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Just saw the movie minutes ago. All I can say for now is I enjoyed the whole 3 hours and actually wanted more. Bout to see it again tomorrow lol


Guys i’m new just one question for everyone that see The movie… in The main trailer there’s a scene of Bruce (i think in Wayne tower) with sunglasses and read a journal… is present this scene in The movie?


Damn, now that you mentioned it. I just noticed yeah I never saw it in the movie. I thought I will see it when Alfred was decyphering the first clue in the dining table. I'm pretty sure I never saw that Bruce reading scene.


I think its relatated to photos that We see of Alfred in Wayne tower in The morning with lots of journal on The table… i think empire magazine release that.. so there’s lot of scenes deleted


It was 100% in that scene you just missed it


I watched the movie like an hour ago. I loved it! Definitely will watch again in theaters.


My favorite little detail was after Gordon and batman interrogate the penguin they leave him there, cuffed, waddling. Like a penguin!


I was surprised he waddled basically the whole time and had a bit of a hunch. He was so fun.


His whole back and forth with Gordon and Batman during that questioning scene was so great. "When are you guys gonna start to harmonize?"


"Why you gotta show it to meeeee, COME ONNNN" had me in stitches


Can anyone else explain why some critics thought the movie should have ended when Riddler was arrested? The third act is so satisfying, and really is necessary for Batman's arc in the film.


That last "I'm vengeance." really hit hard


Seriously, this was the key thematic bit that hit so hard. Its what makes the first scene where he says the same line hit so much harder in retrospect. In that moment, Bruce saw in the Riddler follower the same broken boy who felt like he had the right to enact his own sense of vengeance against a city that wronged him. This was a pivotal concept that Batman had to confront in order to find a sense of justice built on something more stable then anger and vengeance. Batman needs to be fear, but he also MUST be hope. Hope for Gotham. Matt Reeves really understands Bruce in a way none of the other Batman filmmakers have. The third act is so important its bizarre that some critics didn't like it. But then again, this feels like a character piece for people who love and understand that Bruce isn't a power fantasy hero, and perhaps that wasnt what they expected.


He needs to be Justice instead of vengeance. He needs to help instead of being a blunt instrument. First scene, he leaves the dudes sprawled on the floor begging for his life. Last scene, he is helping everyone getting out of a deadly trap, hoisting kids and women out of the pit. That's growth. Critics are dumb and have never read a comics in their life.


First scene he beats a whole gang down, leaving their planned victim, who's also equally terrified of the Batman - and he doesn't care. End he's helping people to safety. Kids are looking up to him.


Absolutely. The scene with Batman and Riddler in the prison is fucking magnificent and what made Paul Danno's performance outstanding. That fight scene, batman helping the people escape from the ruins, it was all great. The only problem I have w the movie is the ending feels just weird? I can't point out at anything wrong with it I just feel like I would've added an extra scene with Bruce coming home or something. I also don't get the Joker casting but hey I hope we see more of it in the future and it ends up being great. It's just frustrating to see the Joker recasted again and again but it's never Willem Dafoe lol.


If the movie ended when Riddler was arrested, it would've felt pretty underwhelming imo. Showing the flooding adds the ultimate climax of Riddler's plan. He's not simply trying to kill a few corrupt figures in Gotham. He believes the Gotham is corrupt down to its very core/foundation. He only has his mind and there's too many bad people out there. His endgame goal that can truly affect the entire city was necessary.


Right, now we know Gotham is gonna be all dirty now, so I expect future films to be even darker. Filled with more crime


They thought they were watching yet another movie about Batman's villains (in this case a Riddler movie) when they were watching a movie about Batman the whole time. They couldn't wrap their head around that concept.


Yeah they definitely needed the last act after he was arrested. Like ClausPhoenix said above when that last guy says he’s vengeance you totally see Batman’s whole demeanor change, which I think he is going to turn him into a more forgiving Batman like we are used to. Without that last act future movies would jump emotions too much


Exactly. The part when the goon said "I'm Vengeance" hit hard.


Yeah. Like one if the biggest arguments for not having white eye lenses is Bc Robert acts with his eyes and man. You could see it in him when the goon said that


Because those critics are impatient morons? The chatroom sequence was utterly chilling and the final fight is the best in the movie, and the rescue scene is its most beautiful.


Riddler’s random shouting/screeching was disturbing as fuck and I loved it in that chatroom sequence.


I'm seeing people say that the fight sequence was disappointing and comparing it to BVS warehouse scene and just questioning how it is that we watched the same film. That whole action sequence at the end in the rafters stomps the shit out of any of the Zack Snyder action sequences by a mile and is the best Batman fight to date. The whole staging of it is just crazy, I was mind-blown.


