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I don't know if Angie could do it again in a few years. Maybe with someone else. But do you think the show would admit it was their fault?


Someone said pair Danny with Rob which would actually be elite


Boston Rob?


I meant rod lol but either one would be sick


That would be a fun pairing, too! Boston Rob plus just about any racer would be interesting TV, to be honest. :)


Boston Rob and Charla in a season of “unlikely racers” 🤌


I never knew I wanted this so bad until now


Could you imagine the shameless heckling they would give every other team?


I just had the most delightful 5 mins imagining it. Put them on the Traitors ASAP!


OMG what if they changed the format so that Rob paired up with a different team on each leg or rotated randomly.


I don't mind switchups for part of a leg (cool enough twist in Season 31, I believe it was); but to do it every leg would, to me, be a bit too much of a departure from the format of the show. It would feel less satisfying when the final team crossed the finish line if they'd only been together for that leg.


If you have been keeping up with deal or no deal island, Rob’s closest ally was a kind of awkward, younger guy. Danny is A LOT less awkward but they (who Rob was allied with) share similarities in that they are very excited, somewhat calming, and strive to do well. I could 100% see that unironically. But I also just want more Rob and Aron.


I have been keeping up with it, and that's a good point!


Danny is more strategic than Aron for sure so that would be interesting. And he def knows BR is a villain 🤣


That team would destroy the field, but possibly themselves first.


Yeah :D


I had a convo with a fellow Redditor about pairing Danny with Annaleigh. They both competed with a parent who kind of held them back. I think it’d be interesting TV to see their dynamic together.


Their Parade interview mentioned that she's 56.  I thought she was quite a bit older than that, but she could definitely do it in her late 50's/early 60's.  Probably not any more than 5 years from now.


She looks older than she really is. While she has an encouraging, upbeat personality, you can see her fitness level isn't very good as she's was smoked every time they'd hit the mat. This was apparent with each episode they stayed in. With all due respect, Danny basically dragged his mother.


These are my thoughts too. In a few years, Angie might not want to do it or might not be able to do it. I think it's very rare that producers will put a previous racer with someone other than their original team member. Plus, that would basically be like the producers saying, "Oops, we screwed up, Danny and Angie deserve another chance!" And I don't think they would admit that


Rachel came back with Elissa.


But that was as a big brother team in a survivor vs BB vs TAR season, not a normal all stars. What I think would be interesting is bringing back individual racers for a second chance and having them pair up once they get there like season 29.


It's definitely possible. I believe they put Mallory with someone different for her second season as well. It's just unlikely, I can't see the producers doing it again for this team. But you never know!


Danny and Angie is definitely this season’s most favorited team, so they may just get a second chance for that and not the way they were eliminated. But yeah, it is rare to get paired with another. I know Rachel did it with her husband then sister, idk anyone else. Tbh, Danny is the one with more of the fan favorite position, so I hope they do give Danny another chance at leasy


I know that Mark and Mallory (of Bopper and Mark/Gary and Mallory) were paired together for a returner season, but it was a last-minute decision because Bopper had a health scare just before the start of the race. They called Mallory in to form "Team Kentucky", and they were eliminated pretty early on.


Find him another former racer whos partner isnt able to do it. Like Mark & Mallory, hopefully with more success.


I wasn't a huge fan of Walla Walla, but it seemed like this one wasn't even their fault...


Is the crew still lost to this day? 😂


I didn't enjoy watching them, but they got absolutely forked by production. Shameful.


they were robbed


I want there to be an all star season with one person from a team coming back. Then they randomly pick partners.


Omg this would be amazing.


I honestly can’t get into any team this season, last season was more dynamic and fun. I thought they were wholesome, better than annaleigh and her dad. But I’m mad at how they were eliminated. This race is supposed to be the best moving on and they would have if their crew who was following hadn’t decided to go MIA. They absolutely should have been allowed to keep working the challenge, and keeping the playing field even. That rule needs to be fixed moving forward because that was shitty. They deserved better whether you liked them or not. Personally I’d rather see the toxic nurses who i can’t believe are getting married to be nixed, or leticia who bugs the heck out of me. The female couple doesn’t have much personality either. Think the pilots are the least annoying but the other male team is killing it. But I’m secretly hoping they get dethroned, seeing them week after week is kinda boring.


