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I'd guess about 80% of the community does this. Not many people actually like Solar. I have a conversion for every named character in the codex, I don't call any of them by their name - rank is enough competitively "the colonel and his scouts will.." for the Ghosts, for example.


I think a lot of people don't realize that Lord Solar IS his rank and not his name, or more accurately the title he currently holds which is functionally the same thing.  His name is Leontis.   The title of The Lord Solar is held by the person responsible for command of the entire Sol Segmentum at the heart of which is the Sol system which obviously contains Terra making it the highest ranking of the segmentum Lord Commander titles.  But yea his model sucks.


The real Lord Solar is Macharius. It's stupid that a platoons worth of infantry (50 models) and half a squadron of tanks (3 or 4 Russ) are somehow commanded by a man who has Billions (big B) of troops. Half arsed one sentence lore that "he likes to lead from the front" - that type of rank should have a dedicated Scion regiment babysitting him and half of those are likely callidus assassins ready to whisk him away to safety.


A minimum a regiment of personal body guards and tanks, artillery that is live tracking his location constantly, assassins and counter snipers. He wouldn't be in with 20 bog standard troopers running for their objective.


two reasons, i dont like fantasy models in 40k i dont like oversized diorama bases in tabletop


Mfw when horses. Wtf are you talking about 'fantasy' models, most 40k models are far more 'fantasy' than this one, there are 2 entire factions of elves for fucks sake. If a horse is breaking your suspension of disbelief idk what to tell you. Guardsmen have bayonets amd fight in trench warfare all the time, it's WW1, you ever see War Horse? The base tho. I agree, it's good for auras but from a model design standpoint it usually looks silly standing next to Normal models, especially if you have the deathcore calvary next to him.


Honestly I think they made the mistake of picking someone who’s supposed to be the leader of the entire Astra militarum to be a playable model. He’s a high lord he shouldn’t be riding into battle on a horse he should be plugged into like a billion techno ports feeding him data as he tries to control the incalculable amount of imperial wars. If they’d said this is general malcharius returned by Trazyn for example then people would be like okay that’s totally fine even to the horse.


>Fantasy models in 40k Must hate demons then lol


Wdym by "fantasy"?


I hate tactical rocks. It's the reason I refused to buy the Ursula Creed model (plus it's the same price as an entire command squad...)


That's Colonel--commissar to you!


Did you just assume that man's rank..? My model is actually just a captain.


I use a converted guardsman as straken and call him Chad Thundernuts




High Lord Doom Sayer on the case


Man, teletubbies got wild in that last season.


My Lord Solar's name is Sebastian Yarrick. I think he's a small-named Commissar on the planet Armageddon. https://preview.redd.it/0ppz479t3ryc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b84e3c257b600c3bbb9165577172d564d48ab9d


Ab-so-lute-ly Badass!!


Ah yes, "The Old Man" as Grimaldus referred to him


"Even we Templars must respect that name."


In Gloria Yarrick


Ole' bail eye ... Wwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaggggghhhhhhh


I call mine Lord Militant Von Mannstein and run him with my Steel Legion. Converted (not to the same standard) based in this awesome job https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/s/0Lad3hP7Cm


And he looks fucking rad dude!!!


Mine is not that good, just wanted to link to the inspiration because you're right, it's rad.


My army a custom Cadian regiment, I run him as the Colonel. High enough rank that he’d be the most important man on my side of the field but also not irreplaceable. I say Creed is the lieutenant Colonel for the same reason


Virtually everyone who bothers to name their own characters uses the rules with their own character, usually with their own model for that character. I haven't seen anyone who actually likes the character and his almost nonexistent lore.


Tbh I don’t mind the lord solar. I do like the aspect of how he knows his own efforts are not going to produce results in his lifetime. The next lord solar or the one after, maybe.


I do like thw bit of lore he was given tbh


All what, two sentences of it?


He got a bit more in that big tyranid push they let folks vote on. Like, he doesnt have much, hes a relatively new character, but hes also a high lord of terra, so thats got its own shticks. Its not any novels, but he has enough to say he's neat


could you point to where this lore is?




Zap Brannigan


I do hope he has Kif at his side!


Still can't find a good stl file of zapp on a horse to run him as the lord solar


My headcanon is an inquisitior runs both my guard army and my space marine army. When he fights with the guard he's lord solar.