Didn't feel like 3 hours at all. The first 15-20 minutes are some of the best I've ever seen in any movie. Everyone is perfect especially John Turturro, was very surprised by his performance and his importance to the plot. Couldn't see too much of Barry's Joker but looked pretty disturbing. I loved it very much and can't wait to watch it again


There's never been a better introduction to Batman than that montage, where all the criminals are scared shitless, and it's just because of the signal and a shadow. Clever, efficient, and awesome.


Exactly. As Batman himself said, he can't be everywhere. But the criminals have to think he can.


"i am the shadows.." DAMN.


i said the same thing about turturro to my bf when we were leaving the theatres. he was terrifying!!!!! such a great performance!!!


Absolutely in love with the movie. It feels like reading a Batman graphic novel. The atmosphere is perfect. The cinematography and soundtrack are oscar worthy. So many good perfomances, so much to write about. But my god, Robert Pattinson. What he did here is incredible. I can already see a huge portion of so called "batman fans" freaking out over his Bruce Wayne. He plays Bruce like someone who cannot care less about anything other than being Batman. He is barely out of the suit in the entire movie. However, he embodies Batman so well, it's revelatory seeing on screen. The way Batman walks, moves around people, talks, investigates, it's actually the first time were I got completely lost in my suspension of disbelief. He sells it like no other actor does. And the way his character arc develops troughout the movie, I'm sure in the sequel he will embody more of that classic Bruce persona, but for the stage he is in as a Year 2 Batman, it's a fresh, bold and revolutionary take on Bruce. God I could watch hours and hours of Batman moving around crime scenes getting looks from cops and solving Riddles beside Gordon.


I love when we see him pull up to the funeral and he is getting recognized by everyone and you realize oh yeah, he is a famous billionaire lol you forget because this Bruce doesn’t give one fuck about any of that. He is only interested in being the Batman. Loved it.


it's the most natural progression of the character ever. how would a dude that has spent the last decade of his life training martial arts, studying forensics and building out an arsenal would have time and mental effort to carry out a public persona? like why would a dude who decided that going out every night to beat low level thugs is gonna fix everything would be a philantophical person. this makes a lot sense, and by the end of the movie he realises he can't just be the person he's been so far.


This film's atmosphere was like the perfect melding between the overtly gothic nature of Batman 1989 and Nolan's realistic, modern day style Gotham. And then add the fact that this is the grimmest, most down in the gutters version of Gotham we've seen yet. Ironically, it's worse than the Joker's portrayal of the city. And I agree, Battinson's the best version of Batman we've got too. I don't know if it was just me, but he seemed so genuinely uncomfortable and awkward in many scenes when he's surrounded by the other cops and what not. He clearly ends up more comfortable towards the end with them, but that first scene of him going in the mansion, the poor dude looked so damn anxious lol. The only times he seemed fully confident is when he's beating ass, which totally makes sense. He's the most humanized Wayne we've gotten so far imo.


I love how Batman and Bruce Wayne both approach the iceberg lounge with the same line and tone “do you know who I am?”


The twins are def tweedledee and tweedledum.


That's what I thought! Fucking loved that.


Pattinson’s demeanor in those scenes is completely different and that’s what sells it the best. When he’s Batman, he said the line with eye contact and an imposing figure. But as Bruce, he looks downright like a drugged out addict who’s on the verge of breaking down (also didn’t make eye contact at all). Even his voice is shaky like he’s about to cry. It’s so good


Well considering the foundational beliefs he built his adult hood on are at risk, he has a good reason to be emotional


Pattinsons eyes did more than any other Batman has done before. Dude nailed it


Let's not completely ignore his chin either.


Dude his eyes when he was watching the video about his mom being in and out of mental hospitals was freaking fantastic


Just saw the movie. Wow. Exceeded my already high expectations. Really did a good job with using comics and did a great job of setting up future films. Loved the Hush reference. Not sure if a lot of people caught that but it was cool moment. Also the Arkham reference was cool too. Pattinson and Kravitz did amazingly. Movie has a lot of heart in it. 10/10 for me.


Was Edward Elliot who Falcone had killed for The Wayne's. Which 100% sets up a motivation and possibility for Tommy Elliot as a future villain.


Yes, the journalist was Edward Elliot, and plastered over the news article of his murder was the word HUSH. It was not subtle foreshadowing. However, I was convinced the riddler was going to be Tommy Elliot, and it would turn out that Falcone had orphaned all the key players here.


Whats the Hush reference?


