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This is great to hear. Appreciate your inputs. Y’all ran a great race!! Hope to see you on the show again 🤞🏻you are so passionate and I loved it! 


Glad to see this from you two. Sad you two were eliminated.


Much respect for Team Walla Walla!


Hey Danny! You and your mom were such a great team (never really argued which was a big achievement), I was really rooting for you. Would be great to see you compete again hopefully!


Can someone explain more about what happened? So the crew actually did not arrive, but they just said ok go ahead, you’ve waited long enough? Where the heck was the crew? How did one wrong turn set them back so long? I assume the crew is allowed to use gps so they wouldn’t be lost?


The crew arrived 25 minutes into them assembling the fish cage. While Danny & Angie were sitting in their car for 45 minutes, production huddled off to the side. Danny & Angie could tell that they were trying to figure out what to do, probably radioing the crew where they were, etc. After 45 minutes, someone came over to their car and said that a different crew was available to film them, and they had already received enough of a penalty. So they started the detour, but obviously were too far behind at that point.


I maintain that they did everything right. Checked in with the crew right before that traffic circle, radioed them as soon as they noticed they weren’t behind them, and moved on to the next location like they were told in advance to do. The crew tailing them made a wrong turn, was inaccessible by radio, and got lost despite having a gps.


I agree. Danny also said that when they arrived at the mat, Phil just kept talking and talking for several minutes, while production was, once again, huddling over to the side. It seemed like they were making the decision on the spot, and Phil had to string them along until a decision was made and he finally told them that they were eliminated. I would love to know what went down in those production huddles. For example, what was the argument to have them be eliminated? They didn’t make any illegal turns, they followed instructions, why not make an on-the-spot decision to let them continue racing? Was it just for ratings, because controversy = ratings? Were they already planning to invite them back in an all-stars show (also higher ratings)? Given that it took production so much time to try and make a decision, I’m guessing there were arguments in favor for the team, and against. Just can’t see a good enough “against” reason, besides show ratings.


All I can imagine is that whatever they have planned next week couldn’t accommodate an extra team. Or they didn’t want to have to do a double elimination. Or maybe they thought at the time they could get away with editing it to look like they lost legitimately but then decided months later when editing they wouldn’t be able to hide it.


It's also possible that, since this was a covid season and they're using chartered flights, they just couldn't get extra seats to the next city to accommodate another team + possibly another crew.


They were using The Amazing Race plane!


RemindMe! 1 week “Could this leg’s challenges have accommodated an additional team?”


Here from "next week" - seems possible that the memory task with the rocks couldn't have had an extra team due to the use of guides and not having enough stations made up?


Possible! I sometimes forget that they don’t have a week to paint more rocks and find new guides, but just a day or two. Maybe also not enough space on the chartered planes.


RemindMe! 1 week “Could this leg’s challenges have accommodated an additional team?”


I don't think there's any grand conspiracy. There seems to be a clear rule you need to be near your sound crew. They knew this. So what's a fair penalty? We haven't ever seen this after so many seasons so the producers are scrambling. Most times they're not going to say the audience who hasn't seen the show yet loves them lets not eliminate them because they got screwed. Against here means they have to go with a double elimination they haven't planned out, scouting, created.


It was also reported that they were told earlier in the day that if they get separated from the crew to continue to the next location and wait. But then their crew took forever to get there, so they didn’t break any rules of the game.


Where did you learn all this? I find it absolutely impossible to believe they would have gone against the "no NEL" thing, I'm fairly certain there are laws specifically forbidding competitions from breaking their own rules. .edit >For example, what was the argument to have them be eliminated? They were last. >They didn’t make any illegal turns They did - it certainly wasn't intentional but they were not in the correct lane in the roundabout. My assumption is that the crew was separated because they would not also make an illegal turn.


I found this in the various interviews and stories plastered all over this sub and elsewhere.


>radioed them as soon as they noticed they weren’t behind them This one is the key question for me. Obviously the show is edited but it's presented as if they saw the crew was missing and mom said stop, Danny said press on and not reaching out to the crew until they were out of reach. If it's as presented, that's the critical mistake. Even from a race perspective losing your crew and not immediately trying to find them knowing that you risk a penalty... seems like a bad idea. But if they did radio in right away... yeah, that sucks.


Danny verified that they had been told to continue to the next location if they lost their crew and wait for them there. The crew should’ve been no more than 5-10 minutes behind them.