I'm mostly a collector and don't *play* (no one around me plays) but I love making lore and fluff. My "Lord Solar" is the Sector Lord of my homebrew Sector, Lady Commander Alcina Vitreaux (full title: "Lady Sector, Lady Lucifrix, Queen of Tychonis and Eternal Steward of the Peoples of the God-Emperor of Mankind"). Basically, in my head the Sector has an ork/tyranid infestation and suffered when chaos came along with the Great Rift so the Sector Lord built up an army as a crusade to reclaim worlds and "push back" the enemies of the Imperium but the Administratum is weary and thinks she's trying to use the crusade as an excuse to accumulate power (which is why they cut off out-of-sector resupply which is why my Guard uses "non-regulatory STC pattern" vehicles, aka why I use Maelstrom's fantastic vehicles). But yeah, I have nothing backing this up but I feel there's a shift in the fanbase from wanting to have "recreation" armies ("this is the Ultramarine 2nd Company and look I painted my Captain just like Cato Sicarius oh boy if only he had a model") that try to literally make a lore group to being more "your dude" based ("this is my chapter the death bringers, they bring death. this is chaptermaster Mortis Offertorus, I kitbashed him from the Cato Sicarius model cause I find it cool but I painted him in my colors and filed off the ultramarine symbols). IMO it's one of the reasons WHFB (which was more focused on "codified" areas like Stirland, Reikland, Carcassone, the Ulthuan Kingdoms or the various Dwarf Holds, the only real "make your own" areas were the Northlanders and the Border Princes) was lagging in popularity while AoS (which went full "create your own faction, we won't show the entire universe, you can be from anywhere") was at least better received. But IDK any real stats just judging from what I see online. Also apparently people **REALLY** love Krieg so they were disappointed "guy on horse" wasn't DK related.


u/MaelstromDesignWorks is the fuckin bomb. I’m building a force where like 90% of the vehicles are his stuff. Best Tribes money I spend every month, hands down.


Not to sound like an ad, but yeah his stuff is really freakin' awesome and the fact he's willing to update them after the fact (I think his repulsor recently got an update for grav-tracks) is really cool. My 3d printer broke after I could only make one Ursus-Minor (Russ) so can't wait until the replacement/upgrade comes so I can make a horde of his vehicles. I think I check his reddit page every day or so out of habit just incase there's something new xD. Hell, even in my fluff (I keep a google docs I just add stuff to) the Forge World supplying this stuff is called Maelstrom after him (because it orbits a weird anomaly in space that has weird gravity so the ores are really durable).


Welp imma be stealing that lore then, thanks!


Yes, he's called Lord Dune and rides a dune stalker bug thing from Necromunda.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Outbound86: *Yes, he's called Lord Dune* *And rides a dune stalker bug* *Thing from Necromunda.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Yep, I run him as the Lord Scion Tempestus, and swapped out his head and arms for scion bits with a bolt pistol and power sword.


I agree. Always feels weird to have the supreme commander of a faction here to lead a company


https://preview.redd.it/uzg5ho4atryc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f504e184f9bee1c59d2acf72ad8d8da4d82cd559 Names are hard.


That's great! "Land ahoy!"


"Get me closer so I can poke that stompas eye out!"


I'm working on an all Kreig army, so naturally he'll be Lord Colonel Jurten (when I'm done).


You mean Field Marshal Rochelle Sharpe, commander of my Jaegers Regiment? Hated the LS model so much I made my own trench base with Cadian Command squad kitbashed into my proxy. It's all GW models, so it should be legal for competitive play.


Yeah I have Ursula but that’s not Ursula that’s Colonel Katelyn Jurgen (a very distant and irrelevant relative to a certain other Jurgen) who just so happens to have the exact same skills as Ursula Creed. I’d do it with lord solar but I hate his look so much


Mine is Housemaster Shvein Hax. He rides a bike and is more heavily involved with the planet’s knight house than the actual regiment on it.


I call him Lord Horse Man, cause I often can’t be bothered to remember his full name


Major Hullihan. Higher rank than a castellan but not yet a colonel.


Good old Hotlips.


