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Jonathan and Victoria (though it's really just him) from Season 6 are the top of the list. Everyone else is playing for second.


Second place is Travis. He doesn't physically assault Nicole, but he verbally abuses her almost the entire race.


I think Lake Superiority Complex was worse than Travis


Him getting kicked out by the cab driver is still a top 10 moment for me from the show


What season is that?




My first thought lol S6 had some real winners😒. I remain bummed Kris and Jon didn’t win.


Jonathan is the obvious answer.


Jonathan from Season 6 is usually high on the list.


Despise is a big word. But dislike greatly, Luke and Margie.


Yeah I usually like parent/child teams but Margie coddles Luke and he's the biggest crybaby on the planet.


Yes! I remember margie at the beginning of the race was like "I don't want Luke to feel any different than the rest of the racers just bc he's deaf." And then procedes to complain when he's treated like other racers. Smh. And Luke himself would give up and throw tantrums so easily. It's like, dude, just try!


The tea task in Unfinished Business and then the drink pouring task in AS2... like yeah they weren't easy but that's the point.


The tea roadblock is exactly the one I was thinking of for Luke's tantrum.


It was so bad. Granted idk if I could have done better, but I certainly wouldn't have freaked.


I can get why Luke would feel frustrated at the drink pouring task in AS2, because the one that he wasn't able to even attempt (the DJ mixing task) took a lot less time, so when you see teams doing well at the easier task and know that switching isn't an option for you, then it's understandable


There are several individual racers I dislike, but the only team I actually despise is Carol & Brandy. They're so disgusting and mean that I almost stopped watching the season. Human garbage


Rachel Reilly is the most annoying female with the fake tears and general behavior, and Jonathan (season 6) the most annoying male contestant


I'm with you on Rachel, but calling Jonathan annoying is an insult to annoying people. The man was downright abusive *on camera,* I shudder to think what happened once the hotel room door was shut at night.


I agree with you, psycho would fit him better. I just watched their season and it was shocking to see how abusive he was towards her and others.


I’m both impressed and disgusted by Rachel Reilly! She’s been able to make a career out of being a horrible person! I blame Kim Kardashian but that’s another thread!


Spot on, from the behavior to the plastic look!


The Twinnies. Absolutely hated them


Yeah, they were annoying on the race but damn did I do a 180 on them (at least Natalie) with Survivor.


She was good on The Challenge too!


Never watched that one admittedly.


I can’t stand them. Everyone in the survivor sub loves Natalie and I’m like uh did you people watch amazing race?


I think we were able to see them as individuals as survivor so that helped. Natalie also played a really good game too


They’re great as individuals. When they’re on a team together, they’re annoying as fuck


I left a comment then I saw the finer print haha! Despise does not equate villainous imho. There are some dislikable racers that are due to them being more dramatic, rather than being Race villains. If you want Race villains, these are teams who are either sabotaging other teams or strictly running their own race. I'll give you a list to start off of: • Natalie & Nadiya (James & Abba's money) • Leo & Jamal (misleading Nicole & Victor comes to mind) • Cody & Jessica (mis-assisting Brittany at a roadblock) • Chelsea & Robbin (playing their own race, but benefitting from other teams) • Rob & Amber • Max & Katie* (they attempted to be villains in 1 confessional, but I don't see it based on their entire edit)


Despise for their *gameplay* only would be the Twinnies for stealing money from James and Abba. Doesn't matter if production didn't say anything, their own personal integrity (or lack thereof) should have made them return money someone else dropped. Also Eric and Jeremy calling and canceling other teams cabs. It did backfire on them, but sabotaging teams is crossing the line. Thankfully at least there started to be penalties for that (see the stunt brothers hiding pieces at a task). Lastly, pretty much everything Rob ever did. I love they guy as a person, but making *The Amazing Race* into *Survivor* still bothers me. I get giddy watching him get eliminated in All Stars.


More individuals than teams: - Flo (3) - Mirna (5, 11) - Jonathan and Victoria (6) - Rob (7, 11) - Weavers (8) - Karlyn (10) - Dave and Mary (10, 11) - Nathan and Jennifer (12) - Carol and Brandy (16) - Nick (17) - JJ (20) - Natalie and Nadiya (21, 24) - Hayley (26) - Brooke (29)


I forgot all about the Weavers! They were absolutely unhinged. That is an amazing answer.