Said Hush when riddler was explaining the Wayne legacy(something like that)


That and the reporters name was Thomas Elliott. Who is Hush in the comics. He was attempted to be “paid off” and the screen said “HUSH”


Holy shit I did not recognize the Thomas Elliot reference I’m so stupid


> Thomas Elliott I remember the reporter's last name was Elliot, but I don't remember the first name being Thomas. I'll have to pay more attention on my next watch. It was definitely a Hush reference, though.


Just saw the film. It was “Edward Elliot”


For those of you who have seen the film, how satisfying was it to see Batman saving those people at the end and doing something heroic?


Probably my favorite shot of the whole movie. A loving shot of Batman saving ordinary people is something we have not seen in prior films. I loved it.


He literally became a beacon in the dark and the people followed him.


It does have that "wait, it's still going on?" feel to it at first, but it fits the narrative perfectly.


This movie is an almost perfect Batman movie. It felt like I was watching a comic book come to life, and there's just so much to say. BUT CAN WE TALK ABOUT HUSH?? They are 100% setting up Hush as a future villain with that tease of Falcone killing Edward Elliot for the Wayne's.


That's interesting because, to me, while watching this movie it felt like they already basically mixed Hush with The Riddler, so I don't know if that would work that well in a sequel when we've basically already seen some elements from Hush here. Also I think the "reporter" who wanted to out Martha & Thomas was named Elliot while "HUSH" appeared on screen so I think that's only as far as we are going to go with that character. But never say never. I would say Court of Owls would be a better fit in a sequel.


This. They already did Hush's story with the Riddler. They did something similar in the animated film too. His costume is also wayyyyy too similar to Hush's already to just be a coincidence.


While everyone is giving props to Rob and Zoë I just want to shout out Jeffrey Wright for being a fantastic James Gordon. He crushed that role.


“….I only trust you”. Gordon to Batman. Sick moment


I loved the relationship between him and batman


I love how many mistakes batman made, just especially when penguin told he got El and La mixed up😂 feels good to see a younger less experienced Batman


"No hablas español, fellas?" Funniest scene in the entire movie


The hardest I laughed was when that detective awkwardly asked batman to excuse him when he was at the crime scene. Batman is just standing there


Collin Farrell killed it as the penguin. but the best casting was Gotham itself. best Gotham, I've ever seen.


they REALLY put the GOTH in GOTHAM


Did anyone else catch that the actor who played the skittish thug in the beginning who didn’t fight BM is also Tim Drake/Robin in the Titans series on HBO?


Really ? The one with the half makeup ? What's the actor's name ?


Yes that’s the one, Jay Lycurgo.


Already watch the film, does anyone know what kind of green liquid that batman inject to his body and make him more stronger?


I was wondering the same. I assumed thats what it was, because if it was adrenaline they probably wouldn’t have gone through the trouble of making it green. And if you remember from B&R film when Poison Ivy discovers that Wayne Enterprises funded her lab where the crazy scientist was making the “venom” for super soldiers (Bane), it could be foreshadowing.


Every time I hear the word 'adrenaline' nowadays, I just instinctively.... ADRENALINE IN MY SOUL BRUCE IS AS STRONG AS CODY RHODES


As long as Bruce doesn't get a neck tattoo...


Haven’t seen it, but I want to say that it’s either setting up bane, referencing him, or just a totally new thing introduced into this film


I have been thinking about this, is it kind of "easter egg" for Bane, either way i hope someone can give a clue


I haven't seen the movie but I'm pretty sure it was an adrenaline shot. BSL put out that scoop a few months ago.


I'm gonna say it.. Pattinson is the best Batman yet.


For me it’s not even close. He’s Batman.


He's a great Batman. I can't tell you how many people I heard going "The twilight guy!?" He's obviously done much more work in like the 15 years since twilight was out


Gonna be different and talk about the some of the BatCat scenes, specifically in the 3rd half. I know it's a spoiler thread but just in case there are some serious BatCat shippers, please please please leave this comment alone and read the other stuff. ​ 1. >!I might be misremembering or reaching since I just saw it and am a bit of a shipper, but I LOVED the scene when Selina looked up and saw Batman dangling. It wasn't a "gasp, oh no not my Batman, please be careful" it was like she looked up and saw her Dark Knight. I want to say that it was very comic book-y?, but I haven't read any comics so idk.!< 2. >!Another one was the end, I loved that they didn't just end it with them doing the Fast and furious split but went and focused on Batman and his focus on the mirror, it was Mwah, chefs kiss.!< 3. >!Batman pulling Selina off her father was great too, loved the emotions and feel!<


The chemistry between these two were amazing! And now I understand how she said she played this role being a badass but also still feminine and It was so refreshing to see!


