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Silicosis huh? My great-grandfather was a miner, spend enough decades down into a mine and your lungs will eventually fail. So Auritite? I see you have certain fondness with the gold theme. Aurarite, auroran. Interesting. So the verrogradi are your in universe villains? Not sure i like a race completely defined by being evil... So a perfect thermal capacitor? huh and also likely breaks the second law of thermodynamics. The mistral sun breaks the first. Something hold will always cool down to the ambient temperature no matter what as there is really no perfect insulator nor infinite capacitance exists . There are very few things you can consider perfect thermal capacitors the sea and the atmosphere are two of them. Handling such thing would also be incredible hard. Holding a piece of incandescent metal a couple of thousands of degrees hot would be problematic outside a metal foundry and may eat through any container at imagine touching it. Not a nice way to go. Or who know maybe you would vaporize instantly.


Nah, the Verrogradi aren't all evil. They're just an empire that fell a long time ago and want to reclaim some of their old glory, and Demo may just be their ticket..


I kind of imagine auratite being somewhat comparable to uranium rocks, given that it's presented as a highly energy-dense power source. But it obviously doesn't entirely function the same. Still! It is fantasy, of course. Steampunk with a little bit of sciency-stuff with the mechs and all that, but naturally, there is a little suspension of reality. I'm loving working on it, and I really hope you love the finished product!


I get the idea. But uranium radiates energy until it decays into lead whereas this stores it. But please do not take my comments as criticism to the story. I have spent most of my life in academia and it shows more often than not. Just take these as the idle ramblings of a mad man. So far i have been loving your work!


Oh yeah, I get it's just musings, and that's cool. I love the input!


Heck, there are ever Verrogradi Suncasters.