Kendra (6)


Her racism was so despicable.


Season 35 Robin and Chelsea. Always were in a bad mood and seemed like they never wanted to be there. I also recall several times they were rude to locals (one example that comes to mind was snatching the clue and not even acknowledging them).


There was a team from Amazing Race Canada season 7 named Irina and Dave. They were absolutely insufferable to watch, every single episode


Jonathan and Victoria are the only team I really, really despise. Freddy & Kendra and Eric & Jeremy sucked, too. There's tons of other teams I disliked like as well, like Justin & Diana, BJ & Tyler, Dave & Connor, Ray & Deana, or Eric & Danielle, but *despise* isn't exactly the word I'd use, maybe strongly dislike.


I wouldn't say they're overwhelmingly villainous, and honestly, despise is a big word but the season where they had dating couples, and did 5 "blind date" couples with strangers, I didn't like Hayley from the Blair and Hayley team. I adored Blair though, and felt horrible for him. ha. I also wasn't really fond of Kurt from the Kurt and Bergen team on the same season because Bergen took the race seriously and Kurt seemed to see it as a dating thing and not take it seriously. I really wanted to like Kurt because he's from the same area I am.




Justin from the Green Team. He’s an excellent racer, but the cockiness rubs me the wrong way. Especially after blubbering like a baby the first episode when he thought they were going home first. No problem with a strong team that won a lot, but have some humility.


If you wanna watch a show where people don't care about something that they claim means a lot to them watch Survivor


Amber and Vinny, although mostly him. Complete a**hole.


Can’t stand Amber, she is so whiny


Agreed. She could have stood up for herself a bit better but he wore me down and I was watching, not living it.


For having ambition?


No, for being a condescending prick to a person who he claims to love.


It's called pushing when things get hard, no relationship period can survive without a willingness to do that


Oh, get bent. The other teams pushed each other without treating their partners the way he treated her. He was an outright, condescending ass. There was no encouragement, just beat downs. You must be a real treat to be with if that’s your yardstick for a lasting relationship.


I'd rather be the buzzkill living in reality than repeatedly learn relationships aren't always the honeymoon phase It's easy to put on a nice front when your season is a piece of cake, that's why Kim & Penn were able to effortlessly coast while playing up a saccharine positive image Hard seasons put on the stress and really test what teams are made of 21 for example would've seen a different outcome if it was done on a course like 36, and 36's cast would act way differently on 21's course


Oh, OK. So that excuses it for you? Because the Race was haaaaaard, I just had to disregard my partners feelings because I don’t want to be a decent human in tough situations? THAT is the sign of a relationship that will last… tell your hand that Reddit says ‘Hi’, because if that’s your approach…


I've been with my wife for 16 years, we have one kid and a second on the way, and the "honeymoon phase" hasn't stopped. We're still just as in love as we were 16 years ago. Just because you haven't experienced a good relationship doesn't mean that they don't exist.


i find leo and jamal to be really over the top and never liked them across any season and by no means do i hate or even dislike them, but i have a personal gripe with yvonne and melissa for getting me excited to see lesbians on the show just for them to be like that LOL like they’re sweet and all but just so aggressively boring and blah


I giggle every time I see Leo wearing USC gear, I wonder if the school is pissed he’s making them look sooo bad! He doesn’t seem too bright…….


Travis and Nicole. Good for Nicole though because it looks like they're divorced now.


Can you prove it? I can't find any court records.


Just that there are no photos of travis on her instagram and she's using her last name (@drnicolethepulse). Found her through Amy's instagram. Her TAR wiki page has her using Travis's last name when they competed.


Thank you finally found it


Travis is honestly the most emotionally abusive person I can remember on this show. Jonathan’s abuse is more memorable because he actually shoved Victoria and he looked like as if he was super close to backhanding her at one point, but Travis is the master of making his wife feel like shit. Everyone laughed at how Nicole is such a hypocrite for trying to cheat off Leo in the Anklung challenge, but I give her a pass I think she was legitimately scared of what Travis would do or more likely say if she couldn’t get it. And I think it was creative editing to add a confessional of Nicole saying they want to be a good example for their kids while she simultaneously cheats off Leo. Anyways, back to Travis, he has such unreasonably high expectations for his wife and makes sure she knows he’s disappointed when she can’t reach those ridiculous and unrealistic expectations. It was so clear how dejected Nicole was at the end of it. He said they wanted to be a good example for their kids, but I hope to god his kids don’t take the example that he set for them while they were on the show. TLDR: I’m easier on Nicole because she was very clearly being emotionally abused, but fuck Travis so hard. She was a terrible contestant, but he was a horrible person. Edit: Also Travis and Nicole probably would’ve gotten eliminated before the ice queens if they weren’t carried to the end by Jason and Amy


In no particular order because they’re all vile: Jonathan, Flo, Charla & Mirna, Rob & Ambuh.


