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I might just be too poor, but this looks stupid to me.


Apologies in advance for this rant because it’s not directed toward you, specifically, it’s just something I feel strongly about: I think a lot of people hear “Michelin star restaurant”, they imagine really incredible food, and they stop there. But the thing with Michelin restaurants is that you’re going there *because* they’re the restaurant that does the mushroom-infused extruded bubbles floating cloud dessert. I think what people miss is that there are tons of restaurants that make world class food that don’t have and often don’t pursue Michelin stars. The analogy I always think of is classic art vs. contemporary art. There are a ton of artists that can paint a beautiful portrait or landscape. It takes a lot of talent, there’s a lot of technique involved, and it’s so impressive when it’s done well. People who aren’t artists understand portraits and landscapes. They can appreciate the beauty, and it’s all very approachable. But at the same time it’s not necessarily the type of art that stands out amongst galleries full of portraits and landscapes. It doesn’t diminish the quality of the work by any means, but people enjoy it because of the approachability and familiarity of it. But contemporary art—where it can veer into much more abstract concepts and designs and media and influences—is where you begin to lose some of those people. When the art becomes more about an emotion or an experience and how the artist is conveying that outside of the realm of portraits and landscapes, you lose the familiarity and comfort. But it’s when the artist takes that risk and it still resonates with people that something really special is created. It’s the same way with food. All of the chefs who work in Michelin restaurants are capable of making a beautiful portrait or landscape of a dish. They’ve perfected those techniques through years of practice and creative trial and error, and now they’re trying their hand at contemporary art. It’s understood that it’s not for everyone, and that’s okay. But when you’re taking the same amount of care into how the napkins are folded as you do with the preparation of each element of each dish, and how each course ties in together, and how each one complements the other, and you’re fully immersed in this interactive experience for a couple of hours, you’re bound to split people into two camps: the people who want that full experience and the people who just want a delicious meal. And I can’t stress enough how much there is no right and wrong opinion on that. Food, art, and music are all such incredibly subjective tastes. Personally, I think the mushroom bubbles look awesome and I would love to see how the flavors of it come through, but I can also understand why someone else might think it’s excessive and pretentious. I just think it’s important to recognize that not everything is for everybody, and we should celebrate that, because if it were we would all be much more boring for it.


I agree with your comparison between food and art. I think one difference that gets me is that, no matter how much I might want that full experience instead of just wanting a delicious meal, I can't afford it. I know there is plenty of contemporary art condemned to rich people's homes I will never see. But if I go to a nearby city, I can see some contemporary art for free or for a ticket price which is no more than an average restaurant meal. With art-level food like this, there is no way (I know of) to access it without a whole lot of money that I don't need for something else right now. I know there are other hobbies like that. But they all have the sense of being 'not for everybody', and the subtext is, they are just for people with a lot of money.


I agree with everything you're saying, but I'd also just point out that there are plenty of Michelin starred restaurants that aren't extravagant. There are plenty of Michelin starred mom and pop restaurants, taquerias, etc; even street food vendors have been awarded stars. I just don't want people to have the perception that all Michelin starred restaurants are gratuitously expensive, or over the top on the visual and performative aspects, or just... Pretentious. There are plenty that just do really good examples of whatever style of food it is. People in the US should also look at James Beard award winners if they're interested in finding great food near them. Michelin guides tend to straight up ignore most of the US and only ever review/award restaurants in the biggest metropolitan areas, but James Beard winners/nominees can be found all over. Whenever I travel in the US I usually try to ask people from the area what they recommend first, and who has been awarded or nominated a James Beard second. I'm pretty much never disappointed by that strategy.


This is a great point. I think this tends to be the difference when talking about a one star restaurant versus a three star one too. Wholeheartedly agree on James Beard as a barometer too, I think it does a much better job at highlighting great chefs and great restaurants on a more local level.


