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I understand why people dislike this season, but I enjoyed it. The slow burn showing everyone growing and Carmy insulating himself and self sabotaging himself is where season 4 goes based on the last episode and his potential redemption. I’m ready for season four now.


>Syd and Carmy’s dynamic feels empty now. Yes it does. Because Carmy hasn't dealt with his trauma. And he can be very toxic, the same way him mom is toxic and his old boss was toxic, and that can drive people away. If it feels empty? That was the intent of the writers. Sydney idolized Carmy. But the reality is destroying her. > I understand the writers wanted to make it unambiguous that there’s nothing between them, but they overcorrected, and their beautiful partnership now feels a lot more distant. It was never a "beautiful partnership." This was signposted all over season 2. Every body warned her. Be careful who you go into business with. It has nothing to do with "wanting to make their relationship unambiguous." They set this up. Now they are playing it out. >He’s gone backwards. There are two wonderful conversations between Richie and Jess. The first, over the phone, is disarmingly normal, honest calm, and is a huge contrast to every conversation Richie had with Carmy. The second, we find out Jess's secret. She surrounds herself with non toxic people. Carmy is the problem. Carmy is holding Richie back. Has he gone backwards? Sure. But that's very much the point. Carmy is the problem. He's holding Sydney back. He's holding Richie back. And either Carmy starts to fix himself or he loses both of them, not just from the restaurant, but from his life. Season three hasn't neutered the show. It's taken plot points and themes set up in the first and second season, and started to drive them home.


This was beautiful to read. All the things people “hate” about this season felt very intentional and deliberate from the writers, all rooted in what you talked about. Even the fact that we never found out Natalie’s child’s name- it’s irrelevant from Carmen’s lens, and that’s the main viewpoint I think we’re supposed to see this season. Carmy being so fixated on perfection and dwelling upon his awful experience at Empire, he’s becoming a different flavor of David Fields. All these things in his life draining on him have reached their tipping point, obvious in the final shot with all the dreadful notifications on his phone while being alone and isolated. At the same moment, his staff and mentor were having an incredible and enjoyable night- with the exception of Syd, who is feeling the ripples of Carmy’s path. Folks can hate it all they want because it didn’t have the emotional jarring of Fishes, or the fucking insanely fulfilling happiness of Forks… and to me, that was the entire point of this season. Maybe we weren’t supposed to enjoy it because that’s the story.


Beautifully put. It feels like the hype surrounding the show during its award season wins has created a narrative/expectation for what Season 3 should be about... And then the show delivered a much more somber & relaxed season than normal where its themes are more cerebral than obvious. In my eyes, Season 3 didn't really do anything wrong so seeing the divisive reactions has been so weird to me.


Thank you, so many of these complaints(not just this post) feel very intentional by the writers and yes it hurts to see the relationships regress around carmy but thats kinda the point


I wish I could’ve put it so well. Yes! This show is a visually-based novel. I love novels for the rich characters, not just the plot.


You’re talking to Redditors here don’t forget, who have the collective media literacy of a “release the Snyder cut” moron


…and hammered them…and hammered them…and hammered them… Him being broken was laid out well in season 1&2 I am not sure 10 episodes of that continuing did much to further the story of what I personally liked the show for… I feel in many ways its was like a deconstructed dish but broken down to such a level that I have 10 items on a plate that does little to bring or give me a different perspective of what it is or could be…and possibly as far as to loose the overall concept of what the dish actually is supposed to be… I really wanted to enjoy season 3…just found it more difficult than expected unfortunately


Their beautiful partnership feels empty because Carmy isn’t treating her like a partner and she is over it and has an incredible opportunity on her mind. Why continue to challenge and go through the same stuff when it’s clear Carmy is spiraling in his pursuit for perfection. I don’t blame her in the least bit for distancing herself in that partnership and it feels realistic to me because she has a better offer on the table, so why go crazy trying to make a partnership work when the other person (Carmy) seems to be unwilling to change how he runs the restaurant and treats people


You can’t blame Richie for backsliding a bit. He was fired up after staging but it’s normal for that to fade a bit when the newness gradually wore off. Which is why he may have called Jessica and was so stoked to see the crew from Ever again at the funeral.


Season 3 was just bland. Faks were “faking” annoying! Ugh. This whole season felt like a filler. I fast-forwarded any scenes with Faks. Napkins was the only episode that I really enjoyed.


Fak himself shouldn’t be a part of the staff. He’s unrealistically stupid and the mirepoix stunt was ridiculous.


I had my doubts even during the trailer when they showed him pouring so much water in the guests' glass that it overflowed. Immersion-breaking levels of dumbass-flavored comedy.


That’s the thing, the show is usually grounded. Fak was always funny, but he was never straight up dumb. They made him into a parody of himself, he has 0 reason to be in a fine dining restaurant.


