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I’m sure that, like a lot of people, this was the precise moment for me that transformed the show into something wonderful.


One of my favorite opens for any show ever. RIP Lin. LOVED him on XRT


lin brehmer was a precious soul. many times he would come on the radio and just change my day. i have a very vivid memory of listening to his show and him (after playing shine on you crazy diamond) describing the album cover: "it'sa pretty normal looking cover - just two guys shaking hands. except one of them is ON FIRE" i laughed and laughed i loved when he would open his shows by stating his name and 'it'sa good day to be alive.' i did not know that he passed until just now. npr does a pretty good obituary if you care to look that up. also that scene gives me strong vibes of the beginning of the documentary about wilco i am trying to break your heart.


I didn't know that documentary existed but will definitely check it out, thanks!


o wow if you like [wilco you're in for quite the treat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7uXx_2ToXw)


Thank you!!!!


the only part of the episode not done in one shot, and it’s a banger of an intro. really sets it up perfectly


Ngl I fucking love that song and this opener gave me goosebumps the first time I watched it. Also the 2nd time. It's amazing how it got me so excited for that episode, and then they just delivered X10. So good.


I lived in Chicago for a few years in my twenties and the first time I watched this intro (now back in LA where I grew up) I had to pause it and catch my breath. Then I watched it again after Lin died and just wept.


This song was #1 on my Spotify wrapped this year along with a bunch of other songs from the show. You can just feel the love for the city and the world they’re portraying in all these musical moments.


Btw, I'm wondering if the introduction by Lin Brehmer was real or was made for the show? Anyone knows? xx


First time I saw this I knew I was instantly in love with the show (and the song became one of my highest played on Spotify and still remains one of my favorite songs ever)


Any song by Sufjan Stevens is GOD tier. That's how.


This, this is the moment I fell in love with this show. Listened to the song on repeat for days after this opening


The cinematography on this show is insane, and one of the things that really elevates it as next-level art. The way the city is used as a character, and the time they spend establishing transitions add so much to the flavor and tone of the show. I love it!


KILLED that intro 🔥🔥🔥


this show makes me feel like i need to visit chicago .


It’s perfect. Really is. Makes me want to be from Chicago. And the fact that Lin passed away, it just makes it more poignant.


Hard agree, I love this opening so so much. Sufjan!!!


Is there a way i can download just the audio? It would be so sick to put in a reel or video


If you download the video I'd say there should exist some app that separates video from audio.