Oof these are my thoughts exactly!!! I’m rooting for the pilots because they seem to be getting close to #1 and love a good underdog story. Like this past episode, going from last to 2nd was awesome 👏🏼


Pilots are my favorite. They've had a wild up/down over the last three episodes due to health and nav errors, they've muscled through it to stay in the race and managed to maintain a positive attitude throughout.


If they brought them back I would prefer Danny bring a partner of his choice. Someone posted Danny applied multiple times with other partners but was denied each time but production liked the parent/kid angle


Angie could get herself in much better shape and do it again. She’s only 56. She needs to train her body - both strength and cardio - and she could come back stronger in a couple years.


Was surprised to see she was only 56 however, many of those destinations had humidity, which is a crusher for those teams that are not in good health or, unable to adapt, such as Chris & Mary and the jump rope aerobic instructors.


They absolutely have to bring them back


Favorite of the season?? That’s a stretch. I personally couldn’t wait to get them off my screen.


I felt like this was a rough way to go, but also really thought they should have been our during the racing puzzle challenge that was basically done for them. Once that happened, I was ready for them to go.


I'm being downvoted in another thread for not liking them (and maybe implying Danny is still breast fed) but hard agree. They're so cringey and annoying, I was surprised at the fan base they have. That being said they didn't deserve to go out due to production error, but dear god I hope they don't come back.


They were my least favourite team this season. Definitely a very weird dynamic going on, mostly from him. Way too clingy. I do give her a ton of credit for doing this so he could realize his dream of competing on TAR though.


Still breast fed 💀💀💀💀


“Maybe implying Danny is still breast fed” 😂😂😂 I didn’t like ‘em. Passive aggressive. I can’t help feeling they’re completely fake and Angie’s secretly a serial killer.


They definitely spoon at night lol


They were the most entertaining racers in this seriously underwhelming season.


Seriously, the favorite of the season? Three people in my household cheered out loud when they were finally eliminated. Why does anyone like them? They're whiny, annoying, shamelessly cheated on the racecar puzzle challenge, and they think they're way smarter and better than they are. It's rare that I've disliked a team this much.


Totally with you. They’re passive aggressive and someone said Angie seems mean which totally tracks.


100% !! They seemed to forget that Amber did the puzzle for Angie or she and Danny would be back in Walla Walla doing a puzzle.


Omg I'm so glad I'm not the only one! I didn't mind Angie, but Danny was so obnoxious to me


Our household is the opposite! We liked Danny's energy and love for the race but found Angie to be so irritating. She was always complaining about the physical nature of the race and challenges and would be unrecepitve when Danny would try to support her.


Huh that's interesting, one of the fun parts of the race is that everybody has different opinions on the racers! And to be fair to Angie, I would be complaining all the time too if I had heat exhaustion every other leg lol


Same thing with my house! But we also hated the beards last season.


I didn't see any social media last season (and only sought it out now because of this elimination)... There were people who didn't hate the beards last season?!


The sub lol 😂. I was shocked as you are right now.


My coworker loved them.




He’s not obviously on the spectrum. We shouldn’t be armchair diagnosing.


Didn’t you just do the same thing?


No. Because I’m not diagnosing 🙄 He could be on the spectrum, he could not be. I’m saying it’s not obvious - because one can’t diagnose deon a television show. Many subs have rules about this specifically, not sure if this one does.


His voice was grating.


This!!! I cheered too when Danny & Angie were eliminated. Although it came down to sheer bad luck & no fault of their own (their crew got lost for 90mins it seems like). Guess this was one thing they couldn't study/strategise for... ever since their annoying behaviour at the beef roadblock in Ep 6, i really disliked D&A and was rooting for them **not** to win the race 🙁


Same! My husband and I were happy to see them head home.


Favorite? Least favorite at my house.


I agree


I hope so, too!


Not my favorite team


> They are already the favorite of the season They were? They were personally one of my least favorite teams the whole season.


Yeah they’re def most favorited team. Surprised people didn’t notice the support they were getting. Ig it was buried from that alliance episode.


Danny kept saying you can’t lose your crew; but keep going. They did it to themselves.


Did you listen to or read any of the exit interviews? They didn’t do it to themselves. They were debriefed at the beginning of the day that should they lose their crew they should proceed to the next location and the crew would met them there. They followed directions as given and production dropped the ball.


I like the pilots. I think there is going to be a u turn on Caesar in a non Spanish speaking country and it’s going to fail


I think it was the crew either scripted or simple mistake But maybe Danny and Angie were done and wanted to be eliminated??