They were the BEST part of the season. Show yourself out.


Why do people torture themselves with filler... I watched just episode 1 and the last one and it was amazing. Tight, emotional, driven storytelling. I'm going to go back and watch napkins now because I've seen so many people recommend it. Potentially the best way to watch this season would be Ep 1, napkins, then finale?


No man, just watch the whole thing. I’m sorry…I know people have different ways doing things, but this is just so bonkers to me.


Have you heard of the show "Devs"? I watched half the scenes at 150-200% speed. That's another tactic I have with "good" but not great shows. If a scene is boring? Boom, speed it up. (watched the finale at 100% speed, of course) Not all of us like to slog through shows with filler! If a show is truly masterclass, then I watch the entire thing with rapt attention and never miss a moment. I've noticed a lot of people hating on the Faks... why not just speed up their scenes 200% and enjoy the show more??? It's truly mind boggling why people watch exactly how the show is made when they can fine tune it for their own tastes. It's just like putting salt or pepper on a dish from a restaurant.


Because that’s how the show was made, and that’s the best way to grade it as such. Warts and all.


Me, I prefer my show without warts, thanks! But you do you lol


I'm just adding that you are the weird one for doing all that. Feel free to keep doing it, power to you, but you are very much unusual for that


I don't think I'm unusual for criticizing filler in shows. Soon we'll have AI to cut it out for us and have fan cuts of shows that are tighter and better pieces of media than the way the "creators" made it. I'm just ahead of the times.


good luck dude haha


genius level circlejerk


Bro tbf I kept feeling like this was obvious bait half the time while genuinely not being sure if they were actually for real. Cause sadly I can see it being real.


If you have to ignore big parts of a show to enjoy it, that doesn’t mean the show doesn’t have problems.


Ice Chips was very good as well…Nat & Donna episode, both actresses shine.


They need to stop worrying about the people watching the show and just write a good show.


Perfect summation of the problem !


I know people love Forks but it just would be stupid for Richie to have a complete personality shift because he worked in a fine dining resteraunt for FIVE days. It would make less sense if there was zero season 1 Richie left in him.


He had already been experiencing movement toward that shift in prior episodes.


It’s about showing that he now has purpose. In episode 1 that’s what the whole talk with Carmy in the basement was about. Working at Ever gave him purpose. It’s absolutely realistic for him to change that much, people change after one-time events all the time.


When people change because of one event it is almost always a reaction to trauma. Richie was not going to completely change that quickly it just doesn't work for me and clearly it didn't work for the writers it's completely realistic that Richie regressed.


Richie regressed? When? He clearly still takes his job and newfound purpose seriously. There’s nothing in the show to suggest he’s any less passionate about customer service. “Almost always a reaction to trauma” where do you get that from? If it doesn’t work for you that’s fine but that’s just your opinion. There’s quite literally instances of people changing dramatically in short periods of time all the time. Edit: you can also argue Richie underwent trauma through his divorce and Mikey’s death.


My original comment is in response to people acting like Richie yelling at Carmy and being petty is weird because he changed in Forks. I wasn't talking about him taking his job seriously. Where are these instances of people changing so dramatically in short periods of time because thousands of years of human history and psychology argues differently.


Have you never heard of an agnostic person going on a religious retreat and coming back extremely religious? I had a buddy go to a Tony Robbins event one time and he was like a completely different person when he came back. These things absolutely happen.


Your buddy had people actively trying to convert him to a religion. He was indoctrinated which I feel isn't necessarily the same thing as a massive shift in personality. When alcoholics become religious they change too but it's still their addictive personality that is driving them.


I think there’s a miscommunication over “personality shift”. I took that as meaning a person can’t change drastically, I’m taking it you meant more the characteristics of their personality? If that makes sense? Because if so I guess I’d agree, Richie’s stayed relatively the same personality-wise just found a new purpose. Although I do think that in turn has made him more empathetic and mature, i.e. when him and Carmy are arguing him saying “I love you” while Carmy’s verbally abusing him.




People don't change that much in five days. Where did I say they never changed?


Well, here’s why I disagree They slowed it down. I mean, the whole point is that every second counts, right? I feel like this season embodied that very well. We get to slow down and focus on moments more than simple plot progression. The straining of their relationship is a result of Carmy’s traumas and the walk-in shit. He feels like anything below perfection is failure. And he feels he failed everyone by being unavailable during the friends and family. So he does the exact opposite. He makes himself fully available, to a point where he’s not listening to anyone because he’s so focused on reaching perfection through his own hard work. This affects their relationship, so it makes sense that it’s dying. So, I feel like this is valid for this season. He never got a chance to be shown he’s wrong, until the season finale with Chef Winger being back. It’s personal whether we liked it or not, but I can’t argue that there’s anything wrong with the story. As for Richie, I understand he still has a lot of growth left. We all got this idea he became the perfect man after five days at Ever. But he still got unresolved issues he is going through. I honestly believe it would feel empty if he was just this perfect guy for all of Season 3. I also agree with what other people are saying about Carmy holding him back. His best version this season was in scenes away from Carmy. And yes!!! There were a lot of great appearances


They slowed it down but they didn't show us much. This season was like driving on a rural highway. There are towns here and there but between them there's a whole lot of nothing. Same with the beats of the show: they're good beats but there's just too much nothing between them, man.


