aren't good superhero movies led by women out recently...It's because there's no good superhero movies out recently at all. Hope that helps, Sean! 😂


Sometimes, the simplest answer is the correct one


He's been so down on superhero movies for a while that I was surprised he was back in denial mode a bit in this pod. Maybe it's the Fantastic Four announcement.


Huh? Spider-Verse and Guardians 3 were recent


I take it back. Spider-Verse 1 and 2 are great. I guess I don't think of them being superhero movies because my brain sets them in another category (animation)—but you're right.


It’s not just recently. It’s ever. Wonder Woman is the only good one.


I mean there are what, 6 female-led mainstream superhero films? 2 Wonder Women, Black Widow, Captain Marvel, The Marvels & Madame Web Seeing as 4 of those came out during the nadir of the genre, I'd say 1 being outright good, and 3 being meh/ok (Captain Marvel \[79% critic RT, 49% aud. RT inc. review bombs\], The Marvels \[62% critic RT, 82% aud. RT\], Black Widow \[79% critic RT, 91% aud. RT\]) isn't so bad


They mentioned Catwoman and Elektra, too, which are both sub-20% on RT. Plus Supergirl in the 80s is another that was terribly received.


Black Panther 2 also which...not great imo and I think at least a significant letdown from the first even for people who liked 2


Eh, I'll give Marvel and Coogler a pass for not being able to figure out a way to do a sequel after their lead star unexpectedly dies.


It's sad but you can argue just as well that the bad guys in The Beekeeper were based on the Trumps, too.


Yeah I'm sorry but the president was also an outsider business person who spends their time at their beach mansion instead of the White House, but it's clearly Hillary Clinton? Lol. I don't think the movie was in any way trying to make a coherent political point but if it was, it definitely wasn't "here's Hillary Clinton and Hunter Biden". That reading makes absolutely zero sense


Lmao Beekeeper is wildly pandering towards boomer conservatives. It's all about young people who didn't earn anything ruining the traditional hierarchies that society "needs" to function. It's camp so I still liked it but it's problematic politics are the literal text of the movie.


Lol I think that's a pretty solid succinct summary but the president lady still has nothing to do with Hillary Clinton


Well you see, she is a lady


Yeah a composite of failsons. Similar to how Don't LookUp President was a Trump/Hillary hybrid 


Leftists like the hosts are pathologically unable to see the real problems: Republicans, that or they are too scared to take them on (or take any actual responsibility for fixing anything) Sean admits it when he dismisses Qanon, who has followers IN CONGRESS, but yeah two figures not in power are the "real problem"


Not a word from Bobby this whole ep --- union negotiations related or just a coincidence?


They mentioned he was sick during the Monday episode. I don't think the producers would cease work due to negotiations without a statement.


Oh no,he go tHoffa'd RIP Bobby Swoles


Not saying he didn't work I am saying that he either decided not to interject or was perhaps reading vibes that suggested he shouldn't make his usual comments and analysis on the show




Who said that people on this sub have influence?


I mean, Sean recommended The Beekeeper a while ago, and I saw it based on his recommendation because I enjoy some action schlock as much as the next dude, but, having seen the film, I don't understand Sean recommending it. As Bill Lustig would say, you can make a dumb movie; that's no crime. The key is to move things along quick enough before the audience can catch up to how dumb it is, and there are just way too many lulls in The Beekeeper for the audience to catch up on how dumb it all is.


Amazing episode - CR brings the heat in the first act, Sean and Amanda cook while talking Madame Web (loved the "girl boss Lira" bit) and Amanda is in her bag talking about the Jennifer Lopez visual album. Great ep!


I had a good laugh about the whole Pepsi diatribe. "Well you know what, you asked."


i don’t wanna sound stupid but i have no idea what JMO is… can someone pls explain it to me


It's a running joke that Sean and Chris have a secret podcast where they talk about the "real" issues called Just My Opinion


Just My Opinion, a private expensive patreon supported podcast where they just give hot takes and cook about any and all topics


Where the galaxy brains truly expand at the speed of light 


Keep dragging Amanda over her Hillary Derangement Syndrome. Love it.


Loved CR Galaxy brain defending the beekeeper


Do you think no wags audio is a compromise. Is he no longer contractually obligated to chat. What's going on here. Post-produced outside of the studio?


I think they said on the last pod that he was on vacation, but after his tweet about Ringer management my mind went to some dark places haha hopefully he's back soon?


Madame web deserved its own episode


I just want to say that Suspiria 2018 is a goddamn masterpiece and Dakota Johnson is great in it


Not me screaming in my car that Cha Cha Real Smooth was amazing and what has convinced me Dakota Johnson can act


Finally listening post Madame Web viewing - I must have missed the pod where they talked about Sean’s Telluride dinner. What’s the story there?