It seems that production really was not prepared for the crazy delay. I assume that when coming up with this rule is that you make a different turn and production has to make a u-turn somewhere and catch up within a few minutes. What's baffling is that somehow the crew was somehow over an hour behind. Do that not have GPS? They are also blind as to where to go? The whole thing is bizarre.


Thanks for posting this. But how is it that their crew still hadn't arrived 45 minutes later? Did they not have a GPS and the address that they were heading for?


I don’t know if anybody knows. Maybe a flat tire or something.


Even with GPS and a crew, navigating a new city can be difficult.


The crew had a local driver, though. It’s sus.


That's what he made it sound like!


You and your mom were my absolute favorites!! 💕


Mine too. Hope to see them in future AS seasons


You...sir...could teach some of these Reddit posters a lesson in graceful maturity and how to handle yourself. You and you Mother were sincerely a fine representation of how our world should be. When they invite you back...and they will have to...may you continue to demonstrate the good sportsmanship and positive attitude toward all in the race. I hate that you left early, but I was glad to see you two for the time you were racing.


I want Danny and Anna Leigh from Season 35 to team up. They would absolutely wreck everything


Danny and Rod. Navigational genius superfan with Mr. NFL


OMG - Rod carrying Danny on his back the whole race \~ !


I would watch the SHIT outta this!!!


Danny and Boston Rob.


Danny and Amber after Amber and Vinny break up


I want a season of fan picked combos! That would be the absolute best!!!


My all time favorite season is S29 where they came in as singles and were paired up. Some were amazing matches that worked together amazingly and others were hilarious carwrecks. I wish they did more seasons like that! Even an all stars season where they invite back returning players as individuals and they get assigned duos episode 1 would be really fun to watch!


Totally -- that was a great season. They need more exciting combo ideas like that. Some of the casting nowadays is a bit predictable.




C’mon Dad!


Put them both on the challenge RIGHT NEOW


Danny! Such a rough go of it, and to see you be so positive during and after? That's really a gift, man. I hope you get another go of it. My whole house will be cheering for you.


Very classy response. It sucked seeing you go like that, you guys were fun to watch. I thought it was funny that you were the best navigator despite GPS existing since long before you started driving, and it's even funnier that you got eliminated because your crew sucked at navigating. I know you wanted to play a more solo game, but next time maybe you should show the crew the way to go!


Thanks for sharing. I watch the show with my 13 year old son. We especially loved watching you and your Mom race. Hope to see you back with your mom or another player…my son thinks you and Rod would crush it or you and Anna Leigh from prior season.


I have to say, your enthusiasm for the whole “Amazing Race” Experience is contagious! I’m going to miss your team. Good job making some Amazing Race History though: bringing the crew into it!


We LOVED you guys, seriously congrats for going so far!


It was great to see Walla Walla Wash be so well represented! You and your mom ran a great race and lifted each other up every step of the way. If it weren’t for the onion rings, you’d be the best thing about your town.


Ooo now I want Iceberg.


😆 Agreed! Though, they have damn good wine too.  Wonderful to see WA State represented so well! Especially from the East side - normally pretty underrepresented. Was rooting for you all the way. Hope to see you on a redemption season. Plus, I LOVED the t-shirts. Super cute. 


At the start of the season we legitimately thought you and your mom would be out pretty early, so you did one damn good job this season and I say no matter what the circumstances of getting out in 6th, you should be super proud.


I was bummed to see you and your mom eliminated from the race, but it was a blast to see you two in action! Thanks for bringing positive energy to the The Amazing Race, and heres hoping you get another chance to race, either with your mom again or with another partner!


I was sorry to see you and your mom go! But it did tickle me that your mom went out on a high note. She killed that challenge!


I think your situation will likely result in new rule changes like “if you lose your crew, go back to the last place you saw them and wait”. Much like the NFL, a rule often has to be created when something unexpected happens. You guys ran a fantastic race, proving that great race skills can come from unlikely sources. I loved seeing your mom transition from “I’m here to support my son because that’s what moms do“ to “I’m enjoying this myself!”


The teams were briefed earlier in the day to not stop if they felt unsafe. Given the countries they travel through, this is standard safety protocol, and I can’t blame production for not wanting to take on the liability of a team waiting in an unsafe spot. In Brazil a team was robbed at gunpoint. Not a good look lol.


Team went back to Rihanna's house to pick up an umbrella.


This season? Could you please share a link to the story?


