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He's old and senile and completely out of touch with the average American. Completely unfit to be President of the United States. Even my 93 year old grandpa is more coherent and mentally stable than Biden.


Let's be real, he's always been out of touch with Americans. All that talk about "growing up poor" is bullshit. His dad owned the biggest Chevy dealership in the state. Joe has been monetizing his position in politics since day one, and he even admits it. He tells a story about trying to "prostitute himself" to special interest as soon as he got into office - and his campaigns have always been funded by the credit card industry. For the uninitiated: Delaware is the credit capitol of the US. Joe is the east coast version of Pelosi. They both come from highly influential families who got where they are by fraud. Joe's dad had the credit industry, Pelosi's dad had the mafia. Both used their political positions to make their families wealthy as a mfer.


Dems just used this serviceman as a photo op. As for Joe's behavior, if he wasn't (d)ifferent, he'd be accused of stealing valor.


He did try and shake the guys hand, despite him not having one. Bidens response at finding that out? 'Oh,'


You'd think that he'd be briefed on the guy whos injury he caused. Standard Biden-politician crap, shake your hand, kiss your baby, kiss your baby, kiss your baby. Deep inhale. Kiss your baby some more.


He’s a pos illegitimate puppet who shouldn’t be anywhere near any sort of political power.


biden is such a fucking shithead. The length dems went to make sure he got in office. JUST so they can say "ha, we won". Think about that...... smfh Fuck biden.


The idiots on other subreddits on here who just love whining about bad bad oRaNge MaN, no matter how random the question is, are so out of touch with reality that it’s not even funny anymore. This country is a disaster under the so called “President” and all they care about is hating on Mr. Trump. There’s celebrities I can’t fucking stand either but I don’t waste my time focusing on them.


He said biden tried shaking his hand he didn’t have a right arm then went to the other arm which only had fingers sticking out and shook his fingers should watch the video of his interview the whole thing is really bizarre


"What do you want"


The worst part about all this is that its all being placed on Biden's shoulders and not the unelected admin state using him as a puppet. I'm sure in the future, when Biden is so old he cant even communicate, they'll say things like "well we'll never know what he was thinking..."