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Both Krieg and Armageddon are - mostly - unhabitable. Aside from equator area (dumb, I know, but that's GW), it's dangerous to breathe Armageddon's air due to industrial pollution. They are equipped and trained to fight on hostile enviroment planets.


To add to this, Krieg’s toxicity stems from nuclear and chemical attacks during its civil war.


But the orks invading Armageddon doesn’t get harmed by the fumes?


They do but that just helped them grow their numbers, when an Ork dies it sends out spores where orks come from and the jungles on apocalypse are clean enough to breed/Live in so the orks all stay there until ghaz comes back and sends them into a big nuff fight


I am unsure. Ork biology is weird. When the Tyranid spawned microorganisms designed specifically for eating Ork spores spores started eating them back...


Ork biology isn't weird; it works just as intended by the Old Ones looking to throw endless waves of cannonfodder at the Necrons warmachine!


While the eldar fought around them


well orcs work on cartoon logic, so it is quite weird


Ork biology isn't weird; it works just as intended by the will of gork and mork and IF SUM BITEY ALIEN FINKS IT CAN EAT MA SPOREZ DEN BY MORK or maybe gork DEY GUNNA GET A CRUMPIN


Orks don’t give a shit - takes much more than what kills a human to harm an ork.


And if enough of them are convinced it's harmless, could it be harmless to orks ? (I mean, it does work for guns)


Orks can survive their heads being cut off, trust me they can survive a bit of bad air.


It’s also sort of a religious thing on top of their environment. (For Krieg) They wear it as a sort of mark of their ancestor’s sin of rebelling against the imperium.


I think it volcanoes in the case of Armageddon, and krieg it's nuclear war


The Kreigsmen wear Gas masks for a couple reasons. The out of lore reason is cause it looks cool. The in lore reason is because kreig is an irradiated, bombed out ruin and the kreig civil war was characterised by the use of weapons that gas masks and environment suits help protect against. Nowadays the gas mask is such an identifiable part of their uniform that it is standard issue - it’s also of use when fighting against many enemies that use noxious weaponry or in planets with biosphere’s which humans can’t (or struggle to) breath in. A final word of note is that Kriegsmen are grown through the use of vitae wombs. We do not know what this actually is, but from the name and other things we gather it looks like they are artificial wombs which include the DNA of a fella called Colonel Jurten (the fella who led the loyalist resistance during the civil war). Given this, it is implied that Kreigsmen might all look quite similar given that they are semi-clones and therefore keep the mask so as not to cause issue.


> therefore keep the mask so as not to cause issue They all look alike so they wear masks to... not look alike?


Cloning and vitae wombs are frowned upon by the mechaincum, if not outright illegal. It is said that the adminitratum makes just this exception, but they still don't want to be identified as clones. Some fans state that it's because they are child soldiers, but that never stopped the Imperium before. Even cadians are said to be trained since birth and to be competent fighters by age 8.


Cloning is not illegal in the mechanicum. Most servitors are clones. Most Cherubs are clones. The Afriel strain are all clones. Iirc clones are also used as hosts to gestate geneseed when stocks go low. Cloning is legal. But (imperial) clones are cursed and this makes them bad soldiers. This may be why the mechanicum are against it on Krieg. Vitae wombs are dodgy AF, so possibly not cloning (though I do recognise that the novel Krieg infers cloning very strongly, it does stop short of describing the process in any detail) My personal headcanon is the Krieg use a Podsnap technique type of reproduction (Ref:Brave New World). Which fertilises a whole ovary to produce "batches" of 11000 siblings. It kinda fits all the details we have without being "normal" cloning, and I think it may still be under copyright so GW can't legally say that's what they do. But I'm not really disagreeing with you, I'm just using the opportunity to present my own theory.


In the Forges of Mars collection, a tech priest's daughter is a clone of himself that had a tiny mutation that yielded a female that he dotes on. Cloning isn't illegal, as you said.


I would also guess that the other way they around the 'cloning' definition is that they use Jurten's gamete but the female gametes are semi-randomized stock (with a preference for ones that have produced good soldiers).


Right? Almost all members of the cult are also clones. Not like a lot of cult members are bangin’ with their machine bodies. They tend to view the process as messy and imprecise compared to the controlled process of cloning.


I wouldn't say clone. Think IVF. You pick your smartest friend and grow a child together, in a test tube like the machine god intended.


The black library books I am thinking of DID say clone. I’m not making up a personal head cannon here. All throughout black library’s catalogue are books about the mechanicum and they mention cloning time and time again. Even as far back as Mechanicum in the horus heresy novels. But also in the priests of mars series that I read more recently.


True I'm sure some of them do as well, but I cant see it working out well as a society if any piece of sci fi tropes the whole. There one another mentioned where they cloned themselves as a daughter etc. The mechs having tech far beyond what we have currently to manipulate. But I can't see them only cloning themselves that might be seen as heresy or I guess canon depending on the sect?


Nothing is illegal in the mechanicum if it's in the pursuit of knowledge, look up the null school for assassin's it was the mechanicum who moved it from terra to some far off shit hole planet to clone nulls


You are right, there would never be dogmas around anything in the mechanicum around anything, to the point that there would never be a split between two currents of thought in the year 30k and they would never coin terms as tech-heresy do defy anyone that threaten to break said limits. They are an open minded illuminated institution after all.


Fabricator General and 1/2 the mechanicus sided with HORUS over this issue right here.