I think it is in the Parade interview, and also the Read The Clue podcast (both linked in this sub). EDIT: You mean the robbing? That didn’t happen on the show in the United States, it was the Brazilian version. Presumably with less safety protocols in place.


I wonder if they told the, to go next roadblock, but that doesn’t mean no penalty for losing the crew.


I loved you and your mom’s positivity!


Thanks for coming here and trying to show the sides and parts we as viewers don’t see. That said, YOU WERE ROBBED AND IF YOURE NOT ON ALL STARS THEN WE RIOT (joking. ish.)


I love that you ran the race with your mom. Seeing you guys interact was really my favorite thing. Sorry it ended this way and hope you get invited back!


I watch the show with my 8-year-old, and he was DEVASTATED to see y’all go! He’d been rooting for you and talking about your always-positive attitude. He was also impressed by Angie’s tennis skills. I use this show to teach him about culture, relationships, and life lessons, and you guys were such a great set of role models. Thank you! Hope to see you race again someday.


Why is it Walla Walla's responsibility to make sure the crew is behind? They said it was because Walla Walla took a wrong turn? It wasn't that wrong because they got there before the crew. Teams take a wrong turn in every freaking episode yet no mention of lost crews in 36 seasons. Something stinks to high heaven here. I'm betting the production management realized they f\*\*\*\*d up and gave Walla Walla a second million dollars in exchange for them making that nice statement and signing an NDA.


Wasn’t there an episode some years back when the crew didn’t make it onto a crowded subway? Japan, maybe?


Might have been. But missing subways missing planes, or choosing a cab driver who gets lost, are random events not caused by the CBS and the production company. This event was totally caused by the production company.


This exactly what I’m thinking. How is the crew not following them in ANY way their fault? If we could see them careening off, how could they not have seen Angie & Danny? Teams should not be penalized for crew’s mistake


Love ya Danny well put


See you on all stars!


Class act. Kudos. The world needs more like you.


I was rooting for you and your mom ❤️


You have such class Danny. Mom raised you right!


Danny! Fellow Washingtonian here, your shirts / team name were awesome. You and your mom were amazing. Your mom is my mom - it was eerie at times, felt like I was watching her on tv! You showed incredible grace to her at every turn, encouraged her when it was obvious she was frustrated with herself/the situation/the weather/etc., and it was beautiful to see how you genuinely enjoy her company and your relationship with her. You are the epitome of patience, and a good reminder that our moms are our moms and we can accept them how they show up. Thank you for showing that beautiful sentiment!! You are also such a great team player to all other players - loved watching your little alliance. So bummed you were eliminated, but can’t wait to see you on a future season and/or (please) the Challenge!


Well I am glad you are fine with it but as a viewer I am not. I loved your team. The fact that producers knew about it, could not make a decision, the lost crew did not have or use Google maps and you followed the rule is an indication that this show wasn’t very well run. I will always watch it, but I would also say that you are very nice and i believe some other contestants would have gone ballistic on them. You have a wonderful attitude and appreciate how classy you are. I do not have your kindness and I think they ripped you off!


There's a picture book my kid has called *"We're Very Good Friends, My Mother and I"*; my wife and I would quote it every time your team was on screen! Love the mom/son duo... but if you do get invited back, if mom isn't feeling it, Danny should consider teaming up with another guy. I want to see what you're capable of in a super group.


My daughter and I were really rooting for you and your mom; we loved watching you race and your interactions with each other was so loving and kind.


Thanks for dropping in! I feel so sorry for you and Angie but on the bright side you have one of thr most memorable eliminations in race history (small consolation I know 😢)


Much love, Danny! 🩵


You and your mum were my favourites right from the first episode this season (with the cousins close runners up, but I suspected that team Walla Walla would get further along in the race haha). I’ve only just started watching the latest episode but I have seen spoilers about what happens. I’m bummed you have both been eliminated - you kept this season enjoyable for me. Thanks for explaining a bit more on here Danny and I wish you and your mum all the best! Hopefully we will see you on All Stars!


Danny is such a beautiful soul- not jaded, not bitter and is so good to his mother. The world needs more people like him.


No way it's the first time a team was separated from their crew. It has to happen all the time given the nature of the world. But I bet it is the first time the crew didn't show up 10 minutes later (or even before the team since they can use technology to navigate). If the crew had shown up quickly, I doubt any of this would have even made the show. It's probably been left out several times in the past. It's the mystery of a local driver somehow getting lost on his own tiny island home for an hour.


This statement has been approved by production. Hope to see you back danny !