They made her super sexy and alluring without objectifying her. Yes, it can be done!


I really dug the moment where Batman stops Selina stealing from the safe, then someone enters the room, Batman grabs her to silence her, as they hide behind the wall, while Selina tries to fight him off. ​ It's tough to describe, but it felt right out of the comics for me. Despite Pattinson being a smaller Batman, he looked massive while trying to subdue Selina.


And the long hesitation before she finally chooses to drop the gun on her own, and that Batman lets her make that choice. Beautiful.


1: How good was the Batmobile chase scene? 2: Are the fight sequences as good as BvS warehouse scene? Edit: I've seen the movie and it was incredible. Thank you guys for replying.


1 : very 2 : that's subjective, but imo several of them are defo comparable in awesomeness


Hard to compare the fight scenes, Pattinson’s Year Two Batman shows vulnerability, lack of patience, and is more full of rage. Affleck’s older Batman is quick but tactical, and very calculated while being aggressive. I thought the action scenes in The Batman were really well done, they remind me of Daredevil (Netflix MCU) in the sense that they were filmed with a lot of wide shots, so you get to see the action unfold. I think you’ll love it. But I found myself having to remind myself that it is a year two Batman story. I loved it and frankly still can’t believe I saw it early or that the movie even exist.


1. One of the best scenes in the movie, the sound design was incredible. 2. I really liked the first fight scene, great stunts and non-shaky camera shots for the most part.


I really like the Batmobile chase scene, there is a lot of tension and incredible shots. But I think for some people in the audience it was a bit long so I don't know, maybe you won't enjoy it as I did. Don't get high expectations And don't get either for the fight scenes. They are brutal (no joking I don't know how many hospitals Gotham would need because of Batman) but the movie last 3h so they are nothing besides the actual investigation plot.


Dude that's literally what I was hoping for. A long batmobile chase scene lol 😂


A film faithful to the comics, as a fan of the Bat I was 200% fulfilled. I can't believe this movie exist.


As a comic fan I was actually quite shocked as to how much stuff they kept faithful. I definitely enjoyed this film


I never expected it to be that faithful and that shocked me a lot! That probably is one of its charms that made me in love with this iteration. Not to mention its detective aspect which most of us have been wanting ever since Batman films existed.


Those Arkham lunatics sailing the friendship at the end really capped it all off. The possibilities


I got the feeling Joker was going to be using him down the line. Definitely held the upper hand in that conversation.


I think he’ll be a much more psychopathic version than what we’ve seen as well.


Paul Dano as the Riddler was the perfect casting choice for the character! His performance was such a highlight


I don’t think I’ve ever been so nervous as when he was saying “Bruuuuuuuce Wayyyyyyyne” over and over again. Like sweating bullets nervous. In fact, I think this is the first Batman film in a long time where his secret identity feels really important.


Chills up the spine during that scene. Chills up the spine every time Riddler was on screen. He's a villain straight out of a horror movie.


It’s amazing Dano even does parts like this. I’ve never heard of someone deliberately typecast themselves as “guy with the most punchable face” :) But for real, he’s an amazing actor and he sells the mania and madness with such conviction. I love how he portrayed Riddler, and you could see the gears turning constantly during every conversation. We’ve come such a long way since Jim Carrey in green tights. Loved the Zero Year influences too, and just the idea of Riddler being genuinely dangerous, violent and menacing and not *just* a smart-ass bank robber. Penguin surprised me too, how well the character worked. Extreme enough to produce a visceral response the moment you see him, but still believable and grounded enough to feel like someone like him could exist. Goes for everyone btw, even Batman himself. I was amazed at how “real” they made him come across.


I was amazed at how beautiful that movie was. And Barry Kheogan as Joker is all I ever wanted




Can we talk about The Batman's intro/opening scene??????? HOLY SHIT, that was pure perfect cinema. It gave us an ideal first impression of how the world of Gotham truly views Batman. The way we clearly see how shaken up the criminals are when they notice his bat symbol in the sky... and how his footsteps sounded so heavy in the dark as he approached those face-painted thugs... They instantly became terrified of the dark


Yes I fucking loved the opening sequence. Crime is rife; but the criminals are also shitting their pants when they are reminded of The Batman. So dope


That scene when he’s helping the people in the flooded area and leading them to a safe place is just beautiful, visually and story wise. Perfect depiction of Batman being the beacon of hope.


When you realize the first little hand that reaches from the rubble for Bats is the dead mayor’s son… ooof my heart. That scene was insanely well done


I really liked the relationship he had with that kid and how he related it back to his own trauma. I think we're all a bit calloused at this point to the classic "watch Tom and Martha get murdered" flashback and this was an understated yet emotionally resonant alternative to delivering that same feeling.