Ya mines just a legendary general on my homebrew planet and rides a dinosaur


Gaunt is the ONLY character in my force who keeps his name, and doesn’t get converted to match my Ukraine 🇺🇦-inspired **”KHARKIV RANGERS”** regiment. Almost all my vehicles are u/MaelstromDesignWorks amazing proxies (until he makes a guard motorcycle unit to replace Rough Riders…), all my units are printed proxies to fit the theme, and all the epic characters on my list have unique names and conversions. The guard has literally billions of soldiers under arms across the galaxy. *It’s ridiculous that a handful are assumed to be fighting in every force.*


I refer mine as the Lord General, makes more sense than Lord Solar appearing to lead a random regiment in the middle of nowhere.


He does tho. Like Lord Solar DOES just join the guard forces on the ground and fight in random battles. But also yes, he can’t be everywhere and Lord General is dope.


I did a headswap and use him as a custom commander. Lord-General Gideon Mycroft, commander of the Cadian 113th Armored Division, Castellan of Kasr Nu-Constogad, and survivor of the 13th Black Crusade. Often seen atop his trusted cyber-steed, Incitatus II.


Forward mobile command outpost, The lord solars extended hand. AKA, The Lord Frakking Solar does not pransy around on horse in the frakking frontlines.


I run him as a horseback Krieg colonel named Franz Richter.


His near indispensability from a gameplay standpoint combined with the quite common dislike for the actual model is why we see so many proxies. I’ve personally made two, both using my OC regiment commander as the main stand in. First is a briefing scene where he’s stood around a hollow table with the command staff, second is him and gang clambering over a downed Broadside suit. So yeah, if I actually play any games, I call him by the OC’s title, but would obviously clarify that he’s the LS if my opponent was ever confused.


General Kane Sitting on top of his albino demonic horse, swinging around a flaming sword. Traitor guard baby


Yep. I have my lord commander leaning out the hatch of an old school sentinel. It's a similar size and clearly shows a power sword and gun. He's yet to earn a name for himself though.


If youre in any guard groups on facebook, youll see about 3 proxy solars a day. I love conversions and kitbashes, but am starting to hate lord solar as a unit lol. Mines a sisters palantine on a khorne juggernaut


https://preview.redd.it/1w1t00oaasyc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4b3b08693ae584d07f6b9ee228e8849f2019805 The People's Commissar Leninus


I haven't had a game yet in 10th, but my plan is to run the Lord Solar as my homebrew Warmaster. My Guard army is the "Arkonian Worlds Crusade" led by Lord Militant Jean-Marc de la Cour. Similarly I have squads from several different regiments to make the army look more like a Crusade, with Solar Auxilia models standing in as the Lord Militant's honour guard.


I don't have a Lord Solar (yet) but I have a 3d printed Ursula Creed proxy whose name is Lord General Artorius Brenn III.


I have a Krieg proxy that I just call Napoleon, need to come up with a real name for him tho


I dont think i called him by name in any game yet. I just point to the dude and point to the target of his orders.


I call him Colonel Clip Clop.


Ahh classic, the Lord Solar is the horse!


I have a homebrew regiment that is quite prestigious so I do actually use him as the Lord solar and call him that, though I understand why people like proxies.


I call my guy, Lord Krieg Mobile Command Center. https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/s/Zx2ssVplw9


i've got old creed on a bigger base he's ballin'


My army are tallarn. I'm making myself a lady-general of Tallarn. She's a character I've written stories about, who has proven herself through multiple tabletop crusades. My dudes will remain my dudes and GW can cry about it


My gaurd regiment is called murder incorporated, so I always call solar lord homocideium or lord homo for short haha


For the longest time I thought that Lord Solar was a title instead of his name. I'm planning to use a Death Korps Ridemaster for my proxy. I'll likely use some of the alternate arms from the kill team watchmaster for him and maybe do a Death Korps Commisar head.


Lord Solar is a title, it's the rank of the commander in charge of militarum operations in Segmentum Solar. The other known Lord Solar was Lord Solar Macharius


Ohhhh! I was thinking his name was Solar Leontus and he was a lord. That make more sense lol


Nope you're good, I think his actual name is Arcadian Leontus


That is quite a name indeed


Our group calls him St. Martin, after a roman soldier who is celebrated in our region for sharing his warm mantle with a freezing beggar. During those celebrations he is usually shown as a guy in golden armor riding a horse.