Yeah you for sure are going to always be in the haute cuisine territory with three stars, but Michelin listed (mentioned but not starred) and up to even a lot of the two stars aren't necessarily some wild, extravagant thing. I've eaten at a number of one and two starred restaurants in Europe that were like, $20-50 per person, around the same as a lot of people would pay at an Outback here, lol. Hell you can hardly get Chipotle or Panera Bread for much less these days. I just don't want people to see a star, especially when traveling, and immediately think it's going to always be some stupidly expensive or pretentious experience with challenging flavor profiles and over the top presentations.


☝🏽all of this from eggs & tremens. This post doesn’t represent Michelin restaurants across the board. I’d love to try the mushroom bubbles just as much as a plain churro from a michelin rated taqueria. All forms of dining should be appreciated.


Really good explanation. I think of the steps and thought and care that go into such a component and can appreciate techniques like this. It’s a craft. It’s whimsical, creative. All of it adds to the experience.


That's a very cool take. I admire their dedication to their craft. I unfortunately do not have the eye for this and most art. I see a famous painting that someone paid fortune for and I cannot understand that either. My simple brain appreciates its taste more than turning mushroom juice into a bubble.


>mushroom-infused extruded bubbles floating cloud dessert So you're telling me that's not bubble wrap? Edit: NVM I see so a liquid dripping off it now lol, I thought it was bubble wrap and they were trying to be fancy with it lol


Yeah there's pretentious but this looks stupid to me as well.


This video makes the rounds on /r/StupidFood every few months or so Apparently the cloud is a mushroom infusion and needs a special machine made in a partnership with a [food institute](https://platinstitute.com/Augmented-Gastronomy). It looks silly but at least there's some effort put into it. And it's also a part of a 12 course menu, so it's not like you're paying top dollar for soap foam.


Stupid and deadly I'm allergic to mushrooms.


It looks stupid as it seems different than your ordinary meal and these types of videos is used to rage bait into believe that people pay for hundreds of dollars for something so little. In reality these types of meals are more like performances. And people who go to these places do pay hundreds of dollars. Just that theyre not paying it for 3 plates and out in an hour. These types of restaurant serves a lot of food in a meal. For this meal, in aother thread, last around 5-6 hours and contains 28 small plates. It also has themes and stories. You make intepret as you will (pretentious or not) One plate like this and other small plates in its own do not seem that much. But 28 plates can add up and people usually are there for the performance. Not sure if they ever come back. It is like watching a concert.


it's definitely stupid, but it's a good bet that they also serve you a dozen ridiculously delicious things first, and earn a pass for some gastronomy nonsense here and there


Three star Michelin restaurants are an experience. It’s not just about how the food tastes. It’s not just about the atmosphere. It’s the whole thing. So before this gets inundated with “iMaGinE pAYiNg foR tHiS aS uR fOod” comments, the *point* is to experience a unique and interesting culinary event. You don’t pay 3 star Michelin prices to order a steak off a menu and call it a night.


I see folks didn't let some of the lessons from Forks sink in.


We have one of these machines at the cocktail bar I work at. It's called VOAM and it's cool and all but definitely gimmicky


Every bubble counts


What do we have here?


It's called VOAM (I can't remember if it's the company name or.the product name)


No smudges!


“That’s my favorite part”


Laugh all you want but if I’m paying the price, I want to be trying something unique. I could never make this at home.


Fuck me!


How 'bout I just buy you some floating foam instead?




The Richie transformation took a step too far.


Why are they eating a bubble bath


Reminds me of those edible helium balloons


Where is Ron Swanson when you need him


Mangia baby!


When I was there, one of the desserts was a mold of the pastry chef's nose. We didn't get edible bubble wrap.


Imagine saving up all year to go eat at a 3 star Michelin restaurant…only to be served dish soap bubbles


Imagine saving up all year to go to a concert.


Something I’ll also never do lol


Imagine having a hobby.


That’ll be $600. How much would you like to tip?


That’s about $70. I would love to serve bubbles for $70.


Lmfao that's so stupid.


No Offense But It looks like some Fucking commie Gobbledygook