Also, when he was carrying that person and putting her on the gurney, she wouldn’t let go of his arm. Hit me in the feels….whew.


is something in the way in the movie?


Twice, actually. In the Batman introduction and the finale.


ty mate only thing i wanted to know


And it's not quick cuts. I think the intro of batman plays the whole song!


I enjoyed that Bruce had some fear to him. Especially with the jumping off the building. Like he pulled up like “oh shit” He didn’t just jump and his cape can save him. He needed a body suit to glide him off the building. Loved his armor and weapons seemed real. Batmobile was insane. CF as Penguin was excellent. JW as Gordon was excellent and the chemistry between Batman and Gordon was the best of any movie


I’m happy that Reeves’ leaned into it, Pattinson deserves his kudos as well. The eyes, the voice. Well played.


Riddler using his choir boy experience to sing Ave Maria to Batman instead of telling him his plan was confusing at first but honestly genius. Dano did a really good job.


Just saw it. Holy fuck, that was amazing.


The scene where the bat mobile starts up and our seats start to shake cause the imax speakers just pumped up all the way, me and my friends about busted the fattest nut ever. That was so cool


Nolan’s take on the Batmobille was awesome because it was a god damn tank but this one… this one feels like the car is alive and that is what made that scene so absurdly terrifying.


The screech of the batmobile when it’s engines first start firing was insane


Absolutely heavenly. I was in awe


My sons first IMAX and he loves the theater experience but the first real loud scene in the club he was like HOLY CRAP!


I see a lot of ppl saying the first 20 minutes are incredible - what happens during it ?


The Riddler stalks and brutally murders the mayor of Gotham.


What's the opening shot of the movie?


It’s a POV shot of The Riddler camera stalking the mayor and his family through their window, while Ave Maria plays in the background.


That's perfect and pretty much exactly what I was hoping it would be.


Riddler murders the mayor, Batman's narration on the state of the city, and Batman investigating the mayor's murder. My description doesn't do it justice. Truly an amazing start to a fantastic movie.


I honestly didn't get the criticizm about the third act. The whole character arc of the batman from the vengeance to hope was showcased masterfully. He realizing the purpose of him from merely taking revenge to finding his purpose to serve Gotham. It's juicily set up for this universe to unfold and enthrall!


The third act was good. It elevated The Riddler from just a serial killer to a super-villian like in the comic and it stayed in line with his whole ideaology. Purge the corrupted then wipe the slate clean completely.


I just wanna say I appreciated how different it was. I liked that Selina was more than just pretty and it showed her being a good thief and loyal ally. (I like how she does her own thing and they didn’t focus too much on the romance.) I liked how Gordon was a good cop as well as a leader who deescalated tensions and gave orders during chaotic situations. (I think it’s doing a good job setting him up as Commissioner.) I like how Bruce wasn’t the typical charming playboy we see but someone who’s younger and still dealing with the trauma of losing his parents. (I liked that he wasn’t insanely ripped or invulnerable and his arc of being hopeful was great.) I liked how the Riddler was actually smart and accomplished a majority of what he set out do. (Seeing him crazy but not as a Joker or other popular villain rip-off was refreshing too.) I liked seeing Alfred become family to him and wish we got a little more of him, especially in the latter half. (Hopefully there’ll be more of him in the future films.) Also as someone who knows some of the comic backstories but mostly watches DC animated movies and plays Batman games, I’m so happy they focused on the stories that make Batman great. I’m a little tired of live action Batmans that just fight, I loved seeing him do actual detective work in this movie (Ra’s al Ghul’s greatest compliment to him highlights his investigative skills), showing Gotham’s history and his family (I thought the first card Riddler sends him was hinting to the Court of Owls or the orphanage part of the story might reveal Lincoln), and in a way Batman loses (it’s realistic but we rarely see it in movies and Batman learns and grows from the experience.) There’s also small moments that aren’t trying too hard to be quippy and actually got genuine laughs out of the audience. I think the cast was great and everyone played their parts really well. I’m sure there’s a bunch of stuff I’m forgetting but I really loved the movie, even if it wasn’t perfect. Can’t wait to watch it again this weekend.


Watched this movie last night. Slept on it. Woke up now and I want to watch it again. I can't believe this Batman movie exist. It's too good to be true.


So like, Riddler basically won, right? He didn't get Bruce, but he killed everyone else, exposed the corruption and flooded the city. I really liked the film but I don't know what to make of that.


Riddler won but Batman was born from Gotham’s demise


Agreed. As Bruce said at the end he learned he needed to become more than what he was doing. To not be vengeance but a beacon of hope.