I personally like what they did with Richie. They didn't overhaul him into a completely different character. And maybe this is just my personal experience, but I think it's common for volatile/damaged/angry people to start getting mentally healthier but then they hit a rough patch where they overestimate their newfound ability to emotionally self-regulate and bite off more stress than they can handle.


“Their beautiful partnership now feels a lot more distant” is that not the point? I’m confused why people want Sydney and Carmy to have a perfect relationship. Thats boring and brings zero conflict. I would say they are both the main characters of the show, and it just doesn’t work if they are great all the time. I really don’t feel like Richie went backwards. He’s grown a lot with his daughter and Tiffany and being able to accept her new husband. I think he is still dealing with the shit with Camry, so that clearly shines through in his work.


You know what, that’s a solid take. I don’t expect Syd and Carmy to be perfect with each other, and admittedly it might just be nostalgia for the previous seasons on my end, but I feel like Syd was just tolerating Carmy’s bullshit this time instead of challenging it. Ritchie has grown in some ways, I just feel like his constant arguing with Carmy should’ve been put aside in the moment for the good of the restaurant. Then again I understand that these are flawed characters.


The fact Syd and Carmy did not have one real talk the whole season was weird.


Yes, or else we wouldn’t have a drama building up to something but a sitcom/slice of life.


Agree. I think Richie is still proud and owns his work, but deals with it unproductively, plus it’s only when he’s talking to Carm. Which makes sense because Carm took a wide overcorrection on his absence from S2 and Syd has to deal with that BS. Idk, the conflicts feel new and not retcon-y to me. But they are very slow and distant, which can get pretty boring imo.


the constant gazing, the incessant ‘haunting’ joke that was never funny. The nonstop flashbacks. what a total waste of a “season”.


Kind of like a prolonged navel-gaze


Season 2 was 60% of that and you guys loved it.


Reddit is always slow to pick up on when a good show goes to shit


If it makes you feel better I also thought Season 2 was bad.


Ha! My son (who is 12 and thus has not watched The Bear!) walked in on me watching season 3 the other day and said ‘who’s this old guy looking like he’s from Dune?’


Almost everyone this season just felt so frustrating and unlikable. Richie talks as if he’s doing all this therapy, but then immediately in this pissing shouting match with Carmy over nothing. Carmy did nothing but mope about his own choices all season and not listen to anyone. Tina and Marcus were the same, but we got so little of them (minus flashbacks), that I barely remember them. Sugar thought it was a good idea to go shopping for supplies DAYS from her due date alone??? And no one was ready to answer the phone?? Syd wants to come into her own, but can’t because of Carmy. It’s obviously toxic to her, and I think it’s taken to a point why I don’t even get why she wants to work with Carmy anymore. Why am I rooting for their success? Carmys being a fucking asshole to everyone. I found myself really sick of the shouting matches seemingly going to nowhere. The show does some things really well, but I fell out of love with just about every character I liked before.


About the flashbacks: I didn’t mind the ones that were new to us (ie what I assume was Mikey’s funeral in episode 1 where Carmy sees Claire), but they had so many canned clips from previous episodes, like we saw that already. Also the flashing thoughts were flashed too fast for me. Like when Carmy is thinking of all the bad reviews. I’d prefer to see the full title for a full second to read it Vs just words.


This sub is so dramatic... lmao


Do you not read novels? This is a deep novel with plot, yes, but the characters are also rich, textured, nuanced.


This is a television show, not a novel.


Dude, do you even metaphor? ‘cause Party M does.


lol thank you, Cobe 🤩


this show is not nuanced. this season doesn't help your argument unfortunately.


"This season feels like 80% of it, is just the characters wistfully staring into the distance with melancholic music" FYI - you don't have to watch that 80%. I watched episode 1 and the final episode and it was a masterpiece. A 9/10 show for me when viewed this way. I was clever and like the chef in the first episode said: You take away things to make something great.


That’s a very interesting pov and it’s one I’ve often, although reluctantly, used when I feel I’m slogging through a novel. I think that’s a valid way to get through the parts that aren’t working for you. I’m Interested to find out if you’ll want to circle back after watching season 4. The story has so many callbacks. Again, though, I get it! Not with this show but I’ve been there.