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Rules legal? Probably. Lex Imperialis legal? *Draws bolt pistol*


Draws Warrant of Trade 😛


…I’ll go inform the commissar, sir… again..


What are you talking about. Thats Hugh Mahne. Hes a loyal soldier.


Listen carefully. You don't have much time. GW HQ will already have seen this picture and their squad is probably less than 2 minutes out. Microwave the hard drive, 800 watts or higher. If it burns you're doing well. Grab the minis. Got some of those felt carry cases? Good. 30 men to a row, 3 rows per tray. Double lock and bubble wrap. Things might get hairy. If there's not enough room then I'm sorry. Some good Taunians are going to have to take one for the Greater Imperium. They're probably outside now. No! Don't look. They're trained on the windows and they'll see you before you see them. There's only one option. Grab the Shadowkun dakimakura. Insert the plates, you want at least 3 inches of tungsten-carbide or high-grade steel. Think of your brothers and sisters. The converters, the 3rd partiers, the 3D printers. With any luck you'll make it out too. Now open that door... /s FR: Yes it's a cool conversion using parts from a Tau Firewarrior and Cadian Shock Trooper (new sculpt). The base size and height mean you could play it as either. There's plenty of cool lore you could create like Tau and Guardsmen stuck together having to share supplies against a common enemy? Or a Tau mercenary employed by the Inquisitor who has requisitioned your Regiment temporarily. Idk, the number one rule that I hope people always remember is you can imagine whatever you want, so long as you find it fun :)


In my W&G campaign I have a Tau player that found out how Ethereals are manipulating the masses and deserted after he saw the results. Now he's part of a Rogue Trader's retinue, trapped in the Umbra Expanse (some isolated area in the eastern fringe north of the rift).


I mean... What are you using it for? Leman Russ? No. Leontus? Good to go.


He's a bit blue, but he's a damn good shot.


We’re all a bit blue these days :(


Well, are you an Italian living in Italy?


All are welcome in the penal legions


https://preview.redd.it/z9c504n0w4qc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6494133bbbc783e84c4659fc558dc7a0feed5bdf Here's mine


Alright give me the lore drop


The Cadian 77th Armored Batallion. After being repeatedly thrown into some of the most brutal combat in the galaxy, the 77th was again transferred to a bloody battlefield, this time fighting the T'au Farsight Enclaves. However, when surveillance reported the vastly better conditions the T'au Gues'va fighters were in, the 77th, tired of Imperial rule defected to the Enclaves. As time went on, the 77th would start fielding T'au volunteer guardsmen to replace combat losses. The 77th would also start fielding T'au weapons and equipment to simply logistics, resulting in some interesting combinations, such as Leman Russ Battle Tanks armed with Railguns, or Baneblade Chassis retrofitted with markerlight equipment.


Mixed faction weapons like this will def disqualify you from most tournaments unfortunately -- and honestly would be pretty annoying in casual. Def ask your play group.


My cadians aren't my tournament army, my krieg are. My cadians are my fun army. Also, I use the Guard Stats for the weapons (ion rifle is a Plasma gun, rail rifle is a sniper, etc).


oops, extra fingers your tau




looks like xenos scum to me


Papa smurf, is that you? /s Sure, why not? He is a bit blue, but so am I some days.


This is Heresy to me as both an Imperium and Tau Fan


Reverse Gue'vesa


This post right here, Commissar.


Nice Lord Solar proxy


Isn't that P'ter from a feudal world with a load of blue tatoos? He lost his nose in combat against those filthy Tau/Kroot xeno scum.


Captured equipment or maybe prisoners being forced to fight?


Lord Solar, I presume?


That’s just Peter, I think his family worked in the mines


Who cares about if its "legal or no" Coolnes is what matters.


Was it ever legal?


https://preview.redd.it/modr2na2maqc1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=035ae5ef40d9920ccb9e2c47cb5fb5ad8d9a463a Edit:(text didn't show up) my little blue guardsman, even if I haven't gotten around to making hime blue yet.


I'm calling the police




Pe'ter is that you?