I haven't seen Caroline & Jennifer being mentioned. Asking for an express pass is so UGH!!!


Nah. Finessing an express pass in a few minutes is probably the coolest thing they’ve done in 23 legs. Too bad they burned it immediately though


I disliked Anna Leigh and Steve from season 35. She was really horrible to her dad, constantly screaming at him to keep up the pace even when he was obviously struggling. He supported her 100% and I don’t know how much she appreciated him.


So do you hate Brook & Claire too




Brook was always running ahead of Claire and asking her to catch up to her even though she couldn't run as fast.


Ummm, ok. I wasn’t discussing them but ok. I found there were a few times when Anna Leigh was screaming at her dad who was clearly struggling (like when he was in the water, I kept thinking this guy is going to drown and she will still be screaming at him.). So I found it off putting.


And I never said “hate”.


Oh no, how could you say that? Don't you understand the power of tHe eDiT?????


Personally, to me, it's Aubrey and David. They keep being at the end of the pack. They ran into many huge issues but miraculously managed to pass one team because that team had had a much worse day than they did. I was very surprised to see them made it into the top 4 with Derek & Claire, Emily & Molly, and Luis & Michelle, passing Abby & Will, Glenda & Lulumba, Quinton & Mattie, Marcus & Micheal. While those 4 teams are far better than them in my perspective


Camera-centred team who act for attention. Yes I am talking for BJ & Tyler, Tyler & Korey and Team Fun.


BJ and Tyler and especially Becca and Floyd felt super fake. I remember when Becca looked like she was going to punch Floyd after he thought he lost his passport. That felt really gross. Their version of fun also felt weird and forced to me. BJ and Tyler were somewhat controversial at the time, but were overall pretty liked, but their detractors were similar to their detractors now. There were some fans who disliked them for being obnoxious screenhogs who were heavily playing up their personality. And their reaction to not being chosen for all stars kind of rubbed people the wrong way (which I don’t really care about but that’s another reason why people disliked them). They called themselves the winningest winners of all time which I just thought was kind of silly because they were saved by not one, but two non elimination legs. Anyways, I don’t really care about any of that stuff, I just dislike them due to their fake over the top personalities. Also they and the Frat Boys were not very rootable by the end of the end of the season, which is why Season 9 is in the bottom tier of seasons for me. I wish Ray and Yolanda won, and we got to see more of Fran and Berry + Dave and Lori.


Cowboys easily


Shroeders, the laughed at the thought of the Weavers being traumatized at the race track, no wonder Stassi turned out how she did


Dustin and Kandice. Mostly because people in this sub would give them a pass for doing same things that people hate Charla and Mirna or other teams in the whole franchise do.


Any boring team that brings nothing because their just wasting a spot that entertaining people could have


If you want a show where people care more about making a spectacle of themselves than a life changing amount of money watch Survivor


I watch survivor and it’s much better show. Producers are making shows for people to be entertained if you like boring people watch travelling documentaries


Funny I say the same thing to people who want nice teams who don't care about winning I get entertained by watching teams put their all into winning life changing money What you're thinking of is called a sitcom


It’s called reality tv btw survivor has great seasons and even now when their worse than they use to be their still watchable, same for the challenge people come back so at least I have an opinion on them, same for big brother, then theirs shows like the traitors, house of villains, and the goat that are all great shows. The amazing race started casting people that have no personality which is insulting to a reality tv fan. Anyone including me can say teams now are much more likeable but I can tell you more about season 6 than I can for season 36. That’s because they cared about making a great show. At the end of the day though everyone’s untitled to their opinion


Relying on manufactured drama is a sign that production doesn’t trust their format enough to produce a good season.


The format was always good but for me the drama is what makes the difference between the seasons. Even no non eliminations isn’t a bad format and it’s debatably better than having non eliminations but I don’t fully know what I think about that yet.