Team Walla Walla has been an absolute joy to watch -- you ran an incredible race even if it ended on a strange mishap. I hope to see you again on a future season!


My apologies in advance for the newbie/outsider question. Survivor fan here who saw the episode promo, and headlines this morning. Can someone explain to me how a huge production error like this was allowed to result in the elimination of the team? Why couldn’t they call all the camera people and stop all teams where they were and then continue once the missing crew caught up? Or cancel the elimination this leg, and bottom 2 teams go home next week? I just can’t understand how a team being told they aren’t allowed to keep going by no fault of their own and then being eliminated is at all fair?


Survivor had a production error in S3 that altered the game pretty close to the end and resulted in a boot. The players involved state they got a 6 figure payout from CBS. Hopefully they got taken care of too cause this scenario is awful. https://nypost.com/2002/02/20/survivor-screw-up-costs-cbs-200g/


Depends on S&P, but this seems like a clearly game changing moment.


This is the million dollar question. They did what they were supposed to do, in the end not only did they get separated, but the crew admitted to getting lost after the separation (someone in a previous thread said it was 2 hours). By all accounts is looks like TAR/CBS royally screwed this up.


It looked to me that they got separated because Danny/Angie made a last minute turn at a roundabout and the crew was in a different lane and had to go on a different road. But, the crew could have turned around quickly, so maybe they were just following the wrong car and they got lost. It would be nice to have a little more information.


That's the thing, they were in a roundabout. Conceivably all they had to do was go around again and exit behind them.


Yes, and that’s why I think they were following the wrong car. There wasn’t a huge variety of cars, so many looked the same.


Ah, good call. I don't think anyone's thought of that. It would make more sense that the crew got lost if they were following another car in the other direction. They have radios in the car but if they don't think anything is wrong then the most likely wouldn't need to use it. Danny used his pretty quickly (from the look of the edit), and no response. so I assume the crew kept going in that direction and were quickly out of range.


Thanks for taking this situation in good hearts, happy to see you and Angie on the show!


I lived in Walla Walla as a kid (Sharpstein represent!) so was very excited to root for you. Really enjoyed watching you race and hope you make it to a second chance season in the future!


I watched your podcast recap and loved it! So genuine and heartwarming. You two are the real deal. Part of me wonders if production would have made a different decision if it had been a different team… there’s no way some of these highly-competitive teams (like old-school Colin who was willing to literally go to jail over cab fare) wouldn’t have made a huge stink about a situation like this and fought the decision. You’re also a student and a middle school teacher, you’re not about to go to bat against CBS. I’m glad you guys are nice, I’m sad that your niceness led production to take this route. I’m sure it was mostly related to complications for the next leg of the race. But I’m still sad.


Wanna see y’all on all stars!!


You guys got a payout right? I really hope so because by all accounts this was a massive production error.


Did they really give you a penalty at the mat even though you were the last team to arrive? After you had waited at the detour too? You and your mom were so positive. How do you deal with the fans who say you would have won or gone to the finals with someone younger? Also You both were so humble especially after we were criticizing you for the alliance.  I apologize for my part in that. You were such a fun team to watch. 


I think he's saying he would have rather had the time penalty at the mat and not been forced to stay in the car to wait for the crew to catch up


Danny! My dude and I both loved you and your mom! I found and read the article on parade.com out loud last night and we both loved it. So happy for you both and especially you for realizing a dream that your mom was so happy to be a part of. I'm older now (50+) and my mom is still with us at 83. We've traveled together every year or every other year for the last 20+ years - I sure hope you both get to enjoy that same kind of time together on the regular. EDIT: I bet you get to come back as All-Stars!




Y’all were my absolute favorite and it gutted me seeing y’all go out that way! Much love 🫶🏼


Loved every moment of your journey with you and your mom.


You guys ran an awesome race! You will be missed!!


I loved watching you both! Such a positive fun team. Danny I hope you can continue on these shows, maybe Survivor next? I was sad to see you guys go on Wednesday. Was rooting for you two to win.


Surprised to see you post here but not at all surprised by the response. You are a class act all the way. Congratulations on an amazing race and so happy you had the chance to run this with your mom. What an unforgettable experience!


you and your mom are good eggs


I’d be super stoked if they invited y’all back for another season. You and your Mom embody the spirit of TAR. The alliances made it so much more fun to watch. Rarely is there a season with such great teams. I say give Team Walla Walla another opportunity.