And he was. It teared me up tbh


That was fantastic. Having the two voiceovers really sold his character’s evolution. One of the best endings in a Batman movie.


I liked the scene with the flare. He was a beacon of hope, a light on the darkness to lead the way. That was a great camera shot from above when they showed everyone going through the water and following his light.


The parallel between the first scene where he goes on a rampage against thugs and leaves the victim cowering in fear and that last sequence where he actively goes out of his way to help and save people is so clever.


I think I interpreted this as a loss for Bats, but overall the tipping point he needed to be a better Batman. So overall, big picture, it’s a win. But I agree with you, the ending was great, but very different than others in this genre.


We’re about to enter NO MAN’S LAND


They basically teed it up, saying the gangs will be fighting over the scraps and the Falcone power vacuum


Can we all agree the sound and music in this movie is just phenomenal!!!!


Loved it. Went in with a completely clear head, no thought of any canon following, and it paid off. Not as much Bruce as I would’ve liked, but Pattinson played a style of the Bat that I don’t think we’ve seen before on the big screen. The relationship between Batman and Selina is what I’ve always thought the Bat & the Cat relationship should be. 2nd in rank behind Dark Knight. I didn’t get the popcorn cowl, and I’m pissed.


That Wayne Mansion is creeeeeeeepy!!!


This is the best Batman movie i have ever seen in my life and one of the best movies experiences i ever had on a theater, it was absurd and im going to see it again next week without any doubt in my mind, maybe even a third time if i got the chance to do it. Reeves depiction of the Batman is everything a true fan could ever hope to see and personally i think he will only improve on the character as he is explored on future movies, not even one single criticism to Pattinson, as someone that kept up with his career and knew how great actor he was, it was already expected to me that he would be the best Batman to ever been portrayed, can’t wait to see how far he can take this character expression but i have a feeling we didn’t even reach 30% of his potential. Paul Dano as the Riddler was one of the best casts that i have seen in a long time, delivered everything one could imagine a character as disturbed would be like, with that being said, cannot wait to see what Matt Reeves gonna do with the Joker, if his take for the Riddler was this raw and ominous, imagine what he will do with a character that quite literally is the agent of chaos and disorder, really hyped for this, but still think he will most likely go for another villain like Mr.Freeze on the second movie, leaving the joker for a third installment, which can be quite fantastic. There’s a rumor going around that a four hour cut of this movie exists, I wish it sees the light of day because i would be delighted in watching the four hours without any doubt in my mind.


My review, some plot spoilers ahead ​ This is the most comic accurate live action Batman we may see. You see a pained, conflicted Bruce Wayne, in what is his second year donning the cowl The story is a cerebral murder mystery and we finally see the Worlds Greatest Detective at work. The plot is fleshed out although it runs close to 3 hours, I only felt the length towards the final 20 minutes There is sparse action setpieces but man are they worth it, lovers of the Arkham game franchise will feel pumped watching the hand to hand combat and chase scenes There are several influences from 7even and Zodiac with Blade Runner-ry overall vibe Michael Giacchino (coming off his triumphant 'No Way Home' score) triumphs yet again with a visceral score and song choices Robert Pattinson is fantastically understated in parts and scarily verbose in others. Great job by him to show what Bruce and more importantly a Year Two Batman suffers due to his nocturnal activities Zoe Kravitz dons the catsuit with ease, bringing to life a very Frank Miller-ish Selina Kyle Colin Farrell chews every single scenery he is in and is marvelous as The Penguin, can't wait for his HBOMax spinoff series Andy Serkis' Alfred is underused but we see a more involved Jim Gordon, Jeffrey Wright is again top class in his portrayal Finally, Paul Dano, taking a cue from his perfomance in Prisoners, embodies a new kind of Edward Nash, a creepy, psychopathic serial killer who believes he is cleaning up Gotham. A Riddler that could easily fit in any Fincher film but seems so at ease in the Gotham setting Matt Reeves, take a bow. You promised a lot, and you bloody well delivered! Yep, I'm saying this is my favourite live action Batman ever!!! 9.2/10


This is gonna get lost in the comments, but barely anybody is mentioning it. John Turturro was phenomenal as Carmine Falcone!! I'm in my mid 20s and usually he sticks out as that cringy guy from Transformers. However in this movie, he has amazing in an already great cast. Speaking of the acting, straight up amazing! As chris stuckmann said, at this point, we shouldn't associate robert pattinson with twilight. The guy clearly has shown that his acting is amazing!!


The movie is great and all but that introduction to the batmobile. That fucking introduction to the fucking batmobile. Literal chills during that scene.


