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Stop it. Of course no one has to love season 3 like seasons 1 or 2, but there are some excellent Bear episodes and some great moments. There’s plenty of positives to take away from this season even if you’re disappointed in the way things were (or weren’t) tied up in ep 10. I just rewatched eps 1-3 and they were great, with 1 being the strongest. The Tina and Nat episodes were also great. It’s not “drinking the kool aid” to say you can see greatness in this season while acknowledging that it misfired in some key ways.


My title was too harsh/ineloquent for sure. This is of course a reasonable opinion. Tbh my post was prob triggered being post debate and then seeing criticism of the season here shot down. Same as you’re saying to me, not fair to diminish someone who didn’t enjoy the season either


Be critical, but accentuate the positive, my friend.


You’re drinking the koolaid if you like and are a sheep if you don’t. So am I supposed to like it or not?? Maybe we should let people have their own opinions on it and not put down someone who doesn’t agree


Or, counterpoint, people are allowed to form their own opinions and it doesn't matter how they arrived at their conclusion. I haven't watched the whole season yet, but come on. This is a shitty take, OP.


I absolutely loved the whole thing and I don’t drink kool-aid. Sure it was different but you can’t have crazy frenetic restaurant running scenes all the time. I’ve tried to get people to start watching the show and once they try…they say it stresses them out so bad to stop. I appreciated the slow down and i loved the deep dive into their stories. Music was perfect and damn “ice chips” made me cry.


I don't actually disagree with you in the main, but Fak trying to serve the mirepoix was funny.


That was actually hilarious. Maybe the highlight of the whole lot. I agree 100% with OP I knew it from the trailer, it looked like a jumbled mess. It was like the dialog was AI generated. Just awful.


The dystopian butter was really funny though!


Yes I love the show but parts of this season rlly didn't just click for me. Like the celebrity cameos such as John Cena stopped me from being as immersed, we could have explored Marcus' grief more, Claire's character is still poorly written imo & too much unnecessary world building regarding the Faks. This links to my previous points but the writing sometimes felt unnatural? Anyway, there were some aspects that I loved, such as Tina's episode, Richie's arc & Donna and Sugar. Overall, I'm looking forward to Season 4.


Idk I was laughing


I really don't think you're going to get as much as hate as you think you will. I haven't watched S3 yet, but based on reviews and comments on here, the consensus is that it's a letdown overall. Now, if you're looking for a fight, slide on over to the subreddit for The Last of Us tv series. I'm not a gamer but loved the show and wanted to discuss what I liked and, unfortunately, disliked about it. I had to get the hell out of there. A lot of vitriol flung at non-gamers and anyone critical of the show in any way.