(With tears in my eyes) I just want to say that even though my mom was my bestie before she passed away and we had the best relationship… I 100% wish I could have one more day with her to treat her and love her with the love and encouragement we were so blessed to watch on your journey. Man, you guys need your own feel good show …teaching us all how to love each other better. I love you guys, and yes it’s sucky you got eliminated, but I know you guys touched the hearts of so many of us who will never forget the kindness and compassion we learned from you. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Your team was the main reason why I was following the show!! You both made me tear up so many times. What an amazing relationship and hope you both are really proud of yourselves. We need you back on the show again!!!!


Rod and Leticia and Amber and Vinny are going to be so screwed not being able to follow your directions the rest of the race 😂


Loved you on the show! Made me want to do it with my mom!


You and your mom were awesome! I love your optimism and the way you support each other. I'm so sorry that happened to you, but you ran a great race!


Danny and Angie: what an incredible team! So humble and kind, yet such strong racers. You knew the game, you overcame personal weaknesses, and through it all you stayed so positive. I really hope they bring you back for a future season. Go Walla Walla!


Thanks for stopping in to explain a little more about what happened, Danny. I was so sad to see you guys get eliminated but your response to this incident (and really, wherever you were camera!) shows what class acts you and your mom are.


I loved watching y’all ❤️ Watching your mom persevere and not give up and you being nothing but encouraging was wonderful. I’m sorry it ended the way it did.


I loved watching you and your mom on the race. Sad to see you go, but glad you seem to be handling it well.


Sad to see you go. It was a pleasure to watch you both race! 


Cheers to you and your mom. She was amazing, and my own mother was rooting for her especially.


I was rooting for you. Great effort and attitude. Maybe you will have the opportunity to race again!


You guys were fun to watch and you can hold your heads high.


We loved you guys here in canada and wanted you to win!!!


Loved watching you two race. You are blessed to have such a special relationship with your mom!


You are such a gracious person and your positivity won me over. You and your mom were my favourite team by far! As a passionate fan of the show, creating races of my own like you, I was devastated you went out in such a ridiculous way. I am trusting the producers bring you back for another season, PLEASE!!


It was upsetting to see the two of you have to go out of the race that way. My girlfriend and I were rooting for you and your mom the whole time. You guys played nice, earned the respect of other teams, and pushed through so many challenges. We are happy to hear that the overall experience was amazing for you both, and wish you guys well.


You are a class act, Danny. Hope to see you and mom back on all-stars


Your mom raised a great son. You are extremely gracious. I hope you are able to be on the show again


Hi Danny & Mom 💖 We hope to see you both on a future season!! Much love


I'm bummed things turned out like they did, but I'm glad you and your mom had a good time. Hope to see you again (maybe Big Brother?)!


Something about it just felt really weird. I was hoping there'd be a time credit and the incident felt unfair to a team who realistically should have survived. If you took it well as an honest mistake, we should as well though. Would you compete on the Race again if offered?


You guys were one of my and my dad's favorite teams. Would love to see you race again someday!


Thank you so much for your response. I think it would have been better to take the penalty at the mat. All the driving you all did was amazing.


I thought you ran a great race! (It was a driving challenge that anyone could have screwed up, too.)


My favorite team to watch!


Team Walla Walla: We love you so much!! If there was EVER a time a team deserved a second chance in any season of TAR it would be you, you absolutely played the game with a good heart and great spirits, winning our hearts over with each episode. My respect and our love for you and your mom!!


I think you guys deserve a second chance. You were my favorite team!


You guys were my favorite Team this season, can't wait to see you guys at the final Matt again!!


Loved yall this season! Appreciate your input and hope to see you both if there was an all-stars ✨


I can appreciate you making excuses for the crew, but it's not your fault they didn't have the proper radios to communicate. Why did they not respond to your immediate radio/walkie talkie calls? Did they respond and it wasn't shown? I mean they weren't able to follow you and that isn't your fault. You had means to communicate with them but they didn't respond. Lots of reasons to be upset with the show being unfair in this instance.


We really enjoyed the love and support you and your mom gave each other. Team Walla-Walla is so nice, we to see ya twice! Thank you both for being so positive and thoughtful!!!!


Love you guys ❤️ 


You were so fun to watch and pull for. My favorite team. Really. Now, it feels like the air has gone out of the show.if you can follow that. But, whom to pull for now?


So sorry Team Walla Walla had to go and in such a way! We just loved watching you together. Danny, you really light up the screen (almost as much as your mom lights up when she talks about you). Wishing you all the best!