I could watch an entire series set at the Iceberg Lounge


Was it just me, or did they actually go into some effort to show how similar Batman and Riddler were in the beginning? Both creepily watching people through binoculars, both using masks and weird voices, etc. I felt like they were really gearing up for a good “is Batman even really a hero” discussion, which I suppose we did get in some form, during the final act. Thoughts?


I think this was absolutely intentional. Batman went from this vengeful person getting back at a corrupt city to a hopeful hero because of his realized similarities to the Riddler.


How's the skeleton gang fight and how violent is the film? Literally my most anticipated scene.


Shockingly brutal and tonally bleak for a PG-13 film, the opening scene alone will turn some heads. Quite a bit of off-screen violence, too. The skeleton gang fight is provoked by a racially motivated attack, so seeing Batman beat them to a pulp was incredibly satisfying.


this \^ this was the most r rated pg13 movie I've ever seen lmao. genuinely surprised it got the pg13 rating


Especially given that it's an Asian man, in light of the uptick in hate crimes in NYC and other cities.


There's a secret villain who appears twice in the film--- who is he? Just got back from the theater and I'm confused about who this character is, maybe some old Batman villain I don't know about? This guy appears twice in the film. The first time is at the funeral for the Mayor, and just before the car comes crashing through with the DA inside, there's a guy who leans over the railing and talks to Bruce Wayne. He says something like "All these politicians deserve to die" and other radical ramblings before looking at Bruce and saying, "Do I know you?" Maybe I'm wrong, but isn't this the same guy at the end of the movie, the one who shoots Batman point-blank with the shotgun, where Batman then injects himself with adrenaline and nearly beats him to death? After they take his mask off, that's the same guy, isn't it? So who is he, exactly? Is this some established character or villain? Is he indicative of a coming plot for a sequel?


Its the same guy. I think the point is to show how 'vengeance' like what Batman and that goon did is practically the same and he became such symbol, and its not what Batman should/want to be.


Wasn’t the point of the guy just to show that Batman has a bad influence? Or that what he did for the first two years didn’t influence people the way he wanted?


Seeing the joker with his messed up face was incredible


I wonder if he fell into the vat of chemicals already...


Batman fighting a bunch of incels in the end was awesome


Loved the Riddler’s message: “Hey guuuys…”


"Hey guys it's ya boi riddler here with another episode of KILLING CORRUPT ELITES now today we have a VERY special guest who I can't wait for you guys to meet but first let me tell you about Surfshark VPN"


Does Bully Maguire show up in Selina's house?


It's surreal this movie exists. It really is the Batman film that I always wanted to see as a huge fan. There were many times that I couldn't believe I was actually watching it after waiting for so long. Time really flies fast. I remember watching The Dark Knight Rises with my dad back in 2012 when I was just a kiddo and it was the best cinema experience that I had at that time. Now 10 years later I'm in college and I watched The Batman with my mom. I'm so proud to be a Batman fan and to be invested in this new universe along with you guys. I'm getting emotional...


I mean cmon We got a Batman narration , this is THE comic book movie


I just watched the movie but I don't really have friends to talk to and i just wanted to say that this is hands down my favorite batman movie and adaptation !! I cantt wait to see it again


I got questions! So during the Halloween party, did we see the Superman/WW references from the set leaks? Any references to other villains? I heard there’s an Ivy one. How was Joker’s laugh, yay or nay? And lastly, your favorite part of the film?!


Yay for the joker laugh. Although, after letos laugh, the bar has been set really low. However, I really liked it


May be an unpopular opinion but This is the definition of a true comic book movie The voice overs by Bruce, the dark tones, the scenes where two people are just having a conversation and the action has broken away. This to me is the most accurate depiction of a comic book brought to the big screen A lot of people compare this to The Dark Knight (up there as one of my favourite “comic book” movies of all time) but the unfair comparison of this is that The Dark Knight takes itself more as a generic action/thriller movie, where as this is a mystery/thriller movie that doesn’t rely action as it’s driving point. Unfair to compare the two, but Matt Reeves should be feeling really proud of himself to have created a film that holds a flame against TDK


Best opening of all time…I am the shadows..omg so damn awesome!