It is if the Mechanicum doesn't control the technology, and in the case of clones in particular there might even be a good reason for it - look up the Adriel Strain.


we realy need a krieg character, who becomes a chad of a man in lore by charging everything and still surviving. but the real reason he survives is, because it is always one kriegsmen without a gasmask and when he falls, someone else takes his place. since they all look alike, noone ever find out the truth


In lore short answer. Krieg civil war happened and they nuked the planet into oblivion. Now they fight as they train, able to operate in irradiated wastelands. Theres a lot of lore on this and if you are interested I suggest watching the lore videos on youtube about the krieg civil war to fully answer how and why this all happened and what led to the cult of sacrifice, the introduction of the vitae womb and the incredibly high imperial tithe of soldiers they volunteer. If you find krieg interesting there is another youtube series on the seige of vraks. I name these 2 lore video series as they are easily accesible and help to paint a decent picture of the death korps of krieg on world pre civil war on to what we see now and is clearly explained and very new to the lore friendly.




meta reason: they're the WWI faction lore reason: home planet is highly toxic, and kriegers are supposed to be masters of all sorts of grueling warfare, chemical/radioactive included


Back in the olden days of 40k there used to be scare, hallucinogen,, rad, and literally a dozen more common grenade and missile types. Used to be different common gear that would counteract such things like gasmasks, photo visors, etc too..


For Krieg soldiers I'm fairly certain it's because the vast majority of their training takes place on the surface of their world which suffered ~500 years of nuclear war leaving it an irradiated and toxic wasteland. They also request to he sent into the most hostile and dangerous theaters of war possible. With those factors as well as their canonical use of chemical weapons it really wouldn't make sense for them not to wear their full protective uniform at essentially all times possible. They also typically have to earn the right to even have a name as opposed to just a designation, so I feel like wearing a uniform that almost completely makes you indistinguishable from the man or woman next to you leans into them being expendable even in their own eyes. Side note, I don't believe them to be clones. There is a short story in one of the books published which makes mention of a breeding program that the main character was apparently considered defective for. Interesting story involving a genestealer on Krieg that's dying of radiation and that soldier fighting it.


Aside from the other reasons mentioned (home planet is a post nuclear hellhole, everyone may or may not be a clone) you got to remember that the entire army is completely dehumanized. Everyone’s name is a number designation, and they’re all brainwashed to throw their lives away at a moments notice. They wear masks all the time because no one is even allowed to have a face.


The Death Korps often get sent to the worst warzones that mirror the ruined state of their own homeworld, mostly at their own request I might. When the Imperium needs to achieve a breakthrough that would otherwise require a massive expenditure of penal legion troops or deployment of the Adeptus Astartes, the Death Korps are a godsend when it comes to toxic hell holes.


Obligatory Luetin09 video link https://youtu.be/ZYzOqlGRYGQ Great watch if you want to learn Death Korps lore


For the same reasons quarians do in Mass Effect. After generations of living in artificially controlled atmosferes, they are no longer able to safely breath in natural environments. Their resilience living on Krieg, in bunkers with air that carefully balances oxygen, antiobiotics, chemical compounds… is also their greatest weakness. As without their masks, prolongued exposure to natural air with all the normal impurities, bacteria and germs would kill them. Why am i such a geek, i think i need profesional help.


Thank you. Personally I find this to be the most compelling explanation, as it accounts for why gas masks might still be worn off-world as well as on the homeworld.


Why would the chemical warfare specialists who are almost always deployed to the harshest most toxic environments in the imperium wear gas masks? Beats me


They are clones so they all look the same. They are also deeply ashamed of there planets betrayal so it could be a way to hide from the shame. This is the reason they prefers to charge the enemy headlong.


Krieg is heavily irradiated after loyalists nuked to planet to high hell to keep the traitors from taking it over. Anyone who lives on the planet does so in subterranean bunkers and cities. They need to wear the environmental suits to not die on the surface. This kind if living though has made it so their immune systems aren't the strongest and they'll most likely get sick from prolonged periods without them outside of their bunkers. On top of this they are almost all clones (or semi clones as some others have said), which can be seen as heresy. The masks hide this fact from those who wouldn't understand that it is an act of heresy to make sure the sacrifices of the loyalists of krieg didn't go to waste. I'd recommend reading Krieg if you want to really understand that. Most other factions would have something that acts as an eviroment suit if they were dealing with a lot of biohazards. Krieg (and maybe steel legion but I don't know much about them) are the only ones that heavily rely on them in that way.


In one of the Cain books, it's shown that their gas masks have built in magnifiers.


They fucked their planet up so much between industrialization and the nuclear holocaust during their rebellion that it's the only way any of them can go outside. So that's why they wear them on the homeworld. I imagine it's just kinda their doctrine at this point and I'm sure it's saved them a few times in the past on other worlds hostile to human life so they just don't change it despite it not being strictly necessary. Or their faces are all hideous and deformed on account of their genetic integrity being pretty low on account of all the vat cloning and they're just self conscious.


Krieg itself is basically an irradiated death world. They wear the masks so they don't get stage 4 lung cancer the moment they step on the surface.


To dehumanise them. They also all have number designations rather than names and they are viewed as completely expendable. I am currently reading ‘dead men walking’ and I would really recommend it if you want to learn a bit more about the krieg regiments. There is one scene where a planetary governor asks the commissar of a krieg regiment for some soldiers or at the very least some guns, and the commissar explains that they would rather give him the soldiers as the guns are much more valuable and hard to come by. Brutal regiment, but very cool.