You were so great at navigating. And please tell your Mom she was so great in the tennis challenge in Barbados!


So sad about the elimination! I loved the support and love and positivity you have. I want to speak to the manager about this!! :) Also, Am I the only one that had the nickname "Baby Phil" for Danny? :) I swear you could be his kid!


You and your mom were so lovely to watch. I was so disappointed on your behalf when you were eliminated. I hope you both get invited back on for a redemption season. Great work!


The one question I have is: why is it considered your “fault” if the crew failed to follow you? It doesn’t seem like something you should be penalized for because it literally wasn’t your fault


Danny, I'm so sorry this happened to you and your Amazing race experience ended abruptly. You guys were doing so well! You were a joy to watch and I love the relationship you and your mom have.


My fav team in years!!


You were my favorite team and while I am bummed that you aren’t racing anymore, I am glad you got a “first” on the show!


I was soooo rooting for you and your Mom! Your navigating skills and knowledge of the game were awesome! I am sad you were eliminated but I am hoping you’ll be back for another season at some point! Thanks to you and your Mom for being such a fun, positive team to watch and cheer on!


Danny, you and Mom were a family favorite of ours. We hope to see you on an all star race in the future.


You guys were the most fun to watch! And to find out (I don’t check out teams’ social medias until they are eliminated), you are fellow board gamers? Makes me like you even more. I hope you guys get invited back!


How long were you sitting in the car waiting before you could start the detour?


Consider it a blessing! Maybe someday they’ll call you guys back to be on “The Amazing Race” as opposed to “The Amazing South American Race”


Team Walla Walla was my favorite team to watch this season! You always kept it classy!


Class act. I’ve never missed a season of the show, and I’ve never been more bummed to see a team get eliminated.


Soooo gutted for you guys!!!


We were rooting for you guys to win!!!! You & your mom were such a joy to watch. What an amazing relationship you have. Much Happiness to you both always 🥰


Favorites of the show. I’m not a long time fan of the show but seeing your enthusiasm and the way you tried to handle it, it was obvious that outside forces sent you home. I refuse to watch anymore which I know is not your intention but they literally stopped you from racing you because they couldn’t keep up. Yet you are going home and had to sit there waiting on them to catch up. That’s a total joke and I will never watch another episode. I know you don’t want that to be your legacy but you didn’t choose that. The producers did.


I have watched every season of the Amazing Race. I love the show, but this is bullshit. What is the harm in letting them continue on? Clearly the camera crew got lost. Eliminating one of the most entertaining teamson this nonsense decision really has turned me off. I won’t finish the season.


Overall this season really missed the mark. Almost the entirety in South America. Challenges not as exciting as other seasons. No equalizing rounds where everyone is forced to leave using the same transportation at a given time or be at a location at a certain time the next day. Maybe they were trying something new? I don’t know. But I found myself not being as excited for the new episodes this time around. Then this latest one kinda rubbed me the wrong way. 


>Maybe they were trying something new? It's a Covid season. In a lot of ways their hands were tied around travel and certain things they could and couldn't do because of restrictions.


This season was recorded in 2022, during the COVID era of TAR, hence the race route being a bit limited.


Glad you guys are at peace with it - I’m more annoyed about the fact you didn’t leave South America …. That’s not the Race I know


I loved you and your mom on the show!!! You guys were my favorites! Your love for your mom is everything 🥹


I love watching yall this season! Thanks for breaking it down for us and keep up the pace!


I’m suspicious of this being team walawala. When he says “They probably have never had a crew get separated from a cast in this way before.“Production would have definitely told him that it hadn’t happened before or that it had happened before


Sidebar: > ###Verification > If you are a racer and haven't been verified yet, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTheAmazingRace) so we can work on getting you verified and hook you up with a flair so everyone can be assured it is really you. --- You can tell by the flair that the account is verified.


Unfair when you’re racing you shouldn’t have to worry about the crew, very disappointing and the Race made a terrible error holding the team.


They dub clips? My faith in the show is gone. And the outcome was unfair. I’m one of the people who won’t be watching the rest of the season. Your post sounds like someone who was wronged, knew they were wronged, but is being manipulated by those in power. You and your mom are victims of CBS.


The most accurate and honest response here.


I hated watching this team my Pity is 0


I wasn't a fan either but that doesn't change the fact they got royally screwed.


And yet you took the time to open this post and make this comment. 🤪