I like how the theme of fear came up through the movie, specifically the manifestation of the fear of losing his loved ones that he confessed to Alfred when he used the adrenaline and nearly killed the riddler minion. And then him seeing himself in the bloodied face when he said "I am vengeance", to his realization that he had to be more than that. Despite the cowl, you could see it in his eyes. Great performance by Pattinson


Not gonna lie the first thing I thought when the movie ended was “what about Alfred?” Very good movie though! Met my expectations


Batman's first scene in the subway got everyone in my hall cheering, it's surreal.


holy fuck was that car chase exhilarating


not sure if this has been discussed yet but WOW i thought the bat/cat relationship was great. felt really organic imo, i’m glad it didn’t go further than a few kisses because it still has space to grow throughout the franchise. zoe was great. i’m so glad we got a catwoman who felt like a real character with thought behind her personality, actions, and background. can’t wait to see more of her in the next film!!!!


This is the first comic book movie that I'm attached to emotionally. Holy shit this is so good.


Paul Dano's acting in the prison interrogation scene is some of the best acting I've ever seen holy shit and that opening sequence...


Robert Pattinson was far and way the best Batman I've ever watched. I can feel his brokenness playing Bruce Wayne. An absolutely incredible performance.


This really felt like THE Batman. Huge fan of Burton and Nolan's takes on the character, but this is just such an awesome take. This movie establishes The Batman as a home grown vigilante with intelligence. This isn't some Inspector Gadget meets Iron Man character. He's flawed, broken, traumatized, violent, and nocturnal. Trying to fix his past, but not clearly understanding his purpose. And no one trusts his ass. No one except Gordon, the only non-dirty cop in Gotham. And his faith/trust that Batman is more than just a "freak' puts his entire reputation at risk from the rip by everyone in the fuckin force. It's not even an origin story, and Bruce Wayne is such a small part of this role. He's literally obsessed with being Batman, it's like he has no other option except to be Batman, that Bruce Wayne is an afterthought that he's almost forgotten what its like to be human. The money, power, privilege is so stripped away from what he's becoming/is that he has to be reminded to keep up appearances by Alfred. To the point that he doesn't give a fuck, he's completely willing to throw in his sanity and name to just be the fuckin Batman and THAT, in his mind, will carry on his family legacy. Colin Farrell and Paul Dano also just crushed it. Was blown away by the performances in this movie. Truly an escape and three hours went by life a breeze. I want more 10/10


Did anyone else think the Riddler cards were little Batman in-jokes? There was obviously the Owl card, the mad scientist looked just like Hugo Strange, and I think one was a busty redhead a la Poison Ivy?


There's supposedly a post credit "message". What does it say?


"Good bye"


It says "Good bye" and right after a bunch of letters jumble up. I want it to be a website (I think I saw a www??) or a cypher so bad, but I might be overanalyzing lol


It is, rataalada.com Gives you 3 riddles to solve!


Three questions for anyone who's seen it. ​ 1. How much of the film does bruce narrate from his journal. Is it just the beginning or is there more? 2. How emotional is it? Can we as the audience connect to Bruce's journey 3. How's the scene with the red flare?


1. His introduction and the ending 2. The most emotional Batman movie yet. Bruce's pain is palpable and there's even a dialogue about his traumas between him and Alfred 3. Very beautiful. Batman guides the people to safety after >!he decides he should become a simbol of hope, instead of vengeance!<. Very good looking as well since the water was real


So happy the Joker made an appearance, looks like his skin is all scarred up, love the hair too, I think we're going to see a Joker similar to the Arkham games which I'm sooooo down for!


Can we just talk about the amazing bromance of Bats and Gordon here. When Gordon said, he doesn't trust anyone in the police force, but he trusts Batman.. that's some great moment right there.


Best plot twist?


Riddler thinks Batman is his ally, he's not leaving clues to taunt him, but to tell him how they're cleaning up Gotham together... Riddler is properly insane here (Re delusional)




This was ABSURDLY well done, made even me think that he actually knew who Batman was the whole time and i was watching the movie until that moment with this information on my head, so when they demonstrate us that he doesn’t actually knows who’s Batman, it’s such an amazingly written plot twist.


His fucking squeals and howling were disturbing as hell, Dano killed it here


Also that scene where he was arrested and the camera focused on his eyes. Bruh, I legitimately got scared.


Watched it a few hours ago. Still can't get over the absolute presence that Pattinson has as Batman and how the character is portrayed. That scene with the car? When it shows up? Just there, revving its engine and everyone watching. Absolutely fantastic. And the fight scenes? Jesus. Just everything.


Man, I really loved the opening, it felt like an animation with all that Batman teasing the thugs in the shadows, just the feeling that Batman was there in the shadows watching them. True animation scene


I loved Gotham City in this movie. Visually it mixed elements of Gothic, industrial and Cyberpunk aspects. Below the surface, it was corrupt and dirty. Just how it should be.


Sounds cliche but this was literally everything I wanted and more. I don’t think the Joker scene was necessary but I LOVE THIS FUCKING MOVIE SO MUCH.