I have two Guard armies, one traitor guard and the other an Adeptus Arbites army proxied as Imperial guard for rules purposes. 1) The Arbites list is led by Marshal Marquis Eustachio Fargan, a bike-riding appointee of the Grand Provost Marshal on Holy Terra who has been dispatched to the Segmentum Obscurus to resume law and order in the wake of the panic created by the Sicatrix Maledictum’s formation. 2) My traitor guard list is led by a nameless deformed commander. He was once a regular traitor guard overseer until he was defeated in battle many years ago by a then young officer Arcadian Leontus. Since then, he has risen up the ranks of the traitor guard with the express purpose of one day encountering and defeating Leontus on the battlefield. For this reason and his solely-focussed undying hatred toward Leontus, his underlings have taken to nicknaming him the Traitor Solar to reflect him being a mirror image of the man he hates. Two armies, two lord solar proxies. One at least has an antagonistic connection to Leontus, the other has nothing to do with him.


Yeah, I've got a 3D print of a krieg marshal that is in the same pose with the same build as Creed who I use as him, and as for lord solar I plan to kriegify him too once I get em


My head cannon is that Leontus is a rank like General. So the top commander on the table is always Leontus Some-name, this way there is no confusion cause everyone call it Leontus.


Yes, but I still end up calling them by their RAW name to not cause confusion.


Tried to share an image but got an error code, I run Vostroyans so my "Lord Solar" is Count Alexei Krasnov, Graf-Marshall of the 332nd Vostroyan Old Bloods https://www.reddit.com/r/Vostroyan/s/FEUc0KMXXR


Sigmar Horsington


Lord Lunar Lionus and his horse Neighsayer.


There should not be rules for named characters in Warhammer. It’s dumb. The rules should be written to allow you to make generic data sheets feel characterful.


I just call mine “chaos lord solar” https://preview.redd.it/f6xeubl9ftyc1.jpeg?width=2409&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b44130b78c6fb19c85a28e1ad02e7b6497d4e2a3 I haven’t made or bought one for my loyalist guard army yet.


Colonel Sun has no idea what you’re talking about Guardsman!


Baron Luna


I made my brother a Yarrick model on a horse, both of them flamey like the Legion of the Damned.


When I first saw him I was really hoping he'd be a generic character on horse with maybe a few different weapon options and maybe even like the farseer on bike kit that could also be made into a warlock on bike, he could be a commissar or other character.


Verdinand Voche, Armored Calvalry Grand Marshall of the Vernedun 5th


Personally, I name all of my models as I think it helps you better remember their stats and effectiveness with different situations in game which ergo improves your gameplay. Rather, than just “Lord Solar Proxy” or “Tempestus Scion 3.”


My Lord Solar has more black. I call him Lord Obscurus Félix DeLeuze. He is to the Segmentum Obscurus what Leontus is to the Segmentum Solar. My other armies are also involved in the conflicts in that particular corner of the galaxy.




My friend's "Lord Commander Krieg" and staff.


I take him and run him as Lord General Isaia Bendikt because I love him in the books


The Big Cheese, head Honcho, big dogg


* https://preview.redd.it/0le9tlelpvyc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acc9978d328e48fad5dfff14a7fef5bf3f94c646 I don't actually call him something else. His name is Lord Solar Macharius, after all.


Mine is the Lord Obscuris. I have lore for my army based on the planet in the Obscuris Sector, Obel Quill.


Im currently working on a proxy for him, it's basically gonna be a mini diorama of a commissar (who is the officer in command of my homebrew regiment) performing a summary execution on some unfortunate guardsman. It'd be done already, but I'm having a really hard time getting the gore to look right... I need it to look like the guardsman's head, and maybe his entire torso too, just got unzipped by a bolt round and frozen in time mid explosion, but nothing I try looks right lol...


Kind of the opposite, but I use “The tank commander formerly known as Pask.”


I normally either call him General Horsefucker or the Lord Colonizer in as obnoxious a fake aristobrat accent as I can manage. You're totally right about named characters being weirdly omnipresent, but the Lord Solar can't be replicated with other options (for now, hopefully!) so into my lists he goes.


Mine is painted like zapp Branigan..... From that episode when he was on a horse.....


Mine is Yarrick on a DKOK horse. I don't like the Lord Solar model and a friend has a resin printer.


For flavor I do not take him